Managing the Generation Mix by Barbara Semeniuk

Managing the Generation Mix
by Barbara Semeniuk,
Purcell Enterprises Ltd. 780-9510867
Tearing your hair out:
What motivates the younger
Do you have to train them to work safely?
 How do you get them to work safely?
 Why do they take risks?
 How can you get them to work safer?
 780-9510867
How can you get the different
generations to respect one
another and work in harmony as a
team, to create a safer workplace?
People are living longer and different generations are
mixing and working together for longer time periods. 780-9510867
Lost Generation
This term was coined by Prince Phillip for the
generation that endured the Great Depression and
World War Two
They are moving out of the workplace now: retiring.
Born before 1945
Characteristics: they saved and sacrificed, molded by
World Events. Respect for authority, loyal. 780-9510867
Baby Boomers 1945-1964
Older baby boomers 1950 and before had many
Mid baby boomers 1951-1958
Young Baby boomers 1959-1964
Mid baby boomers had less opportunities than the
older baby boomers
Young baby boomers resemble generation X
Baby boomers: instant gratification, good work ethic,
comfortable with a great deal of debt “the credit card
generation” 780-9510867
Generation X born 1964 to 1980
Bust generation in terms of numbers and job
Compete with large numbers of baby boomers
overshadowed by them
Very family orientated, good work ethic.
Entrepreneurial, more tech savvy than the baby
boomers. 780-9510867
Generation Y
1981-2000 very techno-savvy
 The echo generation: larger numbers than generation X:
children of the baby boomers
 Very devoted to their tribe: friends and family. Loyalty
to them rather than corporations
 Techno-savvy, multi-taskers, short attention spans
 780-9510867
All these generations are still in the
workplace and the mix can
excerbate tensions
This can create morale and Health and Safety hazards
 What motivates Generation Y?
 How do we manage them?
 What do they like about their managers?
 What do they dislike?
 780-9510867
I have conducted over 500 Health
and Safety audits
Baby boomers tear their hair out (what’s remaining)
about this generation
 No respect for authority
 Have to train them to work and/or work safely
 Question everything
 Work ethic is very different to theirs
 As is knowledge of technology
 780-9510867
A quote from a “Wonderful World”
by Louis Armstrong
They are smarter than I’ll ever be… what a wonderful
It’s time to see our kids for who they truly are. Most of
them are not rude, wild and irresponsible, in fact, most
of them could one day make this country an immensely
better place. David Gergen, Editor at Large, US news. 780-9510867
Positive attributes of this
Lots of confidence, upbeat and full of self esteem
The most education minded generation in history
A generation paving the way to a more open, tolerant
A generation leading a new wave of volunteerism. 780-9510867
The self esteem generation
These are the echo boom
The children of the baby boomers
Baby boomers nurtured self esteem
The rise of the “helicopter parent” that takes a more
active role in their children’s lives sometimes to
manager’s detriment and amazement
This digital generation has never experienced life
without computers 780-9510867
They can access increasingly complex system(s) much
faster than their elders
They are consultants to their parents who don’t know
how to use technology and collaborators with teachers
infusing technology into the curriculum
They like to gain instant access to people, events and
Short attention spans 780-9510867
Wired for the Future
Slow, unwieldy processes are out, streamlining is in
One size fits all is out
Customization is in
Passive learning is out, interactivity is in
Lifelong learning is a fact of life to this generation: 90%
expect to attend higher learning institutions like university,
college, and technical schools
70% expect to work in professional jobs
40% of college freshmen expect to get their masters degree
Work and education lines blurred
Education spans the boundaries of place and time, self paced
learning, just in time to meet the knowledge gaps in their
real lives and work 780-9510867
Children of bi-racial and multi-cultural marriages,
creators of customized spiritual paths
Rail against racism, sexism and homophobia
One in three is a non-white minority
Generation Y will be the first generation to grow old as
the white population for the first time in the US and
Canada becomes a minority. 780-9510867
This is the most socially conscious generation since the
1960’s. Generation Y has a refreshing altruism that
embraces environmental, socio-economic and
community problems.
Service learning is the norm: to go beyond academics to
mold young adults into socially conscious, aware
citizens. 75% of college freshman performed volunteer
work in 1999. 780-9510867
What is the magic for this generation?
The magic for Gen Y’ers comes in making a difference in
producing something worthwhile while working with a
great team and getting the rewards they feel they have
This generation wants to be part of a highly motivated
team of committed people. They like working closely
with and learning from colleagues they respect, and they
hope to socialize and form friendships with their coworkers…the human connection is important because
they spend a lot of time alone: 20% of the time by
themselves…they crave connections. 780-9510867
The Differences
The Lost Generation sacrifices and can delay
The Baby boomers are work orientated
Generation X like to be part of a team of sole
proprietors who meet to put their individual
contributions together in a sum that is greater than its
Generation Y prefer to work side by side with
energized and energizing co-workers. Respect must be
earned. 780-9510867
The Challenge
Make people of all backgrounds and generations feel
welcomed, mobilizing their unique talents to get
important work done and done in a safe manner
Creating an open and open minded workplace is a
major challenge as is managing expectations. 780-9510867
The facts
Until 2005, most jobs available to Gen Y’s will be
minimum wage positions that meet none of their
• They become bored and isolated and feel little incentive
to excel.
• Slight increases in hourly wages will lure them out your
door and across the street to work for your
• You need to know what and how to motivate them
• 780-9510867
The right now generation
Mangers must be able to coach Generation Y’s in time
management skills: how to break up large projects into
more manageable pieces, plan their time, handle day to
day task and responsibilities in the midst of
interruptions and to meet deadlines.
This generation grew up being micro managed by their
parents and do not want this from their managers. 780-9510867
Managing them
This generation loves to be assigned a challenge, given
the freedom to explore the challenge and matched to
the best team to explore the challenge
One company provides young, new hires with ready
made friendship groups and a support system to ease
their transition into the workplace
Organizations that can’t or won’t customize training,
career paths, incentives and work responsibilities need a
wake up call. 780-9510867
Managing them
This generation craves the guidance of knowledgeable,
confident managers and co-workers. They want their
ideas to be heard by expert listeners who don’t
discount them because they are young. They are
entrepreneurial in nature. They challenge everything
asking, “Why?” This can drive the baby boomers crazy
Expect the best and you will get the best
The work world will change as baby boomers retire and
Generation X and Generation Y embrace the values and
structures to those defined by these generations and
those demanded by the new economy. 780-9510867
Managing the Generation Y’s
Lifetime employment is dead
Gen Y’s are the owners of “me, inc.”
The best young talent is learning to negotiate the best
deals in ways the older generations could not have
conceived 780-9510867
The Seven Worst Traits of Managers
according to this Generation
Close mindedness: don’t come across as an expert,
closes out other voices, opinions and perspectives
Ineffective delegation: this generation wants to
contribute and feel they’re adding value. They want to
be challenged with the pace and scope of work.
Remember increasing responsibility lights their fire. If
you’re not sure your challenging them enough, simply
They will be happy to tell you. 780-9510867
The Seven Worst Traits
Their bosses need to know more than do. They
expect that’s why you have earned your title. Little
respect is given by them if they feel they know more
than you do: although they’ll forgive you in the
technology department.You need to be competent in
organization, planning, decision making and goal setting.
Position means little to this generation rather the
person with hands on knowledge and who can help
them get the job done and accomplish their goals wins
their loyalty and admiration.
• Ongoing learning is important: this generation
needs effective training they don’t want to feel
incompetent as it deflates this Gen Y’s self-confidence
and self-esteem.
• 780-9510867
The Seven Worst Traits
Disrespect for young people. They have been told all
their lives they can do anything. Authority figures must
earn their respect and that will be granted when it is
Management by intimidation does not work well
with this generation, hence the rise of workplace
bullying issues is no coincidence. 780-9510867
The Seven Worst Traits
Over-emphasis on outward appearance: dress is a
prime generational battleground
No more jerks, please: this generation leaves rather
than putting up with ineffective managers.
Knowledgeable, effective managers in your organization
are required that have a commitment to people. They
are the ones willing to do the high maintenance work
required to motivate a high maintenance
workforce…but the rewards are commiserate 780-9510867
Ideal Manager
Knowledgeable adult who jumps in as a team player
when needed, listens to their ideas, recognizes and
mentors them and inspires and motivates them to excel
at work
Relationship with their immediate supervisor is the
number one factor affecting employee performance as
well as retention 780-9510867
The Supervisor’s Role
Supervisors must be trained to mentor and coach this
generation and promote Health and Safety and take a
leadership role in the process
• Work must matter: it must challenge them, clearly delegate
assignments with freedom and flexibility. Offer increasing
responsibility as a reward for accomplishments. Connect
with your employees ensure competency by time outs for
one on one coaching sessions, team meetings, informal chats
• Provide ongoing training and learning opportunities
• Learning is part of their daily lives, they want clear
connections between the skills they learn today and the skills
they’ll use tomorrow. Mentor your employees. The
Construction Owners Association of Alberta at www. has a free mentoring course.
• 780-9510867
The Supervisor’s Role (cont’d)
Comfortable, low stress environment is essential
Flexible scheduling
Focus on work but be personable with a sense of humour
Hands on: managers must be strong enough to take charge, know
enough to provide guidance and leadership and walk the line
between that role and the role of a contributing worker unafraid to
get into the trenches with everybody else.
Treat them as colleagues: for example a baby boomer manager who
knows the power of words tells his gen X and gen y staff he is a
colleague and not to introduce him as a manger when they are out
in business situations.
Treat them with respect and consistently provide constructive
Use incentives when they have done a good job: verbal recognition
is not enough. Managers need to customize rewards and incentives
to keep their best contributors 780-9510867
Why does this generation take risks
The brain in young teenagers and adults is still
immature as is the area of the brain that analyzes
risk….they don’t have the same perceptions about risk
as older workers do. Mentor and coach them about
risks and watch them to ensure they are working safely.
Explain why its important to follow a certain job
procedure and/or process. 780-9510867
How do you get them to work safer
Their relationship with their immediate supervisor is the key
• This person must be competent and tell this generation how
the task they are doing fits into the big picture. Even the
smallest job can be positioned as contributing to a larger
result. Talk to them: what are we doing well, what are we
doing not so well, how can we do this better?
• Teach them leadership skills and engage them in leadership
roles. Reward them in quick, instant ways. Spell out
everything. Write it down.
• 780-9510867
How do you get them to work safer (cont’d)
• Talk
to them…let them
manage their own
learning and provide a
variety of resources to
match their diverse
learning styles. 780-9510867
How do you get them to work safer (cont’d)
Recognize your mentors and avoid burnout: often baby
boomers have this role and with their other
responsibilities become resentful and tired.
Create a physical and emotional comfort zone for this
Feedback needs to be frequent, accurate, specific and
timely: FAST.
All generations need to lighten up and monitor their
stress levels 780-9510867
How do you get the different
generations to work together safely and
in harmony.
Customize your feedback to the different learning styles of
the generations
Build on each generations strengths and facilitate teamwork
and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Use the appropriate rewards for each generation and strive
for a respectful, actively caring environment
Use targeted behavioral based safety initiatives where
Remember the number one reason why all generations leave
their employer: their immediate supervisor.
Provide rewards targeted to the individual, not the group
Respect one another’s differences and strengths. 780-9510867