On Innovation and Exports - Evidence Using the Gravity Equation Approach Author: Peter Lange MSc. International Economic Consulting Academic Supervisor: Philipp Schröder Department of Economics Aarhus School of Business University of Aarhus Master’s thesis Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University January 2009 Abstract The developing countries of the world are increasingly becoming “the world’s factory”, leading to a movement of low-skilled production from the developed countries to the developing countries. As a response, the developed countries are increasingly becoming knowledge-based economies and have directed their focus towards research and development (R&D) and innovation, in an attempt to maintain a high level of income and growth. As a result of this, researchers have investigated the link between innovation and trade and developed two models; the exogenous product-cycle models and the endogenous product-cycle models. The former being international trade models with product-cycle features in the production of goods over time predicting that innovation influences exports through a causal effect, treating innovation as an exogenous variable. The latter being trade models with product-cycle features, where the rate of innovation is endogenized, and the models predict dynamic effects of international trade on innovative activity, a so-called “learning-by-exporting” effect. This thesis contributes to the literature by proving the exogenous product-cycle model. This is done by applying an augmented version of the gravity equation, including a variable for innovation, on a country-level dataset containing more than 17.000 observations on the trade flows between 36 countries, as well as on a sector-level dataset, containing more than 3.000 observations on the export flows from 12 sectors in the US towards 35 countries. The approach takes recent econometric estimation issues into consideration, and controls for the aspect of reverse causality. The results confirm the predictions by the exogenous product-cycle models; innovation causes exports, but specifies that it is the innovation-output that is the direct driver of exports. KEYWORDS: Innovation, R&D, Patents, Exports, Gravity Equation, Product-cycle models Table of contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 DELIMITATION .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 STRUCTURE......................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Innovation ............................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 THE TERM “INNOVATION” ................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 WHY DO FIRMS INNOVATE?................................................................................................................. 7 3. Models of trade ....................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE MODELS ........................................................... 9 3.2 DIVERGING MODELS OF INNOVATION AND EXPORTS ......................................................................... 13 3.2.1 Product-cycle models................................................................................................................ 13 3.2.2 An exogenous product-cycle model .......................................................................................... 14 3.2.3 An endogenous product-cycle model ........................................................................................ 19 4. Empirical evidence ............................................................................................................................... 28 5. The gravity equation ............................................................................................................................ 35 5.1 THE EVOLUTION AND FOUNDATION OF THE GRAVITY EQUATION ...................................................... 35 5.2 RECENT ESTIMATION ISSUES ............................................................................................................. 36 6. Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 40 6.1 MODEL SPECIFICATION AND DATA .................................................................................................... 40 6.2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS .................................................................................................................. 44 6.3 RESULTS AT THE COUNTRY-LEVEL .................................................................................................... 48 6.4 ANALYSIS WITH TWO INNOVATION VARIABLES ................................................................................. 53 6.5 SECTOR-LEVEL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 56 6.5.1 Data .......................................................................................................................................... 56 6.5.2 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 57 6.5.3 Descriptive statistics ................................................................................................................. 57 6.5.4 Results at the sector-level ......................................................................................................... 58 6.6 CONCLUSION ON THE DATA ANALYSES ............................................................................................. 60 7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 62 List of references ...................................................................................................................................... 64 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................... 73 List of tables Table 6.1 Summation of the variables of interest ....................................................................................... 45 Table 6.2 OLS estimations ......................................................................................................................... 48 Table 6.3 FE estimations with R&D and EPO scaled patent applications ................................................. 50 Table 6.4 FE estimations with EPO not-scaled patent applications and USPTO patents granted .............. 51 Table 6.5 FE estimations with R&D and EPO scaled patent applications ................................................. 53 Table 6.6 FE estimations with R&D and EPO not-scaled patent applications ........................................... 53 Table 6.7 FE estimations with R&D and USPTO patents granted ............................................................. 54 Table 6.8 Summation of the variables of interest ....................................................................................... 57 Table 6.9 FE estimations using sector-level data ....................................................................................... 59 List of figures Figure 3.1 Demand for labor in north ......................................................................................................... 15 Figure 3.2 Capital and innovation .............................................................................................................. 18 Figure 3.3 Innovation and imitation in the steady state .............................................................................. 25 Figure 6.1 Scatter plot of R&D and exports ............................................................................................... 46 Figure 6.2 Scatter plot of EU scaled patent applications and exports......................................................... 46 Figure 6.3 Scatter plot of EU not-scaled patent applications and exports .................................................. 47 Figure 6.4 Scatter plot of US patents granted and exports ......................................................................... 47 Figure 6.5 Scatter plot of R&D and exports ............................................................................................... 58 0 1. Introduction In the developed countries of the world, there is a constant pursuit of a higher standard of living and increases in the income and wealth of its citizens. One way to increase the income of a nation is through international trade, a topic that has had immense interest for economists over time, beginning already in 1776 with the theory of absolute advantages developed by Adam Smith, and for many years being one of the most researched areas within economics. Trade is acknowledged to affect a nation’s income through many channels, e.g. specialization via comparative advantages, exploitation of increasing returns from larger markets, exchange of ideas through communication and travel, and the spread of technology through investment and exposure to new goods (Frankel and Romer, 1999). Another trend among the developed countries is the movement towards a dependence on knowledge, information and a higher skill-level of the workforce. Thus, these countries are turning into knowledge-based economies where knowledge is important on all levels; individuals with higher levels of education or skill-levels have better and higher paid jobs, firms with higher levels of knowledge do better than those with lower levels and countries with a higher knowledge-base perform better (OECD, 1997). This need for knowledge stems from the increasing competition from the developing countries within low-skilled production. The developing countries are able to produce at lower costs than their developed counterparts, with the effect of gradually moving the low-skilled production of the world to e.g. Asia. This pattern is predicted by the product-cycle models, of which a first-version can be found in Vernon (1966), and is empirically proven by e.g. Kumar and Siddarthan (1994). Knowledge can be gained through the investment in education and research and development (R&D) as well as in other innovative activities, and the knowledge obtained through this can be in the form of e.g. new product developments, technological change and information. Innovation is therefore a source and an integrated part of the knowledge creating process in a country, of which a high level in turn will lead the country to outperform its competitors (OECD, 2005). 1 Both international trade and innovation activity are therefore important drivers for the increase in income and competitive advantage of the developed countries. As a result, the link between innovation and trade has drawn the attention of many economists, and created many directions of research. One particular area of interest has been to investigate whether innovation causes exports, or if there is a “learning-by-exporting”effect, implying that it is export that leads to innovation. It is to this literature that this thesis wishes to contribute. 1.1 Problem statement The objective of this thesis is to answer the following question: “Does innovation cause exports?” As mentioned, this is a question that has been studied by many researchers, mostly finding evidence confirming it. However, this thesis will attempt to examine this question by using an approach that, to the author’s knowledge, has not been done before. Furthermore, the separated effects of innovation-input and innovation-output will be estimated and it will be discussed whether it is the resources spent on developing innovations or the finished innovations themselves that have the higher importance. Moreover, the analysis will be done at two levels; country- and sector-level, and control for country/sector specific effects and attributes. Finally, the results will be discussed with the purpose of identifying possible policy recommendations. 1.2 Methodology The gravity equation is used in this thesis to analyze whether innovation affects trade. The gravity equation has been used by trade economists for more than 40 years, and explains trade between countries by regressing a number of explanatory variables on the trade volume between them. In this thesis, an augmented version of the gravity equation will be applied, in which innovation will be used as an explanatory variable for the trade between a group of countries. Furthermore, a number of variations of the model will be analyzed, by e.g. including more than one innovation variable, by controlling for reverse causality and by using data on a less aggregated level. 2 1.3 Delimitation Although this thesis argues that trade affects and is important for growth and thereby the income of a country, economic growth theory as such will not be discussed. Instead, the author acknowledges this causal link, and chooses to focus on what affects trade. More specifically, this is done by investigating the effect of innovation on trade, as mentioned in the introduction. Furthermore, due to data limitations, firm-level analysis is not conducted, although it would have been relevant in such context as it would allow the author to control for firm heterogeneity, hence providing more accurate results. 1.4 Structure The rest of this thesis is structured as follows: Section 2 defines the term “innovation”, and shortly presents a discussion of why innovations occur. This is done to obtain an understanding of how innovation is perceived in this thesis, and to lay the foundation of the analysis in which innovation is the key parameter of interest. Section 3 consists of two parts. First, a brief overview of the development of trade models over time is presented. The purpose of this is to determine where in the literature this thesis contributes. Second, two models of innovation and trade with diverging views are discussed in detail, one claiming that innovation leads to export, while the other claims that there is a learning-effect from exporting in turn leading to more innovation. It is the former which this thesis wishes to test empirically. Section 4 discusses the existing empirical evidence on the link between innovation and trade. The results are somewhat mixed with regards to which model is correct, underlining the importance of new evidence. Section 5 introduces the gravity equation, which is the model applied in the analyses of this thesis. It shortly presents the evolution of the model and the typically applied version. Thereafter, more recent estimation issues are discussed. 3 Section 6 consists of the analyses. First, the model specification used in this thesis is presented, and the data as well as the variables included are discussed in detail. This is followed by a presentation of the data where after the results of the various analyses at the country-level as well as the sector-level are discussed. Section 7 concludes on the findings of the thesis. 4 2. Innovation This section presents the evolution of the term “innovation” and a short discussion of why firms innovate. This is done to reach an understanding of what innovation is, and to determine how innovation in this thesis is perceived as well as how it is measured in the analyses. 2.1 The term “innovation” One of the first to bring about the concept of innovation was the economist Joseph Schumpeter. In 1934, he proposed a list of various types of innovation (OECD, 1997): Introduction of a new product or a qualitative change in an existing product; Process innovation new to an industry; The opening of a new market; Development of new sources of supply for raw materials or other inputs; Changes in industrial organization. Later, in 1939, he introduced an even wider definition of innovation as being: “Any doing things different” (Schumpeter, 1939). More recently, the term has evolved and been changed numerous times, depending on the purpose and/or author of the study. As mentioned in the introduction, for many years the developed countries have sought to increase economic growth through the support of innovation activities. This led to the cooperation of the OECD and the EU in creating the Oslo manual, which is a manual on the guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data. It includes among other things definitions of the term innovation with the focus on a firm-level, and in the first and second versions of 1992 and 1997, innovation was defined as a development of “new and significantly improved technological products (goods and services) and processes.” (OECD, 1997). In the third version of 2005, based on recent research and studies, the manual defined four types of innovations within firms (OECD, 2005): 5 Product innovations; defined as the introduction of a good or service that is new or significantly improved with respect to its characteristics or intended users. This includes significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, incorporated software, user friendliness or other functional characteristics. Process innovations; defined as the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software. Organizational innovations; defined as the implementation of a new organizational method in the firm’s business practices, workplace organization or external relations. Marketing innovations; defined as the implementation of a new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing. Innovation is in this thesis proxied by R&D expenditure and various patent counts. The variable for R&D expenditure of the different countries is a measure of innovationinput, and is used in the analysis in sections 6.3-6.4 and covers the official spending on R&D by firms, as well as by governments and other donors. In the analysis in section 6.5, only the companies’ R&D expenditure is used. R&D spending as a proxy for innovation will therefore cover product and process innovations, as R&D is expected to lead to the creation of new products and the improvement of existing, as well as to process innovation that improves the cost structure of the firms (Wakelin, 1998a). R&D will to some extent also cover marketing innovations, as a number of new innovating product designs and packaging can be expected to come from official R&D departments or divisions. Organizational innovation is most likely not covered with R&D. The various patent counts used in this thesis as proxies for innovation are, as opposed to R&D, measures of innovation-output and only used in sections 6.3-6.4. Patent counts cover product innovations and some process innovations, whereas they will not cover any marketing or organizational innovations. 6 Overall, the R&D expenditure and the patent count variables are expected to capture most aspects of innovation and are thus believed to be reliable proxies. A more thorough discussion of these proxies and their pros and cons can be found in section 6.1. 2.2 Why do firms innovate? There are many reasons as to why firms innovate and Schumpeter was one of the first to determine that firms innovate to capture rents (OECD, 1997). If a firm e.g. invents a new product it will give the firm a monopoly position, thereby gaining a monopoly rent. Instead, if a firm creates a process innovation that increases productivity, it will be able to produce at lower costs which in turn will give the firm the possibility to decrease its price to gain market shares or to sell with a higher mark-up. Other reasons for firms to innovate could be defensive ones, in which the firm innovates to try and catch-up with an innovative competitor, or that the firm innovates new standards that it then tries to enforce on the competitors, gaining a strategic market position (OECD, 1997). There are different arguments regarding which environment will make firms innovate the most. Schumpeter argues that more competitive environments will lead to less innovation and that firms holding monopoly power will tend to innovate more, since they are better able to take advantage of scale economies (Schumpeter, 1942 in Smith et al., 2002). Arrow on the other hand argues for the opposite. He shows that firms operating in competitive environments will have stronger incentives to innovate using an example of a cost-reducing innovation. Arrow argues that a cost-reducing innovation will create a monopoly rent for the firm in competitive competition which the monopolist already has, thus making the incentives to innovate higher for the firm in the competitive environment (Arrow, 1962). This thesis does not investigate whether Schumpeter or Arrow is right. However, using the gravity equation approach on country- as well as sector-level data, while controlling for country/sector specific factors, the analysis will capture the innovation effect, regardless of whether the innovation is created in an environment determined by a monopolist or under more competitive conditions. 7 The subsequent section introduces a brief overview of the development of trade models and discusses two models of innovation and trade in detail. 8 3. Models of trade This section first presents a brief “timeline” of the evolution of trade models to determine where this thesis contributes to the existing literature. Thereafter, it discusses in detail two models of innovation and trade. These models lay the theoretical framework for this thesis and represent two diverging views, namely that innovation causes trade and that trade causes innovation. 3.1 A brief overview of the development of trade models Economists have for many years developed and discussed theories that aim at explaining world trade. Adam Smith already formulated his theory back in 1776, where he argued that countries should trade the commodity with which they have an absolute advantage, and import the commodities that can be bought cheaper than the country can produce. David Ricardo took a different view in 1817, and introduced the theory of comparative advantages. The theory uses differences in technology as the driving force behind international trade flows, and argues that it is the relative costs that are important in determining a country’s production advantage (Van Marrewijk, 2007, p. 53). These classical models of trade did, however, have some difficulties explaining actual trade. For example, considering only one factor of production is limiting the analysis, and not in line with real-world production. Second, actual trade flows between developed and less-developed countries were much smaller than predicted by the classical trade theories. This led to the development of the neo-classical trade theories and in 1933, Bertil Ohlin published a book with a new model of trade, developed with Eli Heckscher. Their contribution, called the Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model, laid the foundation of the neo-classical trade theories and was a model between two countries with two factors of production (capital and labor), two products and identical production functions. Their model implied that a country will export the product which intensively uses the abundant factor of production in the country and assumed that developed countries were capital-abundant and that developing countries were labor-abundant. Thus the difference from Ricardo’s theory is that the HO-model introduces a second 9 production factor and that it is the difference in factor abundance that determines what a country will export (Van Marrewijk, 2007, p. 73ff.). From the HO-model, three main propositions were derived, and along with the HO-model, these are generally accepted as being the main results of the neo-classical trade theory. The first propostion was the Stolper-Samuelson proposition, developed by Wolfgang Stolper and Paul Samuelson in 1941. Their proposition argues that an increase in the price of a good will increase the reward to the factor of production (e.g. wages) used most intensively in producing the good, and a reduction in the reward to the other factor of production (Feenstra, 2004, p.13). The second proposition was the factor price equalization proposition, developed in 1948/9, also by Paul Samuelson. The proposition states that the movement towards international free trade of goods will lead to an equalization of the rewards to the factors of production used. This means that, if e.g. a developed country and a developing country start to trade freely, the higher wages in the developed country will start to fall, while the lower wages in the developing country will start to rise, over time moving towards equalization (Van Marrewijk, 2007, p. 73). The last proposition from the neoclassical trade theories is the Rybczynski proposition, developed by Tadeusz Rybczynski in 1955. He argued that an increase in the supply of a factor of production will increase the output of the product that uses this factor of production intensively, and lead to a decline in the output of the other good (Feenstra, 2004, p. 18). Testing the HO-model in 1953, Wassily Leontief discovered that US export production was less capital-intensive than the import production, contradicting the model. This “Leontief-paradox” led to alternative model specifications of the HO-model and alternative models (Feenstra, 2004, p. 37ff.). One such model was the Linder Hypothesis, developed in 1961 by Staffan Burenstam Linder, who argued that it is the structure of demand that determines the volume of trade, meaning that producers in each country produce to meet the demand of its’ own consumers, and that international trade is a way to meet the demand of the consumers (Grimwade, 2000, p. 56). However, the neo-classical theories of trade still did not reflect the reality perfectly, and a new strand of theories evolved, named the “new” trade theories. These were inspired by the empirical observation that intra-industry trade existed, meaning that countries 10 trade similar products with each other, which could not be explained by existing theories. The “new” trade theory models are typically formulated following a framework of monopolistic competition developed by Avinash Dixit and Joseph Stiglitz in 1977. This framework revolutionized model building in economics, by allowing for horizontally differentiated products and assuming a utility function with constant elasticity of substitution (Van Marrewijk, 1997, p. 207ff.)1. The framework thus made it possible to build models that consider intra-industry trade, and several of these appeared. One such model is Paul Krugman’s “love-of-variety” model, in which two symmetrical countries with respect to technology and demand, but different in size of the labor force, open for trade with each other. With trade, the price and output stay the same because they do not depend on market size, but the number of varieties available in each country goes up. Hence, the only gains are through the increase in varieties which makes the utilities of the consumers go up as they are able to substitute domestic low-marginal-utility products with high-marginal-utility products from abroad (Krugman, 1979a and 1980). Another approach to explain intra-industry trade is the Lancaster model, where two countries produce the same variants (differing in quality) and trade increases the total number of varieties but leads to fewer varieties produced in each country, leading to intra-industry trade. The model therefore has two sources of welfare increases; price falls, due to increasing competition and economies of scale, and that the consumers are able to come closer to their ideal variant (Lancaster, 1979). Yet another approach is the Ethier model, which seeks to explain the large volume of intraindustry trade in intermediate products, concluding that a larger market will lead to an increase in the number of intermediate goods, in turn leading to efficiency gains for final goods producers (Ethier, 1982). The models of the “new” trade theory therefore generally assumed that firms are identical and are all selling both domestically and in the foreign markets. The introduction of firm-level data however, improved empirical studies. Bernard and Jensen e.g. found that, within an industry, not all firms export, and that the exporters are larger firms which are more productive and pay higher wages (Bernard and Jensen, 1995). This led to the development of the “new new” trade theory, where firms were 1 The reader is referred to Dixit and Stiglitz (1977) for further details. 11 now modeled as being heterogeneous within industries, accepting the empirical observation that not all firms export. Specifically, the fact that firms face fixed sunk costs of exporting was now being implemented into the models (Greenaway and Kneller, 2007). The paper drawing most attention has been Melitz (2003), who build a model with heterogeneous firms in monopolistic competition, where firms incur fixed costs of exporting and face an exogenous draw of productivity. It is the combination of the two that determines who remains in the market, who produces domestically and who exports. This leads to an increase in productivity in an industry because exports will lead to an increase in expected profits, in turn leading to more firms entering. Melitz argues that this leads to an increase in the productivity level needed to survive, resulting in more firms exiting due to rising productivity demands to stay, finally resulting in a higher average productivity. Furthermore, in general the possibility of exporting will allow the most productive firms to expand their operations while less productive firms will be forced to decrease theirs (Melitz, 2003, in Greenaway and Kneller, 2007). Melitz (2003) has become the widely accepted model, and is now being extended and developed by other authors to capture and describe other particularities of intra-industry trade2. To summarize, the theories of international trade have developed from a focus on differences in technology across countries, to a difference in production factor abundance to most recently focusing on productivity differences within industries. Some empirical researchers have focused on the causality of productivity and exports, thus whether already productive firms export as opposed to exporting creating increased productivity. Most evidence points toward the former, see e.g. Bernard and Wagner (1997), Bernard and Jensen (1999) among others, and Greenaway and Kneller (2007) for a substantial literature review on the topic. Accordingly, firms that are able to increase their productivity stand a better chance of going into exporting. One way to increase the productivity of a firm is through process and product innovations which as mentioned in section 2.2 can give firms a competitive advantage. Therefore, the link between innovation and exports has likewise caught the attention of researchers and two diverging views of this link will be presented in the following section. 2 The reader is referred to Greenaway and Kneller (2007) for a literature review of this. 12 3.2 Diverging models of innovation and exports In the theoretical literature, two major trends regarding the relationship between innovation and exports have been discussed. One in which international trade models with product-cycle features in the production of goods over time are used to predict that innovation influences exports through a causal effect, treating innovation as an exogenous variable. The other trend is the use of endogenous growth product-cycle models, where the rate of innovation is endogenized, and the models predict dynamic effects of international trade on innovative activity, a so-called pro-competitive or “learning-by-exporting” effect. The following will present two such models. 3.2.1 Product-cycle models The first to discuss the trend of product-cycle models was Raymond Vernon (1966). He claimed that the US is the most likely place for new products to emerge, as it has the largest market, the highest income for consumers, and a high cost per unit of labor, creating incentives to produce labor-saving products3. Vernon goes on by stating that in the early phases of product development, the entrepreneur will choose the US as the location to produce his still unstandardized product, due to three points; a greater flexibility in inputs, a low price elasticity of demand and the need for rapid communication (Vernon, 1966). The greater flexibility in inputs is preferred since the product has not yet been standardized and it is therefore important for the producer to be able to shift between inputs. That the price elasticity of demand is low means that consumers are not very sensitive towards the price, which again means that the producer does not need to consider decreasing costs of production as the most important factor in this early stage. Finally, the need for swift communication with consumers and suppliers creates an incentive to keep the production facilities in the local market (Vernon, 1966). As the product starts to mature, product standards and cost considerations become increasingly important. Furthermore, a demand for the product starts emerging in other advanced economies, making it likely for entrepreneurs to start producing in these locations. This decision will of course depend on the marginal cost of production as well as transportation costs to the foreign market; if these exceed the expected cost of producing overseas, it is likely that an entrepreneur will consider Vernon mentions ”the home washing machine” and fork-lift trucks as examples of a consumer good and a producer good, respectively. 3 13 production abroad. Vernon goes on to argue that the American firm now established with production facilities in another advanced economy will, if costs allow, begin to export to third-country markets and even export back to the US (Vernon, 1966). This will create incentives for competitors of the entrepreneur to likewise invest in new production facilities abroad, in order not to lose market shares and potential new markets, expanding their view of the market beyond “just” the US. When the product later becomes standardized, Vernon states that production facilities will move to thirdworld countries, in order to, once more, save on production costs. He is however, a bit vague on this last part, as empirics at the time of the article are not sufficient to support this hypothesis, and, as Vernon points out: “The reason why so few relevant cases come to mind may be that the process has not yet advanced far enough.” (Vernon, 1966). Vernon does not draw any conclusions regarding policy recommendations for governments in response to production facilities moving away from advanced economies, neither does he focus on innovation as such. He does, however, build a foundation regarding product-cycle models which Paul Krugman uses in an article from 1979, to develop a model of international trade and innovation (Krugman, 1979b). 3.2.2 An exogenous product-cycle model Krugman (1979b) constructs a first version of the model including one factor of production only (labor) and two countries: innovating North and non-innovating South, where innovation is considered as the introduction of new products. Furthermore, innovation is treated as exogenous, meaning that it has an effect on the model, but that the model does not affect it. In the model it is assumed that new products are produced immediately in North but only after a period of time in South. This implies that there are only two kinds of products; new, produced in North only and old, produced in South only. The consumers maximize the following utility function: 𝑛 𝑈 = {∑ 𝑐(𝑖)𝜃 } 1/𝜃 , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 0 < 𝜃 < 1 𝑖=1 14 Where c(i) is consumption of the ith good and n is the total number of products. Perfect competition is furthermore assumed meaning that the price in the respective countries (Pn and Ps) equals their wage rates (wn and ws). For South to be able to produce, a technology transfer has to happen in which a new product becomes an old product (this is similar to a patent that runs out). To see what this means to labor in North, figure 3.1 can be observed. Figure 3.1 Demand for labor in north Source: Krugman, 1979b The horizontal axis represents the demand for northern labor, while the vertical axis represents the wage differential between the two countries. The wage differential or relative wages, wn/ws, determines which country produces which products. As mentioned, North is in the model assumed to be the only country producing new products, but when the wage differential is equal to one, North will also be competitive in producing old goods, while if it is larger than one, North will only produce new goods. OA represents the northern labor force and initially, Krugman assumes wn/ws > 1, so North specializes in new products. The DEF-curve shows the demand for northern labor at different relative wage levels, and as can be seen, the lower the relative wage the higher the demand is for northern labor. This remains until wn/ws reaches one, where demand becomes infinitely elastic as Northern and Southern labor are perfect substitutes 15 in producing old products (Krugman, 1979b). If a technology transfer between North and South happens, the demand for northern labor will drop and move left in figure 3.1, to the line D’E’F. This will narrow the wage differential between the two countries, making the labor in North worse off, if not matched with new product development in North (Krugman, 1979b). Already at this stage in Krugman’s model it is clear why innovation is important for the advanced economies. If the advanced economies do not introduce new products at a pace that corresponds to the rate of technology transfer, workers are worse off due to the narrowing of the wage differential as well as to the movement of production to South. If they on the other hand do innovate and manage to increase the number of new products, the wage rate for Northern labor will increase because of the increase in demand. Krugman goes on to discuss innovation and technology transfer by looking at the steady state. The steady state equilibrium The term “steady state” was developed by Solow in 1956 and states that in the absence of technological progress; output, consumption and capital per worker are constant in the long-run (steady state) (Snowdon and Vane, 2002). Innovation and technology transfer determines the amount of products in North and South over time. Assuming that all technological change comes from the introduction of new products, Krugman defines the rate of innovation as: (3.1) 𝑛̇ = 𝑖𝑛, meaning that innovation is proportional to the products already existing. Furthermore, the rate of technology transfer is defined as: (3.2) 𝑛𝑆̇ = 𝑡𝑛𝑁 Technology transfer is thus modeled as new products becoming old products after a time period, t (Krugman, 1979b). The rate of change of the number of new products in the world follows from this as being the difference between innovation and technology transfer: (3.3) 𝑛𝑁̇ = 𝑖𝑛 − 𝑡𝑛𝑁 16 Krugman argues that the system of these three equations is unstable, since it will grow with continuing technological progress. But the composition of the world stock of products will move toward a stable mix. This can be seen by letting 𝜎 = 𝑛𝑁 /𝑛 be the share of new products, which in turn means that the change in the share of new products in the world will be: 𝜎̇ = (3.4) ̇ 𝑛𝑁 𝑛 − 𝜎𝑛̇ 𝑛 = 𝑖 − (𝑖 + 𝑡)𝜎, where the first term after the equal sign is the change in the share of new products out of the total product stock, while the second term is the share of new products in the change of products in the world in total. This equation can be transformed to look like: 𝜎 = 𝑖/(𝑖 + 𝑡), (3.5) which is the expression for the share of new products, and the ratio of new to old products then is 𝑛𝑁 𝑛𝑆 𝑖 = 𝑡 (Krugman, 1979b). This thus determines the steady state of the model, where relative wages, determined by the ratio of new to old products, are constant. Moreover, there is a fixed differential in favor of North, equation (3.5), which is an increasing function of the rate of innovation and a decreasing function of the rate of technology transfer (Krugman, 1979b). This means that trade will be of Vernon’s product-cycle type; new products are first produced in the advanced economy and after a lag, the technology becomes commonly available leading to the production being moved to less-advanced economies. Krugman elaborates further on the effects of innovation and technology transfer where he asserts that an increase in innovation will increase world productivity, as the number of products will go up. Furthermore, innovation benefits the developed North disproportionately more than South, since, as the number of new products increases, the wage differential will rise, moving the terms of trade in the favor of North (Krugman, 1979b). Likewise, an increase in technology transfer will lead to an increase in world productivity, but through a different channel; when it is assumed that North only produces new goods and South only produces old goods as Krugman does, then an increase in technology transfer will make it possible to produce the same basket of goods as before the transfer of technology, but now at reduced production costs using cheaper Southern labor, in turn making it possible to expand world output. Moreover, technology transfer makes the terms of trade move in South’s favor, as the wage differential between North and South will decrease. On 17 innovation and technology transfer, Krugman concludes: “(…) the incomes of Northern residents depend in part on the rents from their monopoly of newly developed products. This monopoly is continually eroded by technological borrowing and must be maintained by constant innovation of new products. Like Alice and the Red Queen, the developed region must keep running to stay in the same place.” (Krugman, 1979b). As already mentioned, the advanced economies must keep innovating in order to uphold their income level. Finally, Krugman expands his model and introduces a second factor of production, capital. He assumes that both new and old products are now produced using both labor and capital, and that there is a fixed stock of capital in the world which is perfectly mobile between countries, while labor is immobile. This can be illustrated by the following figure: Figure 3.2 Capital and innovation Source: Krugman, 1979b In figure 3.2, the horizontal axis represents capital in North/South, the vertical axis represents the price of capital measured in terms of old products, DsDs is the marginal product of capital in South and DnDn is the marginal value product of capital in North, again measured in terms of old products at a given relative price of new goods. At this 18 given relative price of new products, the equilibrium return on capital is r2, with Kn and Ks being the stock of capital allocated in North and South, respectively (Krugman, 1979b). If the price of new products rise, this would increase the marginal value product of capital in North and shift the curve DnDn to D’nD’n. This in turn results in a shift in the capital stock from South to North, making the labor in North better off, as income has been redistributed to them. The relation between this and innovation and technology transfer can be better illustrated by an example: if e.g. the rate of technology transfer increases, the demand for old products will as a result increase, attracting capital to South. This will make the labor in South better off because of a price increase in the products they produce and because their relative wages go up. An increase in innovation in North instead, would lead to similar effects here. The conclusions following from this model must then be, that the advanced economies must continue to innovate in order to sustain their current incomes and to grow further. Likewise, it is important for the less advanced economies to adopt the technologies of the advanced economies in order for them to grow. The innovation and adaptation of products gives countries the possibility of exporting, which in turn will raise their respected incomes. Thus, Krugman’s model of exogenous growth argues that innovation leads to exports. 3.2.3 An endogenous product-cycle model As mentioned above, the other major trend in the literature on exports and innovation is the endogenous growth models. The main contributors to this theory are Grossman and Helpman in a series of articles and books (1989, 1990, 1991a, 1991b) and Segerstrom et. al. (1990). In the following, Grossman and Helpman, 1991a and 1991b will be used as the basis for presenting these models. Similar to Krugman (1979b), the model is a two-country model with product-cycle features, where North again is the developed economy, and the only country able to innovate and hence produce new products. South is less developed, making it only capable of imitating the products from North. The model is first explained assuming 19 that a Northern firm being the only firm able to produce a product, hence enjoying monopoly power, faces a demand structure derived from the utility function as in the Krugman model, and acting as a monopolist, sets its price at a fixed markup over unit costs (pn = wn/α) so that it maximizes profits. The profit obtained is therefore: (3.6) 𝜋 𝑛 = (1 − 𝛼)𝑝𝑛 ∙ 𝑥 𝑛 Where π is profit, (1 − 𝛼) is markup, p is unit price, and x is the equilibrium output. The possibility of two Northern firms producing the same product is ruled out in this setting. This is because two Northern firms competing in a market for the same brand are assumed to compete under Bertrand competition acting as price-setting oligopolists. This implies that firms will set the price equal to wn, thus earning zero profits, meaning that the costs of innovation will not be covered. Hence, a firm that realizes that another firm is producing the same product will not enter the market, as a profit of zero is expected. The same logic applies if two firms in the South compete in imitating the same Northern product; the costs of imitation will not be covered with zero profits, hence, two firms in South will never copy the same product in the model (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). A sole Southern firm that imitates the Northern firm becomes a rival for the latter. Grossman and Helpman operate with three scenarios of price setting, depending on the level of costs for the Southern firm; Southern firms facing higher unit costs than the Northern producer; Southern firms facing marginal costs well below those of the Northern producer; and Southern firms facing unit costs just below those of the Northern producer (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 285). The first scenario can be ruled out, since the firm would not be able to compete on these terms. If the Southern firm has marginal costs well below that of the Northern firm (scenario 2), it will set its price equal to the monopoly price, ps = ws/α, as if it faced no competition from the Northern producer, making profits equal to: (1- α)ps ∙ xs (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 285). If the marginal costs of the firm in South are just below the costs of the Northern firm (scenario 3), the Southern firm could charge the monopoly price (ps). However, this could lead the Northern firm to undercut the Southern firm, by setting its price lower, driving the Southern firm’s sales down. Instead, the Southern firm will 20 choose a price at or just below the marginal costs of the Northern firm, wn, creating profits of (1– ws/wn)ps ∙ xs (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 285). Grossman and Helpman expand the model by introducing knowledge capital, created by innovation and imitation, into the model. In North, the knowledge capital stock is given by KN = n, which means that the larger the number of invented products in North, the larger is the knowledge capital stock. The development of new products requires a/Kn units of labor, where “a” is a fixed productivity parameter (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). With no barriers to enter into R&D, the value of a product in North that has not yet been imitated is: (3.7) 𝑣𝑁 ≤ 𝑤𝑛𝑎 𝑛 . The profit of a firm in North producing such a product is equal to πNdt, where dt is the time interval. All Northern firms risk having their product imitated during this time interval, with the probability 𝑛̇ 𝑠 𝑑𝑡/𝑛𝑁 , which corresponds to the rate of South’s ability to imitate over the North’s ability to innovate. If the product is imitated, the Northern firm will lose capital of vN. However, if the product is not imitated, they gain the capital 𝑣̇ 𝑁 𝑑𝑡. This means that the total expected return on shares in a Northern firm equals: (3.8) 𝜋 𝑁 𝑑𝑡 − 𝑛̇ 𝑆 𝑑𝑡 𝑛𝑁 𝑣 𝑛 + (1 − 𝑛̇ 𝑆 𝑑𝑡 𝑛𝑁 )𝑣̇ 𝑁 𝑑𝑡, where the first term is the profit in the period, the second term is the capital loss if the product is imitated, and the last term is the capital gain if the product is not imitated. After some mathematical transformations4, an expression for the yield on a Northern bond can be derived as: (3.9) 𝜋𝑁 𝑣𝑁 𝑣̇ 𝑁 𝑛̇ 𝑆 + 𝑣 𝑁 − 𝑛𝑁 = 𝑟 𝑁 , where the first term is equal to the profit rate, the second term is the rate of increase in the value of Northern products, the third term is the rate of productivity growth in South and rN is the yield on a bond in the Northern financial market. Grossman and Helpman refer to this as a “no-arbitrage” condition, which means that the return on investment in 4 The reader is referred to (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b p. 287 ff. or 1991a) for details. 21 the Northern firm must be equal to the yield of a Northern bond to avoid the displacement of the Northern producer from the market (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 288). In South, a firm randomly chooses a product to imitate. The knowledge capital stock is given by Km = ns, that is, the more products South successfully imitates, the larger the capital stock5. The imitation of a product requires am/Km units of labor, where am is a fixed productivity parameter for South (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). The value of a Southern product is then: 𝑣 𝑠 ≤ 𝑤 𝑠 𝑎𝑚 𝑛𝑠 . The successful firm in South will earn an infinite stream of oligopoly profits, after the imitation has been completed, which is equal to πSdt in the time interval dt, and the capital gain is 𝑣̇ 𝑆 𝑑𝑡. The capital invested in the firm must necessarily be equal to the opportunity cost of investing this capital in something else (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 287ff.). This gives a no-arbitrage condition for the firm in South, similar to (3.9) equal to: (3.10) 𝜋𝑆 𝑣𝑆 𝑣̇ 𝑆 + 𝑣𝑆 = 𝑟 𝑆 , where the first term is the profit rate, the second term is the rate of increase in the value of Southern products and rS is the yield on a bond in the Southern financial market. In both South and North, labor is employed in manufacturing and research and it is necessary to assume labor-market clearing conditions to look at the steady state (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). This is done by setting Xi ≡ nixi, and letting this denote the aggregate output in i = N,S. The labor-market equilibrium in North then becomes: (3.11) 𝑎 𝐿𝑁 = 𝑛 𝑛̇ + 𝑛𝑁 ∙ 𝑋𝑁 , where the first term on the right-hand side is the labor employed in research, while the second term is the labor employed in manufacturing. LN is the total supply of labor in North. In the same manner, the labor-market equilibrium in South becomes: 5 Grossman and Helpman also discuss the case of K m = Km(nS,nN) but this is not touched upon here. The details can be found in Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 307ff. 22 𝐿𝑆 = (3.12) 𝑎𝑚 𝑛𝑆 𝑛̇ 𝑆 + 𝑛 𝑆 ∙ 𝑋𝑆 , where the first term is labor employed in imitation while the second term represents labor employed in manufacturing, and LS is the total supply of labor in South (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 288). The steady state equilibrium In order to conclude on the effects of international trade on the growth rates of the economies, it is necessary to look at the long-run equilibrium growth paths of the two economies, represented by the steady state. Grossman and Helpman introduce a few supplementary variables before evaluating the steady state. First, 𝜉 𝑖 ≡ 𝑛𝑖 𝑛 , 𝑖 = 𝑁, 𝑆 is region i’s total share of products in the world, and it follows that, because of the steady state characteristics, 𝜉N and 𝜉S must approach constants in the long run. For this to be realized, the growth rates of the number of varieties produced in the two regions, 𝑔, must converge, meaning that 𝑔𝑁 = 𝑔 𝑆 , where 𝑛̇ 𝑖 𝑔𝑖 ≡ 𝑛𝑖 , 𝑖 = 𝑁, 𝑆. Furthermore, as the total number of products is equal to the sum of products in North and South, it follows that 𝑔 = 𝜉 𝑁 𝑔𝑁 + 𝜉 𝑆 𝑔 𝑆 , and because of the steady state, 𝑔 = 𝑔𝑁 = 𝑔 𝑆 (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 289). The rate of 𝑔𝑆 𝜉 𝑆 imitation of the Southern firms can be defined as 𝑚 = (1−𝜉𝑆 ) which means that in the Steady-State, (3.13) 𝑚 𝜉 𝑆 = 𝑔+𝑚 , when 𝑔 = 𝑔 𝑆 . This means that the higher the rate of imitation is, relative to the rate of innovation, the higher is the share of Southern products out of the total product stock (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 289). It is now possible to derive a relationship between innovation and imitation that reflects market clearing in North. Keeping in mind that the value of an average Northern firm 23 will fall at the rate of product development in the steady state (since increasing product development leads to less labor employed in manufacturing, which in turn leads to lower sales and profit), which changes the sign of the second term in the no-arbitrage condition above (3.9) to a minus, the no-arbitrage condition for a Northern firm in the steady state can now be written as (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 289): (3.14) 𝜋𝑁 𝑣𝑁 = 𝜌 + 𝑔 + 𝑚, where the term on the left-hand side is the profit rate, the first term on the right-hand side is the long-run interest rate, the second term is the long-run growth rate and the third term is the long-run rate of imitation. Substituting the monopoly price and equation (3.11) (labor-market clearing condition) into (3.6), the expression for profits for a Northern firm becomes: (3.15) (1−𝛼)𝑤 𝑁 𝜋 𝑁 = 𝛼(1−𝜉𝑆 )𝑛 (𝐿𝑁 − 𝑎𝑔) Finally, combining (3.13), (3.14), (3.15) and (3.7), the relationship between innovation and imitation for a Northern firm in the steady state can be written as: (3.16) 1−𝛼 𝐿𝑁 𝛼 ( 𝑎 − 𝑔) 𝑔+𝑚 𝑔 = 𝜌 + 𝑔 + 𝑚, Where the left-hand side is again an expression for the profit rate, and the right-hand side is an expression for the real cost of capital (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). The equation can graphically be seen in figure 3.3: 24 Figure 3.3 Innovation and imitation in the steady state Source: Grossman and Helpman (1991b, p. 290) The equation (3.16) is represented by the curve NN. The implications of the equation and the reason for the upward slope of the NN curve can be discussed looking at the rates of innovation and imitation, separately. Starting with imitation, it can be seen from equation (3.16) that the higher m (rate of imitation) is, the higher the real cost of capital in the Steady-State is (as the right-hand side of the equation increases). This is so because a higher m increases the risk for Northern firms to be displaced and production being moved to South. At the same time, it can be seen from the left-hand side of the equation, that this closure of more Northern firms leads to a higher profit rate for the remaining firms in North, because they are able to hire more workers and increase their sales. With CES (Constant Elasticity of Substitution) of demand, the effect of m on profit rates (the left-hand side of equation 3.16) is higher than on the cost of capital (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 291). Comparing instead two steady states of different rates of innovation, a higher rate of innovation, g, will lead to a higher real cost of capital (right-hand side), because more innovation means more competition, hence a higher rate of capital loss for a Northern firm. At the same time, a higher rate of innovation will cause a decrease in the profit 25 rate per variety. This happens because the firms will spend more resources on R&D and fewer resources on manufacturing, decreasing output and sales. Moreover, a rise in the rate of innovation will increase the number of products in North, hence decreasing the output per firm here (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). As a result, a higher rate of innovation necessitates a higher rate of imitation to have equality between the two sides of the equation. From this it becomes evident, that imitation in South actually leads to a higher profit rate for firms in North, which is why the slope of the NN curve in figure 3.3 is upward sloping. By comparing autarky scenarios with trade scenarios, it is possible to draw further conclusions on the relationship between innovation/imitation and trade. In autarky, North introduces products at a rate that corresponds to the growth rate with free trade if m = 0. This point is represented by the intersection of the NN curve with the vertical axis in figure 3.3. However, with m > 0, the equilibrium in trade lies along the NN curve to the right of the intersection with the vertical axis, hence North grows faster with trade than without. As discussed above, this is because imitation will force some firms in North out of the market, letting the existing Northern firms enjoy higher rates of profit until imitated. The surviving Northern firms will be able to hire the workers from their closed competitors, in turn expanding sales and profits (Grossman and Helpman, 1991b, p. 295). For South, comparing an autarky-situation with no ability to invent new products with a trade situation with the ability of imitation, it is clear that South will grow faster with trade than without, because there will be no products to imitate in autarky. Even with the possibility of inventing new products, South would grow at a slower rate in autarky than with trade, as it would demand more labor to produce a new product, than to do reverse engineering and imitate an existing product (Grossman and Helpman, 1991a). The conclusion of the endogenous product cycle model by Grossman and Helpman is therefore, that it is free trade which causes growth, determined by innovation in North and imitation in South in the model. This finding is in contrast with Krugman’s view discussed above, who concludes that a country must have innovation to be able to grow and even maintain its level of income. As previously mentioned, this thesis wishes to contribute to the empirical literature by 26 examining Krugman’s view that the causality runs from innovation to export. Nevertheless, the endogenous growth model is important in the sense that it provides foundation for the possible presence of reverse causality between trade and innovation. As a result, it is important to control for this in the analysis to come. The next section will present the previously established empirical evidence on the link between innovation and exports. 27 4. Empirical evidence The relationship between innovation and exports has been studied extensively during many years and the empirical results are diverse. This section is dedicated to reviewing some of these results. Keesing (1967) was one of the first to study the relationship between innovation and exports. He uses export data from the US to the then ten leading industrial nations from 1962 and investigates the correlation of this with the share of scientists and engineers in R&D out of total employment per industry in 1961. He finds a strong correlation between these. Furthermore, he tests the correlation of exports with two other proxies of innovation, company financed R&D and federally financed R&D, both from 1960 and again finds positive correlations. He also reports the correlation of total R&D (company financed and federal financed added) with exports to be very high. Knowing that there is a likelihood of cross-relationships with other explanatory factors, Keesing tests the correlation of these with US exports and finds that his proxies of R&D explain trade better than any other variable tested. Soete (1981) is one of the first to use patents as a proxy for innovation, and regresses variations in export performance in 1977 across OECD countries on variations in innovativeness in 1963-1977 for 40 industrial sectors, including several other explanatory variables6. Soete finds a significant positive relationship between innovation and trade for almost all sectors investigated. Wanting to prove the exogenous product-cycle model of trade as is the purpose of this thesis as well, Hirsch and Bijaoui (1985) investigate the export performance of Israeli firms, using the change in exports between 1975-1977 and 1979-1981 as the dependent 6 Actually Soete performs a regression very close to what would be described as a gravity equation approach, but never defines it as this himself. The method he uses differs from the method applied in this thesis in a number of ways; Soete uses cross-sectional data while this thesis uses panel data, Soete uses variations in export performance as the dependent variable while this thesis uses plain export numbers in millions and Soete does not control for as much heterogeneity as is controlled for in this thesis. 28 variable and percentage of R&D employees in 1977 as (one of more) explanatory variables. Hirsch and Bijaoui hereby introduce lags of 4 years, recognizing that some R&D projects take time before they are marketable, an approach that similarly will be tested in this thesis. They conclude that firms engaged in R&D have a higher propensity to export than firms in the same industry which do not engage in R&D, and argue that their results confirm the exogenous product-cycle models. Kumar and Siddharthan (1994) also try to empirically prove the exogenous productcycle models, especially the Krugman model as presented in section 3.2.2 by looking at Indian firms. They use in-house R&D activity as a proxy for innovation, and also introduce a measure of informal innovation proxied by skill intensity and a measure of the import of technology which, according to Kumar and Siddharthan often occurs in Indian firms. Their panel dataset covers 406 companies in 13 industries which are followed over three years, 1987-88, 88-89 and 89-90. They find support for the prediction of the product-cycle models in which less-developed countries will adopt products of maturity from developed countries for the case of Indian firms. They interpret low and medium technology industries as being mature in terms of technological opportunities, and these are the sectors for which the proxies of innovation are significant. Their results thus confirm what both Krugman’s and Grossman and Helpman’s models have incorporated; that less-developed countries will adopt the technologies of the developed countries. In their study of UK export, Greenhalgh et. al. (1994) use industry-level data on exports from the period 1954-1985 along with output proxies for innovation, patents granted and a survey of patents used and produced. They create 2 regression equations, one for the effect on net export volumes and one for export prices and find that innovation “(…)improves the average quality and the variety of products on offer which attracts more demand (…)” and that “The most common overall finding is that of successful innovation whereby both trade volumes and the balance of trade were improved.” (Greenhalgh et. al., 1994). 29 Bernard and Wagner (1997) study German manufacturing companies in the state of Lower Saxony from 1978-1992, and more specifically, investigate the characteristics and performance of exporters and non-exporters. They conclude that exporting companies are larger, more capital-intensive, employ more white-collar workers and are more productive than companies not exporting. Their results show that good firms selfselect into exporting, and that good firms become exporters and they find “(…) little or no evidence that exporting by itself enhances performance”, which supports the Krugman hypothesis. In another article on the same topic by Bernard, now with Jensen, (Bernard and Jensen, 1999), US firm level data from 1984-1992 is used to establish the causality between exporting and good firms. They document that exporting firms are outperforming non-exporters, with regards to total employment, total shipments, labor productivity and capital intensity. Additionally, they find that exporters are more successful than non-exporters several years prior to the start of their export, and that exporting firms grow faster with regards to plant size, shipments and total employment, than non-exporters in the years prior to the year in which they become exporters. Furthermore, Bernard and Jensen test whether exporting could lead to better firm performance and their results do not suggest this, finding, however, an increasing probability of survival among exporting firms. Wakelin (1998a) studies the relationship between innovation and exports in 9 OECD countries’ bilateral trade, with data on exports from 1988 and data on the explanatory variables being averages from 1980-88. At country-level, she reports a positive and significant coefficient of innovation using both R&D and patents as proxies for innovation. At industry-level, Wakelin similarly finds a positive and significant relationship between innovation and bilateral trade performance in 15 out of the 22 sectors investigated, using one of the two proxies of innovation. The use of the two different proxies gives rather diverging results, in the sense that some sectors expressing a positive relationship using R&D as proxy, shows a negative relationship using patents. Wakelin explains this by the fact that the two measures express different aspects of the innovation process, and e.g. concludes that patents seem to explain innovation better than R&D in high technology industries. Interestingly, she goes one step further in her analysis and divides sectors into users or producers of innovation and find that the R&D variable is only positive for producers. In another article, (Wakelin, 1998b), she 30 investigates the relationship between innovation and exports in the UK, using a panel data-set on firm-level from 1988-1992. Separating the firms into groups of innovating and non-innovating firms, she finds that innovation, proxied by the number of innovations used in a firm, is positively and significantly related to the probability of exporting, but significantly negatively related to the propensity of exporting. Furthermore, she finds that the number of innovations a firm has produced has a positive and significant affect on probability of exporting. Finally, she is able to separate the firms with respect to size, and concludes that large innovative firms are more likely to export, and that the more innovations they had in the past the higher the probability of exporting is. Moreover, small innovative firms are less likely to export and hence more likely to concentrate on the home market (Wakelin, 1998b). Wakelin’s results can thus be said to be supportive of the link between innovation and exports, but they do not offer proof regarding the causality. Sterlacchini (1999) investigates 143 small Italian firms (less than 200 employees) in non-R&D intensive industries in the period 1994-96. As these smaller companies often do not have formal R&D departments he uses a dummy variable for firms being innovative or not and three alternative innovation proxies: innovative content of the capital stock; ratio of expenditure on design, engineering and trial production to sales; and finally the share of costs for acquiring innovative capital goods on sales. Using a tobit model, Sterlacchini concludes that the ratio of expenditure on design, engineering and trial production to sales as well as the dummy variable for firms being innovative or not, show significant and positive influence on export performance. When looking only at the innovative firms who export he finds that the same before mentioned ratio as well as the innovative content of the firms’ capital stock shows positive and significant relationships with exports. Likewise, Basile (2001) studies the export behavior of Italian firms in the years 1991, 1994 and 1997, and is able to divide innovations into processor product-innovations. He concludes that firms having process- and/or product innovations are more likely to export, than firms without. Looking at firm-level data from UK and German manufacturing plants, Roper and Love (2002) use export propensity and probability of the firms in 1991 and 1993 and relate it 31 to a substantial number of innovation proxies. They use a dummy variable indicating whether there has been a product innovation in the company, a variable for innovation intensity measured as number of product changes per employee and a variable for innovation success measured as the share of sales coming from new products. Furthermore, they introduce three other proxies for innovation; spill-over effects of being in an innovative sector, spill-over effects of being located in an agglomeration of innovative firms and spill-over effects of the supply-chain. These are estimated as the average level of innovation intensity in the sector, region or the sectors supplying each plant. They find that in the UK, being a product innovator and having innovation success are positively and significantly related to the propensity and the probability of exporting, while in Germany, product innovation is showing a positive relationship with the probability of exporting, but innovation success shows a negative relationship. They interpret this as UK and German manufacturing firms being in different markets with regards to quality, with German firms having a home market where quality is an important factor meaning that they already invest heavily in R&D, making further increases in innovation less profitable. This is opposed to UK firms, where quality is not as important a factor in the home market. Alternatively, they do offer a second explanation of this being a product-cycle issue, suggesting that German firms initially earn greater returns on the home market, before the export market over time becomes more profitable. Sectoral spill-overs are found to be positive and significant with the probability and propensity to export in the UK but show no effect in Germany. Surprisingly, locational effects (agglomeration) show lower export probability in Germany and lower export propensity in the UK. The authors explain this by suspecting that export-oriented plants will locate in more remote areas where factor prices are lower, but are, unfortunately, not able to test this. Finally, they find some effects of supply-chain spill-overs on export probability in Germany and export propensity in the UK. In an article with the direct purpose of testing the causal relationship between innovation and exports, Lachenmaier and Wößmann (2006) claim that most of earlier research on the relationship between innovation and exports can only be interpreted as descriptive and not causal. They argue that the data and approaches used are not taking the endogeneity of innovation with respect to export into account, but that their own 32 alternative strategy to identify exogenous variation in innovation may create a new understanding. As measures of innovation, Lachenmaier and Wößmann use an annual innovation survey among German firms in manufacturing, representing all German states and 15 sectors. The companies are asked to not only report whether they have introduced an innovation (product or process), but also from where the innovation stems (innovation “impulses”), making it possible to use strictly exogenous innovation measures. The authors e.g. mention innovation stemming from the marketing department as being endogenous to exporting, since the innovations are directly focused on the costumers. “Reading the technological literature” is mentioned as exogenous to the firm’s export performance, as the impulses will affect exporters and non-exporters alike. Controlling for industry sectors, they are able to retrieve within-sector effects and their results show that innovators export more and are thus supportive of the theory of exogenous product-cycle models. Tomiura (2007) investigates the effects of R&D on the export decision of Japanese firms, performing a cross-sectional analysis on a dataset containing 118.300 firms. Relating the probability of a firm being an exporter with various firm-level characteristics, Tomiura finds that internal R&D is significantly positively related with exporting. As a robustness check, a variable for patenting is also included, providing similar positive results. In a study comparing UK and Irish firms, Girma, et al. (2008) use firm-level databases covering 1996-2003 for the UK and 2000-2003 for Ireland, to determine if innovation causes exports (Krugman hypothesis) or exports cause innovation (Helpman and Grossman hypothesis). Interestingly, using a probit model to determine the probability of exporting, they conclude that Irish firms show learning-by-exporting characteristics, while this is not the case for UK firms. Their study also finds that lagged R&D status has a positive and significant effect on exports, supporting the Krugman model. Thus their results support both hypotheses. 33 Examining the determinants of exporting in the UK, Harris and Li (2009) use survey data from 2001 to estimate their model. They find that when treating R&D as endogenous, it plays an important role for firms to enter into internationalization, but when the firms have entered the export markets, they do not find that endogenous R&D increases export intensity. Overall, there is a substantial literature that supports the relationship between innovation and export. However, as Lachenmaier and Wößmann point out, much of this research does not control for the direction of the causality, and most of the studies are thus unable to determine whether it is innovation that creates export, or export that creates innovation. This thesis will therefore contribute to the literature on innovation and exports, by empirically testing the theory of the exogenous product-cycle models, controlling for reverse causality. Furthermore, by using an augmented version of the gravity equation this thesis will bring new use to the model. The next section introduces the gravity equation and leads the way to the empirical part of this thesis. 34 5. The gravity equation In this section, the gravity equation is presented. This is done be reviewing the evolution of the model and its different applications over time. Additionally, more recent estimation issues are discussed and leads to the empirical analysis. 5.1 The evolution and foundation of the gravity equation As mentioned, the model used in this paper for analysing the effects of innovation on trade, is the gravity equation. The model has its inspiration from physics, more specifically Newtonian physics, where Newton was the first to formulate a theory of the force of gravity. The theory states that the force of gravity between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses, divided by the square of the distance between them (Baldwin and Taglioni, 2006). When using the model within international economics, the force of gravity is replaced by bilateral trade flows, and the masses are replaced by the GDP of each country. Distance is measured as the distance between countries and is used as a proxy for transportation costs, with increasing distances between trading partners having a negative effect on the trade between them. The model was first developed by Tinbergen (1962) and Pöyhönen (1963) to explain international trade, but lacked clear theoretical foundations, although producing good explanatory fits. Anderson (1979) was the first to provide theoretical foundations for the model, followed by Bergstrand (1984, 1989, 1990), Deardorff (1995), Evennett and Kneller (2002) among others. They show that the gravity equation is consistent with theories of international trade, e.g. the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Other authors included a number of additional variables in the model as to measure the effect of these; population, GDP per capita, Free-trade agreements (FTAs), common border, landlocked, common language, transportation infrastructure etc. (see Yamarik and Ghosh (2005) for a sensitivity analysis of 47 potential variables). The model has also been used to predict trade flows, see e.g. Christerson (1994) and Sohn (2005), migration flows, see e.g. Helliwell (1997) and FDI flows, see e.g. Brenton et al. (1999). Moreover, the model has been used in the recent discussion of intensive margins (change in trade 35 between partners that already trade) and the extensive margin (change in trade between two countries that do not currently trade), see e.g. Felbermayr and Kohler (2006). The usually applied gravity equation looks like (5.1) (time subscripts omitted): (5.1) 𝑙𝑛𝑇𝑖𝑗 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ln(𝑌𝑖 ∗ 𝑌𝑗 ) + 𝛽2 𝑙𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑗 + 𝛽3 𝑙𝑛𝑉𝑖𝑗 + 𝜀𝑖𝑗 where T is the averaged bilateral trade flows between country i and j, Yi and Yj are the GDPs of country i and j, d is the distance between country i and j, V is a subset of other variables of interest and εij is the error term. Usually, the natural log is taken to the variables in order to impose a linear relationship and to be able to directly interpret the coefficients. 5.2 Recent estimation issues Anderson and van Wincoop were still not satisfied with the justification of the model and published an article (Anderson and van Wincoop, 2003), that created a new strand of literature focusing on the econometric specifications of the model. In the article, the authors criticize McCallum (1995), who investigated the effect of the Canadian-US border and found very large effects on intra-national (provincial) trade in Canada. Anderson and van Wincoop point out that McCallum (and subsequent authors) fail to specify the model correctly, making their analyses invalid. They argue that the model suffers from omitted variables, and is missing what they call the multilateral resistance variables. These variables refer to the fact that bilateral trade not only depends on the trade barriers between two trading partners, but also on the trade barriers they face with the rest of their trading partners. Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) state that the border effect is high for Canada in McCallum’s results, since he excludes the multilateral resistance terms and since Canada is a small economy compared to the US. When testing the effect of the border on the US, Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) find a much smaller increase in US intra-national (state) trade. To correct for these omitted variables they develop an estimation method which involves solving a number of equations, making the approach rather complex and rarely used. Alternatively, they suggest using country-specific dummies as a more simple approach which gives 36 consistent estimates of the model parameters (Anderson and van Wincoop, 2003). Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) estimate their model for only one year, thus having a cross-sectional dataset. The present paper, however, uses a panel dataset making it insufficient to only apply the method of Anderson and van Wincoop, as country dummies would remove the cross-sectional bias, but not the time-series bias. Baldwin and Taglioni (2006) and Baldwin (2006) published articles similar to Anderson and van Wincoop (2003), in which they investigate an article by Rose (2000), who adds a currency union dummy variable to the gravity equation and finds a very large positive and significant effect. However, Baldwin and Taglioni (2006) show that Rose’s estimation method produces biased estimates. They identify some mistakes which could be found in most of published work on the gravity equation until recently. The first mistake is identical to the above mentioned pointed out by Anderson and van Wincoop, and Baldwin and Taglioni (2006) also suggest using nation dummies but mention that this is not sufficient when working with panel data. Instead, they suggest using timeinvariant country-pair fixed-effects, as they also have the effect of eliminating the crosssectional bias, controlling for time-invariant determinants, and are found to perform better than nation dummies. However, controlling for time-invariant country-pair fixedeffects imply that no time-invariant parameters (e.g. distance) can be estimated, as the fixed-effects estimation technique does not allow for it. Another mistake identified by Baldwin and Taglioni (2006) is likewise a common mistake in the gravity equation literature. The authors show that the often used method of averaging the trade flows of the dependent variable (e.g. the average of US exports to Canada and Canadian exports to the US) is wrong because in many of the papers, the authors take the log of these averages instead of taking the average of the logs. This is not a problem when countries in the dataset have similar trade flows, but if there is a larger difference in the trade flows this will bias the coefficients on the included variables (Baldwin and Taglioni, 2006). Also, they question the approach of averaging the trade flows, as no theoretical foundation for doing so exists. Instead, they suggest using unidirectional trade flows, a suggestion that will be followed below. This method 37 also conveniently allows for testing the effect of the innovation effort in one country on its own export performance. Hence, the gravity equation has so far been improved to look like the following (no time subscripts): (5.2) 𝑙𝑛𝑇𝑖𝑗 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ln𝑌𝑖 + 𝛽2 𝑙𝑛𝑌𝑗 + 𝛽3 𝑙𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑗 + 𝛽4 𝑙𝑛𝑉𝑖𝑗 + 𝛼𝛿𝑖𝑗 + 𝜀𝑖𝑗 where Tij now represents the uni-directional trade flows from country i to j, Yi and Yj are estimated separately, as uni-directional data makes this plausible, and 𝛼𝛿𝑖𝑗 is a country-pair dummy (α for exporter and δ for importer). In specification (5.2), there is still some heterogeneity unaccounted for. This takes the form of exporter- or importer-specific time-varying effects, such as a country’s business cycles, political or institutional factors or other unobserved factor endowment variables (Baltagi et al., 2003). Baltagi et al. (2003) therefore suggest including time-varying country dummies instead of time-invariant country dummies, to control for the timeseries correlation. Moreover, arguing that as much heterogeneity as possible should be controlled for, they suggest keeping the time-invariant pair dummies as these control for the bias stemming from the correlation between included parameters of bilateral trade and parameters that are unobservable. This approach is supported by Baldwin and Taglioni (2006), Baier and Bergstrand (2007), Baier et al. (2008) and Stack (2009). Finally, a dummy variable for time is included in Baltagi et al. (2003) and Stack (2009) to control for common shocks affecting all countries in the sample, an approach which is followed in the analysis below. It should be mentioned however, that the creation of the time-varying country-dummy variables decreases the amount of degrees of freedom in the analysis. The degrees of freedom measure the number of values in the final calculation that are free to vary, and 38 is measured by the number of independent values available in the estimation of a parameter, minus the number of underlying parameters necessary to calculate the parameter itself (Keller and Warrack, 2003, p. 363). Including the dummy variables above will create 2NT dummies, which corresponds to 2 * 36 nations * 14 years = 1.008 dummies. This results in the loss of 1.008 degrees of freedom, but Baldwin and Taglioni (2006) point out that this is not a problem when having a large dataset since there will be many observations. In the dataset used, the number of observations varies depending on the innovation proxy used, but in the fixed effects estimations in section 6.3 and 6.4 there is always between app. 6-14.000 observations, meaning that the amount of dummy variables should not create a problem. Finally, it should be mentioned that all models have been run using clustered standard errors, as recommended by Stock and Watson (2006). In the next section the discussed estimation issues are taken into consideration and the final model specification is presented in details, and followed by the empirical analyses. 39 6. Analysis In this section, the specifications of the model as well as the data used in the analyses are presented. Hereafter, some descriptive statistics are discussed, in order to get a first glance on the dataset. This is followed by the analysis at country-level, starting with estimations of the gravity equation including the innovation variables separately and subsequently together. Finally, the section includes an analysis of sector-level data. 6.1 Model specification and data The gravity equation used in this thesis follows the discussion of the previous section and looks like the following: (6.1) 𝑙𝑛𝑇𝑖𝑗𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑙𝑛𝑌𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝑙𝑛𝑌𝑗𝑡 + 𝛽5 𝑙𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑗 + 𝛽6 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑗 + 𝛽7 𝐸𝑈𝑖𝑗𝑡 + 𝛽8 𝑙𝑛𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑡 + 𝛾𝑡 + 𝛼𝛿𝑖𝑗 + 𝛼𝛾𝑖𝑡 + 𝛿𝛾𝑗𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑗𝑡 Where Tijt is unidirectional export flows from country i to country j at time t, lnYit and lnYjt are exporter and importer GDPs at time t, lndij is the distance between country i and j, langij is a dummy variable indicating whether country i and j share a common official language, EUijt is a dummy variable indicating whether country i and j are both members of the EU at time t, lnInnoit is a proxy for innovation for country i at time t, 𝛾𝑡 captures time effects, 𝛼𝛿𝑖𝑗 is the time invariant pair dummy, 𝛼𝛾𝑖𝑡 + 𝛿𝛾𝑗𝑡 are the timevarying country dummies, and finally 𝜀𝑖𝑗𝑡 is the error term. The model will be tested on a sample of 36 countries7, of which most are from the EU, over a time period that varies depending on data availability of the innovation proxy variables. The variables included are discussed further in the following: 7 A list of countries can be found in appendix A. The countries are selected according to availability of data for the innovation proxies. 40 Trade flows As this thesis investigates the effect of innovation on exports, the dependent variable consists of unidirectional export flows from country i to j. The export flows have been retrieved from the IMF direction of trade statistics (DOTS), are measured in millions of dollars and have been deflated with the US price index, year 2000 as the base year. GDP According to the theoretical foundation developed by Anderson (1979), the exporter GDP is a proxy for the production of traded goods, while the importer GDP is a proxy for expenditure on traded goods. In both cases, a positive relationship with exports is expected, meaning that a larger GDP would result in larger export flows. The data on GDP is in million dollars and in constant prices with year 2000 as the index year and have been taken from the World Development Indicators database by the World Bank. Distance and common language The distance and common language variables are often used as proxies of trade and transaction costs. The distance variable is a key variable in the gravity equation and the interpretation is that the further away from each other two countries are, the less likely they are to trade. The common language dummy variable is a proxy for transaction costs, and a value of one in this variable, meaning the trade partners share a common official language, should result in lower transaction costs, hence more trade (Yamarik and Ghosh, 2005). The distance and common language variables are taken from the CEPII institute. EU The EU dummy variable measures the effect of membership on trade in the European Union. A value of one indicates that both countries are members of the EU. The effect of EU, or more widely CUs (Currency Unions), FTAs (Free Trade Agreements), RTAs (Regional Trade Agreements) and IEAs (International Economic agreements), in the gravity equation has its own entire strand of literature and has been discussed for many 41 years. Going into the details of this could potentially be a thesis topic of its own. Accordingly, the reader is referred to Baldwin (2006), Baier and Bergstrand (2007), Baier et al. (2008) and Stack (2009) for recent discussions and results. Nevertheless, the variable is generally expected to show a positive relationship with exports, meaning that EU-membership should result in higher trade. Innovation The key parameter of interest in this thesis is the innovation variable. To measure the amount of innovation in a country can be a difficult task, as the definition of innovation goes from “all things new” to a more narrow definition of different innovation types, as mentioned in section 2. Different authors have used different proxies for capturing the effects of innovation and Roper and Love (2002) emphasize the importance of using several innovation indicators. This is why in this study, a range of different measurements have been selected as proxies for innovation, all taken from Eurostat. The first proxy is R&D as a percentage of the country’s GDP, measured in millions of dollars, and is a measure of innovation-input. R&D has been used in many papers as a proxy for innovation, see e.g. Soete (1981) and Wakelin (1998a). R&D is expected to be positively related to exports as a high intensity of R&D will tend to introduce new products to the market and increase existing products’ quality, reinforcing the competitive advantage of firms, in turn increasing trade performance. Furthermore, R&D expenditure could also lead to process innovation, improving the cost structure and competitiveness of the firm (Wakelin, 1998a). Greenhalgh et al. (1994) however, argue that the use of R&D causes problems for empirical work. First of all, they argue that there might be a considerable lag between R&D expenditure and the actual production of marketable products, which is why the lagged effect of R&D will be tested in the following analysis. Another reason to lag the effect of R&D is the potential causality problem between innovation and exports, i.e. exporting creating a “learning” effect, as in Grossman and Helpman’s model. By including lagged R&D it is insured that the causality goes from innovation to exports, resulting in an unbiased estimate of the effect of innovation on exports. Another concern rising when using R&D is pointed out by Greenhalgh et al. (1994) and Lachenmaier and Wößmann (2006) who mention 42 that not all R&D expenditure leads to commercially successful products. This could potentially lead to an overestimation of the effect of innovation. Wakelin on the other hand, argues that R&D expenditure might underestimate the contribution of small firms which do not have the capacity to set up a separate research department but do engage in innovative activity (Wakelin, 1998a), or firms in sectors where innovations are produced as part of the production process, e.g. the engineering or instrumentation sectors (Wakelin, 1998b). The data for R&D expenditure is available for the period 1997-2008. Since R&D represents the “input” of innovation it is necessary to also include a measure of the “output”; hence three different counts of patents have been chosen: the number of patent applications per country to the European Patent Office (EPO) per million inhabitants, the total number of applications per country (not scaled) to the EPO and the number of patents granted per country by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) per million inhabitants. The first two measures thus represent patent applications and the difference between them is the scaling of one of them which Wakelin (1998b) mentions as important in order to reduce heteroskedasticity. The third patent variable measures actual patents granted in the US and hence differs from the two other variables in both the choice of market and that it measures “successful” applications. The first two patent variables are available from 1995-2006 while the last is available from 1995-2003. The lagged effect of all three patent-measures will be tested, referring to the above discussion regarding potential reverse causality between innovation and exports and the potential lag between patenting and actually producing/selling. Wakelin (1998a) argues that direct counts of innovations, e.g. patents, are better at catching small firms’ innovation activity and she finds close correlation between patents and innovations produced. Lachenmaier and Wößmann (2006) argue that also the use of patents may be flawed, since a lot of innovations are never patented and that some firms use patents as a strategic tool to prevent competitors from using the same technology. They argue instead that innovation surveys should be used, where relevant persons in companies are asked to fill out questionnaires regarding the innovation activities of the 43 firm. This has often been used in the literature, see e.g. Greenhalgh et al. (1994), Wakelin (1998a and b), Sterlacchini (1999), Roper and Love (2002) and Lachenmaier and Wößmann (2006). The downsides of this sort of measure is pointed out by Lachenmaier and Wößmann (2006) who states that this typically only allows for creating a dummy variable (has the company had an innovation or not) whereas the other variables mentioned has the advantage of providing the ability to apply the actual value of resources used or count the number of innovations produced. Furthermore, innovation surveys are based on very subjective and arbitrary answering which can seriously bias estimates. A third downside of innovation surveys is the significant amount of time one would have to use to create, carry out and analyze the survey. Overall, the author recognizes the advantages and disadvantages of the different proxies (and underlines that they are in fact only proxies). However, using several proxies for innovation will make it possible to assess the robustness of the findings and provide elements for discussion. 6.2 Descriptive statistics As a first glance on the dataset, the following table summarizes the relevant variables: 44 Table 6.1 Summation of the variables of interest T Variable Obs 17.133 Mean 3.310,086 Std. Dev. 13.961,26 Min 7,50e-06 Max 443.326,8 Yi 17.395 699.148,3 1.807.970 3.099 1,16e+07 Yj 17.395 699.148,3 1.807.970 3.099 1,16e+07 dist 17.640 2.464,57 2.419,296 59,61723 11.156,39 lang 17.640 0,0507937 0,2195823 0 1 eu_dummy 17.640 0,3502268 0,4770544 0 1 rdi 11.585 17.279,65 50.303,98 10,1868 294.021,7 eu_pat_scale 14.455 79,70254 92,38413 0,08 430,65 eu_pat_noscale 14.980 2.821,927 6.515,857 0,67 35.054,22 pat_us 10.885 63,05904 84,41798 0,09 378,74 Note: T is the export flows from country i to country j, Yi and Yj are the GDPs of the countries, dist is the distance between them, lang indicates if they share a common official language, eu_dummy indicates if both countries are members of the EU, Rdi indicates spending on R&D per country, eu_pat_scale indicates number of patent applications per million inhabitants per country to the EPO, eu_pat_noscale indicates total number of patent applications per country to the EPO while pat_us indicates patents granted per country by the USPTO per million inhabitants. First, it can be seen that there is 17.640 observations in the dataset. It can also be seen that there is missing data for some of the variables, and that it is the data on the innovation variables that determines how many observations the model applied will have, since these have the smallest number of observations. However, all the innovation variables still hold more than 10.000 observations, which, as previously mentioned, should not cause problems with the degrees of freedom in the analysis, and should make it possible to retrieve solid, robust results. Looking at the variable for total number of patent applications per country to the EPO (eu_pat_noscale) it might seem odd that it shows observations with decimals, since total applications not scaled should not exhibit numbers between 0 and 1. However, the EPO uses fractional counting if e.g. multiple investors are involved, to avoid double counting, making it possible to have observations between 0 and 1 and decimal numbers in general. Other than this, the variables take on values as expected. Since the relationship between innovation and exports is the topic of interest for this thesis, it is interesting to map the relationship between these two variables. It is 45 expected that the plots will exhibit an upward trend, indicating that more innovation will lead to more exports. The following four figures show this: -10 -5 0 Exports 5 10 15 Figure 6.1 Scatter plot of R&D and exports 2 4 6 8 10 12 ln_rdi T Fitted values Note: The X-axis represents the log of R&D while the Y-axis represents the log of exports. -10 -5 0 Exports 5 10 15 Figure 6.2 Scatter plot of EU scaled patent applications and exports -2 0 2 ln_eu_pat_scale 4 6 T Fitted values Note: The X-axis represents the log of patent applications to the EPO by million inhabitants while the Y-axis represents the log of exports. 46 -10 -5 0 Exports 5 10 15 Figure 6.3 Scatter plot of EU not-scaled patent applications and exports 0 2 4 6 ln_eu_pat_noscale 8 10 T Fitted values Note: The X-axis represents the log of patent applications to the EPO while the Y-axis represents the log of exports. -10 -5 0 Exports 5 10 15 Figure 6.4 Scatter plot of US patents granted and exports -2 0 2 ln_pat_us 4 6 T Fitted values Note: The X-axis represents the log of patents granted to the USPTO by million inhabitants while the Y-axis represents the log of exports. As can be seen from graphs 6.1-6.4, the data point to the expected relationship between innovation and exports; the more innovation the higher volume of exports, and all four 47 variables indicate this. In the following, it will be investigated whether the regression analysis can confirm this. 6.3 Results at the country-level As a test to see if the model is correctly specified, an OLS estimation has been applied to equation (6.1). Model A is included to see if the variables usually included in the gravity equation behave as expected. Models B-E include the innovation proxies one by one and are expected to show positive significant results. These models are estimated using time-varying country dummies and a time trend. The results can be seen in the following table: Table 6.2 OLS estimations ln_Yi ln_Yj lnd lang eu_dummy Model A Model B Model C Model D Model E 1,018*** 0,533*** 0,938*** 1,120*** 0,930*** (0,940) (0,179) (0,035) (0,058) (0,056) 0,940*** 0,957*** 0,942*** 0,955*** 0,965*** (0,051) (0,045) (0,052) (0,052) (0,044) -1,526*** -1,508*** -1,506*** -1,537*** -1,534*** (0,063) (0,067) (0,063) (0,064) (0,065) 0,094 0,022 0,123 0,094 0,124 (0,153) (0,175) (0,149) (0,151) (0,140) -0,014 -0,041 -0,010 -0,041 -0,033 (0,087) (0,090) (0,086) (0,088) (0,091) ln_rdi 0,360** (0,146) ln_eu_pat_scale 0,139*** (0,048) ln_eu_ pat_noscale 0,005 (0,040) ln_pat_us 0,198*** (0,044) Observations 16666 11227 13662 14161 10113 R-squared 0,936 0,896 0,895 0,892 0,903 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using time-varying country dummies and year dummies (not shown). Rdi indicates spending on R&D per country, eu_pat_scale indicates number of patent applications per million inhabitants per country to the EPO, eu_pat_noscale indicates total number of patent applications per country to the EPO while pat_us indicates patents granted per country by the USPTO. All variables are in natural logarithm, except lang and eu_dummy. 48 As can be seen from table 6.2, models A-E show coefficients of GDPi, GDPj, and distance that are all of the expected signs and magnitudes of app. 1 for the GDPs and between -1 to -2 for the distance. The dummy variable for common official language is insignificant in all 5 models and the same is true for the EU-dummy. Several explanations can be given for the insignificance of the EU-dummy: first, Stack (2009) argues that if most countries already joined the EU before the start period of the sample, then the only effect of the EU is from the countries joining during the sample period. The present sample includes the ten countries that joined in 2004 (Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) as well as the two countries joining in 2007 (Bulgaria and Romania). However, the time period of the innovation proxies varies considerably: for R&D, both of these years are included, the two patent variables for EPO includes 2004 but not 2007, while the US patent variable does not include any of the years. It can furthermore be argued that the effect of entering the EU has a substantial lag and that the effect is only visible after a number of years, and it is therefore not possible to determine the effect until a number of years have passed. Stack (2009) further argues that many countries have trade agreements with the EU before officially entering or that trade expansion has been anticipated before entering, resulting in rising trade before actual entry, in turn resulting in a smaller effect of the EU. Moreover, most of the remaining countries included in the sample are larger countries due to the availability of the data, like the US and Japan, who demonstrate a high level of trade without being related to the EU. The variables of interest, the innovation proxies, overall show results as was expected. The coefficient for R&D expenditure is positive and significant with a point estimate of 0,360, indicating that a 1% increase in R&D results in a 0,360% increase in exports for the given country. The patent variables for patent applications to the EPO per million inhabitants and patent granted by the USPTO indicate positive significant results, with point estimates of 0,139 and 0,198 respectively. The variable for patent applications to the EPO (not-scaled) has an insignificant coefficient. The R-squared for all the models are high, indicating that the models explain close to 90% of the variation in the export flows between the countries included. 49 It should be noted however, that the models A-E are estimated using the OLS estimation technique and therefore do not control for country-pair fixed effects, which results in biased estimates when uncontrolled time-constant effects are correlated with the explanatory variables. As previously mentioned, Baltagi et al. (2003) argue that as much heterogeneity as possible should be controlled for by setting up the most general within estimator to be able to come up with reliable parameter estimates. In the following analysis, this is done by applying the fixed-effects estimation described above, controlling for country-pair fixed effects, as well as including time-varying country dummies and year dummies. Additionally, models A-E do not control for the issue of reversed causality discussed above. Therefore, the estimates found in table 6.2 cannot be interpreted as the clean effect of innovation on exports. As a result, each of the innovation proxies is lagged one period in the subsequent analysis. The results can be seen in the following tables 6.3 and 6.4: Table 6.3 FE estimations with R&D and EPO scaled patent applications Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 lnd (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) lang (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) ln_rdi 0,143 (0,134) ln_rdi_lagged_1 -0,190 (0,111) ln_eu_pat_scale 0,215*** (0,050) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_1 -0,004 (0,055) Observations 11308 10438 13984 13015 Within R-squared 0,700 0,707 0,602 0,616 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). 50 Table 6.4 FE estimations with EPO not-scaled patent applications and USPTO patents granted Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 lnd (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) lang (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) (dropped) ln_eu_pat_noscale 0,172*** (0,067) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_1 0,097** (0,047) ln_pat_us 0,027 (0,032) ln_pat_us_lagged_1 0,017 (0,031) Observations 14488 13385 10437 9394 Within R-squared 0,578 0,587 0,400 0,380 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). From both tables it can be seen that the estimated models have dropped the variables distance and common language since the fixed effects estimation does not allow for time-invariant variables. Furthermore, the EU-dummy has been excluded for reasons discussed above8. The GDP variables have also been excluded from the regression following Baier and Bergstrand (2007), who refer to the theoretical derivation of the gravity model in a panel framework made by Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) stating that the GDP variables should be forced to unity, and therefore exclude them from their analysis. When looking at the different innovation proxies, it can be seen in table 6.3 that model 1 and 2 with R&D is showing an insignificant relationship with exports both when notlagged and when lagged. The coefficient for unlagged patent applications to the EPO per million inhabitants (model 3) is positive and significant at the 1% level, with a point estimate of 0,215. The corresponding coefficient for the lagged effect in model 4 is insignificant. Table 6.4 shows the results when using the total number of patent 8 The EU-dummy would have automatically been dropped out of models 5-7 since the data on us patents does not cover years in which the EU dummy changes. In appendix B, estimations including the EU-dummy can be found. 51 applications to the EPO (not scaled) and patents granted by the USPTO. As can be seen in model 5 and 6, the first variable is positive and significant at the 1% level when unlagged and positive and significant at the 5% level when lagged two periods, with point estimates of 0,172 and 0,097 respectively. The variable for patents granted by the USPTO, models 7 and 8, does not show significant effects. The R-squared indicate that the models using R&D explain the variation in the data best followed by the EPO scaled patent variable models and the models with EPO not-scaled patent variables. Models using the USPTO patent variable show a rather low R-squared. No negative significant relationship between innovation and exports has been found using any of the variables. In total, the results confirm what has previously been found in the literature. Specifically, both the EPO patent application unlagged variables show positive significant effects on exports, and the unscaled EPO variable also confirms this when lagged. It should be noted however, that the un-lagged innovation variables do not take the possible problem of causality into consideration, and that it is only the variable for not-scaled EPO applications that shows a positive and significant relationship with exports when lagged. The variables for R&D, scaled EPO patent applications and USPTO patents granted are not significant when lagged. These results suggest the possible presence of reverse causality between innovation and exports. Consequently, the results of the un-lagged innovation variables should be interpreted with caution. Therefore, it appears that the results are not robust to the different proxies and to the possible presence of reverse causality. Again, however, it should be noted that evidence of the reverse, a significant negative relationship, has not been found. As a robustness check to the analysis, models including two innovation variables at the time will be analysed in the following section. This is done to be able to determine whether there is a difference in importance between innovation input and innovation output. 52 6.4 Analysis with two innovation variables As previously mentioned, R&D expenditure is an input-measure of innovation while patent counts are a measure of innovation-output. To further test the different variables’ influence on export performance and to determine the importance of innovation input vs. output, models with both R&D, representing innovation-input, and patent counts, representing innovation-output have been tested. In tables 6.5-6.7 below, the results can be seen: Table 6.5 FE estimations with R&D and EPO scaled patent applications ln_rdi Model 9 Model 10 -0,088 0,420** (0,157) (0,175) ln_rdi_lagged_1 ln_eu_pat_scale Model 11 Model 12 -0,309** -0,410*** (0,140) (0,154) 0,492*** 0,234*** (0,069) (0,050) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_1 0,272*** 0,187*** (0,048) (0,073) Observations 10365 9492 9285 9355 Within R-squared 0,649 0,641 0,649 0,650 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Table 6.6 FE estimations with R&D and EPO not-scaled patent applications ln_rdi Model 13 Model 14 -0,397*** -0,002 (0,108) (0,118) ln_rdi_lagged_1 ln_eu_pat_noscale Model 15 Model 16 0,151 -0,639*** (0,139) (0,143) 0,182*** 0,272*** (0,055) (0,049) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_1 0,416*** 0,135** (0,063) (0,055) Observations 10400 9492 9355 9355 Within R-squared 0,650 0,641 0,650 0,650 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). 53 Table 6.7 FE estimations with R&D and USPTO patents granted ln_rdi Model 17 Model 18 -0,006 0,097 (0,108) (0,216) ln_rdi_lagged_1 ln_pat_us Model 19 Model 20 0,033 -0,475*** (0,113) (0,143) 0,086*** 0,082** (0,030) (0,041) ln_pat_us_lagged_1 0,075** -0,068*** (0,034) (0,026) Observations 6992 6118 5878 5912 Within R-squared 0,422 0,408 0,415 0,415 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). As seen from the above tables, the coefficients for the patent variables nearly all indicate a positive significant relationship with exports. The magnitude of the point estimates lies between 0,075 and 0,492. The only exception is model 20 with the lagged US patent variable which indicates a negative relationship with exports. It should however be noted that the models 17-20 including the US patent variable have substantially fewer observations than the other models tested and a lower R-squared. The data for this variable is only present from 1995-2003 and it could have been interesting to perform an analysis with up-to-date data, potentially resulting in a higher R-squared and different coefficients. Surprisingly, the coefficients on R&D expenditure in half of the models indicate a negative significant relationship with exports, and the point estimates span between -0,309 and -0,639, while the other half reports insignificant effects. Model 10 is the exception, being the only model showing a significant and positive effect on exports from both R&D and the patent variable. R&D with a point estimate of 0,420 and lagged EU patent applications with 0,272. However, the R&D variable in this model is not lagged, hence not taking the aspect of reverse causality into account. Interestingly, comparing the models 9, 14 and 18 (with unlagged R&D), with the corresponding models 11, 16 and 20 (with lagged R&D), the coefficients on R&D actually go from 54 being insignificant to indicating a significant negative relationship with exports when changing the R&D variable from not-lagged to lagged. Hence, when taking the aspects of reverse causality and the possible time-delay before R&D has an effect into consideration, R&D is shown to have a significant negative effect on exports. Thus at first, the results of the R&D variable seem to reject the hypothesis of the Krugman model. However, the author believes that these results, combined with the insignificant results for R&D of section 6.3, instead suggest that innovation-output is more important than innovation-input. This in turn means that the results indicate that it is not so much the quantity or magnitude of R&D that matters, but more the quality of the R&D and what comes out of it. This result has very interesting policy implications, as it advocates for a more targeted government effort when distributing funding and support for R&D rather than maximizing it. Specifically, this means that a government wishing to promote and support innovation to create a higher volume of exports should focus on industries that have the ability to convert this support into patented products, or focus on heightening the quality of R&D by e.g. creating better environments for it, in turn leading to an increase in exports. This point is supported by the positive and significant coefficients on the patent variables in section 6.3 and in this section, which indicates that the more patents a country gets, the higher the level of exports will be. Hence, a high level of quality in the R&D effort, which will lead to more patented products, will in turn lead to a larger export volume. Two things should, however, be noted about the data. First, as mentioned previously, there is a potential lag between the expenditure on R&D and the actual measurable effect on exports. Lagging the variable one period did not indicate any support for this suggestion, it rather indicated the opposite. Models with the innovation proxies lagged two periods have also been tested and can be found in appendix C. These results show fewer significant relationships when including the R&D variable, but when they do, they again indicate a negative relationship with exports. Greenhalgh et al. (1994) suggest an even longer time period between the expenditure of R&D and an actual visible effect, but this has not been tested with the current dataset. It could have been 55 interesting to perform an analysis with more lags using a dataset spanning over more years. Another important consideration is that typically there is a large difference in the amount of R&D expenditure across sectors in an economy. The clothing sector of an economy will e.g. normally show smaller amounts of expenditure than the pharmaceutical sector, see e.g. Greenhalgh et al (1994) and Wakelin (1998a) for discussions and evidence on this. This implies that country-level data could be too aggregated to be able to identify the true effect of innovation on exports. This is why in the following section sector-level data will be used for estimating equation (6.1) to see whether less-aggregated data shows different results. 6.5 Sector-level analysis Wakelin (1998a) argues that a country level study of innovation might be too aggregated, and suggests using less aggregated data. Data on a sector-level is likely to explain the true effect of innovation on export better, as the difference between sectors with high and low efforts in the area of innovation can be separated. This section therefore, presents an analysis of sector-level data from the US on innovation and exports in a manner similar to the above, to test whether this will result in different conclusions. 6.5.1 Data The data used for the analysis in this section covers 12 manufacturing sectors in the US, over the years 2000-20079. The sectors follow the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and sectors are chosen according to data availability. The export data stems from the US Census Bureau’s foreign trade statistics, and is recorded as one-way export flows in million dollars from each sector to the 35 countries also used in the country-level analysis. The innovation variable used is R&D by sector in million dollars funded by companies or other donors (not federal) and the data for this is retrieved from the National Science Foundation (NSF). 9 A list of the sectors can be found in appendix D. 56 6.5.2 Methodology The methodology used in the sector-level analysis follows the methodology used in the country-level analysis and the following equation is estimated: (6.2) 𝑙𝑛𝑇𝑖𝑗𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑙𝑛𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑡 + 𝛾𝑡 + 𝛼𝛿𝑖𝑗 + 𝛼𝛾𝑖𝑡 + 𝛿𝛾𝑗𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑗𝑡 Where Tijt is unidirectional and one-way trade flows from the selected sectors to the selected countries, innoit is the spending on R&D in sector i at time t, 𝛾𝑡 captures time effects, 𝛼𝛿𝑖𝑗 is the time invariant sector-country pair dummy, 𝛼𝛾𝑖𝑡 represents the timevarying sector dummies, 𝛿𝛾𝑗𝑡 is the time-varying country dummies and 𝜀𝑖𝑗𝑡 is the error term. As can be seen, the model only includes the innovation proxy variable, besides the year-dummies, time-varying country-dummies and the country-pair fixed effects. As in the country-level study, all country-, time- and pair-specific effects are captured by the dummies included or the fixed effects. Furthermore, including the GDP in country i in the regression as a proxy for the sectors’ level of production would not be justifiable, as the GDP measures the total production of the country and not a specific sector’s. Likewise, including the GDP of country j as a proxy for the expenditure on traded goods would probably not be a realistic measure of the expenditure of country j on a specific sector’s products in country i. As mentioned above, another issue with the GDP variables is the theoretical derivation in which they are forced to unity. Baier and Bergstrand (2007) exclude the GDP variables for this reason, an approach which again is followed here. 6.5.3 Descriptive statistics As in the country-level analysis, the following table summarizes the two variables of interest: Table 6.8 Summation of the variables of interest Variable T Obs 3.356 Mean 975,8698 Std. Dev. 3.876,839 Min 0,0082254 Max 78.629,32 rdi 3.358 11.572,01 16.177,38 259,0534 66.613,48 Note: T is the export flows from sector i to country j, Rdi indicates spending on R&D per sector funded by companies or other donors (not federal). 57 As can be seen, the dataset contains app. 3.300 observations, making it a somewhat smaller dataset than the one used for the country-level analysis. Again, the relationship between exports and innovation is of interest and expected to be positive. The following graph depicts this: -5 0 5 Exports 10 15 Figure 6.5 Scatter plot of R&D and exports 6 7 8 9 10 11 ln_rdi ln_Tsi Fitted values Note: The X-axis represents the log of R&D expenditure by sector while the Y-axis represents the log of exports by sector. As can be seen from the graph, the relationship between innovation and exports is again positive. In the following, it will be investigated whether the regression analysis can confirm this. 6.5.4 Results at the sector-level The results of the fixed effects estimation of equation (6.2) can be seen in table 6.9 below: 58 Table 6.9 FE estimations using sector-level data Model 21 ln_rdi Model 22 -0,063 (0,075) ln_rdi_lagged_1 -2,975*** (1,147) Observations 3356 2936 Within R-squared 0,462 0,473 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. Both models have been estimated using country/sector-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country- and sectordummies and year dummies (not shown). Rdi indicates R&D expenditure by the companies and other donors (not federal) in the different sectors. As can be seen, the coefficient for R&D spending when un-lagged shows insignificant results. When lagged one period, R&D spending is found to have a significant negative effect on exports. These results do not confirm the positive relationship seen in figure 6.5, but point in the direction of the above conclusions for the country-level analysis; that innovation-input is not as important as innovation output. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to back this result up by estimating the model with an innovation-output variable like patents, due to data-unavailability. The data available for the analysis causes some considerations. First, the analysis builds on a relatively low number of sectors’ export flows over 8 years. As can be seen from the table, this amounts to 3.356 observations when using not-lagged R&D expenditure, while using lagged R&D expenditure decreases the number of observations to 2.936. These are relatively low numbers and increasing the time period, the number of sectors or the number of destination countries could lead to different results. Baldwin and Taglioni (2006) show that this is plausible when they increase the time period in their analysis, which results in lower standard errors and a change in the coefficient of their key variable. Another cause of consideration is the aggregation-level of the data. It is plausible that sector-level data is still too aggregated and that firm-level data would show more convincing results. Later publications on innovation and exports do show an increase in the use of firm-level data, see e.g. Wakelin (1998b), Roper and Love (2002) and Lachenmaier and Wößmann (2006). An analysis using firm-level data could have 59 been interesting to perform and compare with the above. A third consideration is that the data for R&D only includes the expenditure from the companies themselves and other donors, but not the federally funded R&D, which is disclosed by the NSF for competition reasons. Not being able to include federal R&D spending might cause a serious bias in the results, as including government spending potentially could alter the results 6.6 Conclusion on the data analyses The results found in section 6 can be divided into two parts. The R&D variable first showed a positive significant influence on exports when the model was estimated using an OLS estimation. However, the OLS estimation of the model does neither control for country-pair fixed effects nor the issue of reversed causality, potentially causing biased estimates. The fixed effects estimations first showed insignificant results for the R&D variable, unlagged and lagged, when estimating the model using only one innovation variable at the time. When including two innovation variables at the time and estimating models with R&D as a proxy for innovation input and patent variables as innovation output, the coefficient for R&D expenditure generally showed a negative and significant influence on exports. Hence, the results of the fixed effects estimations at first did not seem to support the Krugman model, but rather refuted it. However, when looking at the patent variables, the results point in the opposite direction. The OLS estimations again resulted in a positive influence of innovation on exports. When estimating the models using the fixed effects approach, the results were again positive, although with some models giving insignificant results. The results of the patent variables thus seemed to support the theory of Krugman. When estimating the models with both R&D and patents, the patent variables showed significant positive results (with one exception in model 20). The analysis on the sector-level confirmed the negative result of the R&D variable, however without the possibility of confirming the results with a patent-variable. 60 These results do not suggest that expenditure on R&D should be neglected as a way of increasing the export volume of a country, since R&D generally is a prerequisite for being able to “produce” patents (Wakelin, 1998a). Instead, the results suggest that innovation-output is more important than innovation-input. This in turn implies that the quality and what comes out of R&D is more beneficial for trade than the quantity. Thus, based on these results, a government seeking to increase its export volume by supporting innovative activity should target its funding towards heightening the quality of R&D, in turn creating better and more output. Overall, the results of the analyses of this thesis support the hypothesis of the Krugman model that innovation leads to an increase in the export volume, but specifies that innovation-output is the direct driver of export intensity. 61 7. Conclusion The developing countries are increasingly becoming “the world’s factory”, producing at costs with which the developed countries cannot compete. This has led to a shift in the developed countries’ focus towards becoming knowledge-creating economies, which has been shown to create competitive advantages on individual-, as well as on firm- and country-level (OECD, 1997). Knowledge, in the form of innovative activity, has therefore attracted the attention of many researchers, including its link with international trade, which has been the focus of this thesis. Within this research area, two types of theoretical models have attracted particular interest among the scholars; exogenous product-cycle models and endogenous productcycle models. The former predicts that innovation influences exports through a causal effect, treating innovation as an exogenous variable, while the latter treats the rate of innovation as endogenous and predict dynamic effects of international trade on innovative activity, a so-called “learning-by-exporting” effect. This thesis seeks to prove the exogenous product-cycle models by using an approach that has not been done before. The model used in this thesis is the gravity equation, a model which is normally used to explain flows of international trade between countries by regressing a number of explanatory variables on the trade flows between them. This thesis takes the latest econometric issues discussed by researchers into consideration and applies an augmented version of the traditional model in which a variable for innovation is included. Innovation is proxied by four different variables: R&D as a percentage of the country’s GDP, the number of patent applications per country to the European Patent Office (EPO) per million inhabitants, the total number of applications per country (not scaled) to the EPO and the number of patents granted per country by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) per million inhabitants. Two datasets have been used; a country-level dataset, containing more than 17.000 observations, and a sectorlevel dataset, containing more than 3.000 observations. 62 Under the country-level fixed-effects model specification, the R&D variable, measuring innovation-input, appeared to be insignificant when included as the only innovation regressor. This result remains robust also after taking the aspect of reverse causality into consideration. Instead, when including the patent variables the results were mostly significantly positive, and never significantly negative. The model was then estimated with both R&D and one of the three patent variables, in order to have proxies of both innovation-input and –output in the model. The results were generally negative and significant for the R&D variable, but positive and significant for the patent variables (with one exception). Overall, these results on country-level confirm the predictions of the exogenous product-cycle models: innovation causes exports, but suggest that innovation-output is more important than innovation-input. When testing the model on sector-level data, although only with a variable for R&D available, the results confirm the findings from the country-level analysis. The results do not suggest that R&D should be dismissed as a target for innovation funding by governments. They do however suggest a government policy in which innovation-output, in the form of patents, should be the focus. This is off course a difficult task, as funding is typically needed to be able to create a product before it can be patented, and not after the patent is awarded. A potential focus could therefore be on creating better environments in which R&D can be performed, in turn increasing the quality of R&D, and thus creating more patents. For future research, it could be interesting to expand the dataset on sector-level, including more sectors, years and countries as well as including a patent variable to see whether this would alter the results. Furthermore, in the light of newer research trends focusing on firm heterogeneity within sectors, testing the model on a firm-level dataset would be ideal to be able to shed more light on the topic. Finally, using the present dataset for testing the endogenous product-cycle models could also be an appealing idea. 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Appendix B – FE estimations including the EU-dummy ............................................................................... Appendix C – FE estimations with 2-period lags ........................................................................................... Appendix D – List of sectors .......................................................................................................................... 73 Appendix A – List of countries EU countries Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden UK Other countries Canada Croatia Iceland Japan Macedonia Norway Schwitzerland Turkey USA Appendix B – FE estimations including the EU-dummy Table A.1 FE estimations with R&D, EPO scaled patent applications, and the EU-dummy eu_dummy ln_rdi Model A1 Model A2 Model A3 Model A4 0,033 0,026 0,067 0,034 (0,051) (0,051) (0,057) (0,056) -0,143 (0,113) ln_rdi_lagged_1 -0,001 (0,100) ln_eu_pat_scale 0,211*** (0,044) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_1 0,217*** (0,035) Observations 11308 10438 13984 13015 Within R-squared 0,699 0,707 0,602 0,616 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Table A.2 FE estimations with EPO not-scaled patent applications, USPTO patent granted and the EU-dummy eu_dummy ln_eu_pat_noscale Model A5 Model A6 Model A7 Model A8 0,031 0,007 (dropped) (dropped) (0,059) (0,057) 0,068 (0,059) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_1 0,278*** (0,055) ln_pat_us 0,027 (0,032) ln_pat_us_lagged_1 0,017 (0,031) Observations 14488 13385 10437 9394 Within R-squared 0,578 0,587 0,390 0,380 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Appendix C – FE estimations with 2-period lags Table A.3 FE estimations with R&D and EPO scaled patent applications, unlagged, lagged one and two periods Model A9 Model A10 Model A11 ln_rdi Model A12 Model A13 Model A14 0,143 (0,134) ln_rdi_lagged_1 -0,190 (0,111) ln_rdi_lagged_2 -0,254* (0,144) ln_eu_pat_scale 0,215*** (0,050) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_1 -0,004 (0,055) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_2 0,189*** (0,029) Observations 11308 10438 9392 13984 13015 11937 Within R-squared 0,700 0,707 0,705 0,602 0,616 0,611 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Table A.4 FE estimations with EPO not-scaled patent applications and USPTO patents granted, unlagged, lagged one and two periods Model A15 Model A16 ln_eu_pat_noscale Model A17 Model A18 Model A19 Model A20 0,172*** (0,067) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_1 0,097** (0,047) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_2 0,203*** (0,055) ln_pat_us 0,027 (0,032) ln_pat_us_lagged_1 0,017 (0,031) ln_pat_us_lagged_2 -0,079* (0,041) Observations 14488 13385 12276 10437 9394 8315 Within R-squared 0,578 0,587 0,581 0,400 0,380 0,367 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Table A.5 FE estimations with R&D and EPO scaled patent applications together, unlagged lagged one and two periods ln_rdi Model A21 Model A22 Model A23 -0,088 0,420** 0,549*** (0,157) (0,175) (0,116) ln_rdi_lagged_1 Model A24 Model A25 Model A26 -0,309** -0,410*** 0,570*** (0,140) (0,154) (0,199) ln_rdi_lagged_2 ln_eu_pat_scale Model A28 Model A29 -0,267 -0,204 -0,130 (0,192) (0,180) (0,128) 0,492*** 0,234*** 0,209*** (0,069) (0,050) (0,081) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_1 0,272*** 0,187*** (0,048) ln_eu_pat_scale_lagged_2 Observations Model A27 10365 9492 0,218*** (0,073) (0,067) 0,182*** 0,122** 0,112** (0,054) (0,053) (0,056) 8613 9285 9355 8443 8169 8239 8239 Within R-squared 0,649 0,641 0,643 0,649 0,650 0,649 0,649 0,650 0,650 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Table A.6 FE estimations with R&D and EPO not-scaled patent applications together, unlagged lagged one and two periods ln_rdi Model A30 Model A31 Model A32 -0,397*** -0,002 0,230** (0,108) (0,118) (0,110) ln_rdi_lagged_1 Model A33 Model A34 Model A35 0,151 -0,639*** -0,121 (0,139) (0,143) (0,141) ln_rdi_lagged_2 ln_eu_pat_noscale Model A37 Model A38 -0,471*** -0,498*** -0,413*** (0,149) (0,119) (0,102) 0,182*** 0,272*** 0,280*** (0,055) (0,049) (0,050) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_1 0,416*** 0,135** (0,063) ln_eu_pat_noscale_lagged_2 Observations Model A36 10400 9492 0,189* (0,055) (0,097) 0,300*** 0,264*** 0,197*** (0,060) (0,052) (0,062) 8613 9355 9355 8443 8239 8239 8239 Within R-squared 0,650 0,641 0,643 0,650 0,650 0,649 0,650 0,650 0,650 Note: Clustered standard errors given in parentheses. ***, **, * indicates significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All models have been estimated using country-pair fixed effects, including time-varying country-dummies and year dummies (not shown). Table A.7 FE estimations with R&D and USPTO patents granted together, unlagged lagged one and two periods ln_rdi Model A39 Model A40 Model A41 -0,006 0,097 (dropped) (0,108) (0,216) ln_rdi_lagged_1 Model A42 Model A43 Model A44 0,033 -0,475*** (dropped) (0,113) (0,143) ln_rdi_lagged_2 ln_pat_us Model A45 Model A46 Model A47 -0,289 0,224 -0,264 (0,194) (0,151) (0,201) 0,086*** 0,082** -0,065 (0,030) (0,041) (0,059) ln_pat_us_lagged_1 0,075** -0,068*** (0,034) ln_pat_us_lagged_2 0,088*** (0,026) (0,034) -0,027 0,039 -0,003 (0,026) (0,028) (0,042) Observations 6992 6118 5239 5878 5912 5000 4901 4901 4901 Within R-squared 0,422 0,408 0,425 0,415 0,415 0,429 0,437 0,437 0,437 Appendix D – List of sectors Sector code 311 313 314 315 316 322 323 324 325 326 332 333 334 335 336 339 Sector name Food manufacturing Textile mills Textile product mills Apparel manufacturing Leather and allied product manufacturing Paper manufacturing Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemicals Plastics and rubber products Fabricated metal products Machinery Computer and electronic products Electrical equipment, appliances and components Transportation equipment Miscellaneous manufacturing Note that the sectors 313-316 and 322-323 are grouped due to data availability. This gives 12 sectors in total.