Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:8/27 NO School Thursday: 8/30 Welcome! Introduction Powerpoint HW: Read Chapter Sections 1-1, 1-2: pp. 2-15 Visit this site http://phschool.com/atschool/biology/ Do Chapter 1 Vocab. Word box for section 1-1 and 1-2 Cover Book if not done so already Parent signature All due Tuesday 9/5 Tuesday: 8/28 NO School Friday: 8/31 Stamp HW Wednesday: 8/29 NO School Effort and Achievement IQ #1 Textbook overview/Lecture: 1-1 HW: Study guide section 1-1 pg. 3-4 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 9/4 Labor Day Holiday NO School Tuesday: 9/4 Stamp HW Parent signatures collected IQ #2 book p. 7 #1-4 Lecture 1-1/1-2 HW: Study guide 1-2 pp 5-7 Genus assign.Due Tues. 9/11 Wednesday: 9/5 Stamp HW IQ #3 Lecture 1-2 HW: vocab. 1-3/1-4 Thursday: 9/6 Stamp HW IQ#4 p. 15 #1-2 Lecture 1-2/Reader’s Guide HW:study guide 1-3 pp. 8-9 Friday: 9/7 Stamp HW Vocab. Quiz IQ #5 p. 22 # 1-6 Lecture 1/3 Activity: graphing skills HW: finish activity questions Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Thursday: 9/13 Monday: 9/10 Stamp HW Go over HW Go over labs/homework Lecture 1-3/1-4 HW: study guide 1-4 p. 10-12 Review for Test Study!!!!/ Prepare HW packet Take sample test online Friday: 9/14 Review Tuesday: 9/11 stamp HW Measurement lab TEST Ch. 1 postponed to HW: Finish lab quest. Monday Ch. review p. 31 #1-10 Effort and Achievement Wednesday: 9/12 Stamp Microscope lab HW: finish lab questions Ch. Review p. 31-32 #11- 25 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 9/17 Turn in packet Test Ch. 2 HW: vocab sect. 2-1, 2-2 Thursday: 9/20 stamp HW IQ #1 Sect 2-1 rev. p. 39 #1-5 HW: Reader’s Guide sect. 2-2 Tuesday: 9/18 Stamp hw Go over test Lecture ch. 2 HW: Study guide Sect. 2-1 Friday: 9/21 stamp HW Go over Reader’s Guide Mini lab: Drops on a Penny HW: Study guide Sect. 2-2 pp. 19-21 Wednesday: 9/19 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement Lecture 2-1 Test Next Thursday?? HW: Vocab. Sect. 2-3 and 2-4 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:9/24 WASC Day IQ #2 p. 43 #1-4 Lecture 2-3 HW: Study guide pp. 19-21 Thursday: 9/27 Stamp HW Go over lab Finish lecture (if didn’t yesterday) Video: Cycles of Life Tuesday: 9/25 Friday: 9/28 Lecture:2-3/ 2-4 IQ#3: Stand. Rev. p. 59 #1-10 HW: Pre-lab/study gde. 22-23 Review/go over packet Wednesday:9/26 Effort and Achievement Lab: Organic Compounds TEST MONDAY HW: Ch. Review p. 57 #1-10 Study gde. vocabulary review Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/1Stamp HW Test Ch. 2 50 Questions HW: Vocab. Ch. 7-1 and 7-2 Thursday:10/4 stamp HW PQRSICT 7-2/Lect. 7-1/7-2 HW: study guide 7-2 p. 75-77 Tuesday:10/2 Stamp HW Go Over Test. Intro Ch. 7-1 HW: Cell Organelle sheet Wednesday:10/3 Stamp HW IQ #1 p. 173 #1-4/PQRSICT Lect. Sect. 7-1 HW: Study guide 7-1/finish cell sheet Friday:10/5 Stamp HW IQ #2: p. 181 # 1-5 Lect. Finish 7-2 HW: study guide 7-2 p. 78-79 Effort and Achievement Test Next Thursday Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/8Stamp HW Lecture 7-2 Cell Chart/7-3 HW: Vocab. 7-3 and PQRSICT for 7-3 Thursday:10/11Stamp HW Lab: Diffusion/Lect. 7-3 HW: Finish Lab Quest. Vocabulary 7-4 and PQRSICT for 7-4 Tuesday:10/9 Stamp HW Lab: Looking at Cells HW: Study guide 7-3 p. 80-82 Friday:10/12 Stamp HW IQ #3: p.199 #1-9 Lecture 7-3/7-4 HW: Study guide p. 83-84 Effort and Achievement TEST TUESDAY Wednesday:10/10Stamp HW Lecture: 7-3 Demo: Diffusion/lab preview HW: Book p. 189 #1-6 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/15 Stamp HW IQ#2: Ch. Rev. pp.197 #1-10 and 199 #1-9/Review Tuesday:10/16 Stamp HW TEST CH. 7 HW: Vocab. 8-1 and 8-2 PQRSICT 8-1 Wednesday:10/17 Stamp HW IQ#1: Sect. Assess. 8-1#1-4 Go over test/Lecture 8-1 HW: Study guide pp.87-88 Thursday:10/18 Stamp HW PQRSICT for sect. 8-2 Lecture 8-2 HW: Study guide pp. 89-90 Friday:10/19 Stamp HW PQRSICT 8-2(PER.1) Lecture 8-2 Effort and Achievement ENJOY HOMECOMING Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 10/22Stamp HW Video: Energy in – Energy out HW: PQRSICT and VOCAB for 8-3 Tuesday: 10/23 Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. Assess. 8-2 #1-5 Lecture 8-2/8-3 HW: Study guide 8-3 Wednesday:10/24 Stamp hw IQ3# sect. Assess. 8-3 #1-5 Chromatography Lab/lecture HW: Lab Questions Study guide review vocab Thursday:10/25 Leaf lab/ lecture 8-3 Ch. Review # 1-25 p. 217 Friday:10/26Stamp HW No school Effort and Achievement TEST: Tuesday? Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/29 Stamp HW Lecture sect. 8-3 photosynthesis HW: Review for test Tuesday: 10/30 Review for test Put packet together and sign Wednesday: 10/31Happy Halloween TEST Ch.8 Thursday:11/1 Stamp HW Go over test/Ch. 9-1 PQRSICT and vocab. Friday:11/2 Stamp HW Lecture 9-1 HW: Study guide 9-1 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/5 Stamp HW Lecture 9-1 and 9-2 HW: 9-2 PQRSICT and vocab. Thursday: 11/8 Stamp HW TEST Ch. 9 Tuesday:11/6 Stamp HW Lecture 9-2 and fermentation HW: 9-2 study guide/vocab review Friday:11/9 Sub Video: Death Zone Wednesday:11/7 Stamp HW Finish lecture Reader’s guide and Review Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/12 NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day Tuesday: 11/13 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture 10-1 HW: Study guide 10-1 Thursday:11/15 Stamp HW IQ #1: Sect. Rev. 10-1p. Lecture 10-2 HW: Study guide 10-2 Friday: 11/16 Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. rev. 10-2 Lecture 10-2/10-3 HW: 10-3 PQRSICT and vocab. 10-3 Wednesday: 11/14 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement TEST: Quarter exam TEST WEDNESDAY HW: PQRSICT 10-2 and Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/19 Stamp HW Lab: Mitosis HW: 10-3 study guide/review vocab. Thursday:11/22 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Chow down!! NO SCHOOL Tuesday:11/20 Stamp HW IQ #3: Chapter rev. #1-10 & standards rev. 1-12 Finish lect./ Rev. HW: Review for test. Wednesday:11/21 Stamp HW TEST Ch. 10 Packet due Friday:11/23 NO SCHOOL Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/26 Substitute Video: Mitosis/Meiosis PQRSICT 11-4/vocab 11-4 finish as homework Tuesday:11/27Stamp HW Go over test IQ #1 #1-3/Lecture Ch. 11-4 HW: Study guide 11-4 p.122124 Wednesday:11/28Stamp HW IQ#2 11-4 Review p. 278 #1-5 Lecture 11-4/HW: PQRSICT 11-1/ vocab 11-1 Thursday:11/29Stamp HW Lecture 11-4 Poster/11-1 HW Study guide p. 115-116 Friday:11/30 Stamp HW Video: Garden of Inheritance HW: Study guide p.117-118 Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 12/3 Stamp HW Quiz Meiosis/Lecture 11-1 IQ #3: 11-1 Rev. #1-5 Lecture 11-1 HW: PQRST 11-2/ vocab 11-2 Tuesday: 12/4 Stamp HW Go over Quiz Lecture 11-2 study guide 119-121 Wednesday:12/5 Stamp HW #4 11-2 Rev #1-5 /Lecture 11-3 HW:11-3 PQRSICT&vocab Problem set 1 Thursday:12/6 Stamp HW IQ #5: Section Rev. 11-3 Lecture 11-3 HW: PQRSICT 11-5/vocab. 11-5/ Friday:12/7 Stamp HW Lecture 11-3/lab HW Problem set #2 finish lab Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:12/ 10 Stamp HW IQ # 6 Sect. 11-5 Sect. Rev. Lecture 11-5/Go over problem set HW: finish Study guide Thursday:12/13 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture 14-1 Study guide pp. 157-158 Tuesday: 12/11 Stamp HW IQ #7 Chapter rev. p. 283. # 110 Standards Rev. P. 285 #112 Packet Friday:12/14 Stamp HW Lecture continue 14-1 HW: study guide p. 159 PQRSICT and vocab. 14-2 Wednesday:12/12 Effort and Achievement Test Chapter 11 Saturday: MY birthday! HW: Vocab. 14-1 / PQRSICT. 14-1 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 12/17 Stamp HW Lecture 14-1 cont. HW: Ch. Rev. Sections 14-1 p. 348 #1-4 Thursday:12/20 Turn in packet TEST Ch. 14 Tuesday:12/18 Stamp HW Friday:12/21 Lecture 14-2 Christmas Celebration/ HW: Study guide pp. 160-166 Assembly Schedule/ Late start Wednesday:12/19 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement IQ #1: p. 363 #1-8 Have a wonderful holiday!! Lecture 14-2/Review Get some rest!!! HW: heredity rev. sheet Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:1/7 Reader’s Guide Sect. 12-1 HW: Finish guide/ PQRSICT 12-1 & Vocabulary Thursday:1/10Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. 12-2 Review PQRSICT & Vocab. 12-3 Tuesday:1/8 Stamp HW IQ #1: Lect. Notes Go over readers guide HW: Study guide pp. 129-131 Wednesday:1/9 Stamp HW PQRISCT & Vocab. 12-2 Lect. 12-2 HW: study guide pp.132-133 Friday:1/11 Stamp HW Lab: DNA Extraction HW: PQRSICT & vocab 12-4 DNA Replication W.S. Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 1/14 Lecture Ch. 12-3 HW: Study guide pp. 134-136 Extra Credit DUE TODAY Tuesday: 1/15 Stamp HW Lecture 12-3 Activity: CHNOPS activity Wednesday: 1/16 Stamp HW Lecture 12-3/12-4 HW: Study guide pp. 137-138 Thursday: 1/17 Stamp HW IQ#3: Sect. Rev. 12-3 IQ #4: Ch. Rev. p. 315#1-9 and 317 #1-12 Finish Lecture/ Review HW: Study Friday: 1/18Stamp HW TEST Ch. 12 today Final Cheat Sheet given out. Effort and Achievement Finals begin Tuesday!! Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 1/21 MLK HOLIDAY Tuesday: 1/22 8:02-10:02 Period 0 10:02-10:21Break 10:26-12:26 Period 1 12:26-1:01 Lunch 1:06-3:06 Period 6 Wednesday: 1/23 8:02-10:02 Period 2 10:02-10:17 Break 10:22-12:22 Period 3 Thursday: 1/24 8:02-10:02 Period 4 10:02-10:17 Break 10:22-12:22 Period 5 Friday: 1/25 NO SCHOOL Effort and Achievement CHNOPS DNA: ACC GGT TAT mRNA: UGG CCA AUA tRNA: ACC GGU UAU AMINO ACID Sequence 20-12-13 TRAIT: HAIRY Weekly Assignment Sheet (2nd Sem.) Monday: 1/28 Introduction WAS/Hall passes/Intro Ch. 13 HW: Vocab. Ch. 13-2/13-4 Tuesday: 1/29 Stamp HW IQ#1 p. 326 #1-4 Lecture Ch. 13 Quiz Ch. 13 tomorrow HW: Study Ch. 13 Wednesday: 1/30Stamp HW Finish Lecture Ch. 13 Thursday: 1/31 Stamp HW Quiz Ch. 13 HW:CH.15-1 vocabulary/PQRSICT Friday: 2/1 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 15-1 HW: study guide 15-1 pp. 169-170 Effort and Achievement Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/4 Video: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea HW: PQRSICT 15-2 Thursday: 2/7 Stamp HW IQ #2 15-2 Sect. Rev. p.377 #1-5 Lab: Prey populations finish for HW Tuesday: 2/5Stamp HW Friday: 2/8Stamp HW Finish video Lecture: 15-3 Study guide 15-2 pp. 171-172 Video mass extinctions HW: complete 15-3 outline Wednesday: 2/6 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement IQ#1: Sect. Rev. 15-1 NO School Monday Lecture Ch. 15-2 HW: 15-3 vocab and PQRSICT Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/12 No School Thursday: 2/15 stamp HW Review for test Tuesday: 2/13 Substitute Finish study guide for tomorrow HW: Ch. Rev. #1-25 Wednesday: 2/14 Stamp HW IQ #3 15-3 sect. review Finish lecture Ch. 15 HW: Standards Review Friday: 2/16 Test Ch. 15 HW Vocabulary Ch. 16 all Effort and Achievement NO School Monday Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/19 No School Thursday: 2/22 Stamp HW IQ #1 16-1 Sect. Rev. #1-5 Lecture 16-2 HW: Outline 16-2 Tuesday: 2/20 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture 16-1 HW: outline 16-1 Wednesday: 2/21 Stamp HW Video Lecture 16-1 cont. HW: Study guide 16-1 Friday: 2/23 Stamp HW Lecture 16-2 HW: Study guide 16-2 Activity earlobe frequency Effort and Achievement Finalize each weeks effort and achievement, collect Monday! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/26 Stamp HW WASC Short Day/ collect WAS IQ #2 16-2 sect. Rev. Lecture 16-3 cont. HW: Outline 16-3 Tuesday: 2/27 Stamp HW IQ #3 6-3 Sect. Rev. Lecture 16 finish HW: Study guide 16-3 Thursday: 3/1 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 17 HW: Study guide 17-3 and 17-4 Friday: 3/2 Stamp HW IQ #4 Rev. Ch.16 p. 413 and 17 p. 443 #1-10 both. HW: Study guide Vocab. Review Standards review Ch. 16 p. 415 #110 and Ch. 17 p. 445 # 1-8 Wednesday: 2/28 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement Lecture 17 HW: Study guide 17-1 and 17-2 Test Ch. 16&17 TUESDAY!!!! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/5 Stamp HW WASC short day Review for Test Thursday: 3/8 Stamp HW IQ #1: Sect. Rev. 3-1 Lecture 3-1 HW: Study guide 3-1 Tuesday: 3/6 Collect packet Test Ch. 16 & 17 HW: Vocab. Ch. 3 Friday: 3/9 Stamp HW IQ#2 Outline 3-2 Lecture 3-2 HW: study guide 3-2 Effort and Achievement Record for last week Wednesday: 3/7 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture Ch. 3-1 HW: Outline Ch. 3-1 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/12 Stamp HW IQ #3: Sect. Asses. 3-2 Lecture 3-2/Activity food chain HW: Outline 3-3 Tuesday: 3/13 Stamp HW Video Hw: Study guide 3-3/Vocab Rev. (finish) Wednesday: 3/14 Stamp HW IQ #4 Sect. 3-3 Rev. Lecture 3-3 Ch. 3 Rev. pp. 83 all. Thursday: 3/15 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 4-1 HW: Ch. 4-1 Vocab and 4-1 Study guide Friday: 3/16 Stamp HW Lecture 4-2 HW: 4-2 vocab and 4-2 study guide Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/19 Sub Complete study guide 4-3 and vocabulary review; vocab. for sect. 4-3 HW: Ch. Rev and Standards rev. Tuesday: 3/20 Stamp HW Finish lect. 4-3 Hw: study for test Thursday: 3/22 Stamp HW Test Ch. 3 and 4 Wednesday: 3/21 Stamp HW Review for test Effort and Achievement Record for last week HW: Ch. 5 vocabulary; Outline sect. 5-1 Friday: 3/23Stamp HW Lecture 5-1 HW: 5-1 study guide Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/26 Stamp HW IQ sect. 5-1 # 1-4 Lecture 5-1 finish/5-2 begin Thursday: 3/29Stamp HW IQ#4: Stand rev. p. 137 #1-12 Finish Lecture/Review HW: Outline 5-2 HW: study guide finish Open House Tuesday: 3/27 Stamp HW IQ#2: Sect rev. 5-2 Lecture 5-2/ 5-3 HW: Study guide 5-2 Wednesday: 3/28 Stamp HW IQ#3: Sect. Rev. 5-3 Lecture 5-3 Friday: 3/30 TEST Ch. 5 HW: Ch. 35 vocab. 35-1 and 35-2/ outline 35-1 Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/2 Stamp HW Reading guide Ch. 35 Outline Ch. 35-2 Thursday: 4/5 Stamp HW Review Ch. 35 Quest Ch. 35 Tuesday: 4/3 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 35 HW: Study guide 35-1 and 35-2 Friday: 4/6 Inservice Day No School for Students Wednesday: 4/4 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement Lecture Ch. 35 Record for last week HW: Study guide 35-3/Study HAPPY EASTER!! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/16 Video: Immunity: The Flu Go over test/ Lecture 40-1 HW: Vocab. Ch. 40-2 and 40-3 Outline 40-2 Thursday: 4/19 Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. rev. 40-3 #2 & 4 Lecture 40-3: HIV/AIDS Review Tuesday: 4/17 Stamp HW Lecture 40-2 cont. HW: Study guide 40-2 Friday: 4/20 TEST Ch. 40 Sample Standards Test. Wednesday: 4/18 Stamp HW IQ #1 Sect. Rev. 40-2 Lecture 40-2 HW: none Effort and Achievement Record for last week Standards Tests Next Week! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/23 Go over Standards/ Test Thursday: 4/26 Vocabulary for Ch. 37 Tuesday: 4/24 Go over Standards/ Test Friday: 4/27 Reader’s guide/ Crossword Ch. 37 Wednesday: 4/25 Go over Standards/ Test Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/30 Video: Osmosis Jones Thursday: 5/3 Stamp HW IQ #2 Circulation through heart Lecture 37-1 HW: Study guide p. 439 Tuesday: 5/1 Friday: 5/4Stamp HW Video: Osmosis Jones Heart/circulation Quiz Outline Sect. 37-1 HW Outline 37-2 Wednesday: 5/2 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement IQ #1 Sect. 37-1 review #1-5 Record for last week Lecture 37-1 HW: Study guide 37-1 p. Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/7 Stamp HW Lab: Pulse rate Lecture 37-1/37-2 HW: study guide p. 440-441 Tuesday: 5/8 Stamp HW Lecture 37-2/Video: Heart attack HW: Study guide p. 463-464 Wednesday: 5/9 Stamp HW IQ #3: Sect. Asses. 37-2 Lab: Blood Cells Finish lecture 37-2 Thursday: 5/10 Stamp HW IQ #4 Ch. Review #1Video: Cycle of life Review Friday: 5/11Stamp HW Test Ch. 37 part 1 Lecture 37-3 Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/14 Stamp HW TEST Ch. 37 part 1 HW: Ch. 19 vocab. Thursday: 5/17 Stamp HW Finish 37-3/ Review Tuesday: 5/15 Stamp HW IQ #1: Outline 37-3 Lecture 37-3/Go over test HW: 37-3 Study guide Wednesday: 5/16 Stamp HW Lecture 37-3 Video: Cycles of Life HW: Study guide: Review/organizer Friday: 5/18 Stamp HW Test Ch. 37 part 2 Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/21 WASC Day Go over test/begin micro unit 19-1 Reader’s Guide/ finish as HW Tuesday: 5/22 Stamp HW Lecture 19-1 HW: Study guide Thursday: 5/24 TROY TECH FAIR (per. 3) Wednesday: 5/23 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement Record for last week Friday: 5/25 SUB Video Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/28 NO SCHOOL: MEMORIAL DAY Thursday: 5/31 Stamp HW Lecture 40-1 Introduce group projects Tuesday: 5/29 Stamp HW IQ#2 19-2 Lecture 19-2/19-3 HW: Study guide 19-2/19-3 Wednesday: 5/30 Stamp HW IQ#3: Outline 40-1 Lecture: 19-3/40-1 Study guide: 19 review pages Friday: 5/1 Stamp HW Finish lecture Mini Quiz Research over weekend Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 6/4 Thursday: 6/7 Begin Disease Detectives unit presentations Work on project Tuesday: 6/5 Work on project Friday: 6/8 presentations Wednesday: 6/6 Work on project Effort and Achievement Record for last week Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 6/11 Presentations/REVIEW Thursday: 6/14 FINALS 5, 6 Tuesday: 6/12 FINALS 0, 1, 2 Friday: 6/15 NO SCHOOL HAPPY SUMMER!! Wednesday: 6/13 FINALS 3, 4 Effort and Achievement Record for last week