The Great Gatsby Essay Rubric - Mrs. Nelson

The Great Gatsby Essay Rubric
4321CATEGORY Above Standards Meets Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards Score
The introductory
paragraph has a strong
hook or attention
grabber that is
appropriate for the
audience. This could
be a strong statement,
a relevant quotation,
statistic, or question
addressed to the
The introductory
paragraph has a hook
or attention grabber,
but it is weak,
rambling or
inappropriate for the
Focus or
(points x 3)
The thesis statement
The thesis statement
clearly names the topic names the topic of the
of the essay. It is a
strong statement that
can be proven true.
The thesis statement outlines
The thesis statement
some or all of the main points to does not name the
be discussed but does not
name the topic.
(points x 3)
All of the evidence and
examples are specific,
relevant and
explanations are given
that show how each
piece of evidence
supports the author's
position. Three or more
quotations are used.
Most of the evidence
and examples are
specific, relevant and
explanations are given
that show how each
piece of evidence
supports the author's
position. Two
quotations are used.
At least one of the pieces of
evidence and examples is
relevant and has an explanation
that shows how that piece of
evidence supports the author's
position. One quotation is used.
The conclusion is
strong and leaves the
reader solidly
understanding the
writer's position.
Effective restatement
of the thesis statement
is included in the
closing paragraph.
The conclusion is
The author's position is not
recognizable. The
clearly restated within the
author's position is not closing paragraph.
clearly restated within
the closing paragraph.
Transitions A variety of thoughtful
Transitions show how
transitions are used.
ideas are connected,
They clearly show how but there is little
ideas are connected
Grammar & Author makes no
errors in grammar or
spelling that distract
the reader from the
Author makes 1-2
errors in grammar or
spelling that distract
the reader from the
The author has an interesting
introductory paragraph but the
connection to the topic is not
The introductory
paragraph is not
interesting AND is not
relevant to the topic.
Evidence and
examples are NOT
relevant AND/OR are
not explained.
There is no conclusion
- the paper just ends.
Some transitions work well, but The transitions
some connections between
between ideas are
ideas are fuzzy.
unclear OR
Author makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes more
than 4 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distract the reader
from the content.
Total Points_____/40
The Great Gatsby Essay
Essay Requirements:
The essay needs to include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
In your essay you must be ANALYZING something. Simply retelling the story will not suffice.
TWO quotations MUST be included in each body paragraph.
A works cited must be included at the end of the essay. If you only use the novel, then that is the only source
that will be listed.
Possible Prompts:
1. Is The Great Gatsby a true depiction of the American Dream? OR How is The Great Gatsby a true depiction of
today’s American Dream?
2. Who is the most important minor character in the novel? Myrtle? George Wilson? Meyer Wolfsheim? Owl
Eyes? Jordan Baker? Why did Fitzgerald include them, and in what ways are they important to the story?
3. Is Nick Carraway the most appropriate narrator for this novel? Evaluate the role of Nick as the narrator. What is
it about Nick that makes him OR does not make him an appropriate narrator for this particular story?
4. What is the most crucial example of symbolism within the novel? Colors? The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg? The
green light? How does symbolism contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?
5. Who is the most careless character? Tom? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby? Jordan? How is carelessness pivotal in the
character’s life? Is carelessness related to childishness?
6. Who is responsible for Gatsby’s death? Tom? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby himself? Give reasons why or why not.
What is a Thesis Statement?
A thesis statement:
tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.
is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.
directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject
itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to
understand the war or the novel.
makes a claim that others might dispute.
is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. The
rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the
logic of your interpretation.
Formulating the Thesis Statement
1. Look at the prompt. It’s in the form of a question:
Prompt: How is The Great Gatsby a true depiction of today’s American Dream?
2. Answer the question. This is your thesis. Do not forget the BECAUSE statement!
Thesis: The Great Gatsby is a true depiction of the American Dream that is alive in 2014 because….