Romeo and Juliet study guide

Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Name ___________________________________ Date _________________ Period _________
English 10
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Answer in complete sentences and on separate paper.
Act I
1.) What jokes are exchanged by the Capulet servants?
2.) Why does an argument between them and Abraham begin?
3.) What is the role of Tybalt in this fracas? of Benvolio?
4.) What other parties join in the fight?
5.)Who stops the fighting? What order does he decree?
6.) Why are Romeo’s parents concerned about his welfare? Describe his recent behavior.
7.) What does Benvolio discover is the cause of Romeo’s distress?
8.) What advice does Benvolio offer Romeo?
1.) Why is Parris visiting Capulet?
2.) What is Capulet’s response to Parris’s request?
3.) What is planned for the Capulets’ home that evening?
4.) Why does Capulet’s servant show the invitation to Romeo?
5.) What doe Romeo and his friends decide to do?
1.) What are some of the Nurse’s early memories of Juliet’s childhood?
2.) What is Juliet’s reaction to her mother’s talk of marriage?
3.) To what does Lady Capulet compare Paris? (What extended metaphor does she use?)
4.) Judging from events thus far, is Juliet in charge of her own future? Explain your answer.
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
1.) Compare and contrast Romeo’s attitude about attending the Capulets’ feast with Mercutio’s
and Benvolio’s. Why is Romeo’s attitude so different?
2.) How do Romeo’s friends try to change his mood?
3.) Who is the Queen Mab described by Mercutio? What are some dreams she inspires?
4.) In Romeo’s last speech in the scene, what premonitions does he have? What role does he
believe fate will play in his life?
1.) How do the servants at Capulet’s set the tone for this scene?
2.) Describe Capulet as a host.
3.) What is Romeo’s initial reaction to Juliet?
4.) What is Tybalt’s reaction when he recognizes Romeo’s voice? What does he want to do? Who
stops him? Why?
5.) How does Tybalt’s behavior foreshadow future action?
6.) What contrasts are evident between youth and age thus far?
7.) Study Romeo and Juliet’s first conversation.
a.) To what does Romeo compare Juliet? To what does he compare himself (his lips)?
b.) What reasons does he give for kissing her?
c.) How does Juliet respond to his advances?
8.) What information mars the young lovers’ joy? How does this knowledge affect each of them?
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Name ___________________________________ Date _________________ Period _________
English 10
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Answer in complete sentences and on separate paper.
Act II
Prologue and II.i
1.) What has happened to Romeo’s love for Rosaline?
2.) What obstacles do the lovers face?
3.) How will they respond to these difficulties?
4.) Where is Romeo and why is he hiding?
5.) How does Mercutio try to bait him into revealing his whereabouts?
II.ii “The Balcony Scene”
1.) Find lines that illustrate the following:
a.) the depth of Juliet’s love
b.) the honesty and sincerity of Juliet’s love
c.) Juliet’s willingness to sacrifice anything she has for Romeo
d.) the depth of Romeo’s love
e.) Romeo’s willingness to endure personal danger for his love’s sake
f.) Romeo’s worship of Juliet’s beauty
2.) What does the line “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” mean?
3.) Find two instances of Juliet’s fear of them being discovered. Note line numbers.
4.) Even though Romeo and Juliet are sure of their own feelings, they express fear their love might
not be mutual. What is the basis for each one’s fears?
5.) What reservation about their evening’s meeting does Juliet express when she compares it to
6.) What effect is created by Juliet’s having to interrupt Romeo to respond to the Nurse’s repeated
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
7.) What hopes and tentative plans for the future do the lovers have?
8.) What seeming contradiction is evident in Juliet’s statement that “parting is such sweet sorrow”?
9.) Are the young lovers in charge of their future now, or is fate still directing the events? Explain.
1.) Friar Laurence appreciates the contradictions and conflicts of life. For each of the following
quotations, identify the opposition Friar Laurence notes:
a.) “The earth that’s nature’s mother is her tomb.”
b.) “For nought so vile that on earth doth live,/ But to the earth some special good doth
c.) “Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,/ And vice sometimes by action dignified.”
d.) “Within the infant rind of this small flower/ Poison hath residence, and medicine
2.) Is the Friar a suitable person for Romeo to turn to? Explain.
3.) What is the Friar’s reaction to Romeo’s sudden switch in affection? How does he explain
Romeo’s success with Juliet and his failure with Rosaline?
4.) Why does the Friar agree to perform the marriage so hastily?
1.) What are Mercutio’s feelings for Tybalt? Why?
2.) Mercutio believes that Tybalt’s letter contains a challenge to Romeo.
a.) How does Benvolio feel Romeo will react to the challenge?
b.) Considering Romeo’s new love, how do you think he will react?
3.) What changes have taken place in Romeo the prompt Mercutio to note happily, “Now art thou
4.) In this scene, what evidence is there of the Nurse’s affection and loyalty to Juliet?
5.) What plan has Romeo devised for the marriage between himself and Juliet? What plan, for
gaining access to his wife while she lives with her parents? Is this a wise course of action? Explain.
6.) Although this is a lighthearted scene, what foreshadows the seriousness and complications to
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
II.v and
1.) What is Juliet’s state of mind? For what and how long has she been waiting?
2.) What feelings does she experience between the time she waits and the time she finally receives
the message?
3.) How does the Nurse respond to Juliet’s impatient requests for Romeo’s message?
4.) What does Juliet do when she receives Romeo’s message? What role has fate played in
arranging the impending marriage?
5.) What is the cause if the Friar’s uneasiness? Whom does he feel will bear the responsibility if
his uneasiness proves to be well-founded?
6.) Cite lines that show the intensity of Romeo’s and Juliet’s love and joy.
7.) What warning does the Friar give Romeo?
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Name ___________________________________ Date _________________ Period _________
English 10
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Answer in complete sentences and on separate paper.
1.) Give proof that Benvolio’s warning to Mercutio that “These hot days, is the mad blood stirring”
is accurate.
2.) How does Mercutio fuel the fight with Tybalt?
3.) How does Benvolio play the peacemaker?
4.) What is Romeo’s reaction to Tybalt’s offensive remarks?
5.) How does Mercutio interpret Romeo’s remarks?
6.) Why is Tybalt able to wound Mercutio?
7.) Quote the line where Mercutio judges both the Capulets and the Montagues. Hint: he repeats
the statement several times.
8.) In what ways is fate responsible for the events?
9.) Why does Romeo duel with Tybalt?
10.) Why doesn’t Lady Capulet believe Benvolio’s account?
11.) What punishment does the Prince order for Romeo?
1.) For what time of day does Juliet wish? Why is she so impatient?
2.) What is her wish for Romeo “when he dies”?
3.) Where has the Nurse been, and what did she go to get?
4.) What confusion results when the Nurse gives her account of the fight?
5.) What is Juliet’s response to the thought that Romeo has died? Note the foreshadowing.
6.) Describe Juliet’s reaction when she learns that Romeo slew Tybalt. Names some of the
oxymorons she uses. Why does she use them?
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
7.) Note Juliet’s response when the Nurse criticizes Romeo. What conflict does Juliet face?
8.) According to Juliet, for what or whom will the senior Capulets weep? For what or whom shall
she weep?
9.) How does the Nurse show loyalty to Juliet?
III.iii and III.iv
1.) Why is the news of his banishment so painful to Romeo?
2.) Why does Friar Laurence reprimand Romeo?
3.) What fears does Romeo express to the Nurse about Juliet?
4.) What advice does Friar Laurence give Romeo?
5.) What is Juliet’s gift that gives Romeo comfort?
6.) What excuse does Capulet give to Paris for not having an answer to his suit (request to marry
7.) What hasty promise does Capulet make to Paris?
1.) How does Juliet try to convince Romeo not to leave?
2.) Note the descriptions of dawn.
3.) When Romeo offers to stay, since he has no will to go, how does Juliet respond?
4.) Note the light and dark imagery. Give an example.
5.) Why is parting so difficult for them?
6.) What is Juliet’s wish of fickle fate? How do Juliet’s feelings in this balcony scene compare to
her feelings in the first balcony scene (II.ii)?
7.) Why does Lady Capulet assume Juliet has been weeping?
8.) What plans do the Capulets have to avenge Tybalt’s death?
9.) How does Juliet purposely mislead her mother? Give an example.
10.) What reasons does Juliet give for not marrying Paris on Thursday?
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
11.) What metaphor does Capulet use to reveal his annoyance at his daughter’s show of grief for
12.) Describe Capulet’s reaction to his daughter’s assertiveness in not wishing to marry Paris.
13.) Compare and contrast Lady Capulet’s and the Nurse’s reactions to Juliet.
14.) What advice does the Nurse give Juliet?
15.) From Juliet’s “Amen” on, how has she changed? Give evidence that she has grown up.
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Name ___________________________________ Date _________________ Period _________
English 10
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Answer in complete sentences and on separate paper.
Act IV
1.) What concern does Friar Laurence voice to Paris about the marriage plans?
2.) What reason does Paris give for not having spoken to Juliet directly of his love?
3.) According to Paris, why has Capulet accelerated the wedding plans?
4.) When Juliet enters, how does she treat Paris? How does she avoid answering him directly?
5.) What request does Juliet make of the Friar?
6.) If the Friar cannot prevent or postpone the marriage to Paris, what does Juliet threaten to do?
What lines demonstrate her determination?
7.) To what lengths is Juliet willing to go to remain faithful to Romeo?
8.) Outline the plan the Friar has for Juliet.
IV.ii, IV.iii, IV.iv
1.) For what is Capulet preparing?
2.) How does Juliet win her father’s approval?
3.) Prompted by Juliet’s apparent compliance, what change does Capulet make in the wedding
4.) What bargain does Capulet make with Lady Capulet to pacify her?
5.) What request does Juliet make of her mother and her nurse?
6.) When Juliet is left alone, Juliet’s soliloquy reveals her state of mind. Name the fears that haunt
7.) Who worked through the night to prepare for the wedding?
8.) Who is sent to summon Juliet for the wedding?
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
1.) In what condition does the Nurse find Juliet?
2.) How do each of the following react to Juliet’s “death”?
a.) Nurse
b.) Lord Capulet
d.) Paris
e.) Friar Laurence
3.) What consolation does Friar Laurence offer the family?
4.) To what scene is this final scene a direct contrast?
c.) Lady Capulet
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Name ___________________________________ Date _________________ Period _________
English 10
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
Answer in complete sentences and on separate paper.
Act V
V.i and V.ii
1.) At what do Romeo’s dreams hint? What is his mood?
2.) Compare and contrast Balthasar’s and the Nurse’s style of delivering news.
3.) How does Romeo’s reaction relate to the theme of fate? What does he mean by “then I defy
you stars!”?
4.) Whose advice does Balthasar echo?
5.) What does Romeo want to buy from the apothecary? Why does he feel the apothecary will
break the law and sell it to him?
6.) What social commentary that is still true today is evident in the apothecary’s reasons for making
the sale?
7.) How has fate once again interceded in delaying Friar Laurence’s messenger, Friar John?
8.) What emergency plans does Friar Laurence make?
1.) Where does this scene take place?
2.) Why is Paris there?
3.) What are Romeo’s orders to Balthasar? What are his threats?
4.) What does Balthasar’s aside reveal?
5.) Why is Paris so incensed by Romeo’s presence there? What does he think Romeo is going to
6.) How is this scene a “mirror scene” for the one in Act III with Tybalt when he challenges
7.) Again Romeo interprets what happens as fate. Quote the lines that illustrate this.
8.) How does Romeo personify Juliet’s tomb? What is your reaction to this comparison?
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide
9.) What is ironic about Romeo’s description of the “dead Juliet”?
10.) What favor does Romeo offer to the dead Tybalt?
11.) To what does Romeo compare himself as he prepares to die? When earlier did he make the
same comparison?
12.) Why does Friar Laurence feel fear when he sees the light in the Capulet’s monument?
13.) Explain the meaning of the Friar’s statement, “A greater power than we can contradict/ Hath
thwarted our intents.”
14.) How does the Friar attempt to prevent the final tragedy?
15.) How and why does Juliet die?
16.) What has happened to Lady Montague?
17.) What sources help the Prince and the families piece together the tragic story?
18.) Why doesn’t the Prince punish anyone else?
19.) How do the Capulets and Montagues demonstrate their desire for peace?