EE 461: Introduction to Electronics University of Kentucky Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Fall 2012 Class Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00 – 12:50 pm Meeting Place: RGAN 203 Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Dr. Vijay Singh Office: 683 FPAT Office hours: MWF: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (or by appointment) Phone: 859-257-3243; Email: Teaching Assistant: Hongmei Dang Office: ASTeCC, Room 364, Office hours: T,Th 1-2 pm, or by appointment via email Email: Course Web Site: Textbook Microelectronic Circuits and Devices by Mark Horenstein, Prentice Hall, Second Edition Prerequisites: EE 221 or an equivalent should be completed in preparation for this course Course Topics: 1. Review of Linear Circuit Theory 2. Nonlinear Circuit Elements 3. Signal Processing with Two Terminal Nonlinear Devices 4. Three Terminal Devices 5. Basic Circuits Containing Three-Terminal Devices Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course students should demonstrate the following abilities: 1. Understand the structures, symbols, DC characteristics, and DC models of diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETs, and the load line analysis. 2. Analyze and design diode-related circuits such as clipping, limiting, and rectifier circuits. 3. Analyze transistor circuits such as inverters and voltage followers. 4. Understand the DC biasing techniques and small-signal modeling of analog circuits using BJTs and MOSFETs. 5. Use of SPICE program to analyze and design electronic circuits. Course Philosophy: EE360 Syllabus, Spring 2010 3/22/16 Class Participation Cellular phones and pagers should be turned off prior to entering the classroom. Any cellular phone or pager that disrupts the classroom environment can be confiscated. Food items like sandwiches, apples etc should not be consumed in the classroom when the class is in session. Classroom Behavior, Decorum and Civility Students and faculty are expected to treat everyone present in the classroom with respect and civility. Disparate treatment will not be tolerated. Disparate treatment occurs when one or more persons treat an individual less favorably on the basis of their actual or perceived race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion, disability, veteran status, and/or sexual orientation. All interactions should be characterized by respect for, and consideration of, others present in the classroom. Attendance Students are expected to be on time and to attend every lecture class. Homework assignments will be distributed in the classroom and on the course website. If a student must miss class, the student is responsible for making up any work that was missed. As previously stated, assignments are due at the beginning of the class period; late homework is strongly discouraged and may not be accepted. The following are defined as acceptable reasons for excused absences: 1. Serious illness; Illness or death of family member; 2. University-related trips; 3. Major religious holidays. If a student must be absent for one of these reasons, they should notify the instructor as soon as possible but no later than the second absence. Appropriate documentation regarding the nature of the absence will be required. Students anticipating an absence for a major religious holiday are responsible for notifying the instructor in writing of anticipated absences. Grading Policy: The grading criteria for this course are as follows: Homework Assignments Pop Quizzes Mid-term Tests (3) Final Exam 15% 10% 60% 15% Grade Assignment will be based on your composite score for the course based on the homework, mid-term exams, project and final exam, as outlined above. The letter grade assignment will then be calculated according to the table below. EE360 Syllabus, Spring 2010 3/22/16 Final Grade Letter Grade 86-100 % A 46-85% B, C and D Below 45% E Cheating and Plagiarism Cheating - claiming another individual’s work as your own or permitting another person to claim your work. Plagiarism - claiming another person's work, writing or ideas as your own. This includes material from the Internet or other digital media. You are encouraged to discuss the material in this course, including homework problems (and solutions and answers) with other students but you cannot simply copy another student's homework paper and hand it in. Working together is OK and encouraged. Copying, however, is cheating and both the student who copies and the student who provides the solution will be punished. On exams, the work must be totally your own unless explicitly stated otherwise. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated at this university. The minimum penalty is a failing grade in the course; the maximum penalty is expulsion from the university. If you have any questions, ask. Classroom and Learning Accommodations Students requesting accommodations should contact the campus Disability Resources Center. The Disability Resources Center certifies the need for, and specifies the particular type of such accommodations on an individual student basis. This certification will be required from any student requesting accommodation. EE360 Syllabus, Spring 2010 3/22/16