Introduction to particle accelerators Walter Scandale CERN - AT department Roma, marzo 2006 Lecture II - single particle dynamics topics Guiding fields and transverse motion Weak versus strong focusing Equation of motion Unperturbed case Orbit errors Quadrupole errors Chromaticity Resonances and dynamic aperture Low-ß insertion Longitudinal stability Synchrotron ring: Synchrotron: guiding field particle trajectories at fixed radius r to keep r constant B should increase as p increases during acceleration, RF frequency synchronized to the particle revolution bending and focusing fields Dipole: the Lorenz force provides the centripetal acceleration mv 2 L r v B evB0 r pGeV /c Br Tm 0.2998 L L L r arc F r By f L f X0 ºº º L p eB0 r bending radius magnetic rigidity bending angle x Quadrupole: the Lorenz force focuses the trajectories p s f By p dBy dx x Bx L eBy L v p eBy L eBxL x p p p f 1 eBL B f p Br p Ft evBy Weak focusing Weak focusing of the transverse particle motion: to get vertical stability, the bending field should decrease with r, as in cyclotrons, to get horizontal stability the the decrease of B with r should be moderate, so that, for r > r0, the Lorenz force exceeds the centripetal force. y y N F y N n<0 no vertical stability Br Br Fy r Br Fy F r y S r 0 By B0 guiding field r r By n field index By r r r 0 n>0 vertical stability Br S horizontal stability: n centripetal force ≤ Lorenz force r0 n mv 2 mv 2 x x 1 evBy evB0 evB01 n r r0 x r0 r0 r0 r0 x mv 2 horizontal stability n 1 weak focusing vertical stability n0 Strong focusing d Horizontal and vertical focusing for a large range of f1 f2 and d 1 1 1 d f f1 f 2 f1 f 2 separated functions: the alternate gradient is made with quadrupoles of opposite focusing strength combined functions: the alternate gradient is made with dipoles with radial shape of opposite sign f1 f2 normalized quadrupole gradient quadrupole strength Examples Ring p [GeV/c] B0 [T] CERS 5.2 Tevatron 1000 1 B Tm eB B K K m2 0.2998 p Br pGeV /c 1 KL f Br [Tm] 1/r2 [m-2] weak focus Lquad [m] B’ [T/m] K [m-2] 0.18 96.4 17.3 10-4 0.5 5 0.298 4.4 3335 1.7•10-6 1.7 76 0.0228 r [m] 758 Particle equation of motion F ev B B-field expansion Maxwell equations and quadrupolar gradients Bx y Bx y By By B0 x By x 1 By 1 Bx g k k k x y B 0 B0 r x x 0 B0 r y y 0 1 By k k x k y 1 Bx B 0 gskew B0 r x y 0 B0 r y x 0 Bx Bs Bs Equation of motion d 2z K s z F s 2 ds transport matrix approach zs z0 M s,s0 z s z 0 1 x kx (s) 2 x r s rs y k y 0 y p momentum error p Weak versus strong focusing d 2z K sz F s 2 ds Equation of motion Strong focusing x kx (s) 21 x r s rs y k y 0 y p momentum error p zs z0 M s,s0 z zs 0 Weak focusing r By x B0 r x n 1/ 2 zs z0 cossK 1/ 2 z sin sK 1/ 2 0K if K 0 zs z0 z 0L if K = 0 zs z0 cosh sK 1/ 2 z 0K 1/ 2 sinh sK 1/ 2 if K 0 cosK 1/ 2 L K 1/ 2 sin K 1/ 2 L M F 1/ 2 K 1/ 2 sin K 1/ 2 L cos K L 1 L M o FODO transfer matrices 0 1 1/ 2 1/ 2 cosh K 1/ 2 L K sinh K L MD 1/ 2 K 1/ 2 sinh K 1/ 2 L cosh K L 1 K 1 n x n r2 kx k y 2 r K y n2 r d 2 x 1 d 2 x 2 1 nx 0 0 1 n x 0 2 ds2 r 2 1 n 0 dt2 x 2 d y 1 ny 0 d y n 2 y 0 y n 0 2 dt 2 r2 ds Strong focusing Smaller pipe Smaller magnet Reduced cost cosmotron AGS QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Unperturbed equation of motion Hill equation periodicity condition d 2z K sz 0 2 ds K s C K s envelop solution : Floquet theorem zs s cos s 0 and depend on the lattice arrangement and 0 depend on the initial conditions of s S s s s0 1 cos-like orbit Here ß is NOT the -function (periodic) relative speed v/c s /s0 s s0 the trajectory ds s phase advance between s0 and s sin-like orbit phase advance variation 2 2 2K 1 0 4 envelop equation several orbits Courant & Snyder invariant and more Courant-Snyder parameters s s s Poincaré section 1 s s s 2 z’ 2 zs s cos s 0 zs scos s sin s 0 0 s C s S0 Slope=-/ Courant-Snyder invariant z 2 z z z 2 2 emittance phase plane (z,z’) beam is the (1·rms) beam emittance if the area beam encloses 39 % of the circulating particles N is the particle emittance is the area of the ellipse mapped turn by turn in the z’ z Liouville theorem z Aellips beam/N is a constant of the motion (Liouville theorem) The Liouville theorem holds in absence of acceleration, losses, scattering effects and radiation emission Adiabatic invariant The Courant-Snyder invariant emittance ε decreases if we the accelerate the particle. This is called “adiabatic damping” (a pure cinematic effect, since there is no damping process involved). The slope of the trajectory is z’ = pz/ps. Accelerate the particle: ps increases to ps+∆ps, but pz doesn’t change => slope changes. p ps pz z’ p+p ps+ps pz z’+z’ pz z ps pz z z p1 p p s s z2 z 2 2zz 2zz (assuming = 0) z z 2zz 2z 2 sin 0 2 d dp p p p p0 0 p 2 -> Courant Snyder parameter Invariant of the motion In a stationary Poincaré section -> In an accelerating Poincaré section -> normalized emittance n v = the relative speed c = the relativistic factor 2 1 1 2 Stability of the motion Transfer matrix from s0 to s cos 0 sin 0 M s / s 0 0 cos 1 0 sin 0 0 0 cos sin 0 sin One turn transfer matrix cos 0 sin 0 sin M s0 C /s0 cos 0 sin 0 sin cos 0 0 0 Slope=-/ z’ A 1 ellips M 11 M 22 Condition for the stability of the motion 2 M tr M M1,1 M 2.2 2 12 sin Condition for the invariance of Int(Q y)+1 M 21 det M 1 costant of motion sin Q y M 11 M 22 2 sin tune Q z 2 4D resonance condition --> order n x n y n x Qx n y Q y n Int(Q y) Int(Q x) Qx Int(Q x)+1 Exact & approximate solution Exact solution of the Hill equation cos 0 sin zs0 0 sin zs0 zs 0 1 0 0 0 z s cos sin z s cos sin zs0 0 0 0 Exact solution in compact form zs s coss 0 with s 1 1 Q s 2 2 Ten cell lattice S Approximate solution (smooth approximation) 1 C sds Q 2 s 2 1 C ds C S L2 R TrM L,0 2 2 0.77 2 stable motion 4f zs cos t 0 with Q 0 ds This is a pseudo-harmonic oscillation modulated both in amplitude and in frequency Q is the total number of oscillation per turn The phase advances faster in the sections with a smaller s Cell length L = 1 m Ring length C = 10 m Focal length f = 0.45 m L sin 0.56 1.178 (67.5o ) 2 4 f L1 sin 2 0 1.68 m 0 0 sin S 2Q 10 11.78 Q 1.8748 R S 1.59 m 2 R 0.85 m Q Perturbed equation of motion Solution with dipoles, quadrupoles sextupoles and octupoles d 2z K sz F s ds2 Fx x, y,s kx 12 mx 2 y 2 16 rx 3 3xy 2 ... r dispersion chromaticity sextupole octupole Fy x, y,s kx 12 mxy 16 r3x 2 y y 2 ... dispersive orbit x x x co x ... y y y co ... betatron motion nonlinear terms closed orbit Uncoupled motion (x-plane) orbit distortion dispersive orbit betatron oscillation x co K sx co r1 12 mxco2 ... with x K sx r1 r1 2 Kx ... with 2 1 x K s x K mD x mx ... 2 natural chromaticity geometric chromaticity correction by aberration sextupoles B B x Ds aberration Dipolar and quadrupolar field errors Dipole error Bs d 2z K sz 2 ds Br B localized in sk over the length L (kick approximation) BL Br Periodicity of the closed orbit zsk zsk C zsk M s C,s k k zsk zsk C zsk At every turn the perturbation is compensated zco s s sk coss sk Q 2 sin Q At every turn the perturbation is enhanced Q = 1/2 integer Q = integer kick Avoid tune close to integer Quadrupole error kick B’ localized in sk over the length L (thin lens approximation) Bs d 2 z K s z 0 2 ds Br 1 BL 1 kL Q 0 sk kL first order 4 f Br s s kL 0 k cos2o s o sk Q second order 0 s 2sin 2Q0 Avoid tune close to 1/2 integer - the range of forbidden tunes is called stop-band Momentum dispersion and chromaticity d 2z K sz 2 ds rs Design orbit Design orbit First order solution xs s coss 0 Ds Chromatic close orbit On-momentum particle trajectory Off-momentum particle trajectory Dispersion function Ds s 2sin Q u du ru cosu s Q Divergent for Q=integer C Qnatural Q 4 Qnatural m1L1 Ds1 x s1 Gradient error induced by momentum dispersion K K Q 4 dssks Q C Chromaticity correction with sextupoles x k 1 x 12 mx 2 y 2 r y k 1 y mxy 0 Qx,y 1 4 ds smsDs k sks x,y C Sextupole strength BT/m 2 B 3 m with mm 0.2998 Br pGeV/c x,y m 2 L2 sext H 4 Qnatural sext V Ds2 y s2 Why chromaticity should be corrected The beam rigidity increases with p K decreases with p the tune decreases with p Q’ is negative Q’ non zero produces a tune shift with p In a beam Q’ produces a tune spread Be aware of resonance crossing Int(Qy)+1 Qy Low energy particles High energy particles Int(Qy) Int(Qx) Qx Int(Qx)+1 Dynamic aperture Nonlinear fields imply multiple traversal of resonances Emittance distortion and growth Tune shift and spread with the amplitude Coupling of the degrees of freedom Chaotic motion Particle loss -> dynamic aperture Phase space with only linear fields Distortion due to sextupoles Distortion due to octupoles Low ß insertion A low-ß insertion is used to focalize the beams at the collision point This is achieved with triplets or doublets of quadrupoles In the drift space where the experimental devices sit ß growth with the square of the length s 2 s * * 1 * ds 1 L * 2tg * since L*>>* L* s 1 L* * * 2 ˆ L The chromaticity induced by the triplet can be large (local correction scheme may be needed) Acceleration mechanism Longitudinal stability Momentum compaction 1 tr df 2 dp f Slip factor C dp dR dT T dp p R dp p p dC p 1 2 1 measures how closely packed 2 orbits with different momenta are Q 1 tr 2 tr Q measures how how much offmomentum particles slip in time relative to on-momentum ones Phase stability principle < tr B is late respect to A B will receive a larger voltage and will increase its speed B will be closer to A one turn later > tr B is late respect to A B will receive a smaller voltage and will see a shorter circumferential path one turn later B will be closer to A small Ý Ý s2 0 oscillations c 2 heVˆ cos s 2 s R 2E s LHC luminosity Performances limitations protons in a bunch Luminosity: L= event rate cross section • = 1 • no. of bunches revolution frequency N1 N2 k f for equal, round, bi-Gaussian beams: N • S beam cross section 2 1 N2 = N S --> 4š 2 * = * L= invariant emittance L= * Transverse beam density: • head-on beam-beam • space-charge in the injectors • transfers dilution N * N kf N ²t Beam current: • long range beam-beam • collective instability • synchrotron radiation • stored beam energy Head-on beam-beam: detuning rp N nb. of interactions Š 0.02 Lecture II - single particle dynamics reminder In a circular accelerator the guiding fields provide the required forces to keep the particles in a closed orbit along the magnet axis Strong focusing allows building much smaller magnets and is a fundamental progress respect to weak focusing The particle trajectory is a pseudo-harmonic function modulated both in amplitude and phase rather well approximated by a sinusoidal function oscillating at the betatron frequency (tune•revolution frequency) with an amplitude proportional to the square root of the emittance The imperfections of the guiding field and of the momentum particles produce resonances and eventually chaotic motion The low ß insertions are basic devices to focus the beam size at the collision point of a collider ring The phase stability principle guarantees the stability of the longitudinal motion