
Act I scene I
Setting: deserted heath; storming
Three witches chant
First witch asks when the three witches will meet again.
Second witch answers that they will meet after the battle is over.
Third witch says they'll meet Macbeth tonight.
They all cackle that things are not as they seem and fly away.
Act I scene II
Setting: army camp near King Duncan's castle
First witch prophesies that Banquo will be "Lesser than Macbeth and
Second witch prophesies that Banquo will be "not so happy, yet
much happier" than Macbeth.
Third witch prophesies than Banquo will father kings but not be one.
Witches hail Macbeth and Banquo.
Witches vanish.
Ross greets Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor.
Ross tells Macbeth and Banquo that the current thane of Cawdor
has been sentenced to death because he is a traitor.
Macbeth begins to think of killing King Duncan.
Macbeth decides not to do anything, other than his usual routine, in
order to get the crown.
Macbeth and Banquo will meet later to chat.
A sergeant comes from the battle to report to King Duncan how the
war is going
The sergeant reports that at first the victor was in doubt.
The sergeant says that the rebel, McDonwald, seemed to be winning
till brave Macbeth split him open
The sergeant continues saying that no sooner was this battle won
and then the lord of Norway attacked with an army.
Ross says that Norway was assisted by the traitor, Thane of Cawdor,
but both were defeated by Macbeth.
King Duncan announces he will kill the traitor Cawdor and give his
land and title to Macbeth as a reward for his service.
Act I scene IV
Setting: King Duncan, in his castle, awaits news
Act I scene III
Setting: abandoned heath
First witch tell others she has cursed a man because his wife would
not give him her chestnuts.
The man will be lost at sea, have no sleep, and become very weak,
but will not die.
Witches chant.
Macbeth and Banquo question the reality of the witches.
First witch says that Macbeth is Thane of Glamis.
Second witch says Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor.
Third witch prophesies that Macbeth will be king.
Banquo asks to be told his fortune.
King Duncan asks if the Thane of Cawdor has been executed.
Malcolm, his son, responds that he heard he is dead and that he
died with much dignity, even more than with which he lived. The
Thane of Cawdor confessed his treason and asked for pardon but it
was not given to him.
King Duncan reflects than one cannot read people's thoughts on
their face. Before treason he fully trusted the Thane of Cawdor.
Macbeth, Banquo, Ross, and Angus enter the room. Duncan greet
Macbeth, calling him his worthiest cousin, and saying that thanks
and recompense are not enough to pay for all he did in battle. The
king also greets and embraces Banquo.
Macbeth responds to the king's greeting by confessing that to be
loyal and serve him is enough payment.
King Duncan announces that Malcolm, his son, is to be future king
and names him Prince of Cumberland. Also, the king tells Macbeth
that the royal family is going to Inverness. Macbeth departs before
they do to prepare for their arrival.
Aside to himself Macbeth feels he must destroy Malcolm because he
stands in his way to being king.
Act I scene V
Setting: Lady Macbeth enters Inverness reading a letter from Macbeth.
In the following letter Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth what follows:
Macbeth says that the three witches that meet him and Banquo
(after winning the battle) have supernatural powers. The witches
vanished into the air when he wanted to ask them something and he
stood amazed. After the witches vanished Duncan's Messenger
came greeting him as Thane of Cawdor. The three Weirs Sisters or
witches had already called him Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth tells Lady
Macbeth that he sends her this letter so that she can know what is in
store for them. He also tells her to keep these news to herself.
Lady Macbeth says to herself that Macbeth deserves to not only be
the Thane of Glamis but of Cawdor also. She is afraid that Macbeth's
tender heart can get in the way of her plans to kill Duncan. Lady
Macbeth highlights that Macbeth has the ambition to be great but
that he wants to win the king's position by righteous ways.
A messenger tells Lady Macbeth that Duncan is going to Inverness
that night.
The messenger confirms to Lady Macbeth that Macbeth is on his
way to Inverness. He made it quicker to Inverness that Macbeth in
order to deliver the news that Duncan was coming.
Lady Macbeth asks for the night and sky to be dark so that Heaven
cannot see what is happening.
Macbeth enters and confirms to Lady Macbeth that King Duncan is
on his way. She asks him when Duncan is to leave Inverness and
Macbeth responds tomorrow. Lady Macbeth the exclaims that he
shall never leave or see the sunlight!
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to be like the innocent flower without but
like the serpent within.
Lady Macbeth says he should not waste the opportunity of being
king now that he can, and to leave everything to her.
Lady Macbeth cynically responds that if whatever Macbeth and she
could do for the King (Duncan) could be doubled or increased then
they both would double it.
Lady Macbeth says that in serving the King, Macbeth and she
partially thank him. The past favors and the honors that Macbeth has
earned are greater in value that the services that they have to offer
the King (theme: appearance vs. reality).
Duncan asks where the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth, is and notices
that his great love and disposition to serve helped Macbeth get to
Inverness before he did.
Duncan calls Lady Macbeth fair and noble (theme: appearance vs.
reality) and tells her that Malcolm, Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox,
Macduff, Ross, Angus, Attendants, and he will be her overnight
Lady Macbeth tells Duncan that Macbeth and she, her servants, and
all that Macbeth and she possess are at his command.
Duncan tells Lady Macbeth to give him her hand and take him to
Macbeth. He also says that he loves Macbeth and will continue to
favor him.
All go inside Inverness.
Act 1 scene VII
Setting: Hautboys with torches, a Sewer, and servants scurry about
Macbeth's Castle.
of Macbeth's ambitions could come true.
killing Duncan.
Act I scene VI
Setting: the surrounding outside atmosphere of Inverness, Macbeth's castle,
around summertime
King Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross,
Angus, and Attendants are outside Inverness.
Duncan comments that the location of Inverness is pleasant and that
the clear and sweet air that flows around Inverness appeals to him.
This is ironic because he is going to be betrayed by Macbeth who
will kill him; (theme: appearance vs. reality).
But there are three reasons why Macbeth feels he shouldn't kill
o First Macbeth is Duncan's kinsman, Macbeth serves the king
because that is his place in the world.
o Second, Macbeth said that he would not be honorable if he
doesn't kill Duncan himself, face to face.
o Third, Duncan is so loved by the people and the world that
the whole world would weep his death.
o Last, Macbeth has no will to be King, only ambition, that
accomplishes nothing but pain and sorrow.
Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he will not kill Duncan.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that if he were a real man then he would
kill Duncan to be King, she call's him a coward for not trying.
Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he is not afraid to do everything that
he needs to do to become a man but to kill another man just for the
case of ambition is going too far.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he was a man when he decided to
kill Duncan and now he is less of a man.
Lady Macbeth also said that Macbeth doesn't care about her
because he doesn't want the best things for her and their children
(assuming they have some, which isn't indicated in the story, or she
could also be referring to the children that they are going to have)
Macbeth is concerned if they get caught.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that if they fail, they fail, but if they don't
try, then neither one of them will know if they could have pulled it off
and rule Scotland.
Macbeth starts saying, " Well if we can somehow get the guards
blamed for it." He is starting to consider doing it.
Lady Macbeth said that there isn't anyone else in the kingdom that
will be able to contest Macbeth's claim on the crown.
Macbeth agrees with Lady Macbeth, and the two begin planning how
they will kill Duncan.
ACT 2. sc. II
Setting: Macbeth's castle, the night of Duncan's murder.
ACT 2. sc. I
Setting: outside in the courtyard of Macbeth's Castle (Inverness)
Banquo asks his son Fleance how late it is.
Fleance responds that he has not heard the clock strike but that the
moon is down implying that it must be past midnight.
Banquo says that even heaven has gone to bed because the sky is
Fear of his own thoughts about how he might become the father of
kings does not let Banquo go to sleep.
Macbeth steps in the courtyard where Banquo and Fleance are and
Banquo tells Macbeth that Duncan is pleased with Macbeth's
Banquo tells Macbeth that he dreamed of the three witches.
Lying, Macbeth tells Banquo that he has not thought about the
witches but that sometime he would talk to him about the witches.
Almost telling Banquo that he will kill Duncan, Macbeth says to
Banquo that if he supports him he will be rewarded soon.
Sensing that Macbeth will kill Duncan, Banquo says that he will not
sacrifice his personal integrity to become the father of many kings. If
he can keep his conscience clear he will listen to Macbeth's advice.
The bell that Lady Macbeth will ring is to signal that the coast is clear
for Macbeth to murder Duncan.
Alone and hallucinating, Macbeth reaches for his imaginary dagger
which takes him toward Duncan's door on the dagger.
Witchcraft celebrates its rites and murder stalks the night.
Macbeth asks for his horror and the darkness of the night to go
Lady Macbeth has gotten the guards drunk, and they are now
Lady Macbeth says she would have killed Duncan herself if he had
not looked so much like her father.
Macbeth returns to inform Lady Macbeth that he has murdered the
Macbeth tells his wife that Malcom and Donalbain prayed and ended
the prayer with "God Bless Us" and "Amen."
Macbeth informs his wife that he could not utter the word "Amen";
this marks Macbeth's separation from God.
Macbeth also head someone say that he had murdered sleep;
Macbeth fells he will never be able to sleep the same again after
murdering Duncan.
Lady Macbeth notices Macbeth brought back the bloody daggers
and instructs Macbeth to return the daggers to the owners and
smear them (the guards) with blood.
Macbeth refuses to return to Duncan's chamber so his wife returns
the daggers.
Macbeth feels that he will not be able to wash his hands of the
murder; not even all the water on Earth will be able to wash away the
blood from his hands or the crime, instead these waters will turn red
with blood also.
Lady Macbeth returns and tells Macbeth her hands are also red but
she does not like being so innocent.
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth change into their night clothes so on one
suspects them of the murder.
Macbeth hears the knocking and wishes Duncan could be awakened
by the noise.
ACT 2. sc. III
Setting: the same
The scene starts with a knocking at the gate.
The Porter, who is stone drunk, wanders out to the gate swearing to
the Devil because the knocking disturbed him.
Macduff and Lennox are at the gate.
Macduff asked if the Porter had stayed up to late last night.
The Porter tells Macduff that he is drunk
Macduff asks the Porter what three he gets out of drinking.
The Porter replies; a red nose, sleep, and urine.
Macbeth comes out and Macduff tells Macbeth that the king wanted
to see Macduff as soon as he arrived, Macbeth takes him to see the
Acting like nothing is wrong, Macbeth shows Macduff to the king’s
chamber and begins talking to Lennox.
Lennox tells Macbeth that there is something wrong with the world:
o Wind came out and blew down all the chimneys.
o They heard strange sounds of death in the air.
o Lennox says that there is something wrong with the world
like something bad has happened.
Macduff re-enters the hall and cries "O horror, horror horror!"
Duncan has been killed
Both Macbeth and Macduff go into the chamber to investigate.
Macduff sounds the bell and calls for Donalbain and Malcolm
Lady Macbeth enters the chamber and asks what has happened.
Macduff keeps from telling her anything because she is a woman,
‘and woman couldn’t handle such a situation.’
Macbeth, Lennox and Ross re-enter the chamber and Macbeth puts
on a big show of how much a loss Duncan is to the world.
Lennox believes that the guards did it, just how Macbeth and Lady
Macbeth hoped it would.
But then Macbeth tells them that it was he who killed the guards out
of rage for their slaughter of Duncan.
Malcolm and Donalbain whisper to each other that they both should
get out of Scotland because whoever killed their father might come
for them next.
Macbeth suggests that everybody get dressed and meet in the great
hall to discuss the new situation.
After everybody leaves, Donalbain says that he is going to Ireland
and Malcolm says that he is going to England to escape from
whomever killed Duncan.
ACT 2. sc. IV
Setting: Duncan's castle
An old man tells Ross about strange happenings that occurred
around Duncan's murdering. This includes an eclipse, a falcon killed
in air by an owl, and Duncan's horses turning wild and eating each
Macduff joins Ross and the old man. He asks Ross if he knows who
killed the King. Ross answers that the murderers are the guards that
Macbeth killed.
Duncan's sons, Malcom and Donalbain, are accused of having
bribed the guards because they fled after the murder was
Macbeth is going to be crowned king at Scone.
Duncan's body has already been carried away to his predecessors
tomb at Colmekill.
Ross will attend the Crowning but Macduff will not, instead he goes
to his castle at Fife.
Act III. sc. I
Setting: Forres castle
Banquo reflects on the fact that Macbeth has received all the titles
the witches promised him.
Banquo suspects Macbeth of foul play in order to receive the crown.
Banquo reflects about the witches prophecy about his own
descendants but does not give any indication of taking steps to make
his descendants become kings.
Banquo becomes quiet when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth enter with
their attendants.
Macbeth refers to Banquo as his “chief guest” and Lady Macbeth
tells Banquo that without him there would be a “gap” at their feast.
Macbeth invites Banquo to dinner and Banquo accepts.
During the conversation Macbeth finds out that Banquo and his son
Fleance will be out horseback riding and will not be back until dinner.
Macbeth tells Banquo that Malcolm and Donalbain are in England
and Ireland respectively, and will not admit to murdering their father.
Macbeth tells everyone that he will alone until supper time.
In a soliloquy Macbeth says he is afraid of Banquo because he has a
king's character.
During the soliloquy Macbeth remembers that the witches promised
Banquo that he would be father of line of kings, while to Macbeth
they only promised that he himself would be king.
Macbeth realizes that he has given his soul to the devil only to make
Banquo’s lineage kings.
Macbeth challenges Fate in order to prevent anyone from taking his
crown, which he received in exchange for his soul.
Macbeth then meets with two murderers and convinces them that
Banquo has wronged them, with false promises.
Macbeth tells the murderers that if they are men they should not let
Banquo get away with wrongdoing.
The murderers declare they are willing to do whatever it takes to get
revenge from Banquo.
Macbeth then tell them that Banquo is also his enemy and, though
he could kill him himself, he will not do that because he and Banquo
have common friends, and he will not like to lose those friends.
Macbeth tell the murderers they must kill Banquo and Fleance in
such a way that Macbeth escapes the blame; the murderers agree.
Finally Macbeth tell the murderers he will tell them where to perform
the murder within an hour.
Act III. sc. II
Setting: Inside Inverness
Lady Macbeth asks the servant if Banquo has gone away from
Inverness and the servants answers by saying that he will be back in
the evening.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to forget about Duncan’s murder
because his worrying will not bring Duncan to life. She says that
“what's done is done”.
Macbeth hints that his idea to kill Banquo bears the same malice that
he felt before killing Duncan.
The structure of things comes apart both heaven and earth perish.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to be happy and not show grief or guilt
at the feast; appearance v. reality.
Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth to honor Banquo by look and speech;
also he says they should show faces that cover the grief and guilt of
their hearts.
Macbeth says that his mind is troubled by Banquo and Fleance’s
existence; he points to their death but does not tell Lady Macbeth he
intends to kill them.
Macbeth calls for the night to be very dark, like the one of Duncan’s
death (so that the murderers can kill Banquo and Fleance).
Act III. sc. III
Setting: Outside on the way back to Inverness, almost a mile from the castle
A third murderer joins the two murderers Macbeth has already sent
to kill Banquo and Fleance; they await for Banquo to appear.
Banquo says that it will rain that night.
The three murderers attack Banquo but Fleance escapes.
The first murderer resolves for them three to report to Macbeth that
only Banquo has been killed.
Act III. sc. IV
Setting: Forres castle, banquet hall.
Macbeth welcome lords to his feast.
The first murderer of Banquo comes to the door of the banquet hall
and tells Macbeth that Banquo is dead, with twenty gashes in his
head, but that his son, Fleance, escaped.
Macbeth compares Fleance to a baby serpent which in time will grow
teeth and seethe with venom, presenting a threat to his crown.
Macbeth returns cheerfully to the table and laments Banquo’s
absence, almost blaming Banquo of unkindness for not being there.
Lennox asks Macbeth to take a sit but Macbeth says the table is full,
but then suddenly stops because he sees Banquo’s ghost sitting on
Macbeth’s chair; (Macbeth is the only one that sees the ghost).
An expression of horror appears on Macbeth’s face and he talks to
the ghost.
Lady Macbeth excuses Macbeth’s actions by telling the lord that from
his youth he has momentary delusions and asks them to please
ignore this lapse.
Lady Macbeth pulls Macbeth aside and asks him if he is a man,
chiding him that what he sees is only a product of his fear.
Macbeth addresses the ghost, asking it what it has to say, and it
exits; Macbeth remark that it used to be that when a man died he did
not return.
Macbeth returns to the table and sits down; he and the lords make a
toast to Banquo; Banquo’s ghost reenters.
Macbeth looses control and yells to the ghost to leave him alone; he
says he wouldn't be scared if it was in the form of anything but
Banquo’s ghost; the ghost exits.
Again Lady Macbeth tells the lord to ignore his behavior; and to
Macbeth she tells him that he has displaced the joy with much
Macbeth responds by asking her how she can remain so ruddy when
he himself is pale by what he sees.
Ross asks Macbeth to tell him what he sees but Lady Macbeth
interrupts by telling him not to ask any questions because that
enrages him in this state.
She says they better leave and bids the lords goodnight; the lords
Macbeth babbles on about strange happening, and then, changing
the conversation asks Lady Macbeth if Macduff refused to assist the
Lady Macbeth asks him if he sent for Macduff; Macbeth responds
that he will send for him and that he has a man spying in Macduff’s
Macbeth adds that he will visit the Weird Sisters, even if it is to know
the worst.
Lady Macbeth says that he is not in his five senses and they exit to
go to sleep.
Act III. sc. V
Setting: A Heath
Macbeth will want to know about what the future holds for him.
The witches will cast a spell and tell him what lies his future.
Hecate will leave the witches and come back after Macbeth is dead.
Macbeth, after hearing what the witches say to him, will be more
confused and crazy than before, he will go mad, and eventually he
will fulfill the prophesy.
Hecate casts a spell before she leave with the "Come Away" song in
the background.
The witches decide to go and do what Hecate said before she comes
back again.
Act III. sc. VI
Setting: The Palace
Lennox is talking to another lord about his doubts about Macbeth.
He finds it unusual that Duncan, the king that Macbeth supposedly
"loved" so much, wound up dead in his castle.
And Banquo, Macbeth’s closest ally also wound up dead, and his
son Fleance is missing..
Lennox also doesn't believe that Donalbain and Malcolm could have
killed their father.
Lennox also asks why Macbeth came to power so fast and why he
didn't share the same remorse over the death of Duncan that
everybody else had.
Lennox also questions the motives behind Macbeth killing the
Lennox asks the other lord why, and where Macduff is hiding.
The Lord says that Macduff has gone to England to meet with
Malcolm, King Edward of England, the Thane of Northumberland,
and the Thane of Siward to raise an army to overthrow Macbeth.
Lennox asks if the Lord is going to see Macduff and said that he
Lennox tells the Lord to tell Macduff to be careful in England and to
tell him that he hopes that they will come back to end the suffering of
their kingdom.
The three witches meet with Hecate.
Hecate asks the witches why they didn't include her in their meddling
with Macbeth.
Hecate tells the witches to go to the pit of Acheron where they will
meet with Macbeth.
Act IV. sc. I
Setting: A cavern, in the middle of a boiling cavern
Witches brew their concoction for a spell while chanting.
Macbeth goes to the witches to learn more about his future.
Witches conjure their master to tell Macbeth his future.
An armored head appears.
The first witch tells Macbeth the apparition knows his thoughts, he
must not speak.
The armored head tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff.
Armored head disappears.
A bloody child appears.
The child tells Macbeth to be a evil as possible because no one born
of a woman can harm him.
Bloody child disappears.
Macbeth says he does not need to fear Macduff, but to be really sure
Macduff will not harm him he will murder him.
A crowned child with a tree in his hand appears.
The child tells Macbeth to be proud and not to worry where traitors
are because he will never be defeated until Birnam Wood moves to
Dunsinane Hill.
Macbeth realizes that the forest cannot move.
Macbeth asks if Banquo's lineage will be kings.
The witches do not want to tell Macbeth the answer but he convinces
them to tell him.
Eight kings followed by Banquo with a glass in his hand appear.
Macbeth sees all the kings look like Banquo, then sees Banquo with
a glass showing him many more.
Banquo smiles at Macbeth and points to the kings and Macbeth
takes this as meaning these are Banquo's Descendants.
Macbeth asks the witches if this is true and they tell him yes.
The witches, along with Hecate, try to cheer Macbeth up by dancing.
The witches vanish and Macbeth questions where they went.
Macbeth asks Lennox if he saw the witches and Lennox says no.
Macbeth says that those who trust the witches are fools.
Lennox tells Macbeth that Macduff has fled to England.
Macbeth says he will take action quickly.
Macbeth plans to attack Macduff's castle and kill his family.
Act IV. sc. III
Setting: King Edward of England's palace.
Act IV. sc. II
Setting: Fife, Macduff's castle.
Lady Macduff asks why Macduff fled and says that when our actions
do not make us traitors our fears do.
Ross says she does not know if he fled in wisdom or fear but Lady
Macduff says it was not wise for him to leave his family in a place he
himself has fled.
Ross tells Lady Macbeth that things at their worst either stop or get
Lady Macduff says her son has a father but he is fatherless because
his father is not there.
Ross leaves.
Lady Macduff and her son converse about Macduff.
Sirrah says he will live as birds do with what he gets.
Lady Macduff says that Macduff is a traitor because he swears and
lies and traitors must be hanged by honest men.
Sirrah tells her that traitors are fools because they outnumber the
honest men and can beat them and hang them.
Sirrah does not believe his father is dead because Lady Macduff
does not cry, and if he was and she did not cry it would be a sign he
would quickly have a new father.
A messenger arrives and tells Lady Macduff she is in danger so she
and her family should flee.
Lady Macduff says she did not do anything bad so why should she
flee then realizes that sometimes being honest makes you a traitor
and being evil is highly acceptable.
Murderers arrive, ask for Macduff, and call him a traitor.
At this Sirrah proceeds to defend his father's honor and dies in the
Lady Macduff runs away crying "Murder" followed by the murderers.
Macduff and Malcolm converse and Malcolm is cautious to trust
Macduff right away.
Malcolm questions why Macduff left his family and also questions
Macduff's loyalty to him because Macbeth has not harmed him yet.
Macduff does not like his honor being questioned so he decides to
Malcolm tells Macduff not to be offended by his suspicions.
Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty to him by telling Macduff he is more
evil than Macbeth, at first Macduff does not believe this but Malcolm
convinces him of this.
Then Macduff says that Malcolm is not fit to govern or to live, and
questions why he is so evil if his parents were so holy.
Macduff also regrets having fled from Scotland because now he can
never return.
Malcolm then tells Macduff all he said about himself was a test to
see if Macduff was like one of the others Macbeth sent to lead
Malcolm straight to death.
A doctor enters and says that the king is coming but he is healing
people with his touch at the moment.
Ross speaks to Malcolm and tells him of the chaos going on at
Ross tells Macduff that his family is well but does not go into detail,
so Macduff questions why and Ross finally tells him everyone in his
castle was massacred.
Macduff then blames himself for their death but then decides to
avenge their death by killing Macbeth.
Malcolm and the others are going to begin the fight.
The Doctor prays for Lady Macbeth.
Act V. sc II
Setting: A Scottish force marches toward Birnam Wood to join Malcom and
his English army.
The English power lead by Malcom, Siward, and Macduff is near
Birnam Wood to revenge Macduff's wife and children and Duncan.
Lennox reports that Donalbain is not accompanying the English
army; Siward's son and other youth are.
Caithness says that some people in Dunsinane think of Macbeth as if
he were crazy while others that do not hate him much say he is
afraid of being killed. He cannot hide his guilt.
Those that will fight for Macbeth will fight by command not for love to
Act V. sc. I
Setting: at Inverness waiting for Lady Macbeth to show up
Act V. sc. III
Setting: Macbeth is anxious at Inverness.
A Gentlewoman has seen Lady Macbeth walking in her sleep and
asks for a medicine Doctor's advice.
The Doctor says that Lady Macbeth's ability to sleep-walk is cause of
perturbation and asks the Gentlewoman what other strange things
Lady Macbeth does.
Lady Macbeth appears and the Gentlewoman says that she has light
by her continually (she is afraid of Duncan's ghost).
The Doctor notices that Lady Macbeth continually rubs and washes
her hands but the Gentlewoman says that this is usual of her (she
wants to wash Duncan's blood off of her hands).
Lady Macbeth remembers the clock striking 2:00 a.m. just before
Duncan's murder and exclaims for the memory to be erased.
Lady Macbeth recalls that Macduff's wife is dead and asks when her
hands and Macbeth's hands will be clean of blood. She says that
Macbeth's sudden fits, which lead him to kill, cause disturbance and
The Doctor says that Lady Macbeth's heart is greatly burdened as
Lady Macbeth exclaims that no perfume will make her hands smell
Lady Macbeth recalls that Banquo was also killed.
The Doctor says that Lady Macbeth's disease is not physical; rather,
she needs spiritual healing.
Reports are brought to Macbeth that Scottish and English forces are
coming against him but he tries to stay calm by remembering the
witches' prophesies 1.) he would not die in the hands of a woman
born man or 2.) until Birnam Wood was moved to Dunsinane.
Macbeth's servant is afraid of the ten thousand soldiers that make up
the English army.
Macbeth says that the outcome of the battle against the English
army will determine if he keeps the king's throne.
Seyton reassures Macbeth that the English army is coming.
Macbeth asks for his armor and to kill (hang) those that fear the
coming war.
Macbeth tells the Doctor to cure Lady Macbeth. He asks him if he
can erase the guilt that tortures her and put her in a state of oblivion
to relieve her heart.
The Doctor says that if he were away from Dunsinane not even
money would persuade him to go there.
Act V. sc. IV
Setting: Country near Birnam Wood.
Malcolm hopes that the war with Macbeth will end soon and that the
land will safely recover from his rule.
Siward asks what the forest ahead of them is called and Menteith
says it is Birnam Wood.
Malcolm instructs his army to cut branches from the trees and for
everyone to cover themselves with the branches to conceal their
numbers from Macbeth.
Siward reports that his scouts have reveled that Macbeth has
fortified his castle and is preparing for battle.
Malcolm says that Macbeth's soldiers only fight for him out of fear,
not out of their loyalty to Macbeth.
Siward tells the group that any decisions that have to be made have
better be made now, because the battle is about to start.
Act V. sc. V
Setting: Dunsinane. Within castle.
Macbeth tells his troops to hang out their banners and to prepare for
battle because Malcolm's army still approached.
 Macbeth tries to rally his troops, declaring that their castle will laugh
at the enemies attempt to siege the castle and that they will fight until
famine and pestilence overwhelms the enemy.
 Macbeth claims that if those who were forced into the ranks of
Malcolm's army were in the castle now, then they would have gone
out to the field and met Malcolm's army, man to man and would beat
them back.
 Macbeth says that troops were forced into the service of Malcolm
and Malcolm says that troops were forced into the service of
 Macbeth hears the cry of women within the castle but says that there
once was a time in which if he ever heard the cry of a woman at
night, that he would freeze with fear.
 But now Macbeth has seen and performed so many horrors, that the
cry of woman no longer frighten him.
 Macbeth asks where the cry came from and Seyton tells him that
Lady Macbeth is dead.
 Macbeth says that she should have died long before now, there were
plenty of times in which she could have died before.
Act V. sc. VII
Setting: Dunsinane Castle
Macbeth says that he is tired of living, he has performed so many
evil deeds in his life that he no longer wants to live.
Macbeth tells Seyton that life isn't important, that the purpose of
living is to die, and that to live means nothing.
A messenger comes to address Macbeth but hesitates to tell
Macbeth because he doesn't know how to explain what he saw to
The messenger tells Macbeth that while he was up on the hill,
probably scouting Malcolm's army, he saw the wood of Birnam begin
to move.
Macbeth doesn't believe the messenger and even threatens the
messenger with his life if he's lying, but the messenger pleads with
Macbeth, saying that if Macbeth doesn't believe him, then he should
go up to the castle wall and see the moving wood for himself.
Macbeth sees the moving grove and recites to himself the witches
prophesy, "fear not till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane". The
prophesy is becoming true.
Macbeth tells his troops to arm themselves, to stop whatever their
doing, and to prepare for battle.
He tells them to not be weary of the sun, and to hope that the order
of the universe will be undone to ensure their victory.
But Macbeth himself isn't that sure that he will win the battle, one of
the prophesies has come true, and he is now worried about the other
prophesies, he even tells his troops that even if they don't win they
will at least die with honor.
Act V. sc. VI
Setting: Dunsinane. Before the castle.
Malcolm and his army approach the castle.
Malcolm tells his troops to lay down their cover branches and tells
Siward that he will accompany him with the first wave and that
Macduff will mop up any other enemy troops.
Siward wishes everybody good luck, and hopes that either they
completely win the battle or that they completely loose that battle.
Macduff calls for the trumpets to sound and for the battle to begin.
Macbeth realizes that he will not defeat Malcolm's army but he does
not fear for his life because he remembers that the witches said that
nobody born of woman would hurt him
Young Siward encounters Macbeth and on learning who he is
declares his hatred for Macbeth; and attacks him but is killed by
Macbeth; Macbeth remarks that young Siward was born from a
Macduff declares that he himself must kill must kill Macbeth because
if not his family will hunt him and he goes to were the battle is louder
to find Macbeth
Siward tells Malcolm that the lords on their side are fighting bravely
and that Malcolm's army will most likely win the war
Act V. sc. VIII
Setting: Dunsinane Castle
On seeing that he trapped Macbeth considers but at the same time
dismisses suicide
Macduff finds Macbeth and Macbeth tells him to depart because his
soul is too much charged with Macduff's blood already
Macbeth tells Macduff to use his sword on someone else because he
is charmed and nobody born of woman can hurt him; Macduff says
he was taken from his mother's womb early so that he was not
naturally born
Macbeth realizes that the witches tricked him and refuses to fight
Macduff threats him that if he does not fight he will be hung to a pole
and be mocked and displayed for the tyrant that he is
Macbeth says he will not bow down to Malcolm as king and vows to
fight till he dies
Macduff kills Macbeth
Malcolm and his thanes convene together
Ross tells Siward that young Siward died like a brave soldier; and
though Siward is sorry he is glad he died honorably
Macduff comes to Malcolm an his thane's presence carrying
Macbeth's head
Macduff and the other thanes hail Malcolm as king
Malcolm promises them reward for their service; he says he will call
home all those that fled Macbeth's tyranny; he also points that the
evil queen, Lady Macbeth committed suicide
Finally Malcolm invites everybody to Scone to see him crowned