Outsiders Packet

Name: ____________________________________ Period:___
The Outsiders
Essential Questions:
 How do others shape our view of the world and ourselves?
 How do our personal experiences shape our view of others?
 What does it mean to be an insider or an outsider?
 Is it important to belong?
 Where is there power in writing?
Tentative Schedule
Week of April 21
Opening activities for novel study
Introduction to novel: notes, Tweets, & Final Project
Chapters 1-5 with discussion*
Week of April 28
Chapters 6-9 discussion*
Week of May 5
Chapters 10-12 discussion*
Choose final project and group members
Week of May 12
Practice and present final projects!
* Discussions will be based on Tweets, notes, & analysis of powerful words
Taking Notes
Use these note-taking strategies to uncover the importance of
key events & writerly moves. READ each chapter and do three
1) Highlight POWERFUL/SIGNIFICANT quotes
2) Circle unfamiliar/tricky words
3) Fill in the character analysis sheet
Uncovering ideas inside the book
Quotes, Themes, Character Descriptions, Events,
Turning Points, Character Traits, Relationships,
Writerly Moves, Setting
Making connections
OUTSIDE the book
Songs, Poems, Life Lessons, Favorite Foods, Quotes
Recipes (Literal or Figurative, Advice You’d Give to a Character, Photos, Tweets/Posts
“I lie to myself all the time.
But I never believe me.”
React, make a connection, summarize, or relate
to something that you read in your assigned
Following: 350
Followers: 355
Keep track of
ideas, or
conflicts that
are happening
while reading.
Use them for
your nightly
tweets, Friday
group tweets,
or bring them
up in class
Your tweets must include your twitter name and the
chapters on which your tweet is based.
Example: @EnglishTeacher, Ch. 1-3:
Whatever happened to putting your friends
first? #Friendship #Loyalty #Rm204
Your tweet must be 140 characters or less and a
minimum of 100 characters including spaces and
Hashtags must be appropriate and relevant to the
text, chapters, or theme that you are reading.
Each tweet you write must include our class
hashtag: #Rm204.
You must create one tweet per night, which will
culminate into a weekly group tweet every Friday.
The Outsiders’ Final Project
MUSIC – Rap Battle
2 or 4 people
Write and perform a rap that describes a scene from the
novel, an overview of the novel, or a discussion about the
novel’s themes. This is your chance to have your voice be
heard! You must recite the rap as a character in both
dialect and dress. The rap should be a performance
between rappers who are battling it out in front of an
ART – Puzzle
1 person
Design a puzzle that represents a scene, theme or
character from the novel. You must illustrate an
understanding of the overall message behind the novel.
The pieces will eventually be available for the class to
help put back together.
EVENT – Mock Party
4 people
You will host a party that is based on two rival gangs
coming together in a truce. The elements of the party
must be related to the book and the characters. As
characters from the novel, you must design an invitation,
a menu, a guest list, entertainment and party favors.
Choose One!
Rap Battle
The Greasers and the Socs have had a grudge for as long as they can remember. If you were given the opportunity to
really hash it out without resorting to violence, what would you say to your worst enemy? This is your chance to express
your opinions in a real-life RAP BATTLE between two gangs! You must choose a side from The Outsiders and perform “in
character” for this assignment.
Pick a side: are you a Greaser or a Soc?
Choose a specific character --- you must adopt their personality and perform in costume!
The Rap
o Can reflect any stage of the story
o Must be based on the events that occurred in the book
o Need musical beat in the background
o Bring in props and visuals
The Written Component
o Type in stanzas
o You must have a minimum of 8 stanzas
o Each stanza must have 4 to 8 lines
o Each group member must type a final copy with border and picture
The Battle
o Round 1: Intro
o Round 2: Body
o Final Round: Conclusion
o The audience will decide the winner
As you read, your goal is to search out “pieces” from within the story and from the world around you that you could fit
together to make a “puzzle.” You can narrow your search to “pieces” that pertain to a specific character or theme. You
might also want to come up with an innovative and unpredictable perspective of your own. Be creative! Be bold!
Design your puzzle based on a character or theme
Pick material for your puzzle board (cardboard, wood, foam board, card stock, etc.)
o You must be able to cut through to make the puzzle pieces!
Create an eye-catching background of your puzzle based on your character or theme
o Collect items to help represent your character or theme on the puzzle
o Magazine pictures, words, photographs, etc.
o Be creative, but remember, your pieces have to be flat!
Assemble the background of the puzzle --- this may involve gluing, drawing, painting, collaging, etc.
Outline the lines of your 10+ pieced puzzle with marker and cut them out
Mock Party
You have a chance to host a party to bring two rival gangs together in a truce. Choose a side, a character to portray, and
create a conversation that is based on a part of the book. Through this party, you are attempting to create the possibility
of a resolution between the Greasers and the Socs. The purpose of the party is to move on from past issues and come
together with a new perspective. You must ENTERTAIN us!!
Party Details – You and your group members will actually have the party in front of the class.
o Can be breakfast, lunch or dinner
Invitations – all related to the story
o Your guests of honor will be members of the other gang
o Specify date, time, location of the event
o Create an RSVP card
Menu – again, all related to the story. Think about setting.
o Includes appetizer, entrée, sides, dessert and beverages
o What will make the party move or tick?
o Present a peace offering gift (something intangible)
o Set the table
o Centerpiece
Written Component – Includes: the conversation at the party, how you will attempt to achieve the resolution, and
anything else you feel is important.