BIOL 120 Microbiology Applications Course: BIOL 120 Microbiology Applications Term: Days/ Time: Instructor: E-mail address: Phone: This course provides an overview of microbiology, as well as applications of microbiology in the healthcare practice. We will evaluate how microorganisms play a role in the environment and human body through lecture, activities, assignments, quizzes, exams, and a hands-on laboratory. All course materials are to be accessed through, an online platform that will allow for us to be green in this course, as well as allow you to access the information, no matter where you are. Let’s have a wonderful semester exploring the world of microbiology! Course Outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of biology and chemistry as they relate to microbiology. 2. Identify characteristics and types of common microorganisms. 3. Examine modes of transmission and methods for preventing the spread of microorganisms. 4. Articulate host inflammatory and immune processes. 5. Explain treatment of infectious diseases: antimicrobial medications and bacterial resistance. 6. Categorize infectious diseases of body systems of current epidemiological concern. 7. Outline basic procedures in clinical microbiology lab practice and evaluate effective learning strategies. Successful completion of the assignments, lab activities, quizzes, exams, and semester project will fulfill the course outcomes as listed above. Institutional Outcomes Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats. Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. Community and Career - Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth. Successful completion of the assignments, lab activities, quizzes, exams, and semester project will fulfill the course outcomes as listed above. Page 1 of 11 Grading Description Online Exams Tests= 3 total These are online exams that will assess your ability to remember and understand the information from theory and lab and will be provided through either Mastering Microbiology or Blackboard. These are worth 70 points of your overall exam grade for each exam. In-Class Exams Tests= 3 total These are short exams, given in class as indicated on the tracking calendar, to assess your ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information based on the knowledge and understanding of course content. These are worth 30 points of the exam grade for each exam. Final In-Class Exam This is an exam provided at the end of the term to assess your ability to apply, evaluate, and analyze information that you have learned in the course. This exam will cover content from the entire semester. This is worth 150 points total. Authentic Assessment Review Paper and Presentation In-class assignments, activities, and online discussions in Blackboard You will individually complete a paper on a selected and approved topic of your choice and then provide a presentation of your topic to your peers. The information for this assessment will be provided in a separate document. This project is intended to connect the information you’ve learned to your career and to the course and institutional outcomes. This entire project is worth 100 points. In-class assignments and activities are intended to help you reinforce the information learned from online and in-class. These make up 10% (100 points total) of your grade. If you miss class, these cannot be made up and the points are lost (except under special circumstances. Discussions on Blackboard will be monitored and failure to actively participate in discussions will result in a loss of points for the discussion. Percent of Course Grade 30% 15% 10% 10% Page 2 of 11 Mastering Microbiology Activities Assignments are intended to help you understand the information and apply it to the healthcare practice. These assignments will not have any kind of extension. In-class activities will be assessed on participation in the activity. You will not be able to make up a missed in-class activity, however, the information will be available to you to help you prepare for the exam (you cannot earn credit on the activity). Lab Exercises Laboratory exercises are worksheets that will demonstrate your ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate information from laboratory experiments that you will complete in groups. The lab manual is available on Blackboard. Lab Quizzes will assess your ability to retain information from the lab activities. These are given in lab, and are not allowed to be made up (unless documentation is provided, see policies for makeup work). Lab Quizzes Total = 15% 10% 10% 100% Required Textbook The required textbook is Microbiology with Diseases by Body System with Mastering Microbiology, 4th edition, by Robert W. Bauman. Note: You are required to have the masteringmicrobiology access code which is included in the bundle through the college. No exceptions. Grading Scale Percentage Grade Value 90-100% A 85-89% B+ 80-84% B 75-79% C+ 70-74% C 69% or less F Other: W = Withdrawal prior to midpoint of semester I = Incomplete (see school Grades are available for viewing on Blackboard. Your instructor will meet with you at the 4 week, 8 week, and 12 week checkpoints to make sure you are aware of your course grade and to address your concerns/ questions. If you miss more than 2 class sessions and/ or are failing at the mid-term, you will be required to complete a learning contract with your instructor to increase the likelihood of success in the course. MAKE-UP POLICY: Only documented family emergencies and personal emergencies will be acceptable reasons for missing an exam, not completing a quiz on time, presenting a project, or missing a lab. A vacation is not an acceptable reason for missing lab activities, tests, quizzes, or projects without prior arrangements with the instructor. There will be no exceptions to the Page 3 of 11 makeup policy. Please plan accordingly. There will be no extensions for exam preparation or completion of any of Grades that are higher the other course materials, as they are clearly identified on the tracking than a .5% will be calendar. rounded to the next It is the responsibility of each student to attend the class section in which highest percentage. This they are officially registered when an exam/ quiz is scheduled. If an exam/ means, if you receive a quiz is missed due to extenuating circumstances, the student will be given 79.6% you will receive an one opportunity to arrange to make up the exam within 1 week of the exam 80% overall grade. date. Failure to make arrangements within this time frame will result in a 0 on the exam/ quiz. Until an exam/ quiz is made up, the student will earn zero points. If a scantron is used on an exam, your grade will be based on the scantron. Make sure that you have answered all questions appropriately on the scantron. If you miss items or do not transfer the answers correctly, you will lose those points- the instructor will not make any exceptions to this policy. There will be no extensions for late work. If work is not turned in when it is due (based on the tracking calendar), you will receive a 0. No exceptions will be made to this policy- do not turn in work late and expect credit for it. It is marked on the tracking calendar. That being said, you will be allowed to turn in late work within 5 business days of the due date 1 time over the course of the semester. This is your one “freebie”, or “get out of jail free” opportunity. Use it wisely! Handwritten work must be written in black or dark blue ink. If your handwriting cannot be deciphered (i.e., is not easily legible), your work will not be graded and you will receive a 0 for the assessment. On-site references (These books are on reserve in the campus library – instructor will assign specific readings to supplement the text and support completion of writing assignments): • Maczulak, A. E. (2011). Encyclopedia of microbiology / Anne Maczulak ; foreword by Robert H. Ruskin. New York: Facts On File, c2011. • McMillan, V.E. (2012). Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences, Fifth Edition. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s. Web-based references (Instructor will assign specific readings to supplement the text and support completion of writing assignments): • Purdue OWL: • Microbe Wiki: Supplemental Materials policy) TIME COMMITMENT NECESSARY TO EARN COURSE CREDIT In order to successfully achieve all outcomes for this 3-credit hour course, it is expected that each student will participate in the scheduled in-class hours (two 60-minute contact hours – 120 minutes – each week for lecture; 3 60-minute contact hours- 180 minutes- each week for laboratory) and dedicate an approximate total of 90 hours during the term for out-of-class preparation and work time. Out-of-class time will be necessary for completing textbook/lab readings and related Page 4 of 11 assignments, accessing and using additional resources as identified by the instructor and/or through student research, completing both non-graded and graded drafts and final writings, and preparing for an oral presentation. Tasks & Time Allocation for this 3-Credit Hour Course: Tasks Approximate Time* In-Class Theory Time 1x/ week 120 minutes x 15 weeks= 1800 minutes or 30 hours In-Class Lab Time 1x/ week 180 minutes x 15 weeks= 2700 minutes or 45 hours Out of Class Preparation: 3 credit hours x 2 out of 6 hours x 15 weeks= 90 hours over the term class hours for each credit hour= 6 hours/ week TOTAL HOURS IN AND OUT OF CLASS= 30+45+90= 165 hours *Though each student’s actual allocation of time to specific out-of-class activities will vary, he/she should anticipate that the overall time commitment, in class and out of class, will be necessary for successful completion of this course.* SKILLS ASSISTANCE/COURSE ENHANCEMENT The instructor is available 30 minutes prior to class and 30 minutes after class, as well as during posted office hours and by appointment. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Bryant & Stratton College provides you with additional opportunities to enhance your learning experience by providing highly qualified, dedicated, and friendly tutors at the Bayshore and Wauwatosa campuses for the biology courses. Utilizing their additional assistance will increase your likelihood of persistence in this course and your degree path. RESOURCES All course materials will be available through Blackboard. The textbook and laboratory manual are required course materials; all laboratory exercises must be printed prior to lab and the textbook should be brought to both lecture and lab. Students are expected to come to class prepared with textbook, pen/pencils, and paper. Page 5 of 11 Attendance Policy Important things to know about attendance: • Attendance is taken at all academically-related activities including class and labs and is part of your permanent record. • It is your responsibility to contact your instructor to make arrangements for any material or work being missed due to your absence. • If you cumulatively miss two weeks’ worth of class time in one class, you will need to see your instructor or academic advisor to pick up and complete a Status Update and Learning Contract form to be signed by you and your instructor. These may be updated or replaced should additional absences impact your performance in class. • Tardiness is not acceptable. The classroom door will be closed at the start of class. If you are late, you may rejoin the class at the break. Homework must be handed in at the beginning of class; if handed in after start of class it will be counted as late. Quizzes or other graded activities that are missed cannot be made up. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SYLLABUS The instructor frequently reviews the syllabus to assure that the most current thoughts regarding this course are reflected as well as to accommodate necessary changes that may be needed. It is the instructor’s prerogative to adjust the syllabus. Any such changes will be communicated in class as well as by email notification of all students in the class and such changes will be documented. E-MAIL POLICY The instructor will respond to e-mails within 24 hours, provided they are sent during business hours of 8:00 AM- 6:00 PM Monday-Friday. The instructor cannot guarantee a response on the weekends or after 6:00 PM on weekdays. If you do not hear a response within 24 hours, re-send the e-mail. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the instructor has received their e-mail. SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS Under the guidelines of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the college is required to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities. If you have a diagnosed learning disability that might affect your performance in this class, and you would like to request special accommodations, you should provide documentation to the campus ADA officer and meet with him or her at the beginning of each term. The ADA officer will review students’ needs to determine the appropriate course of action. This information will be kept confidential, with the exception of the relevant instructors. Page 6 of 11 Tracking Calendar for Microbiology Lecture INSTRUCTOR: DAYS/ TIME: WEEK CONTENT: TOPICS COURSE OUTCOME(S) To be addressed 1, 2, 6 Week 1 Course Introduction Introduction to Microbiology Week 2 Chemistry as it pertains to microbiology Cellular structure and function 1, 2 Week 3 Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Viruses, Classification 1, 2, 6 Week 4 Exam 1: Introduction, Chemistry, Cell Structure/ Function, Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Viruses Microbial Metabolism 1 Week 5 Microbial Metabolism Microbial Nutrition/ Growth 1 Week 6 Genetics and Recombinant DNA Technology 1 Week 7 Controlling microbial growth in the environment and body 1, 2, 5, 6 Week 8 Exam 2: Microbial metabolism, nutrition and growth, genetics, recombinant DNA technology Infection, Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology 1, 2, 3, 4 ASSIGNMENTS / ASSESSMENTS TEXTBOOK & SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIRED READINGS DUE DATES Textbook: Ch. 1 Assignments: Set up blackboard, answer EQ in discussion Read Ch. 1-3 for next class Textbook: Ch. 1, 2, 3 Assignments: Chemistry and Cell Structure Homework Read Ch. 11-13 for next class Textbook Ch. 3, 11, 12, 13 Assignments: Classification of Microorganisms Homework STUDY FOR EXAM 1 Read Ch. 5 for next class Textbook: Ch. 5 Assignments: Microbial Metabolism Homework Assessments: Exam 1 Read Ch. 6 for next class Textbook: Ch. 5, 6 Assignments: Microbial Nutrition and Growth Homework Read Ch. 7-8 for next class Textbook: 7, 8 Assignments: Genetics/ Recombinant DNA Homework Read Ch. 9, 10 for next class Textbook: 9, 10 Assignments: Controlling microbial growth homework STUDY FOR EXAM 2 Read Ch. 14 for next class Textbook: 14 Assignments: Epidemiology homework Assessments: Exam 2 Read Ch. 15-16 for next class Page 7 of 11 Week 9 Innate and Adaptive Immunity 1, 2, 3, 4 Week 10 Immunization/ Immune Testing, Immune Disorders 1, 2, 3, 4 Week 11 Exam 3: Immunology and Immune Disorders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Week 12 Microbial diseases of the Skin, Wounds, Nervous System, and Eyes Microbial diseases of cardiovascular system, systemic diseases, respiratory diseases, and digestive diseases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Week 13 Microbial diseases of the urinary/ reproductive systems Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Week 14 Final Exam New material: microbial diseases Cumulative material: all content covered in exams 1-3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Textbook: 15, 16 Assignments: Immunology Homework Assessments: Read Ch. 17-18 for next class Textbook: 17, 18 Assignments: Immunization and Immune Disorders Homework STUDY FOR EXAM 3 Read Ch. 19-20 for next class Textbook: 19-20 Assignments: Microbial diseases Part I Homework Assessments: Exam 3 Read Ch. 21-23 for next class Textbook: 21, 22, 23 Assignments: Microbial diseases Part II Homework Read Ch. 24-25 for next class Textbook: Ch. 24, 25 Assignments: Applied and Environmental Microbiology Homework STUDY FOR FINAL EXAM Assessments: Final Exam Week 15 ~ Schedule subject to change at instructor’s discretion ~ Page 8 of 11 Tracking Calendar For BIOL 120 Microbiology Applications Lab INSTRUCTOR: DAYS/ TIME: WEEK Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 CONTENT: TOPICS Laboratory Safety Lab 1: The Ubiquity of Microorganisms Lab 2: Gram-Stain Information Literacy activity Lab 3: Eukaryotic Microorganisms Information Literacy activity Lab quiz 1: Lab 1 Project: Literature Search and Approval (will meet in a lecture classroom, Room TBD) Lab Quiz 2: Lab 2 Lab 4: Cellular Respiration Lab Quiz 3: Lab 3 Lab 5: pGLO Transformation Post-Exam Evaluation Lab Quiz 4: Lab 4 Lab 6: Antibiotic Sensitivity Antibiotic Resistance and Natural Selection Game Lab Quiz 5: Lab 5 Movie: Dallas Buyer’s Club Week 9 Lab 7: DNA Chips: Genes to Disease Kit Lab Quiz 6: Lab 6 Week 10 Lab 8: ELISA Presentation Prep COURSE OUTCOME(S) To be addressed 1, 2, 6, 7 1, 2, 7 1, 2, 6, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 ASSIGNMENTS / ASSESSMENTS TEXTBOOK & SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIRED READINGS DUE DATES Assignment: Lab 1 Read Lab 2 for next lab Assignment: Lab 2 Read Lab 3 for next lab Assignment: Lab 3 Assessment: Lab Quiz 1 Review information literacy activity and complete worksheet Assignment: Primary literature search and approval Assessment: Lab Quiz 2 Read Lab 4 for next lab Assignment: Lab 4 Assessment: Lab Quiz 3 Read Lab 5 for next lab Assignment: Lab 5 Assessment: Lab Quiz 4 Read Lab 6 for next lab Assignment: Lab 6, Game worksheet Download and print worksheet for next lab Assignment: Movie Worksheet Assessment: Lab Quiz 5 Read Lab 7 for next lab Assignment: Lab 7 Assessment: Lab Quiz 6 Read Lab 8 for next lab Assignment: Lab 8 Read Lab 9 for next lab Page 9 of 11 Week 11 Lab 9: Gram-Positive Cocci Lab Quiz 7: Lab 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Assignment: Lab 9 Assessment: Lab Quiz 7 Read Lab 10 for next lab Week 12 Lab 10: Urine Culture Lab Quiz 8: Lab 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Week 13 Presentations (Room TBD) Lab Quiz 9: Lab 9 Final Exam Study Day Lab Quiz 10: Lab 10 Review Activities in Lab Final day, movie or game TBD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Assignment: Lab 10 Assessment: Lab Quiz 8 Finish presentations Assignment: Peer Reviews Assessment: Lab Quiz 9 Assessment: Lab Quiz 10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Watch a movie, discuss grades Week 14 Week 15 ~ Schedule subject to change at instructor’s discretion ~ Page 10 of 11 STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT (Please tear off, sign and return to the instructor.) I have received a copy of the above Supplement to Course Syllabus with Weekly Tracking Calendar for Microbiology; I have had the opportunity to become thoroughly familiar with this document and fully understand all of the policies and procedures contained therein. Student signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Page 11 of 11