Macbeth Study Questions

A Tragedy – by William
Shakespeare (A.K.A. Billy Shakes)
Day One Journal
Agree or Disagree with this statement and
use examples to support your opinion:
Our fate is predetermined
Pre – Reading Activity
Individually, or in groups, write a brief scene in
which one of the following situations is developed:
A boy acts in a macho fashion to please his girlfriend
A girl attacks a boy’s manhood
Peer pressure accounts for someone committing a
wrongful deed
Ambition brings out the best (or worse) in someone
A person wrestles with an issue of conscience
These will be performed tomorrow at the start of class.
Minimum one minute length
Day Two Journal
Agree or Disagree with this statement and
use examples to support your opinion:
It is natural for humans to strive for power
Additionally, give a modern day example of a
person (or people) who either strove for power
and failed or succeeded.
Macbeth Reading Logs
These logs will help you interact with the text and will enable
you me to track your understanding and comprehension.
 In these logs, you should…
Ask questions of the text
Indicate things that they do not understand in the text
Note your favourite parts, or quotations, in the text
Give your opinions about what is happening, about why
characters are saying and doing certain things, etc.
Do not simply provide plot summaries (they will receive a mark
of zero!)
 You should submit one reading log after completing each act
(five in total)
 Each log should reach approximately one page in length
Reading Log (Assessment Criteria)
Development of entries
Evidence that student is making a thoughtful
attempt to come to terms with, to engage, the text.
For students who read the entire play and
honestly complete the logs to the best of their
abilities, success rates on this aspect of the study
of Macbeth should be high
Present Scenes
Backgrounding Macbeth
Macbeth was real
Divine Right of Kings
Macbeth as a Royal Play
Reality of Macbeth (c.1005 - 1057)
Shakespeare's Macbeth bears little resemblance to the real 11th century
Scottish king.
Mac Bethad mac Findláich,
 born in around 1005.
 In August 1040, he killed the ruling king, Duncan I, in
battle. Macbeth became king.
In 1045, Macbeth defeated and killed Duncan I's father.
 Equal ruler and noble.
In 1054, challenged by Siward, to return Malcolm to throne
In August 1057,
 killed by Malcolm in battle (later Malcolm III).
The Divine Right of Kings
 Royal
 Will of God.
 King Rules above Church + State
 Deposing the King = Heresy
King James I
Believed in the Divine
Right of Kings and
Absolutism (King James
Macbeth written between
Gunpowder Plot (1605)
Catholics vs. Protestants
Shakespearean Tragedy
 Many
have linked his plays to
Aristotle's precept about tragedy:
 that the protagonist must be an
admirable but flawed character,
with the audience able to
understand and sympathize with
the character.
Tragedy Cont’d
As one of the most influential
Shakespearean critics of the 19th century,
A.C. Bradley argues,
 " the playwright always insists on the
operation of the doctrine of free will; the
(anti)hero is always able to back out, to
redeem himself. But, the author dictates,
they must move unheedingly to their
Day Three Journal
Agree or Disagree with this statement and
use examples to support your opinion:
When in power, humans will do anything to
maintain it.
God – and only god – controls what humanity
achieves and endures.
Present Scenes
Day Four Journal
Agree or Disagree with this statement and
use examples to support your opinion:
An accomplice is just as guilty as the person who
commits the crime.
 If you kill, you should be killed in return (“an eye
for an eye”)
Study Questions
Act I to Act V
That Scottish Play
Act I Activity
Re-read this act; find references to images of
the following and provide two to three examples
of each.
Comment on the purpose and/or meaning of
these references. Place these in your journals
Act I Scene i
1. What is the mood of this opening scene?
2. In what way is this mood created?
3. Identify two or three specific words which
help establish this theme
Act I Scene ii
1. Why, according to the Soldier’s report is the
epithet “brave Macbeth” fitting?
2. To which Roman God is Macbeth compared to?
Why is this comparison effective?
3. What has Macbeth gained by the end of this
4. Compare the mood of this scene with that of the
opening scene.
Act I Scene iii
1. Describe the prophecies given to Macbeth and to
2. What do Banquo’s observation of Macbeth (line 50)
reveal to us about Macbeth
3. Why does Ross’ news surprise Macbeth?
4. What does Macbeth mean when he concludes that “This
supernatural soliciting/Cannot be ill cannot be
5. One of the most prevalent themes in Macbeth is that of
the difference between appearance and reality. In
what way is that theme inherent in this scene?
Act I Scene iv
1. Describe the character of Duncan as well as
you can from what you have seen thus far.
2. What is Macbeth’s reaction to the naming of
Malcolm as Duncan’s successor?
3. What does this reaction reveal to us about
Act I Scene v
1. Quote three lines from Lady Macbeth that
indicate the intensity of her character.
2. Why does Lady Macbeth so quickly accept the
prophecies of the witches?
3. Indicate Lady Macbeth’s plans for Duncan and
cite two lines which support this.
4. Do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth love one
another? Reference the text.
Act I Scene vi
Define the term dramatic irony
1. Give an example of dramatic irony in this
2. What is your final estimation of Duncan as a
person and as a king?
Act I Scene vii
Define the term soliloquy.
1. Why does Macbeth appear to hesitate about
killing Duncan? Cite two examples.
2. Indicate two of three methods used, or
arguments made, by Lady Macbeth to convince
her husband to do the deed.
3. Outline the detail of their plan.
Act II Journal Assignment (Due
During this period and tomorrow’s period you will be
asked to write a character analysis from what you have
seen/heard from them thus far on each of the following
Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Duncan, Banquo, Macduff,
Malcolm, Donaldbain.
In your analysis comment on the following prompt in a short
essay (150-200 words) for each character and use at least
two textual references to support your opinion.
Each character reveals themselves and their true character
in some way in the first two acts. Write an essay describing
what your think each character reveals at this point in the
play. Additionally, what are they hiding? MLA/Works Cited is
not needed for this activity.
Act II Scene i
Define the term pathetic fallacy.
1. Explain its use in this scene.
2. Suggest two or three purposes served by the
“Is this a dagger” soliloquy.
3. In what way does the tone of this speech
change from beginning to end?
4. Does our view of Banquo change in this scene?
Reference the text for support.
Act II Scene ii
1. Using direct references to the play, compare
the reactions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to
the murder of Duncan
2. In your opinion, which characters reaction is
more realistic? Support your answer.
3. Why, according to Lady Macbeth, did she not
kill Duncan?
4. What might Shakespeare’s reasons be for not
showing us Duncan’s murder on stage?
Act II Scene iii
1.Why has Macduff arrived at the Castle?
2. On whom does Lennox immediately blame the murder?
What are his reasons?
3. What action does Macbeth take and why?
4. Why does Lady Macbeth faint when she does?
5. In what way do Banquo’s words during this scene
support our view of his character?
6. Why do Malcolm and Donalbain run?
Is this a good or bad decision? Support your answer.
Act II Scene iv
1. Give two examples of incidents described in
this scene which an Elizabethan audience
would quickly recognize as harbingers of a
much dreaded descent from order into chaos.
2. What is the official verdict on the murder of
Journal Activity Act III
Close Reading –
Choose one soliloquy (or aside) and one interaction
between characters from any scene in Act III and
deconstruct what is being said, the importance of
what is being said, and most importantly, what
significance it has to the audience and the
progression of the plot overall.
Each close reading should be no less than ¾ of a
page in length. I’m looking for how well you are
able to break down what characters say and why
it is important. Be sure to pick ones worth
Macbeth Act III Scene i
A) As scene i opens, what doubts are expressed
by Banquo about Macbeth
B) Why does he tell no one else
As Macbeth talks to Banquo he asks several
specific questions. What are they, and why does
he ask them?
Identify 2 of the arguments used by Macbeth to
persuade the murderers to kill Banquo.
Macbeth Act III Scene ii
Describe the change in relationship
between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and
indicate why the change may have
happened. Reference the text.
In this scene we sense that neither
Macbeth or Lady Macbeth has found the
joys of kingship that each expected.
Quote lines that indicate this and suggest
why you think this has occurred
Macbeth Act III Scene iii
Cite two or three reasons that the events
of scene iii are crucial to the play
Macbeth Act III Scene iv
If you were a noble person in Macbeth’s court,
what would your reactions be to Macbeth’s
behaviour during the banquet?
Describe the similarity between the two
entrances of Banquo’s ghost.
A) In what ways does lady Macbeth try to save
her husband from embarrassing himself?
B) In your opinion, does she succeed? Support
your answer.
Macbeth Act III Scene v
What are Hecate’s plans regarding
Macbeth Act III Scene vi
What purposes are served by Scene six?
Journal Activity
Scene Analysis –
The three scenes in Act IV are pivotal to the final outcome
of the play. In addition to your journal on the entire act,
choose one scene that you believe to be the most
important between the three and discuss / analyze:
what occurs in the scene (brief summary)
 why it (actions, what they say) is important
 what implications it will on the rest of the play
 any important or symbolic pieces of dialogue between
characters or individual responses that bear any significance on
the action and progression of the play
(you may want to read the summaries for Act V before completing
these journals)
1 page minimum
Macbeth Act IV Scene i
What deeper insights are we given into the nature
of the witches in the opening of this scene?
Describe each apparition and prediction given to
Macbeth, and explain how each prediction comes
What role does Lennox appear to play throughout
this play
Define hubris and nemesis, and discuss how
hubris might be applicable to Macbeth in this
Hubris: Excessive pride or arrogance
Nemesis: Spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to
hubris, vengeful fate personified as a remorseless goddess.
Macbeth Act IV Scene ii
What dramatic purpose is served by the
humourous conversation between Lady
Macduff and her son?
Describe the effect this scene has on our
view of Macbeth.
Reduce and translate Act IV, Sc iii –
without losing the integrity of the dialogue
or context of the scene.
Line 1 – 37
Line 38 – 76
Line 77 – 114
Line 115 – 145
Line 146 – 188
Line 189 – 240
Macbeth Act IV Scene iii
What insights into the characters of Malcolm
and Macduff are provided by their long
discussion in Scene iii?
a) Initially Malcolm distrusts Macduff, thinking he
is a spy. Suggest what evidence Malcolm may
have of this.
b) Why does Malcolm tell Macduff that he is a
man of many vices?
c) What finally convinces Malcolm that Macduff
is an honourable man? Indicate the lines where
this occurs.
Macbeth Act IV Scene iii cont’d
Dramatic irony is used effectively in this scene.
Find an example and explain its effectiveness.
The killing of Macduff’s family may be the
greatest error in judgement that Macbeth
makes. Agree or Disagree.
a) What does Malcolm tell Macduff his reaction
should be to the news of the death of his family?
b) What does Macduff’s reaction tell us about
Macduff himself?
Close Reading –
Choose one soliloquy/aside and one interaction
between characters from any scene in Act V and
deconstruct what is being said, the importance of
what is being said, and most importantly, what
significance it has to the audience and the
progression of the plot overall.
Each close reading should be no less than ¾ of a
page in length. I’m looking for how well you are
able to break down what characters say and why
it is important.
Macbeth Act V Scene i
Why has the Gentlewoman summoned
the doctor?
In her madness in scene i, to what
specific incidents in her past does Lady
Macbeth refer?
Why does the doctor say “More needs
she the divine than the physician”?
Macbeth Act V Scene ii
Caithness says of Macbeth “Some say
he’s mad;”. Do you think Macbeth is mad?
Support your answer.
What doe we learn about Macbeth in this
scene from his comments made by
Menteith, Angus, and Caithness?
Macbeth Act V Scene iii
Macbeth says of the witches earlier,
“Damned be all those who trust them” (IV,
i) Has Macbeth followed his own belief?
Support your answer.
Describe the doctors attitude towards
Macbeth Act V Scene iv
What dramatic purpose is served by
scene 4?
Macbeth Act V Scene v
What causes the “cry of woman”?
What is Macbeth’s reaction to the news
that Birnam wood is advancing in his
Macbeth Act V Scene vi
“Fair is foul and foul is fair.” Suggest how
this scene reinforces the theme of
appearance and reality in the play?
Macbeth Act V Scene vii
Identify the metaphor Macbeth uses to
describe himself in his opening speech
and suggest why this is, or is not,
Why does Shakespeare include the fight
and the death of young Siward in the play,
and on stage?
Macbeth Act V Scene viii
Why has Macbeth avoided fighting
When Macduff informs Macbeth that he
was “not of woman born,” why does still
decide to fight him?
Macbeth Act V Scene ix
In what way is Malcolm’s final speech a
fitting conclusion to the play?
The play ends with several significant
issues left unresolved. Identify two or
three of these issues and suggest why
their resolution might be important if
peace is to be lasting in Scotland.