Tigers TG

By :Tabby Griffith
Organism Family, Genus,
 Organism Family: Felidae
 Genus: Panthera
 Species: Tigers (Sumatran Tiger, Amur [or Siberian]
tiger [Panthera tigris altaica], Indian [or Bengal] tiger
[Panthera tigris], South China tiger [Panthera tigris
amoyensis], Malayan tiger [Panthera tigris jacksoni],
Indo-Chinese tiger [Panthera tigris corbetti])
Physical Appearances
Amur Tigers
 largest of the tiger subspecies. Males
can grow up to more than 10.5 feet
from head to tail and weigh up to 660
pounds. Females are smaller, reaching
just 8.5 feet in length and about 200 to
370 pounds in weight.
 paler orange fur than the other tiger
species and brown instead of black
stripes. They have white chests and
bellies and a white ruff of fur around
their necks.
Indian or Bengal Tiger
 cream or white in color also orangebrown
 The size of a male tiger can range up to
10 ft., female to 9 ft.
 The weight of a male can be up to 500
lb., female to 300 lb.; largest existing
member of the cat family
 The coat color is reddish orange with
narrow black, gray or brown stripes,
generally in a vertical direction. The
underside is creamy or white; a rare
variant has a chalky white coat with
darker stripes and icy blue eyes
South China Tiger
 Small
 Males reach about 8 ft. in length and weigh
about 330 lbs, females reach about 7.5 ft.
and weigh about 240 lbs.
 The stripes of this subspecies are particularly
broad, but they are also spaced further apart
than in other tigers.
Malayan Tiger
 Small in size.
 Males can grow to 7.7 ft and weigh about 260 lbs.
Females can grow to 6.5 ft and weigh 220 lbs.
 Fur color varies between orange, black, and white.
Indo- Chinese Tiger
 Small in size
 Males can grow to 9 ft. and weigh about 330
lbs to 430 lbs. Females can grow to 8 ft. and
weigh about 220 – 287 lbs.
 Dark orang or golden fur and not so bold
Tigers have short, powerful jaws
They have 30 teeth
They have good hearing
They use vision to find prey
Their eyes capture more light at night than humans do
Habitat and Niche
 Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Russia.
 Tigers like to live in swamps,
grasslands,and rain forests.
 Usually where Tigers live there are trees,
bushes, and clumps of tall grass
 They are a prime consumer in the
Energy provider and other animals
& Enemies
 Deer – food
 Antelope – food
 Wild dog – other animal
 Wild buffalo – other animal
 Humans – enemies
 Other tigers - enemies
 Sexual
 No Set Season
 3-4 cubs
 Beneficial: Tigers are endangered,
more cubs meand more tigers to
grow the specie
Threats/ Enviornmental Hazards
 Humans
 Heat
 Loss of habitat ( water, humans growth )
 Tigers are also a threat because they are the predator
and top consumer
Why are they important?
 Indian Culture
 Symbol for power, magnificence, fierceness, beauty,
valor, & bravery
 Hindu mythology, folklore
 Vehicle for the goddess Durga
 Top Predator; means a healthy forest
"sea world ." sea world. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2014.
"Tiger Species." Tiger Facts and Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May
2014. http://www.tigers-world.com/tiger-species/
Staff, OurAmazingPlanet. "Iconic Cats: All 9 Subspecies of Tigers."
LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 28 May 2014.
"Bengal Tiger Information." ,Bengal Tiger Informative Facts,Indian
Bengal Tiger Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2014.
"The South China Tiger." The South China Tiger. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May
2014. http://www.tigers.org.za/south-china-tiger.html#.U4YRiMvD-2w