Seňora Burnham UCONN Spanish V 2013-2014 Rocky Hill High School Course Overview: UCONN Spanish V is a college level course. Students are expected to understand and use the language with the teacher and classmates. Students have the opportunity to earn 6 transferable credits for Spanish 3178 and Spanish 3179 from the University of Connecticut. In order to earn UCONN credits, students need to earn a 73, or higher, for their semester one and semester two grades. Thematic units provide in depth development of cultural readings, compositions, class discussions, and oral presentations. This advanced course also provides students with practical idioms/vocabulary and a thorough grammatical review. Although this class is taught at the college level, students have the option of taking it for honors credit. (Prerequisite: 80 or above in Spanish IV and teacher recommendation.) Academic Expectations: Communicate Effectively in Writing Communicate Effectively While Speaking (Rocky Hill Program of Studies: WL 212) UCONN Grading Scale: A 95-100% B+ 86-89 A-90-94 B 83-85 B-80-82 C+76-79 C 73-75 C- 70-72 D+66-69 D 63-65 D-60-62 F 0-59 Grading Rationale: Writing 30% Speaking 30% Quizzes 25% Homework 15% Class Information: Participation ● ● ● ● Students are required to participate daily in class. A rubric is used to evaluate participation. Students earn a participation grade every 1-2 weeks and may earn a grade on a specific in class assignment and/or discussion. If a student is absent, he/she is required to make up the assignment or discussion with me after school at a mutually convenient time within a week timeframe. Homework ● ● ● ● Homework is assigned daily. Students should plan to spend 45-60 minutes on homework per night. This includes study time. There are two types of homework grades: Unannounced quizzes or assignments which are worth a total number of points *No late homework is accepted, unless a student has been absent from class.* Announced homework assignments Vocabulary ● Students are required to keep a running list of all vocabulary and sentences practicing the vocabulary from this course in their vocabulary journals Make up Policy 1 ● Students have one day per absence to make up work. ● ● ● ● Minus 10 points for one day late on final work. 0 after one day late. I will not read first draft if it is not turned in on time. Students are expected to turn in work at the start of the class. Students are not allowed to arrive late or to leave in order to print in the library. If students do so, the final assignment is considered one day late and loses 10 points. Again, I will not read the first draft. Late Work Policy Please Note: If you are present on the day of an assessment, you will take the assessment on the scheduled day with the class. Exceptions include: 1. Missing new materials and 2. Special circumstances, and in which case, we can talk. Tardiness to Class ● I will write a referral on the 5th tardy to period ½. I may also issue a detention for each tardy leading up to the 5th tardy. Get to class and school on time. Office/Extra Help Hours ● Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:00 in room 301 and by appointment Plagiarism and Cheating ● ● ● ● ● Students are expected to put all of their work into their own words. Students are required to include parenthetical citations, paraphrasing, and bibliographies in this course. Students are not allowed to use online translators. Students are required to use and to follow RHHS guidelines for bibliographies and citations. Students are required to use MLA format. Penalties: -10 incorrect bibliography -10 incorrect paraphrasing and/or parenthetical citations 0 no bibliography 0 no paraphrasing or parenthetical citations Please Note: Any evidence of plagiarism or cheating is a 0 for the specific assignment, a written referral, and a phone call to parent/guardian. Please refer to the Rocky Hill High School and UCONN policies on academic misconduct. Online Resources: Additional Online Resources: *Will be provided throughout the school year* Resources for Students Opting to Take the AP Exam: 2 Topic: Materials: Quarter 1 Units: Cultural Readings Theme: Technology and Social Media ¨Rosa¨¨ by Angel Balzarino Grammar Review Theme: Poetry by Pablo Neruda (Latin America´s Greatest Poet) Poetry may include: ¨Oda al Tomate¨ “Me Gustas Cuando Callas” Assessments: Quizzes on grammar, vocabulary, and/or literary analysis Journals and Composition Newspaper, Magazine, and Journal Articles Poetry or Song Writing Music and Video Ode and Oral Presentation Participation and Charlas/Chats Current Events Theme: Mining Industry in Latin America ¨La Compuerta Número 12¨ by Baldomero Lillo Homework Quarter 2 Units: Cultural Readings Theme: Migrant Workers in the US “Cajas de Cartón¨ by Francisco Jiménez Grammar Review Theme: Literature by Juan Rulfo ¨No Oyes Ladrar los Perros¨ Quizzes on grammar, vocabulary, and/or literary analysis Journals and Composition Newspaper, Magazine, and Journal Articles Participation, Charlas/Chats, and Oral Presentation Music and Video Current Events Film: Sugar Theme: The Jungle ¨El Hijo¨ by Horacio Quiroga Homework Final Exam for UCONN Spanish 3178 Quarter 3 Units: Cultural Readings Theme: Stereotypes and Alienation ¨La Casa Tomada¨ by Julio Cortázar Grammar Review Theme: Gender Roles ¨El Árbol¨ by María Luisa Bombal Theme: Family ¨Cartas de Amor Traicionado¨ by Isabel Allende Quizzes on grammar, vocabulary, and/or literary analysis Journals and Composition Newspaper, Magazine, and Journal Articles Participation, Charlas/Chats, and Oral Presentation Music and Video Current Events Film: The Grandfather/ El Abuelo 3 Homework Quarter 4 Units: Cultural Readings Theme: The Mexican Revolution ¨El General Rueda¨ by Nellie Campobello Grammar Review Theme: Puerto Rico ¨Preguntas¨ Por Esmeralda Santiago Theme: Spanish Civil War Poetry by Federico Garcia Lorca may include “Romance de La Guardia Civil” Quizzes on grammar, vocabulary, and literary analysis Journals and Composition Newspaper, Magazine, and Journal Articles Participation, Charlas/Chats, and Oral Presentation Music and Video Current Events Film: Carol´s Journey and/or Butterfly Homework Final Exam for UCONN Spanish 3179 And/or Poetry by Ana Maria Matute may include “Toda la Brutalidad” “El Maestro” *Students and Parents/Guardians: Please ask me any questions, read, sign, and return the following letter to me* 4 Dear Mrs. Burnham, I have read your class syllabus for UCONN Spanish V. I have asked any questions that I may have had. Additionally, your expectations are clear to me. I am also aware that you are available to help me and that all I have to do is ask. Sincerely, _________________________________________Student Name _________________________________________Student Signature ________________________________________Today’s Date Parent/ Guardian Name___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________________________ Today’s Date____________________________________________________________________ 5