FORSYTH COUNTY COURSE SYLLABUS 2012-2013 COURSE TITLE: IB Spanish HL /SL EMAIL: PHONE: 770-781-2264 EXT. 101412 TEACHER NAME: Maggie Gustavus ROOM #: 1412 Course Description: IB Spanish is a language acquisition course developed at two levels— standard level (SL) and higher level (HL)—for students with some background in the target language. While acquiring a language, students will explore the culture(s) connected to it. The focus of these courses is language acquisition and intercultural understanding. IB Spanish approaches the learning of language through meaning. Students build the necessary skills to reach the assessment objectives through the expansion of their receptive, productive and interactive skills. The recommended number of teaching hours, the depth of syllabus coverage, the study of literature, and the level of difficulty and demands of assessment and assessment criteria differentiate Spanish SL and HL. This class is taught exclusively in Spanish. Standards: Information that is more detailed can be obtained by referring to the guide for this subject, which is available on the subject page of the IB online curriculum centre (OCC) website IBO Assessments: Assessment component - HL External assessment (May) Weighting 70% (25 + 25 + 20) Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills Text-handling exercises on five written texts, based on the core. 25% Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skills Two compulsory writing exercises. Section A: One task of 250–400 words, based on the options, to be selected from a choice of five. Section B: Response of 150–250 words to a stimulus text, based on the core. 25% Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills (March) Creative writing of 500–600 words plus a 150-word rationale, based on one of the literary texts read. 20% Internal assessment (March) Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. 30% (20 +10) Individual oral (8–10 minutes) Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher. 20% Interactive oral activity Based on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher. 10% Assessment component – SL External assessment (May) Weighting 70% (25 + 25 + 20) Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills Text-handling exercises on four written texts, based on the core. 25% Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skills One writing exercise of 250–400 words from a choice of five, based on the options. 25% Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills (March) Intertextual reading followed by a written exercise of 300–400 words plus a 100-word rationale, based on the core. 20% Internal assessment (March) Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. 30% (20 + 10) Individual oral (8–10 minutes) Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher. 20% Interactive oral activity Based on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher. 10% Learning Resources: With the emergence of technology as a tool for learning, South Forsyth High School will be utilizing various resources to assist with instruction, including online textbooks, recordings and interactive websites. Authentic text in printed and electronic form will be used. Authentic language audio/video with different Spanish accents and regional linguistic characteristics will also be employed. Students will be recorded at different times during the year and feedback will be provided. In addition to web based instructional tools, this course will also have several classroom sets of grammar and literature textbooks. IB-test specific practice textbooks will be checked out to the individual students. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops and electronic tablets to class. Required Assignments: Each unit of study will include written summative and oral assessments as well as formative written and oral assessments. Students will be given advance notice in order to prepare for them. Homework: Students are encouraged to study and prepare for the class on a daily basis. Homework assignments may include reading, writing and web-based assignments, language practice, and studying for formative and summative assessments. This is a very rigorous college-level class. Students must dedicate the necessary time to the class if they are to pass the IBO examinations. All homework assignments and formative/summative assessment dates will be posted on ANGEL. Students should get into the habit of checking it daily for notes and/or announcements for the class. Retake policy: Formative assessments may be retaken once in preparation for the summative assessment of the unit and must be completed prior to the summative assessment of the same unit. Formative assessment retakes will only be allowed if a student has attended a minimum 30 minute tutoring session. Retakes of summative assessments will not be allowed. Availability for Extra Help: We offer multiple opportunities for assistance with teachers of intermediate and advanced level students. Please check on-line or in-class for the most current schedule. Makeup Work: All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when they are absent from school. Make up work is defined as work assigned during a student's absence, not work assigned prior to an absence. The student has five (5) school days upon returning to school to complete make-up work. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period to make up work, if there are extenuating circumstances. Grading Calculations: Non-EOCT Course Average = 50% (1st Sem. Course Work) + 50% (2nd Sem. Course Work) 1st and 2nd Semester Course Work = 75% Summative = 25% Formative Grading Policy: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 Failing = Below 70 *Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to homework, class work, practice tests, rough drafts, and sections of projects/ research papers/presentations. *Summative Assessments include, but are not limited to unit tests, final projects, final essays, final research papers, and final presentations. IB Spanish Course Plan 2012 – 13 The new IBO standards for Spanish mandate that the curriculum for the class consist of 3 core topics: Communication and media; Global Issues; Social Relationships; and 2 of 5 options: Cultural Diversity; Customs and Traditions; Health; Leisure; Science and Technology. Each of these core and optional topics must have two distinct aspects (subtopics) taught. Additionally, HL students are required to read two works of literature originally written in the target language. Please be prepared to read and write a significant amount in this class. We will learn 13 different formats of formal and informal writing in Spanish to prepare you for the IBO external assessments Written Assignment and Examination Paper 2. All your summative written assignments will be done in class under timed conditions, in blue or black ink, without the use of a dictionary or translator, with a total word count at the bottom of the document, and graded with IBO rubrics. You will be expected to make corrections to your writing and resubmit a clean, corrected copy for your final grade. All work created for this class (presentations, homework, essays) MUST be your own. Cutting and pasting from websites or writing in English and then using an electronic translator is NOT creating your own work. This action will generate an automatic zero for the assignment and a possible referral to the IB Coordinator. Students often experience a significant amount of stress over the Oral Examinations (March). Please be assured that we will practice extensively in class and through homework assignments to prepare for these assessments. My goal is to make this a process in which you are successful. Remember this class is taught entirely in Spanish (unless there is a need for special clarification) and you will be asked numerous times to speak extemporaneously (impromptu) in class about different subjects. You are expected to seek opportunities to read, speak and hear Spanish outside of the classroom. You will keep a monthly log of time (Diario) spent reading, speaking, and listening to Spanish outside of classroom activities. You must spend at least ten (10) hours using Spanish each month. Diarios are due the last Friday of every month. You may be asked to provide documentation to support the work you claim on your diario on a random basis. Students in IB Spanish classes are expected to be at an Intermediate (SL) or IntermediateHigh (HL) level of language proficiency according to ACTFL and Georgia Standards. We will recycle earlier vocabulary learned and expand your vocabulary during the year in order for you to be successful in IB given the reading and writing expectations. You should anticipate weekly vocabulary lists and quizzes to check for spelling and comprehension. Course Outline HL Literature – Cajas de cartón (Francisco Jimenez) Summer 2012 El delantal blanco (Sergio Vodanovic) Winter Break 2012 Date IBO Topic Grammar/ Literature / Language IB Tasks / Assessments August September IB Core: Social Relationships Review Grammar from Spanish 1- 4: Present Tense, Future Tense, The New Spaniards Cajas de cartón (HL) IB Option: Customs and Traditions September October IB Option: Cultural Diversity Conditional Tense, Reflexive verbs, Perfect Tenses, Progressive Tenses, Prepositions, Articles/Nouns/Adjectives, Direct / Indirect Object Pronouns Review Grammar from Spanish 1- 4: Preterit Tense, Imperfect tense El retrato El texto expositivo Diario: España Actividades orales: Yo soy la persona ideal; El fútbol en España; Compara/contrasta a españoles/norteamericanos Texto descriptivo Anuncio Publicitario Diario: Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay October November November December Winter Break IB Option: Customs and Traditions IB Option: Cultural Diversity Review Grammar from Spanish 1- 4: Subjunctive IB Core: Social Relationships Exploring social relationships through literature: José Martí, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Pablo Neruda, Juan de Espronceda, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Alfonsina Storni, Federico García Lorca, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Juana de Ibarbarou, Nicolás Guillén, Isabel Allende, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Marqués, Hernando Téllez Video(s): Latin Music USA (watch videos and answer questions – videos will be posted at beginning IB Option: Cultural Diversity Actividades Orales: La gastronomía, El arte Crítica cinematográfica Diario: Bolivia, Ecuador Actividades Orales: Celebraciones culturales, Celebraciones sociales, El Camino de Santiago Entrevista Reseña Literaria (HL) Diario: México Actividades Orales: Concierto, Baile, La familia of Fall semester, students may complete the assignment during the semester or during Winter Break at their discretion.) IB Core: Global Environmental Issues Issues Immigration Issues Literature (HL) – El delantal blanco January February Human Rights in Latin America El informe 3 Interactive Oral Assessments for IBO (10%) Core Topic – Global Issues Carta Formal Carta Informal March Diarios: Colombia/ Venezuela; Argentina / Chile Internal Assessment for IBO (20%) Options Topics Cultural Diversity, Customs & Traditions - Written Work for IBO (20%) HL- creative writing based on 1 of 2 literary works read; SL - analytical essay based on Social Relationships or Global Issues March April IB Core: Communication and Media Influence of Media on Traditional Hispanic Cultural Values Social Networks vs. Personal Interaction Diario: Cuba, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana Correo electrónico El texto instructivo El blog Diario de viaje Addicted to devices? May IB External Exam Preparation Exam Practice Diario: América Central External Assessments HL & SL Papers 1 and 2 (50%)