PowerPoint: The Habsburgs


The Habsburgs

And a bit about the Valois …

Who are the Habsburgs?

 principal European dynasty

15 th – 20 th c.

named after ancestral Castle Habsburg in Aargau,


History of the Habsburgs

 1273 – Count Rudolf of

Habsburg becomes

German king Rudolf I

– gives Austria and Styria to his two sons = origin of

Habsburgs in Austria

Austria Styria

History of the Habsburgs

 1452 – Habsburgs gain position of Holy Roman

Emperor when king

Frederick V is crowned

Emperor Frederick III

– title remains in family until

HRE’s dissolution in 1806

History of the Habsburgs

 Habsburgs then gain land/power through marriage:

– began with Austria then added Netherlands, Luxembourg, Burgundy, duchy of Milan, Sicily, Naples, Sardinia, Spain (& its New

World possessions)

Charles V (r. 1519-1556): high point of habsburg power

Charles abdicates in 1556 & divides the lands

Philip II:

Spanish Habsburgs

(ruled to 1700)

Ferdinand I:

Austrian Habsburgs

(ruled to1918)

Philip II’s land

Ferdinand I’s land

Philip II’s Empire

French Dynasties

Carolingians = 800-987

Capets = 987-1328

Valois = 1328-1589

Bourbons = 1589-1793

Habsburg-Valois Wars series of wars between the 2 dynasties (German & French), 1522-1559

 fighting over land in Italy (fighting often took place on Italian soil)

1522 – France vs. Charles V over control of Milan

Habsburg victory, France has to cede Italian lands to Habsburgs

1542-1544 – France vs. Charles V

1552 – France allies itself with German princes opposed to Charles V

 France gains several states from H.R.E.

France begins attacking Spanish Habsburg settlements and fleets in

New World

1557-1559 – war resumes

1559 – Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis – Spain (Habsburgs) win
