21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer 2013/School Year 2013-14 Pa Grantee Report Question Guide Grantees may use this guide to prepare answers for entry into the web-based Pa Grantee Report for summer 2013 and school year 2013-14 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs. Narrative answers may be copied and pasted from this document. Do not turn this Question Guide in as your report. You must complete your report online. Grantees will receive login information when the online system opens, typically in June. Complete ONE (1) report per grantee, per cohort. The report should address program and implementation information for all centers operated by the grantee through 21st Century funds for summer 2013 and school year 2013-14. If your program/organization receives funds through more than one funding cycle (cohort), you must complete one report that represents the programming and students supported by that cohort’s funds. If you are not sure how to split your programming or students by cohort, please refer to the Pa 21st Century Evaluation Handbook located at www.aiu3.net/evaluations and follow the link for 21st Century. The purpose of this report is to collect results and program information from grantees that is required by Pennsylvania, but not addressed in the federal reporting system. Additionally, some optional reporting areas are provided due to grantee requests for opportunities to report beyond the required components. This Question Guide is provided for those grantees who want to work on their report without having to work on a draft within the online reporting system. This Guide will allow users to see all questions and prepare answers in advance. This is especially useful when compiling responses from multiple centers. The results of all grantees’ entries will be provided to PDE in a summary report format. Be sure to review the directions and helpful hints for the Pa Grantee Report in the Evaluation Handbook. This Question Guide is a tool to help grantees complete the web-based report. Grantees are strongly encouraged to review this entire Question Guide before beginning reporting in the online system in order to identify the data elements and reporting format that apply to the grantee. If you need a username and password to access your account in the Pa Grantee Report system, please email Leslie.McConnell@aiu3.net. AIU will only issue login information to contact individuals on file with PDE for each grantee. The supported answer format is provided in brackets [ ] to assist you in selecting and preparing your response. Character limits are also provided. Keep in mind that answers to certain questions will cause the respondent to skip entire sections that do not apply to the grantee. If a question skips, note the next section number in red text. No grantee will answer all questions in the Pa Grantee Report. You must download/save this Guide to your local network or hard drive in order to work within it. To check character counts: a. Highlight text to be counted. b. Select the ‘Review’ (Word 2007 and later) or ‘Tools’ menu at the top of your Word window. c. Select Word Count. d. Determine text length using the ‘Characters (with spaces)’ count. Helpful Definitions Complete Data/Sufficient Data for Analysis – an individual has appropriate, correct, and useful data that could be analyzed. A count of students having complete data DOES NOT include students for which you were unable to collect data for a particular indicator. In most cases, complete data means having two “data points” from consistent sources from which to determine change over time. Depending on the data source, this may mean having both fall/pre and spring/post assessment data or prior year and participating year attendance or discipline data. Example 1: Your 21st CCLC program enrolls 100 students who attended regularly (30+ days). Your program attempted to collect attendance data and 4Sight Assessment Data for each child, but you were not successful in getting data for everyone. You were able to collect: 12-13 ONLY attendance data for 35 of the students 11-12 AND 12-13 attendance data for 57 of the students 12-13 ONLY attendance data for 8 of the students Fall AND Spring 4Sight Reading data for 82 of the students Fall ONLY 4Sight Reading data for 6 of the students Spring ONLY 4Sight Reading data for 12 of the students Given this, you would have complete attendance data for 57 students and complete 4Sight reading assessment data for 82 students. 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 1 Unduplicated – A count of individuals in a category in which a student is counted only once. Within a category, all sub-counts must add up to the category total. In other words, if you were to list each student by name, you would have a unique, unduplicated list of the students who participated, and each student would only show up in the list once. Here are some examples: Students A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are enrolled in the same 21st CCLC program. Given this list, we could say that the unduplicated number of students enrolled is 7. Example 1: Of these students, we might be able to say that in total, over the program term, 3 students attended 1-29 days and 4 attended 30-59 days. In this reporting area, a student could only be counted in one attendance category, as the same student could not attend a total of 29 days and a total of 59 days during the same reporting period. 3 (students attending 1-29 days) + 4 (students attending 30-59 days) = 7 (total # of students enrolled) Example 2: Of this same list of students, for the 4 regular attendees, 2 students improved in reading, 1 student showed no change in reading, and 1 student did not need to improve in reading, according to the grantee’s data source/analysis method. 2 (improved) + 1 (no change) + 1 (did not need to improve) = 4 (regular attendees) Regular attendee/Regularly attending – PPICS defines a regularly attending student as one who attends the program for 30 or more days over the course of the program year, which includes summer and the following school year. A student may be considered a regular attendee if they attend the program for 30+ days during summer only, 30+ days during the school year only, or 30+ days between both summer and school year; however, some student outcomes data apply only to students who attended the program one day or more during the school year. Improvement – Students counted in this outcome category are those students who showed improvement or gains in the specified area based on the data source and analysis method. Decline – Students counted in this outcome category are those students who showed a decline in the specified area based on the data source and analysis method. No change – Students counted in this outcome category are those students who had a need to improve but did not show change (maintained the same level) in the specified area based on the data source and analysis method. This category may also include students who may have improved in prior years and needed to maintain, but still are not achieving at the highest level(s). Did Not Need to Improve – Students counted in this outcome category are those students who were already achieving at the highest level(s), had achieved proficiency, did not have a need in this area, or were performing at grade level in the specified area based on the data source and analysis method. This category may also include students who may have improved to the highest levels in prior years and needed to maintain their level(s) or students who had needs in other areas, but not this one. Grantees having large populations of students who needed to maintain their level may want to provide such an explanation in the open-ended comments section at the end of the appropriate section. Reminder: You must complete one (1) report per grantee. If you have more than one center or site, you will need to compile results for all centers into one (1) report that represents the grantee. Reminder: The PA Grantee Report (and PPICS) follow the federal program year of summer 2013 and school year 2013-14, regardless of dates. This is a different timeframe than the QPR, which follows the fiscal year (C6, C6A: Oct. 1 – Sept. 30; C5: July 1-June 30). Bold questions are required. The question type is provided in brackets [ ]. For [text] questions, the character limit will also be specified Section 1. Implementation If your program is known by another name (other than the grantee/school name), please provide it here. [text, 500 characters] Which counties does your program serve? [text, 500 characters] What was your 2013-14 Fiscal Year allocation? [text, 100 characters] Please provide your grant contract number. [text, 50 characters] FC#41000_________ 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 2 Please describe the strategies/protocol your staff uses to encourage regular and repeated student attendance at your program. [select all that apply] Answer options: Program has an attendance policy Program offers incentives for regular attendance Program staff contact parents of students who are absent from the program Regular attendance is required for continued enrollment Regular attendance is required for participation in field trips or special activities Program does not use any particular strategies to encourage repeated attendance Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] In what ways does the program collaborate with the schools the students attend to develop and implement the 21st Century program? [select all that apply] Answer options: Program maintains ongoing communication with school administrators Program maintains ongoing communication with school-day teachers School representatives contributed to the grant application School representatives serve on the Advisory Board Teachers from the school(s) are also the program staff Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] Which of the following student groups, if any, does your program specifically target? In other words, which student groups do you actively recruit? [select all that apply] This question is not asking if students from these groups participate in your program. It is asking if your program is specifically designed for or actively pursuing or recruiting students who fall into certain demographic categories. Answer options: Academically at-risk English Language Learners (ELL)/ESL Homeless Low-income Migrant Refugee Special education or students with disabilities Students with behavior, social skill, or discipline concerns Truant, chronically absent, or students with school attendance concerns The program does not target/recruit any particular student group. Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] What strategies or information do you use to identify students to enroll? [select all that apply] Answer options: Academic assessment data (i.e. 4Sight, PSSA, DIBELS, etc.) Demographic elements as indicated in the prior question Parent referral Program does not use a formal process to identify students for enrollment Program has open enrollment Referral from social services/community agency Report card grades Siblings of already enrolled students Teacher/school recommendation Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 3 What difficulties or challenges, if any, have you experienced related to identification and recruitment of students? Pennsylvania uses this information to plan training and professional development, support grantees, and anticipate needs. [select all that apply] Answer options: Building awareness of program Competition with other programs/activities Extended day more difficult for younger students Parent commitment to consistent attendance Parent involvement and awareness Student responsibilities at home or after-school job Student transience Transportation None/Not aware of any challenges Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] What strategies or information do you use to identify students' needs? [select all that apply] Answer options: Assessment data (i.e. PSSA, 4Sight, DIBELS) Intake assessment Observation Parent feedback Program does not formally identify student needs Report card grades Teacher/school recommendation Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Please explain how the grantee provides services or interventions to students based upon their needs. [select all that apply] Answer options: All students receive the same menu of services Program connects individual student needs to services for academics only Student choice Students are identified for specific needs and provided one-on-one support Students are identified for specific needs and provided small group support with students with like needs Students with academic needs are grouped according to skills and needs Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] What assistance, training, or information does your program need (or anticipate needing) related to student identification or recruitment? [text, 1000 characters] What information or qualities does the grantee consider most important when selecting an intervention (program, activity, curriculum, etc.)? Please select no more than three options. [select three] Answer options: Complements/matches district programming Demonstrated program success with specific student groups Other program recommendation Prior experience using the model/program Research Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 4 Please indicate the typical number of hours per week each of the following activities was provided to EACH student during school year 2013-14 programming. Enter zero (0) if the program does not include this activity type. [number] Academic enrichment Academic instruction/tutoring Character education/social skill-building Exercise/physical activities Field trips Homework help Recreation Service learning/community service Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] The following program types are identified in 21st Century program guidance. Please indicate the types of programming or services that your program offers by selecting the program types that apply. [select all that apply] Answer options: Remedial education activities and academic enrichment learning programs, including those which provide additional assistance to students to improve academic achievement Mathematics and science education activities (STEM Activities) Arts and music education activities Entrepreneurial education programs Tutoring services, including those provided by senior citizen volunteers, and mentoring programs Programs that provide after-school activities for limited English proficient (LEP) students and that emphasize language skills and academic achievement Recreational activities (includes physical activity, nutrition education and nutritional snacks) Telecommunications and technology education programs Expanded library service hours Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy Programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled to allow them to improve their academic achievement Drug and violence prevention programs Counseling programs Character education programs Service learning How does the program provide transportation for students? [select all that apply] Answer options: Schools/districts provide transportation Students take public transportation Program provides transportation during school year programming Program provides transportation during summer programming Program provides transportation for field trips and special events Program provides transportation on weekdays Program provides transportation on weekends Program does not provide transportation Most students live within walking distance of their center Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] How does the program coordinate 21st Century programming with other initiatives to ensure the programs complement (not compete with or supplant) each other? [text, 2000 characters] What assistance, training, or information does your program need (or anticipate needing) related to program operations or activities? [text, 1000 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 5 Section 2. Academics What models or pre-packaged programs, if any, is the grantee using for academics? [text, 500 characters] How does the program integrate the school day curricula into its activities; and how do the educational activities offered support regular school-day learning? [text, 2000 characters] What assistance, training, or information does your program need (or anticipate needing) related to academic support or intervention? [text, 1000 characters] When did the program operate during the 2013-14 program year? [select one] Answer options: Summer 2013 only (Cohort 5 grantees only) School year 2013-14 only BOTH Summer 2013 and School year 2013-14 What difficulties, if any, did your program or evaluator experience in collecting, managing, or interpreting academic data (reading, math, etc.)? 21st Century evaluators use this information to plan training and professional development, support grantees, and develop resources. [select all that apply] Answer options: Classroom teachers did not complete/return the PPICS Teacher Survey Collecting data from multiple schools/districts Delays receiving data from students' home school/district Lack of formal data sharing agreements Lack of student data permission form No system in place to efficiently collect, manage, analyze data State assessment data availability timeline Relied on students/parents to turn in data to program School(s) use a grading scale that PPICS does not recognize Student transience Students' home school/district unresponsive to data requests Unanticipated data needs None/Not aware of any challenges Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Section 2A. Reading Grantees are required to include reading report card grades and reading state assessment data (PSSA, Keystone Exam) in the federal PPICS reporting system. In your application for 21st CCLC funds, did you indicate you would be collecting other reading data (local reading assessments such as 4Sight, DIBELS, Study Island, etc.) in addition to those data that are reported in PPICS? [select one] Answer options: Yes, we included local reading assessment data in our application and we were able to collect these data. We included local reading assessment data in our application, but we were unsuccessful collecting these data. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 2B. No, we did not include local reading assessment data in our application. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 2B. We may confirm this answer with your application. 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 6 Which of the following local reading assessment data sources did your program use? Do not include state assessments (PSSA, PASA, Keystone Exams). [select all that apply] Answer options: 4Sight Benchmark Assessments DIBELS DRA GRADE ScanTron STAR Reading Study Island Terra Nova Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] For which grade levels were local reading assessment data available? [select all that apply] Answer options: Pre-K Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 In the following section, grantees should report on the number of individual students who experienced change within each applicable change and program attendance category based on the local assessment data collected. An individual student should only be counted once in this section. All students should be combined here, regardless of the assessment data source. If a student has assessment data from more than once assessment source, the grantee should choose the result (one data source) that is most representative of the student’s change. For example, if a student has both 4Sight and DIBELS reading assessment data, the grantee may want to choose to report the student’s DIBELS result – discarding the 4Sight result for state reporting – if program implementation is more closely aligned with the concepts DIBELS measures, or vice versa. If the grantee has several assessment data sources and some students have data from more than once source, these outcomes should be reported in the grantee’s local evaluation report. Grantees should not report any data here that is reported in PPICS (i.e. PSSA, PASA, Keystone Exams, reading report card grades). Grantees with summer-only programs can also report summer academic assessment results in this section. Please be sure to explain how the grantee administered and analyzed local assessment data for summer. The optional comparison group results sections of this report have been eliminated. If you have comparison group results, this information should be included in your local evaluation report. Please explain how the grantee defined improvement, decline, no change, and no need to improve for READING assessment data. If you used more than one measurement method or assessment, you must indicate how change was determined for each assessment method and for which grade(s) the assessment was used. [text, 1000 characters] Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated IMPROVEMENT in reading/language arts according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 7 Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated NO CHANGE in reading/language arts according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated a DECLINE in reading/language arts according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who DID NOT NEED TO IMPROVE in reading/language arts according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days If there is anything else that you want to share related to student outcomes or results in READING, please use this space: [text, 2000 characters] Section 2B. Math Grantees are required to include math report card grades and math state assessment data in the federal PPICS reporting system. In your application for 21st CCLC funds, did you indicate you would be collecting other math data (local reading assessments such as 4Sight, GMADE, Study Island, etc.) in addition to those data that are reported in PPICS? [select one] Answer options: Yes, we included local math assessment data in our application and we were able to collect these data. We included local math assessment data in our application, but we were unsuccessful collecting these data. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 3. No, we did not include local math assessment data in our application. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 3. We may confirm this answer with your application. Which of the following local math assessment data sources did your program use? Do not include state assessments (PSSA, PASA, Keystone Exams). [select all that apply] Answer options: 4Sight Benchmark Assessments GMADE ScanTron STAR Math Study Island Terra Nova Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 8 For which grade levels were local math assessment data available? [select all that apply] Answer options: Pre-K Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 In the following section, grantees should report on the number of individual students who experienced change within each applicable change and program attendance category based on the local assessment data collected. An individual student should only be counted once in this section. All students should be combined here, regardless of the assessment data source. If a student has assessment data from more than once assessment source, the grantee should choose the result (one data source) that is most representative of the student’s change. For example, if a student has both 4Sight and GMADE math assessment data, the grantee may want to choose to report the student’s 4Sight result – discarding the GMADE result for state reporting – if program implementation is more closely aligned with the concepts 4Sight measures, or vice versa. If the grantee has several assessment data sources and some students have data from more than once source, these outcomes should be reported in the grantee’s local evaluation report. Grantees should not report any data here that is reported in PPICS (i.e. PSSA, Keystone Exams, math report card grades). Grantees with summer-only programs can also report summer academic assessment results in this section. Please be sure to explain how the grantee administered and analyzed local assessment data for summer. The optional comparison group results sections of this report have been eliminated. If you have comparison group results to share, please report this information in your local evaluation report. Please explain how the grantee defined improvement, decline, no change, and no need to improve for MATH assessment data. If you used more than one measurement method or assessment, you must indicate how change was determined for each assessment method and for which grade(s) the assessment was used. [text, 1000 characters] Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated IMPROVEMENT in math according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated NO CHANGE in math according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated a DECLINE in math according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 9 Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who DID NOT NEED TO IMPROVE in math according to local assessment data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days If there is anything else that you want to share related to student outcomes or results in MATH, please use this space: [text, 2000 characters] Section 3. Social Skills, Behavior, and School Attendance Please describe the strategies/protocol your program uses or plans to use to influence positive student behavior (for students with such a need). [select all that apply] Answer options: Character education activities Communication with parents Communication with school/teachers/administrators Community service or service learning Counseling Home visits Individualized intervention strategies Mentoring Rewards/incentives Student Code of Conduct/discipline protocol No specific strategies are planned/used. Behavior and discipline are not a focus of the program. Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Please describe the strategies/protocol your staff uses to improve student social skills, self-confidence, attitude toward school, classroom behavior, and interpersonal skills (for students with such a need). If the program is not focusing on these issues, please provide an answer to that effect. [text, 1000 characters] Please describe the strategies/protocol your staff uses to positively influence student attendance at school (for students with a need). [select all that apply] Answer options: Character education activities Communication with parents Communication with school/teachers/administrators Established school attendance policy Home visits Immediate follow-up with students absent from the program Individualized intervention strategies Reinforcement with students of the benefits of attending school Required school-day attendance for program attendance Rewards/Incentives No specific strategies are planned/used. School attendance is not a focus of the program. Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 10 What difficulties, if any, did your program or evaluator experience in collecting, managing, or interpreting attendance, discipline, or other behavior data? [select all that apply] Answer options: Classroom teachers did not complete/return the PPICS Teacher Survey Collecting data from multiple schools/districts Delays receiving data from students' home school/district Inconsistency in how schools/districts track behavior/discipline Lack of formal data sharing agreements Lack of student data permission form No system in place to efficiently collect, manage, analyze data Relied on students/parents to turn in data to program Student transience Students' home school/district unresponsive to data requests Unanticipated data needs None/Not aware of any challenges Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] What assistance, training, or information does your program need (or anticipate needing) related to student behavior and attendance intervention? [text, 1000 characters] Section 3A. School Attendance In your application for 21st CCLC funds, did you indicate you would be collecting school attendance data? [select one] Answer options: Yes, we included school attendance data in our application and we were able to collect these data. We included school attendance data in our application, but we were unsuccessful collecting these data. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 3B. No, we did not include school attendance data in our application. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 3B. We may confirm this answer with your application. Please explain how the grantee defined improvement, decline, no change, and no need to improve for school attendance data. [text, 1000 characters] In the following section, grantees should report on the number of individual students who experienced change within each applicable change and program attendance category based on the data collected. An individual student should only be counted once in this section. School attendance is different than class attendance, as measured on the PPICS Teacher Survey. Do not report any PPICS Teacher Survey data here. The optional comparison group results sections of this report have been eliminated. If you have comparison group results to share, please include this information in your local evaluation report. Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated IMPROVEMENT in school attendance. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated NO CHANGE in school attendance. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 11 Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated a DECLINE in school attendance. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who DID NOT NEED TO IMPROVE in school attendance. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days If there is anything else that you want to share related to student outcomes or results related to school attendance, please use this space: [text, 2000 characters] Section 3B. School Discipline In your application for 21st CCLC funds, did you indicate you would be collecting school discipline data? [select one] Answer options: Yes, we included school discipline data in our application and we were able to collect these data. We included school discipline data in our application, but we were unsuccessful collecting these data. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 4. No, we did not include school discipline data in our application. If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 4. We may confirm this answer with your application. Please explain how the grantee defined improvement, decline, no change, and no need to improve for school discipline data. [text, 2000 characters] In the following section, grantees should report on the number of individual students who experienced change within each applicable change and program attendance category based on the data collected. An individual student should only be counted once in this section. Do not report any PPICS Teacher Survey data here. The optional comparison group results sections of this report have been eliminated. If you have comparison group results to share, please report this information in your local evaluation report. Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated IMPROVEMENT in behavior as measured by school discipline data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated NO CHANGE in behavior as measured by school discipline data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who demonstrated a DECLINE in behavior as measured by school discipline data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 12 Please provide the unduplicated number of students served by the grantee during this reporting period who DID NOT NEED TO IMPROVE in behavior as measured by school discipline data. [number] 1-29 days (optional) Enter zero if you wish to skip this optional category. 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days If there is anything else that you want to share related to student outcomes or results related to behavior or discipline, please use this space: [text, 2000 characters] Section 4. Stakeholder Involvement and Feedback Please describe how the grantee communicates with parents, students, and the community. [select all that apply] Answer options: Advisory Board meetings Family/student handbooks Fliers/promotional materials/newsletters Informal feedback/communication Letters sent to students' home Media (i.e. newspapers, TV, radio) Meetings/events Open houses/family nights Parent meetings Phone calls Social media Surveys, questionnaires, focus groups Website Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] What kinds of parent/family activities did your program offer during the 2013-14 program year? [select all that apply] Answer options: Adult ESL services Adult education opportunities and/or GED classes Career/job training Computer/technology training Cultural events Family literacy nights Open House Parent/Center staff meetings Parenting skills classes Parent training on how to help their children with schoolwork Parent training on post-secondary options and planning Parent reinforcement of the importance of school and education Parent volunteering at the program Structured family recreation Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Section 4A. Parent Feedback Did your program (grantee or local evaluator) collect feedback from parents? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 4B. 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 13 Please indicate the number of parents indicating each level of satisfaction with the following items. If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. How many parents reported their satisfaction with the program OVERALL within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many parents reported their satisfaction with the program’s COMMUNICATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many parents reported their satisfaction with the program’s ACADEMICS within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many parents reported their satisfaction with the program’s RECREATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied Please indicate the number of parents indicating each level of agreement with the following statements. If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. The program addressed my child’s specific needs. [number] Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I had opportunities to visit the program. [number] Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree The program offered my child a variety of academic and enrichment activities. [number] Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. How many parents reported that their child IMPROVED in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 14 How many parents reported that their child showed NO CHANGE in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school How many parents reported that their child DECLINED in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school How many parents reported that their child DID NOT NEED TO IMPROVE in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school Please provide the number of parents who reported that the parent activities offered: [number] If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. Met their needs Did not meet their needs Indicated that they did not participate in the parent activities Indicated that parent activities were not offered to them How does your program collect feedback from parents about parent activities? [select all that apply] Informal or unprompted parent sharing with staff Interviews or focus groups Parent survey (specific questions about parent activities) We have not collected parent feedback this year on parent activities Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] What did parents report as the most positive results of their child’s participation in the 21st Century program? [text, 1000 characters] What did parents report as areas where the program could be improved? [text, 1000 characters] If there were other parent comments or results that you would like to share that did not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief explanation: [text, 2000 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 15 Section 4B. Student Feedback Did your program (grantee or local evaluator) collect feedback from students? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 4C. If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. How many students reported their satisfaction with the program OVERALL within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many students reported their satisfaction with the program’s ACADEMICS within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many students reported their satisfaction with the program’s RECREATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many students reported that they IMPROVED in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school How many students reported that they showed NO CHANGE in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 16 How many students reported that they DECLINED in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school How many students reported that they DID NOT NEED TO IMPROVE in these academic and behavioral categories? [number] Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology Homework completion Self-confidence Attitude toward school/learning Attendance at school Behavior at school If there were other students comments or results that you would like to share that did not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief explanation: [text, 2000 characters] Section 4C. Partner Feedback Did your program (grantee or local evaluator) collect feedback from community partners? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 4D. Please provide a brief summary or explanation of partner comments or feedback: [text, 2000 characters] Section 4D. School Administrator Feedback Did your program (grantee or local evaluator) collect feedback from school/district administrators? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 5. If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. How many school administrators reported their satisfaction with the program OVERALL within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many school administrators reported their satisfaction with the program’s COMMUNICATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 17 How many school administrators reported their satisfaction with the program’s ACADEMICS within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many school administrators reported their satisfaction with the program’s COLLABORATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied If there were other school administrator comments or results that you would like to share that did not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief explanation: [text, 2000 characters] Section 5. Staff & Professional Development What is the program's typical student to staff ratio? (Staff refers to those individuals providing direct services to students.) If it is different for summer and school year, you may provide both, but please label each accordingly. [text, 300 characters] What type(s) of professional development is/are available to your staff? [select all that apply] Answer options: Health & safety training Peer networking Staff orientations State/national afterschool conferences Training on implementation of academic models/interventions/purchased programs Training on implementation of attendance & discipline models/interventions/purchased programs Training on implementation of social & behavioral models/interventions/purchased programs Grantee does not offer professional development to staff Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Who typically provides professional development/training? [select all that apply] Answer options: Contractors/vendors Grantee staff Partners Presenters at conferences School District/LEA Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Please describe how information, materials, resources, and program requirements are shared with program staff, especially information collected at state-level grantee meetings and trainings? [select all that apply] Answer options: Email communication Informal conversations Newsletters Phone calls Staff meetings Training/professional development Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] What assistance, training, or information does your program need (or anticipate needing) related to staff or professional development? [text, 1000 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 18 Section 5A. Staff Feedback Did your program (grantee or local evaluator) collect feedback from center/program staff? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 6. If you did not ask questions like these, leave the answer fields blank. How many center/program staff reported their satisfaction with the program OVERALL within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many center/program staff reported their satisfaction with the program’s COMMUNICATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many center/program staff reported their satisfaction with the program’s ACADEMICS within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied How many center/program staff reported their satisfaction with the program’s COLLABORATION within each satisfaction level below? [number] Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied Which staff types are included in the above results? [select all that apply] Answer options: Aides Program coordinators/administrators Site coordinators/administrators Teachers/instructional staff Support staff Volunteers Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] If there were other center/program staff comments or results that you would like to share that did not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief explanation: [text, 2000 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 19 Section 6. Course/Credit Recovery Did your program include a credit/course recovery component during the 2013-14 program year? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you choose this answer option, please skip to section 7. How many students participated in credit/course recovery programming during this program year? [number] How many students recovered one or more credits/courses during this program year? [number] How many students recovered literacy-related courses/credits in the following categories? [number] Recovered 1 course Recovered 2 courses Recovered 3 courses Recovered 4 courses Recovered 5 or more courses How many students recovered math-related courses/credits in the following categories? [number] Recovered 1 course Recovered 2 courses Recovered 3 courses Recovered 4 courses Recovered 5 or more courses How many students recovered other courses/credits in the following categories? [number] Recovered 1 course Recovered 2 courses Recovered 3 courses Recovered 4 courses Recovered 5 or more courses How long did it typically take students to recover one course during school year programming? [select one] Answer options: Less than one month Less than a semester Less than a full school year A full program year Course or credit recovery was not a component of the school year program How long did it typically take students to recover one course during summer programming? [select one] Answer options: Less than the length of the summer program The full term of the summer program We did not operate a summer program/Course or credit recovery was not a component of the summer program What volume of program operation time do you estimate course/credit recovery made up of all 21st CCLC activities? [select one] Answer options: Less than a quarter of program operational time A quarter to half of program operational time Half to three quarters of program operational time More than three quarters of program operational time How was course/credit recovery typically delivered? [select one] Answer options: Primarily face-to-face Primarily computer-based Blend of face-to-face and computer-based instruction 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 20 Of the students who participated in course/credit recovery activities, how many attended the program in each of the following program attendance categories? [number, 50 characters each] 1-29 days 30-59 days 60-89 days 90+ days Did students who participated in course/credit recovery activities typically participate in other 21st Century activities? [select one] Answer options: Yes No If you answered "no" to the previous question, why did course/credit recovery students not typically participate in non-credit recovery 21st CCLC activities? [select all that apply] Answer options: Course/credit recovery activities targeted a different population than the regular 21st CCLC activities/program. Students had other school-related obligations that prevented them from participating. Students had other family, home, or work obligations that prevented them from participating. Students had so many courses/credits to recover that there was not an opportunity for them to participate in other 21st CCLC activities. The program only offered course/credit recovery activities. Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] If there is anything else you want to share related to course/credit recovery, please use this space: [text, 1000 characters] Section 7. Program Evaluation and Reporting Please share the name(s) of your external evaluator or evaluation team and that person’s or team’s organization affiliation. Enter “independent evaluator” after the person’s name if the evaluator is not part of an organization or business. [text, 1000 characters] Please explain the evaluator's skills, capacity, or qualifications to effectively manage the evaluation of your program. [text, 1000 characters] Does this evaluator/evaluation team have prior experience (before this year) evaluating 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs? [select one] Answer options: Yes No 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 21 Please indicate the services the external evaluator is providing to your program. [select all that apply] Answer options: Data analysis and interpretation Data entry Data collection from students’ school(s) Development of data collection/management instruments Evaluation planning Information entry into state and federal reporting systems Local report preparation/writing/production Ongoing evaluation and data-related support Preparation of evaluation findings/reports for stakeholders (i.e. newsletters, articles, communications, etc.) Preparation of federal summative/program year report (PPICS) Preparation of periodic program reports (i.e. QPR) Preparation of state summative/program year report (PA Grantee Report) Program recommendations based on evaluation findings Site observations Stakeholder feedback collection (surveys, focus groups, interviews, etc.) Support to program in using evaluation findings for program improvement Train program staff to collect data or carry out program-related evaluation tasks Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Please indicate the program’s role in evaluation. [select all that apply] Answer options: Activities tracking Daily student attendance tracking Data analysis and interpretation Data entry Data collection from students’ school(s) Develop and implement program changes based on evaluation findings Development of data collection/management instruments Evaluation planning Information entry into state and federal reporting systems Preparation of evaluation findings/reports for stakeholders (i.e. newsletters, articles, communications, etc.) Preparation of federal summative/program year report (PPICS) Preparation of periodic program reports (i.e. QPR) Preparation of state summative/program year report (PA Grantee Report) Site observations Stakeholder feedback collection (surveys, focus groups, interviews, etc.) Train program staff to collect data and/or carry out program-related evaluation tasks Other, please specify [text, 500 characters] Does the grantee have a formal data access/provision/sharing agreement in place with the LEA(s) from which students enroll? [select one] Answer options: Yes No Grantee is a school/district and only serves its own students What assistance, training, information, or tools does your program need (or anticipate needing) related to program evaluation or data collection? [text, 1000 characters] 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 22 How did you meet the goals and objectives set forth in your original application during the 2013-14 funding year? Your response should be approximately 2-3 pages long, or 3,000-5,000 characters. [text, 5000 characters] What results were achieved as a result of receiving funds from the 21st CCLC program and how did those funds contribute to the success of your program? Your response should be approximately 2-3 pages long, or 3,000-5,000 characters. [text, 5000 characters] Section 8. Grantee Information Your name: [text, 300 characters] What is your role in this program? [select all that apply] Answer options: Program manager Site coordinator Program support staff Local evaluator Other, please specify [text, 300 characters] How can we get in touch with you in case we have a question about your responses? [text] Phone [text, 300 characters] Email [text, 300 characters] Please share anything else that you think the Pennsylvania 21st Century Program state team (PA Department of Education, Center for Schools and Communities, Allegheny Intermediate Unit) should know. Feel free to share challenges, needs, suggestions, or successes. [text, 2000 characters] *IMPORTANT* - In addition to the Pa Grantee Report, grantees are also required to complete and submit the following by October 31, 2014, if you have not done so already: PPICS Grantee Profile (complete or update as needed) PPICS Annual Performance Report Local evaluation report 21st Century Equipment Inventory Form If you have questions about any of these required reports, please contact the 21st Century evaluation team at Allegheny Intermediate Unit or refer to the evaluation website (www.aiu3.net/evaluations, click on 21st Century link). 21st CCLC PA Grantee Report Question Guide 2013-14 23