H 2 AND N 2-BROADENED C 2H 6 AND C 3H 8 ABSORPTION CROSS SECTIONS ROBERT J. HARGREAVES a rhargrea@odu.edu DOMINIQUE APPADOO b BRANT E. BILLINGHURST c PETER F. BERNATH a Image: Cassini Team a Department of Chemistry Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529 b 800 Blackburn Road Australian Synchrotron Melbourne Victoria, Australia TUESDAY 23rd JUNE 2015 c Canadian Light Source Inc. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada OUTER SOLAR SYSTEM Remote sensing of outer planets and moons Derive physical and chemical properties of planets Cassini - Huygens E.g., temperature, pressure, altitude… Molecular abundances For example: Cassini-Huygens Saturn and moons (e.g., Titan) NASA’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) Entirely dependent on spectroscopic data Often use molecular line databases (HITRAN) Intended for Earth’s atmosphere Air-broadened Juno Future missions will also depend on spectroscopic data E.g., Juno mission (Jupiter) OUTER PLANETS At m o s p h e r i c p ro f i l es o f o u te r p l a n et s a n d m o o n s [adapted from Mueller-Wodarg et al. 2008] Saturn Jupiter T = 70 – 200 K Broadener = H2, He Jupiter ~100 – 200 K H 2 = 90% He = 10% Other gases CH 4 ~0.3% C 2 H 6 ~0.0006% C 3 H 8 trace Saturn ~70 – 150 K H 2 = 96% He = 3% Trace gases CH 4 ~0.4% C 2 H 6 ~0.0007% C 3 H 8 trace TITAN Largest moon of Saturn Only moon with more than a trace atmosphere N 2 = 98.4% CH 4 = 1.4% Higher in troposphere Titan North Pole (NASA) Ligeia Mare Kraken Mare Major discovery of Cassini -Huygens mission Stable liquid lakes on Titan E.g. Ligeia and Kraken Primarily methane and ethane? CIRS nadir and limb profile of Titan [Flasar et al. 2005] Amounts vary depending on models May also include propane Remaining atmosphere trace hydrocarbons UV photolysis of CH 4 and subsequent reactions Includes C 2 H 6 , C 3 H 8 70 – 190 K (0 – 300 km) T = 70 – 190 K Broadener = N2 PROPANE AND ETHANE OVERVIEW Extensive previous work In general, does not cover full temperature/spectral range with appropriate broadeners Need appropriate data Difficult complex spectra Dense line structure Extensive perturbations Low lying torsion modes Recent work by Nixon et al. (2013) shows the importance of appropriate data Retrieved propene (C 3 H 6 ) in Titan Better C 3 H 8 cross section Pseudo-line list model from JPL (Sung et al. 2013) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Cross sections over appropriate spectral range Not suitable for remote sensing of planetary atmospheres Relatively low resolution (0.112 cm -1 ) > under resolved Pressures and temperatures for Earth (1 atm N 2 ) Useful for calibrations and validation LOW VAPOR PRESSURE Low vapor pressures at low temperatures C 2 H 6 : 0.1 Torr at ~100 K PNNL Longer path length needed Special cell required below 130 K C 3 H 8 : 0.1 Torr at ~130 K PNNL WHY USE A SYNCHROTRON Require high resolution spectra… Very high brightness Collimated Very intense for small aperture Allows high resolution due to point source Bruker FTS max = 0.00096 cm -1 Globar Synchrotron Better signal to noise For region near 800 cm -1 the gain is around 3 to 4 times Quicker experiments These benefits are significant up to ~1000 cm -1 Rotationally resolved sample at 0.001 cm-1 SYNCHROTRONS Australian Synchrotron Bruker IFS 125HR Cell based on design by Bauerecker et al. (1995) Operating options static cell ‘enclosive flow cooled’ cell (EFC) Liquid-N 2 cooled Capable of He cooling Canadian Light Source Bruker IFS 125HR 2m white cell Long path Advantage over current cell at ODU Lower temperatures Combine with the synchrotron Enclosive flow Longer sample path length CROSS SECTIONS Transmission ( τ) spectra recorded between 700 and 1200 cm -1 ν 9 band of C 2 H 6 near 820 cm -1 Numerous bands of C 3 H 8 (ν 26 , ν 8 , ν 21 , ν 20 , ν 7 ) Cross section calculated from: 104 𝑘𝐵 𝑇 𝜎 𝜈, 𝑇 = −𝜉 ln 𝜏(𝜈, 𝑇) 𝑃𝑙 Integrated cross section is constant over isolated band Demonstrated by numerous studies (e.g., Harrison et al. 2012) E.g., PNNL integrated between 700 – 960 cm -1 : 960 cm−1 𝜎 𝜈, 𝑇 𝑑 𝜈 = 1.014 ±0.003 × 10−18 cm molecule−1 700 cm−1 C2H6 ν9 PNNL at 5°C C 2 H 6 OVERVIEW Measurements made at the Australian synchrotron Far IR/THz beamline February 2015 36 shifts (12 days) Apparatus MCT narrow (>700 cm -1 ) Bruker IFS 125HR EFC cell H 2 and N 2 -broadened C 2 H 6 Three temperatures 150 K 120 K 90 K – Enclosive conditions Each temperature used to measure broadening pressures Pure ethane 20 Torr 60 Torr 200 Torr Total acquisition time ~ 85 hours C 2 H 6 CROSS SECTIONS AT 150 K C 2 H 6 CROSS SECTIONS AT 120 K C2H6 PQ3 sub-band C 2 H 6 RESULTS AT 90 K Effective C 2 H 6 pressure not known… Enclosive flow 104 𝑘𝐵 𝑇 𝑃=− ln 𝜏(𝜈, 𝑇) 𝜎𝑃𝑁𝑁𝐿 𝜈, 𝑇 𝑙 Non-equilibrium Deduce sample effective pressure assuming the integrated cross section is correct Enclosive flow effect Increases transmittance by approx. 4 times Difficult to maintain More vital for propane Similar strength Vapor pressure much lower ~500 times lower at 100 K Non-enclosive Enclosive C 2 H 6 CROSS SECTIONS AT 90 K Ethane vapor pressure at 90 K ~ 0.02 Torr C 3 H 8 OVERVIEW Similar measurements made at the Canadian Light Source Far IR beamline Also in February 2015 (Cycle 21) 60 shifts (20 days) Similar apparatus MCT narrow (>700 cm -1 ) Bruker IFS 125HR 2 m white cell H 2 -broadened C 3 H 8 Four temperatures 295 263 232 200 K K K K Each temperature used to measure broadening pressures Pure propane 10 Torr 30 Torr 100 Torr Total acquisition time ~ 130 hours C 3 H 8 CROSS SECTIONS AT 232 K ν26 ν21 ν8 ν7 ν20 PROBLEMS / FUTURE Analysis is currently ongoing Propane (CLS) data has issues of channelling Known causes include windows of cell/ beamline Post-removal is never 100% Best solution is to not have it in the first place Synchrotron measurements to be supported by those made with globar Not dependent on the time limitations Only beneficial above 1000 cm -1 Synchrotrons remain vital for measurements below 1000 cm -1 Sample channelling at 233 K SUMMARY Providing cross sections for ethane and propane Appropriate for Outer Planets and Titan Make use of synchrotron benefits Important for bands below 1000 cm -1 Significant time savings Work to improve range of CLS cell Reach lower temperatures (~150 K) Also channelling issue Very large project (Australia, Canada, ODU) Complement synchrotron observations with globar data Globar data for bands over 1000 cm -1 Acknowledgements The work i s funded by a NASA outer planet s grant. We would like to thank the Aust ralian Synchrot ron for experi mental support during beamtime measurement s . Thanks also go to the Canadian Light Source. More informatio n: Hargreaves et al. ( 2015), JMS Special Issue , in press. THANKS FOR LISTENING