Better policing through better evidence From new professionalism to better remedies Peter Neyroud CBE QPM Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge And Molly Slothower, University of Maryland Confidential 1 Coming up ‣ The Old policing profession – the old evidence and its consequences ‣ From the Old, to the New ‣ Evidence. Myths. Legends ‣ Politics and Police ‣ Developing the New policing professionalism supported by science ‣ Turning Point and the community remedy Confidential 2 Coming up ‣ The Old policing profession ‣ From the Old, to the New ‣ Evidence. Myths. Legends ‣ Politics and Police ‣ Developing the New policing professionalism Confidential 3 O. W. Wilson 1900-1972 Rapid response Deterrent patrol Investigations Police science degrees ... the “Clinical Professor” Chief of Wichita and Chicago Confidential 4 O. W. Wilson 1900-1972 “the determination of the level of operational manpower to carry out police tasks..[is made by] (a) guesswork (b) comparison [to others] (c) a calculation of the number of men to be added to compensate for an increase in crime…” (Wilson and McLaren, 1976: 363) Chief of Wichita and Chicago Confidential 5 O. W. Wilson 1900-1972 “An impression of omni-presence is created by frequent and conspicuous patrol at every hour and in all sections of the community..” (Wilson and McLaren, 1976: 363) Chief of Wichita and Chicago Confidential 6 The 3 Rs of the ‘old’ professional era Approach Objective Random patrols To deter Rapid response To prevent Reactive detection To reduce Confidential 7 Coming up ‣ The Old policing profession ‣ From the Old, to the New ‣ Evidence. Myths. Legends ‣ Politics and Police ‣ Developing the New policing professionalism Confidential 8 The end of the ‘old’ professional era Approach Objective Random patrols To deter Research Outcome Not effective Rapid response To prevent Not effective Reactive detection To reduce Not effective Confidential 9 The end of the ‘old’ professional era or Random Patrol Confidential 10 Community Policing ‣ Seeking mission beyond crime fighting ‣ Building upon Goldstein’s problem-solving model ‣ Majority of police activities were not related to crime Confidential 11 Intelligence-led Policing Confidential 12 Compstat BIG DATA CONFIDENT Evidence Crime Fighting Cops on the dots TACTICS Confidential 13 Evidence-led Policing Place Areas of high crime rates People Most harmful and persistent Protection Most vulnerable Persuasion Legitimacy Confidential 14 Coming up ‣ The Old policing profession ‣ From the Old, to the New ‣ Evidence. Myths. Legends ‣ Politics and Police ‣ Developing the New policing professionalism Confidential 15 50 years of research. Is policing based on researched facts? Confidential 16 5 Popular Myths Confidential 17 1 Myth Fact Focus on hotspots = crime Confidential 18 2 Myth Targeting = Displacement Fact Targeting = Diffusion Confidential 19 3 Myth Court Prosecution = Deterrent Fact Formal Processing = Negative Impact Confidential 20 4 Myth Community Policing = Crime Prevention Fact Community Policing = Legitimacy Confidential 21 5 Myth ‘Traditional’ Policing = Crime Reduction Fact Science = Success Confidential 22 Why do myths matter? Confidential 23 Confidential 24