Title: Identity and Ethnicity

Key Terms: Anglo-Saxan, Hybrid Culture, Common descent,
Geographical origins, institutional racism
Title: Identity and Ethnicity
Share your homework with the person next to you
(the 2 qs) then discuss these questions:
-What were the TWO sources about
-Do you think ethnicity is more than how you look
-Why might being from a different ethnicity to White
British be difficult for some people in Britain?
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
Grade D: To identify the characteristics often shared between ethnic
minority groups in Britain. Use some key terms and studies when
discussing ethnic minorities.
Grade C/B: To explain ethnic minority identity and the potential
problems experienced by these groups in British society. Able to
explain the different characteristics which make up ethnic
identities using key terms and studies.
Grade A/A*: To evaluate British society’s influence on ethnic identities
using key terms. To explain the different characteristics often shared by
ethnic groups. You can make links to other types of identity e.g.
feminine and ethnic identities. Studies and key terms are used
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
Using the whiteboards, make
a list of all the factors you
think make up a person’s
ethnic identity
Physical characteristics, e.g. skin
colour - Modood’s (1997)
research suggests that being
black is an important source of
identity for young AfricanCaribbeans.
May speak the
language at home
Or speak to each
other in a mixture of
English and shared
Geographical origins
Country of origin is
important in identifying who
you are E.g. Portuguese
Common decent
May be
represented by
colour or other
What makes
up someone’s
ethnic identity
May have shred
experiences of
Most important
influence for some
ethnic groups e.g.
Traditions and
Can be religious e.g
Eid or Traditional e.g
Notting Hill Carnival
Shared sense of
struggle and
opression E.g.
Jewish and AfricanCarribeans
In Britain, ethnic minority identity is mainly
associated with ethnic sub-cultures from the former
British colonies on the Indian subcontinent, in the
Caribbean and in Africa.
However, this ignores the significant White minority
ethnic groups living in the Britain, such as Jews,
gypsies and Irish people.
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
Grade D: To identify the characteristics often shared between ethnic
minority groups in Britain. Use some key terms and studies when
discussing ethnic minorities.
Grade C/B: To explain ethnic minority identity and the potential
problems experienced by these groups in British society. Able to
explain the different characteristics which make up ethnic
identities using key terms and studies.
Grade A/A*: To evaluate British society’s influence on ethnic identities
using key terms. To explain the different characteristics often shared by
ethnic groups. You can make links to other types of identity e.g.
feminine and ethnic identities. Studies and key terms are used
Ethnic Minorities and racism
Do you think
there is
racism in modern
British society?
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
• Ethnic minority groups in Britain are limited in
shaping their self-identity because of the way they
are seen and treated by powerful groups.
• Racial prejudice and discrimination by the main
white population may make it difficult for ethnic
minorities to fully express their cultural identity.
Do you agree with this?
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
What is ‘Institutional Racism’
Inequality based on race within an organisation.
There has been evidence to show institutional racism in schools.
It has been argued that white teachers cannot cope with the
way Affrican-Caribbean boys express their identity at school
and this is why they are the most likely to be excluded.
- Stephen Lawrence case showed institutional racism within the
Met police.
- ‘Stop and Search’ Black youth are stopped much more than any
other ethnic group.
Evidence has suggested this treatment has made black youth
anti-authority and anti-police
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
Grade D: To identify the characteristics often shared between ethnic
minority groups in Britain. Use some key terms and studies when
discussing ethnic minorities.
Grade C/B: To explain ethnic minority identity and the potential
problems experienced by these groups in British society. Able to
explain the different characteristics which make up ethnic
identities using key terms and studies.
Grade A/A*: To evaluate British society’s influence on ethnic identities
using key terms. To explain the different characteristics often shared by
ethnic groups. You can make links to other types of identity e.g.
feminine and ethnic identities. Studies and key terms are used
Differences between ethnic groups
One ethnic group does not cater for the majority.
E.g. you cannot assume all Asians can fall under
the ethnic minority label of Asians.
The Asian community is divided into Country,
Regions and Religion (sub-cultures)
There can be hostility between members of the
same ethnicity.
How might it affect your ability to express youself
fully if there is hostilty from your own minority
group as well as the White British Majority?
Read page 48
1. What differences did Modood find amongst
members of the Asian community?
2. What did Ghumann (1999) find in his study to
be the most influential factor in providing subcultural values to British Asian children?
3. Make a list of these key values. Are these
norms the same across the majority of Asian
cultures? What evidence is provided?
Social conformity in terms
of obedience, loyalty and
respect, particularly to
elders and the community
around them
training is
because it
respect for
Bi-lingualism – the mother
tongue is seen as essential
in maintaining links
between the generations
Duty and obligation to
the extended family
family honour
The choice of
partner should
be left to the
LO: To understand the influence ethnicity has on a person’s identity
Grade D: To identify the characteristics often shared between ethnic
minority groups in Britain. Use some key terms and studies when
discussing ethnic minorities.
Grade C/B: To explain ethnic minority identity and the potential
problems experienced by these groups in British society. Able to
explain the different characteristics which make up ethnic
identities using key terms and studies.
Grade A/A*: To evaluate British society’s influence on ethnic identities
using key terms. To explain the different characteristics often shared by
ethnic groups. You can make links to other types of identity e.g.
feminine and ethnic identities. Studies and key terms are used
Peer-Questioning: Ask each other a question
based on today’s lesson. Include key terms
and studies to challenge each other. If you
answer correctly, ask the next question and so
Make sure all key words for today’s lesson are defined
in your glossary in your own words!!
I will be checking folders and glossaries tomorrow!