Warm-ups, 2nd 6 weeks

On-Level English I
Warm-up #1
Vocabulary Unit 3
Take out Vocabulary Unit 3 and prepare
to say each word and definition together
with the class! (Write each word only in
this space)
Also, take out paper for notes!
Warm-up #2
Thesis statement #1
Look at the following prompts:
1. Write an essay in which you explain whether school uniforms would
improve student learning at Boswell High School.
2. Write an essay in which you explain whether sports and extra-curricular
activity programs (Band, FCCLA) increase student achievement at Boswell
High School.
3. Write an essay in which you explain whether or not Boswell should
abolish homework to allow students more time for outside activities.
4. Write an essay in which you explain whether or not Boswell should add
15 minutes to the lunch period to accommodate the large numbers of
students buying lunch.
Write a thesis statement (including all 3 parts) for 2 of these.
Use your notes from last week to help you formulate your ideas!
Warm-up #3
Body paragraphs
Let’s imagine that we are writing an essay on whether participation in
athletics and extra-curricular activities improves student performance at
Here is our THESIS:
Athletics and extracurricular participation does improve student
performance because students feel responsible to teammates, cannot
participate if they are failing a class, and feel more connected to the
Explore one of the MAIN POINTS in a CIRCLE MAP – finding specific,
concrete examples that will help you build a strong body paragraph.
(Hint: Put the main point in the inner circle, and then fill the outer circle
with stories and examples from a variety of sources: books, movies, t.v.,
history, current events, music, and of course, your own stories)
Warm-up #4
Body paragraph example
Create the following form. Identify examples in each category of when money creates or fails to
create happiness. Be sure the center box matches your thesis.
books, movies, music lyrics
$=Happiness or
$= Happiness
current events, pop culture
*(Hint: think Kardashians),
Warm-up #5
Vocabulary 3 symonyms
Listed below are synonyms for each of your unit 3 vocabulary words.
Match and write down each synonym pair in your journal.
Vocab Words
Emphasize,Relevant, Significant, Source,
Differentiate, Thesis, Petrified, Inherent, Saunter,
Built in, Highlight, Important, Mysterious,
Opinion, Origin, Related, Separate, Terrified,
Warm-up #6
Vocab 3 Antonyms
Listed below are antonyms(opposites) for each of your unit 3 vocab
write down each antonym pair for your warm-up.
Vocab Words
Emphasize, Relevant, Significant, Source,
Differentiate, Thesis, Petrified, Inherent, Saunter,
conclusion, connect, fact, ignore, learned, run,
trivial, unafraid, understandable, unimportant
Match and
Warm-up #7
Vocab 3 Sentences
Write down each sentence: then, fill in the blank in each sentence
with the correct vocabulary word from Unit 3. TEST MONDAY!
1. If I want to _______________ something, I might underline it.
2. Your weekend plans are not ____________ to this class.
3. My _____________ for that information was a magazine
article that I saw linked on Twitter.
4. When I wrote my essay, I put the ______________ near the
beginning so readers would get my opinion.
5. I was ________________ when the large spider descended
from the ceiling towards my desk.
6. I think singing is an _________________skill for Robin
because everyone in her family is good at it.
Warm-up #8
Take out your copy of “The Scarlet Ibis”
and write a single sentence to sum up
the story so far. Be sure to identify
**Gather your Essay pieces, staple, and put in
Warm-up #9
SI review
Imagine that you are being asked to
write a short review of “The Scarlet
Ibis.” Write an opening paragraph of
that review in which you explain
whether you would recommend it to
another student and why.
Warm-up 10 (4th period only) SI review
Quickly skim through “The Scarlet Ibis,” beginning on page
199, line 300 (and continuing to the end of the story) for
references to the color red. Write down the line numbers
and phrases:
Example: (This is the beginning of the story up to line 300)
“Bleeding tree” – Line 2.
“Bleeding tree” – Line 12.
“Red and shriveled” – line 26
“Mahogany (A RED colored wood) Coffin” – line 30
“Turning first red” – Line 60
“Blood” line 125
“Mahogany box” – line 131
“Cardinal” (A red Bird) – line 189
“Mahogany Coffin” – 224
**I Found 17 more, how many can you find?
Warm-up 10 (11 for 4th) SI review
1. What are the types of conflict in “The Scarlet Ibis?”
2. From what point of view is “The Scarlet Ibis?”
3. Label the basic plot pieces of “The Scarlet Ibis” on a plot
pyramid (diagram).
4. What type of characters (Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic)are
Doodle, the narrator, Aunt Nicey, Daddy and Momma?
5. What is the tone of the 1st paragraph of “The Scarlet Ibis?”
6. What do the following symbolize: the storm, the scarlet ibis,
the mahogany coffin?
7. What is the setting of “The Scarlet Ibis?”
8. What genre is “The Scarlet Ibis?”
9. What is a theme? Write a theme statement about “The
Scarlet Ibis.”
Warm-up 11 ( #12 for 4th)
SI compound sentences
For each sentence below, add a coordinating conjunction and a
second sentence to form a compound sentence. Circle your
coordinating conjunction and comma:
It is heresy to think that older brother purposely killed Doodle.
Compound sentence:
It is heresy to think that older brother knowingly killed
Doodle, yet he is at least partially responsible for his death.
Your turn:
1. The narrator was very dogged.
2. When Doodle was first born, his death seemed imminent.
3. The scarlet ibis was exotic.
4. Doodle’s health was very precarious.
5. Doodle constantly reiterated, “Don’t leave me.”
Warm-up 12
What is a poem? Make a list of
at least 1 characteristic that is
ALWAYS part of poetry, and at
least 4 that you think are
SOMETIMES a part of poetry, to
help us create a definition.
Warm-up 13
On page 476, please
PARAPHRASE this poem.
Remember that a paraphrase is
not a summary. It should be as
long as the poem.
Warm up #14
Change all these compound sentences to complex and
write them down.
1. I am not feeling well today, but I still have to go to
2. The end of the six weeks is this Friday, and I need
to do corrections to pass.
3. The wind is making it bitterly cold outside, yet the
sun is shining brilliantly.