LOGO A VENIR COLLABORATION PLATFORM An advanced MOODLE based platform with linguistic intercomprehension support Daniel Pimienta pimienta@funredes.org NETWORKS & DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION http://funredes.org CARIB RISK CLUSTER TOOLS TO BOOST INTRA CARIBBEAN COLLABORATION ON NATURAL RISKS AND RISKS FROM THE SEA HTTP://CARIBRISKCLUSTER.NET PUBLIC INFO PRIVATE (MEMBER ONLY) DATA BASES S E R V I C E S COLLABORATION PLATFORM PUBLIC INFORMATION ABOUT CARIBRISKCLUSTER PROJECT ABOUT INTERREG ABOUT MARTINIQUE CONSEIL GENERAL ABOUT SOME PROJECTS IN ENGLISH IN SPANISH IN FRENCH PRIVATE INFORMATION DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS MEMBER’S SHARED INFORMATION FACE TO FACE MEETINGS PRODUCTS • IN ENGLISH • IN SPANISH • IN FRENCH DATA BASES STAKEHOLDERS PROJECTS SERVICES Quelles sont les autres ‘services’ prévus par le projet? Geographical interface to data. COLLABORATIVE PLATFORM ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM MODERATED EXCHANGES AND FILE SHARING SIGNAL over NOISE MANAGEMENT LINGUISTIC INTERCOMPREHENSION AID ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM MOODLE BASED PLATFORM THE BEST OF TWO WORLDS : EMAIL + WEB CLEAN MESSAGING INFO-ECOLOGY MODERATION BY FOCUS BY SIZE BY “ECOLOGY” MAXIMAZE SIGNAL OVER NOISE ANIMATE (THEMATIC WATCH) DRIVE THEMATIC DISCUSSIONS MAINTAIN SIZE OF COMMUNICATION FLOW LINGUISTIC INTERCOMPREHENSION AID FRENCH SPANISH AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION ENGLISH CREOLE DUTCH AUTO TRANSLATION AID FOR MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING RULES TOO RESPECT EACH ONE USES HIS/HER LANGUAGE INTEGRATE BEYOND LINGUISTIC BAREERS TRANSLATION BACKGROUND DATA On the basis of a 250 words page Professional translation from North COST = 25 – 50 $ / page Professional translation from South COST = 8 – 15 $ / page LEVELS OF SUPPORT SERVICE COST QUALITY 1 Extremely poor Translation by program with revision 5-10 Quite poor Translation by program with input normalization 10-25 Poor Translation by program with input normalization & output revision 25-50 Almost acceptable Non professional translation assisted by program 50-100 Barely acceptable Translation by professional 100-400 Acceptable Translation by good professional 400-2400 Good Translation by program without revision WHY SO MANY ECONOMICAL DATA? Because the issue is about pragmatism and trade-off between cost and quality. TRANSLATION BY PROGRAM IN E.CONFERENCING Second best… but better than not dealing with the issue of multilingualism! It is NOT about translation… it is about aid to intercomprehension TRANSLATION BY PROGRAM IN E.CONFERENCING Very schematically: Who need it are quite happy… Who does not laugh about bad quality… without paying attention they may be the first responsibles! AN EXAMPLE TO UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS ORIGINAL IN FRENCH Ceci n'est pas un message ! C'est un texte pour faire un test de la qualité de la traduction par programme. Vous verrez que les fautes d'ortographe et les defauts de ponctuation provoquent une baisse sensible de la qualité surtout l'oubli du point à la fin de la phrase. Ne parlons pas des diacritiques: cet ete j irais a la plage avec mes ami bresiliens.. Par contre, si l'on respecte correctement les règles, le résultat peut surprendre par sa qualité. Regardez comment la phrase précédente et celle-ci sont parfaitement traduites en espagnol et anglais. Cela vous impressionne? PS: Cet été, je vous assure que j'irai à la plage avec mes amis brésiliens, je ferais attention à la ponctuation, et mon orthographe sera meilleure. Tudo bom? ENGLISH PROGRAM TRANSLATION This is not a message: -)! It is a text to make a test of the translation quality by program. You will see that the faults of ortographe and the defects of punctuation cause af all sensitive of quality especially the lapse of memory of the point to the end of the sentence. Let us not speak about the diacritic ones: this ete J would go has the beach with my friend bresiliens.. On the other hand, if the rules correctly are complied with, the result can surprise by its quality. Look at how the preceding sentence and this one are translated perfectly into Spanish and English. Does that impress you? PS: This summer, I ensure you that I will go to the beach with my Brazilian friends, I would pay attention to the punctuation, and My orthography will be better. Tudo bom? SPANISH PROGRAM TRANSLATION ¡Esto no es un mensaje: -)! Es un texto para hacer una prueba de la calidad de la traducción por programa. Verán que las faltas de ortographe y los defauts de puntuación causan una reducción sensible de la calidad sobre todo el olvido del punto al final de la frase. No hablan del diacríticos: este sido j irían tiene la gama con mi amigo bresiliens.. Por el contrario, si se respetan correctamente las normas, el resultado puede sorprender por su calidad. Observe cómo la frase anterior y ésta se traducen perfectamente en español e inglés. ¿Eso les impresiona? PS: Este verano, les garantizo que iré a la gama con mis amigos brasileños, yo tendría cuidado con la puntuación, y mi ortografía será mejor. ¿Tudo bom? RULES TO FOLLOW TO GET GOOD PRODUCTS (1/2) Check the spelling and grammar of the messages you send. A spelling error will result in a mistranslation or the nontranslation of a word. A grammatical error will make it more difficult for the program to identify the syntactic function of all words in a given sentence. Use your spellchecker! Punctuation marks, such as commas and periods, help the program to identify sentences and clause boundaries. A period should therefore be placed at the end of each sentence. Use upper and lower case. A sentence should always start with a capital letter; a sentence typed entirely in upper case may cause translation problems. RULES TO FOLLOW TO GET GOOD PRODUCTS (2/2) Divide lengthy and complex sentences into shorter sentences. In particular, avoid using parentheses and dashes to set phrases apart. Whenever possible, avoid using passive structures, for example: Bad: A copy of the report will be sent to all partners. Good: We will send a copy of the report to all partners. Whenever possible, avoid idiomatic expressions: Bad: It happens once in a blue moon. Good: It rarely happens. Include optional words that clarify the function of other words in the sentence, such as "that" or "whom" in the examples below: Bad: The book I bought was very interesting. Good: The book that I bought was very interesting. Bad: The man I wanted to see was on vacation. Good: The man whom I wanted to see was on vacation. LOST OF NETIQUETTE Is a nightmare for the utllisation of automatic translation… except if moderation is implemented. WITH ALL DRAWBACKS… Aid to linguistic intercomprehension by an automatic integrated system allow to enhance intercultural communication and, more important, to avoid the comfortable ostrich attitude in front of the linguistic diversity challenge… CONCLUSION A project aiming at fostering the collaboration of professionals from the whole Caribbean shall pay due attention to the language diversity factor and treat their time as a key asset.