Geophysical Turbulence Program and the Turbulence Numerics Team



: Geophysical Turbulence




: Turbulence Numerics Team

IMAGe Advisory board

Boulder, January 26, 2009


Geophysical Turbulence Program

• GTP has been in existence almost since the beginning of NCAR

(Deardorff, Gilman, Herring, Leith, Lilly, Lorenz, McWilliams, Orszag, Patterson, Thompson, …)

History: see Herring, in IUTAM Symposium, Kerr & Kimura Eds, Kluwer (2000 )

• 40+ members across all divisions and labs at NCAR + a few external universities

(CU, Dartmouth, LANL, Nagoya, Penn State, UCLA, Warwick)

• GTP, @ $50k, is ~ 10% of the GTP+TNT combined budgets

Imperative: cross-cutting research with outreach

• Support research on turbulent flows in a variety of contexts , with focused topics drawing on GTP seed funds

• Short-term (3day) visitors, with a ``monthly’’ seminar program

• Long-term visitors , for one week [to one year, very rarely possible]

• Workshops [and schools, 2 in 20 years]

• For the last two years: small partial support for graduate students


Peter Sullivan (ESSL/MMM - GTP):

Boundary layers

``The atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers may be the most crucial ingredients in hurricane dynamics despite their small vertical extent’’ (K. Emanuel, 2004)



. .



High wind atmospheric PBL 25m/s

Cold water hurricane wake generated by ocean turbulence and surface wave effects



Storm track

Large eddy simulations and modeling of turbulent flows and of boundary layers in complex geophysical flows, with multi-scale dynamics and physical processes.

Transition wave - turbulence


Breaking waves, spray, bubbles, turbulence?

Joe Tribbia (ESSL-CGD & GTP), with Jim McWilliams (UCLA-GTP)

Pathway to dissipation in the atmosphere and ocean

Thermal / mechanical driving on planetary scale

Thin instabilities (baroclinic, frontal) drive inertial cascades to non-rotational scales

Further instabilities (K-H, convective) needed to get to 3D isotropic turbulence and dissipation, and transport processes

No complete GFD simulation to date. It must span a 2D range from 10 6 m to 10-100m

(3D Turbulence), waves and anisotropy (rotation and/or stratification and/or magnetic fields and/or bottom topography …)


GTP possible mission statement

• The Geophysical Turbulence Program at NCAR investigates nonlinear multi-scale eddy-wave interactions for a wide range of geophysical and astrophysical flows. It also develops, analyzes and validates analytical and phenomenological models, numerical methods and experiments as tools for UCAR and for the university community, here and abroad.

• Retreat

+ meeting of GTP to be organized in 2009

(Joe Tribbia)

• To be followed by a meeting of a small advisory board (as per the request of the NCAR review panel many years ago …)


GTP seminars in 2007 and/or 2008

J. Baerenzung (NCAR): Spectral modeling of utrbulent fluids

G. Boffetta (LANL): Two-dimensional turbulence.

C. Bustamante (U. Warwick): Singularities of the Euler equations.

P. Hamlington (U. Mich.:, Reynolds stress anisotropy and vorticity alignment.

S. Heinz (U. Wyoming): Unified stochastic and deterministic turbulence models (07).

J. Liu (CSU): Characteristic methods for fluid transport problems .

D. Stanescu (U. Wyoming): Discontinuous Galerkin methods (07).

A. Tuck (NOAA): A molecular view of vorticity and turbulence.

V. Uritsky (U. Calgary): Self-organized criticality.

… MHD (WC Müller, W-H Matthaeus, …)


GTP visitors and graduate students - 07 &/or 08

M-E Brachet, ENS-Paris: codes with symmetries in MHD , RK4 and Euler flow with helicity.

J.F. Cossette ( grad. student , U. Montreal, with Piotr Smolarkiewicz): Semi-Lagrangian schemes.

M. Damron ( grad. student , U. Arizona, with Larry Winter): a non-Markovian model of rill erosion.

J. Finnigan (Commonwealth Scient.): Canopy turbulence in roughness sub-layers

D. Jarecka ( grad. student , U. Warsaw, with Wojciech Grabowski): Impact of entrainment and mixing on cloud dynamics and microphysics.

H. Jonker, U. Delft: A refined view of vertical transport by cumulus convection.

P. Ortiz, U. Granada: Coupled dynamics of boundary layers & evolutionary landforms like dunes.

Z. Piotrowski, U. Warsaw: Numerical realizability of thermal convection.

L-P Wang, U. Delaware: Turbulent collision-coalescence of cloud droplets and impact on warm rain initiation.


Collision-coalescence processes in cloud microphysics

Wang, Franklin, Ayama & Grabowski - ESSL/MMM-GTP

• PDF of angle of approach of colliding droplets: dominance of inward relative motion due to turbulence

• Solid line: model with turbulence black dots: Direct Numerical

Simulation (DNS)


GTP/TNT workshops

08 Theme of year: 3-wks Summer School & 3 wkshps (K. Julien @CU, CISL-EOL-ESSL-RAL)

* Theory and modeling of Geophysical Turbulence: LANL (B. Wingate) + Wisconsin (L. Smith)

* Petascale computing for Geophysical Turbulence: CORA (J. Werne) + UCLA (B. Stevens)

* Observations and sensors: RAL (L. Cornman) + EOL (S. Oncley) + ESSL (R. Lenschow)

(J. Fernando [AZ] in charge of the Observation week of the summer school)

No magnetic field in TOY08 …

2009?: Turbulent mixing in the upper ocean & boundary layers (W. Large, ESSL-CGD)

2010: Rotating stratified flows (V. Zeitlin, Paris et al.)

Past workshops:

• Turbulence and Dynamos at Petaspeed ( 2007)

• Turbulence and Scalar Transport in Roughness Sub-layers (2006)

• Modeling MHD turbulence with applications to planetary and stellar dynamos (2006)

• Theme of the Year (TOY-06) on Multi-scale modeling (one workshop sponsored)

• Coherent Structures in the Atmosphere and Ocean (2005)

• Atmospheric Turbulence and Mesoscale Meteorology (2005)

Cumulus Parameterization in the Context of Turbulence Studies (2004)


A sample of GTP-supported research [1]

• G. Branstator (ESSL-CGD) & J. Berner (now in MMM): distinct signatures of nonlinearity in climate dynamics

• W. Grabowski (ESSL-MMM): Parameterization of small-scale and micro-scale processes in models resolving larger scales

• J. Herring (ESSL-MMM): Stratified turbulence

• R. Lenschow (ESSL-MMM): Analysis of C-HATS experiment

(Horizontal Array Turbulence Studies, + Oceans, Canopies, Anisotropy)

• C-H Moeng (ESSL-MMM) with J. McWilliams (UCLA), R. Rotunno

(MMM), P. Sullivan (MMM) & J. Weil (CIRES/CU) : Evaluation of twodimensional Planetary Boundary Layer ( PBL ) models using Large Eddy

Simulations (LES)


Peter Sullivan, ESSL-MMM -& GTP :

Passive versus active scalar in the dry

PBL using LES in a large domain 1000 2 X128 or 50 2 km X 6km

(comparable to a field campaign)

Passive scalar is at large scales Dynamically active scalar is at

A sample of GTP-supported research [2]

• M. Rast (CU): Convection + ionisation in the solar convection zone

• P. Sullivan (ESSL-MMM) et al.: wind-wave interactions ;

• J. Tribbia (ESSL-CGD): Multi-scale and climate


• J. Berner (ESSL-MMM) et al .: stochastic parametrization for numerical weather prediction (NWP) with flow-dependent formulation of unresolved processes


Stochastic parameterization of spectral backscatter for

NWP and climate model-error

 Stream function perturbations with a prescribed kinetic energy spectrum:

J. Berner, A. Fournier, S-Y. Ha, J. Hacker & C. Snyder

 Successfully applied to probabilistic NWP

(ECMWF pseudo-spectral model) by Shutts

(2005), and Berner et al. (2009).

 Ongoing: Implementation into WRF limited-area ensemble model using 2D planar Fourier analysis.

 Preliminary Result: the Brier score of u is improved (shown is score for events 0 < u <

( p ) , where

( p ) is climatological standard deviation at

13 pressure p ), but more samples are needed.

Action item for GTP

Commonality of issues in fundamental multi-scale dynamics for the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean, and for solar and solarterrestrial physics

• Request for a quadrupling of the funds (50k 200k):

– Create a GTP Post-doctoral fellow

– Create a GTP Graduate student position

– Create a sabbatical GTP visitor

The over-arching goal is to investigate and model turbulent

Action item for GTP

Commonality of issues in fundamental multiscale dynamics for the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean, and for solar and solar-terrestrial physics

• Request for a quadrupling of the funds (50k 200k):

– Create a GTP Post-doctoral fellow

– Create a GTP Graduate student position

– Create a sabbatical GTP visitor

Decision making process: annual meeting of GTP members


The over-arching goal is to investigate and model turbulent flows in weather, climate, solar physics and space weather


And now, the Turbulence Numerics Team


Aimé Fournier

Project Sc.

@1 FTE

Pablo Mininni

Scientist 1 @ 0.25

AP @ 0.6

Duane Rosenberg,

Software Eng. III,

@ 1 FTE

QuickTime™ and a

decompressor are needed to see t his picture.

Julien Baerenzung,

Post-doc, 1 FTE

(until June 2009)

Ed Lee, GRA, 0.5 FTE

(until January 22, 2009)

TNT Team


Core of 2.85 FTE

75% at Buenos Aires 40% deputy director of ESSL

Aimé Fournier

Project Sc.

@1 FTE

Pablo Mininni

Scientist 1 @ 0.25

AP @ 0.6

Duane Rosenberg,

Software Eng. III,

@ 1 FTE

QuickTime™ and a

decompressor are needed to see t his picture.

Julien Baerenzung,


(until June 2009)

Ed Lee, GRA, 0.5 FTE

(until January 22, 2009)

TNT Team


Core of 2.85 FTE

At some point in June 2009:

Core of 1.85 FTE

No GRA and no post-doc

Two NSF gants submitted in 2008



Investigate the basic properties of multi-scale flows

Exploit their commonality multi-scale interactions, nonlinear phenomena, geophysical turbulence, eddies and waves

* Analyze data and implement a variety of turbulence models

Seed the applications for the Earth and beyond: atmosphere, ocean, PBL, solar physics and space weather

To that effect, develop, test and make available a suite of tools and data sets @ petascale and beyond

(computing, and also accessing, visualizing, analyzing & sharing the data)



Investigate the basic properties of multi-scale flows

At the highest possible Reynolds number(s)

Exploit their commonality multi-scale interactions, nonlinear phenomena, geophysical turbulence, eddies and waves

* Analyze data and implement a variety of turbulence models

Seed the applications for the Earth and beyond: atmosphere, ocean, PBL, solar physics and space weather

To that effect, develop, test and make available a suite of tools and data sets @ petascale and beyond

(computing, and also accessing, visualizing, analyzing & sharing the data)


Basic research by way of two large runs done at NCAR with GHOST on 1536



thanks to BTS and ASD allocations

I. 2006: Magnetohydrodynamics

(MHD), without rotation

• First evidence of a dual direct energy cascade: isotropic k -3/2 at large scale, anisotropic k

-2 weak turbulence at small scale in the highest-ever Reynolds MHD run

• First numerical evidence of rolling up of vorticity & current sheets

Pablo Mininni et al.


~ 1700 GHOST


Going beyond , with the help of symmetries

• First evidence of lack of universality in decaying MHD without a uniform magnetic field (2048 3 equiv. grid):

Taylor-Green flow, 3 runs, 3 different energy spectra

Collision of two current sheets

(viz.: VAPOR, CISL)

Ed Lee et al.

Phys. Rev. E 2008/12 kaleidoscope



Going beyond , with the help of symmetries

• First evidence of lack of universality in decaying MHD without a uniform magnetic field (2048 3 equiv. grid):

Taylor-Green flow, 3 runs, 3 different energy spectra

Ed Lee et al., in preparation

Collision of two current sheets

(viz.: VAPOR, CISL)

Ed Lee et al.




Going beyond [2]

Developing , testing, or using models for fluid & MHD turbulence:

* Chollet-Lesieur model

* Lagrangian averaged model (D. Holm, …)

* Spectral model based on EDQNM (two-point turbulence closure)

^ with eddy viscosity incorporating helical terms

^ with eddy noise incorporating phase information

^ for any energy spectrum

(Julien Baerenzung et al.)

Applications to Navier-Stokes (including rotation) and MHD


Second large run at NCAR

II. 2008: Rotation with helical forcing, without magnetic field


~ 1100 , Ro = 0.05 GHOST

• First evidence of a non-intermittent and non-Kolmogorovian direct energy cascade at low Rossby number , governed by the direct cascade of helicity (h+e=4), together with an inverse cascade of energy

• First evidence of the persistence of strong cyclonic events in rotating turbulence in the presence of helicity , together with strongly turbulent columnar structures

Pablo Mininni et al.

Vorticity magnitude (zoom), above a threshold


Second large run at NCAR

II. In 2009:

* Analysis and modeling of the large run with rotation and helical forcing


~ 1100 , Ro = 0.05

• Parametric study using the model TBD

Thanks to a special

CISL 5 mo. post-doc allocation for JB

Closer look of vorticity magnitude, above a threshold: cohabitation


Going beyond: Modeling of rotating flows

Model: Eddy viscosity and eddy noise with variable index energy spectrum

Tests on non-helical flows down to Rossby numbers of 0.02

Fig.: Build-up of anisotropy over time

Julien Baerenzung et al., in preparation

QuickTime™ and a

decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Taylor-Green flow



Adaptive Mesh



Aimé Fournier et al., 2008

• Decay for long times


• Formation of dipolar vortex structures

• Gain in the number of degrees of freedom (~ 4) with

AMR, compared to an equivalent pseudo-spectral code (periodic boundary conditions)


Spectral AMR

The need for accuracy in adaptive mesh refinement, when looking at max. norms (Fig.: current in 2D-MHD reconnection)

Duane Rosenberg et al (2007)

Also: Development of optimized Schwarz preconditioning, in collaboration with Amik

St Cyr

New: Implementation of a conservative energy scheme (AF +DR)



Available TNT tools

• GASpAR : High-order adaptive Mesh Refinement code for turbulent flow, and a PDE framework for adaptive mesh solutions

* Future : Boussinesq equations, 3D-MHD, Planetary Boundary Layer

• GHOST : Primary production pseudo-spectral code for turbulent flows

Modular numerics and physics : 2D/ 3D; compressibility; (Hall)-MHD; rotation

* Plans : * Stratification, and implementation of (several) LES

* Upgrade for petascale and beyond (today: up to ~ 4000 proc.)


• Other code: MAYTAG: MA gnetoh Y drodynamics TA ylorG reen code with enforced symmetries leading to a gain of 32 in CPU / storage

Code developed in F’08 by M-E Brachet (ENS Paris)


Available high Reynolds number numerical data sets

(runs performed at NCAR, NERSC and Pittsburgh)

• Navier-Stokes: ^ Taylor-Green (TG) flows, 2048 3 grids

^ ABC flows, 2048 3 grids

• Navier-Stokes with rotation: ABC, decay,1536 3 grid

• MHD: ^ 1024 3 forced dynamo runs;

^ 1536 3 grid, decaying flow;

^ 2048 3 equivalent grids with imposed TG symmetries

Taylor Reynolds numbers of 1100 or above 32

New research directions

1Basic research in rotating turbulent flows (in progress):

Numerical simulations, phenomenological approach, and spectral modeling (with helicity and with eddy noise)

2 - Stratified turbulent flows (GHOST)

(with/without rotation, boundaries, passive tracer; & numerical adaptivity)

Potential targeted applications to the stable planetary boundary layer

(with Peter Sullivan, ESSL; & Rod Frechlich, RAL) and to aircraft safety (with Larry Cornman, RAL)

3 - Bottom topography using non-uniform mesh (GASPAR)


New needs: Action items for TNT

1- Basic research in rotating turbulent flows (in progress): Numerical simulations, phenomenological approach, and spectral modeling

2 - Stratified turbulent flows (with/without rotation, boundaries, passive tracer; and numerical adaptivity). Potential targeted applications to the stable planetary boundary layer and to aircraft safety (with ESSl and RAL)

3 - Bottom topography, using mesh adaptivity

A- Tools for the community (GASPAR, GHOST), going to petascale and beyond

B- High-Reynolds number data sets for the community, and how to handle these data sets

• A- Sustain the TNT team at its present level

• B- Recruit in TNT a Scientist 1 or Scientist 2 in weather/climate turbulence and its modeling

C- Obtain substantial computer resources including in the team


TNT collaborations at NCAR, past and present:

Tom Bogdan (now at NOAA), Paul Charbonneau (now at Montreal), John Clyne (CISL),

Larry Cornman (RAL), Rod Frehlich (RAL and CU), Jack Herring ( emeritus , ESSL-M 3 ),

Han-Li Liu (ESSL-HAO), Alan Norton (CISL), Amik St Cyr (IMAGE-CISL),

Peter Sullivan (ESSL-MMM), Joe Tribbia (ESSLCGD), …

TNT collaborations outside NCAR, past and present:

A. Alexakis (Paris), F. Baer (U. Md), A. Bhattacharjee (UNH), M-E Brachet (Paris),

B. Breech (U Del.), M. Bustamante (Dublin), V. Carbone (Calabria),

C. Cartes (Santiago), S. Cowley (UCLA), P. Dmitruk (Buenos Aires),

P. Fisher (Argonne), S. Galtier (Orsay), K. Germaschewski (UNH), J. Graham (Lindau),

D. Holm (Imperial, LANL), G. Krstulovic (Paris), D. Lathrop (U. Md), W-H Matthaeus

(Bartol), D. Montgomery (Dartmouth), C-S Ng (Alaska), J-F Pinton (Lyon), H. Politano

(Nice), Y. Ponty (Nice), J. Toomre (CU), M. Rast (CU), R. Reddy (PSC), J. Riley (U.

Washington), M. Taylor (Sandia), L. Turner (Cornell), V. Uristsky (Calgary), H.

Wang (U. Md), …


Publications with reviewers, 2007-2009


Alexakis, A., P. D. Mininni, A. Pouquet, 2007: Turbulent cascades, transfer, and scale interactions in magnetohydrodynamics. New J. Phys.

, 9 , 298, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/298 .

• Baerenzung, J., H. Politano, Y. Ponty, A. G. Pouquet, 2008: Spectral modeling of turbulent flows and the role of helicity.

Phys. Rev. E , 77 , 046303, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.0463033

• J. Baerenzung, H. Politano, Y. Ponty and A. Pouquet,, `Spectral Modeling of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulent Flows,'’

Phys. Rev. E 78, 026310 (2008).

• Carbone, V., A. G. Pouquet, 2008: An introduction to fluid and MHD turbulence for astrophysical flows: Theory, observational and numerical data and modeling. Invited set of Lectures EEC School on Astrophysical Plasmas , L Vlahos and P Cargill, Ed., Springer-Verlag, 69-131

• Carlos Cartes, Miguel D. Bustamante, Annick Pouquet, Marc E. Brachet,Generalized Eulerian-Lagrangian description of

Navier-Stokes and resistive MHD dynamics,'' Fluid Dyn. Res, 41, 011404 (2009).

• Clyne, J., P. Mininni, A. Norton, M. Rast, 2007: Interactive desktop analysis of high resolution simulations: Applications to turbulent plume dynamics and current sheet formation. New J. Phys.

, 9 , 301, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/301 .

• Cowley, S., J.-F. Pinton, A. Pouquet, 2007: Focus on magnetohydrodynamics and the dynamo problem. New J. Phys.

, 9 ,

E04, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/E04

A. Fournier, D. Rosenberg and A. Pouquet, ``Dynamically adaptive spectral-element simulations of 2D incompressible

NavierStokes vortex decays,'' to appear, GAFD, Special issue `` Vortex dynamics from quantum to geophysical scales,'’

Guest Editors: C. Barenghi, D. Dritschel and A. Gilbert (2008).

• Graham Pietarila, J., D. D. Holm, P. Mininni, A. G. Pouquet, 2008: Three regularization models of the Navier-Stokes

• equations. Phys. Fluids , 20 , 035107, doi: 10.1063/1.2880275


Graham Pietarila, J., D. Holm, P. Mininni, A. G. Pouquet, 2008: Highly turbulent solutions of the Lagrangian-averaged

Navier-Stokes alpha model and their large-eddy-simulation potential. Phys. Rev. E , 75 , 056310, doi:



J. Pietarila Graham, P.D. Mininni, and A. Pouquet, The Lagrangian-averaged model for magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and the absence of bottleneck, Phys. Rev. E, to appear (2009).

• E. Lee, M.E. Brachet, A. Pouquet, P.D. Mininni and D. Rosenberg,``A paradigmatic flow for small-scale magnetohydrodynamics,'’ Phys. Rev. E 78, 066401 (2008).

• Matthaeus, W. H., A. G. Pouquet, P. Mininni, P. Dmitruk, B. Breech, 2008: Rapid directional alignment of velocity and magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Physical Review Letters , 100 , 085003, doi:





* P.D. Mininni, A. Alexakis and A. Pouquet, Scale interactions and scaling laws in rotating flows at moderate Rossby numbers and large Reynolds numbers,'' Phys. Fluids 21, 015108 (2009).

• P.D. Mininni and A. Pouquet, ``Helicity cascades in rotating turbulence,'' to appear, Phys. Fluids (2009), arxiv:0809.0869.

Mininni, P., A. Alexakis, A. G. Pouquet, 2008: Non-local interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence at high Reynolds numbers: The slow emergence of scaling laws. Phys. Rev. E , 77 , 036306, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.036306


• Mininni, P., A. G. Pouquet, 2008: Energy spectra stemming from interactions of Alfven waves and turbulent eddies.

Physical Review Letters , 99 , 254502, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.254502


• Mininni, P. D., D. C. Montgomery, L. Turner, 2007: Hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic computations inside a rotating sphere. New J. Phys.

, 9 , 303, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/303

• .Mininni, P. D., 2007: Inverse cascades and alpha effect at a low magnetic Prandtl number. Phys. Rev. E , 76 , 026316, doi:




Mininni, P., A.. Alexakis, A. Pouquet, 2007: Energy transfer in Hall-MHD turbulence, cascades, backscatter and dynamo action. J. Plasma Phys.

, 73 , 377-401, doi: 10.1017/S0022377806004624 .


Mininni, P., A. Alexakis, A. G. Pouquet, 2008: Scale interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence at large Reynold numbers.

IUTAM Book Series: IUTAM Symp. Comput. Phys. And New Perspectives in Turb.

, Kaneda, Y, Eds., Springer-Verlag, 4,

125-130, doi: 978 1-4020-6471-5 .

• P.D. Mininni, E. Lee, A. Norton, and J. Clyne, Flow visualization and field line advection in computational fluid dynamics: application to magnetic fields and turbulent flows, New J. Phys. 10(12), 125007/1-23 (2008).

P. Mininni, P. Sullivan and A. Pouquet,``Two examples from geophysical and astrophysical turbulence on modeling disparate scale interactions,'’ Summer school on mathematics in geophysics, Roger Temam and Joe Tribbia Eds.,

Springer Verlag, to appear (2009).

• C. S. Ng, D. Rosenberg, K. Germaschewski, A. Pouquet and A. Bhattacharjee,``A comparison of spectral element and finite difference simulations with adaptive mesh refinement for the MHD island coalescence instability problem,'’ to appear,

Astrophys. J. Suppl. (2009).

• Yannick Ponty, Pablo D. Mininni, Jean-Philipe Laval, Alexandros Alexakis, Julien Baerenzung,Francois Daviaud,

Berengere Dubrulle, Jean-Fran cois Pinton, Helene Politano and Annick Pouquet, ``Linear and non linear features of the

TaylorGreen Dynamos,'’ Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences (Paris), 9, 749 (2008).

Ponty, Y., P. D. Mininni, J.-F. Pinton, H. Politano, A. Pouquet, 2007: Dynamo action at low magnetic Prandtl numbers:

Mean flow versus fully turbulent motions. New J. Phys.

, 9 , 296, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/296 .


Pouquet, A. G., A. Alexakis, P. Mininni, D. Montgomery, 2008: Dynamics of the small scales in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. IUTAM Book Series: IUTAM Symp. Comput. Phys. And New Perspectives in Turb.

, Kaneda, Y, Eds., Springer-

Verlag, 4, 305-312, doi: 978 1-4020-6471-5 .

Rosenberg, D., A. Pouquet, P. D. Mininni, 2007: Adaptive mesh refinement with spectral accuracy for MHD in two space dimensions. New J. Phys.

, 9 , 304, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/8/304 37

Wang, H., J. J. Tribbia, F. Baer, A. Fournier, M. A. Taylor, 2007: A spectral element version of CAM2. Mon. Wea. Rev.

, 135 ,


Thanks to the team!

And thank you all for your attention



As an example: Summary of the GTP workshop on

Turbulence & Scalar Transport in Roughness Sub-layers (RSLs)

Jielun Sun et al., ESSL-MMM

• Types of roughness elements considered include:

– Vegetated canopies

– Urban and suburban environments

– Underwater plant communities

– Ocean waves

– Wind farms

• Although there are similarities, profound differences in turbulence structures are found among these RSLs depending on rigidity and porosity of roughness elements

– Over-ocean RSLs are strongly affected by speed and direction of swell and can impact the entire PBL.

– Imprint of urban geometry greatly impacts turbulence structures in

RSL due to building shapes and distributions.

– Underwater RSLs due to aquatic vegetation can fill entire channel depth.

Past, present & future experiments : e.g., HATS, OHATS, CHATS, AHATS

(Horizontal Array Turbulence Studies, + Oceans, Canopies, Anisotropy)

