ACADEMIC QUALITY and STANDARDS COMMITTEE Minutes of the first meeting of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee in the 2014-15 academic session, held on Wednesday 24th September 2014 in Blake 028, Medway Campus Present: Apologies AQSC/14/1.1 S. Jarvis (Chair) S. Naylor (Officer) W. Cealey Harrison C. Ierotheou Z. Pettit J. Cullinane M. de Dominici V. Habgood D. Page R. Blackburn S. Woodhead S. Greer S. Walker D. Glennon Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) QA Manager Academic Quality Unit Head of Academic Quality Unit Faculty Representative, Architecture, Computing and Humanities Faculty Representative, Architecture, Computing and Humanities Faculty Representative, Business Faculty Representative, Business Faculty Representative, Education and Health Faculty Representative, Education and Health Faculty Representative, Engineering and Science Faculty Representative, Engineering and Science Head of Educational Development Unit Head of Examinations and Standards Office Terms of reference and Membership The current terms of reference of the committee and its future membership were reviewed. AQSC welcomed Professor Sarah Greer as a co-opted member in her capacity as DPVC with responsibility for reviewing the Academic Regulations in 2014-15. The committee also noted Dr. Costantinos Ierotheou has joined the committee as nominated member for Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities in succession to Ms. Corine Delage. His initial term of office would run from Sept 2014 for two years. The Chair noted that when the committee was formed it was recognised that Faculty appointments would need to be staggered in order to achieve continuity as well as bring in new blood and that some Faculty members would need to members for more than two years. It was agreed that the committee move to a position whereby some members would be succeeded and others remain for an additional year. It was agreed that Directors of Learning and Teaching should all appointed ex officio. In reviewing the first year operation of the Committee consideration was given to the possibility of forming a sub-committee to focus on partnerships matters or to ensure that agendas considered specific items in relation to partnerships at key times of the academic session. It was agreed that AQSC would address partnership strategic issues through the adoption of themed agendas at appropriate points of the academic session. Operational and daily management issues will remain in the remit of individual faculties and the Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 1 Partnership Division. It was further agreed not to extend the formal AQSC membership to include partner college or University partnership representatives but to invite relevant staff to the committee for specific key items, such as Faculty Directors of Partnership and International Affairs and possible representatives from partners. It was agreed that the Committee would benefit from formal appointment of the International Partnerships Manager; also ex officio. Proposed specific items for future reference will include: January 2015: Partnership Progression and Achievement 2013-14 Annual monitoring of collaborative networks February 2015: Overseas Partner Annual Institutional Review Reports (AIRs) Partnership Division overview of the Partner College Network AIRs March 2015: QAA report on TNE in the Caribbean QAA Review in Partner Colleges (2014-15) North West Kent College (September 2014) Action Paper on proposed revised membership and terms of reference - the latter to include more detailed reference to the partnerships - to be drafted and presented to AQSC (October 2014) for agreement and thence to Academic Council for endorsement. (November 2014) AQSC/14/1.2 Items from the Chair AQSC Chair and Officer a) Recent internal audit outcomes made recommendations that AQSC agendas should take a greater focus on teaching and learning issues. The chair had responded that many items on academic standards and quality enhancement overlap with learning and teaching, but that going forward the agenda would attempt to draw out the Learning and Teaching matters. b) That a small QAA team had visited the University last week to discuss the University’s partnership with the School of Business and Computing Studies in Trinidad in preparation for a review of UK Transnational Education in the region. The visit had been successful and highlighted areas that the University should further consider with respect to its current practice. The TNE visit to Trinidad will take place in November 2014 and the QAA formal report due in March 2015. The Chair thanked all University participants for their time and professionalism during the half day visit. AQSC/14/1.3 Minutes of the AQSC meeting of 25th June 2014 The minutes for the AQSC of 25th June 2014 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting subject to minor amendment to 8.4 Indicator 10 to make clear that the University has adopted the principle of inclusive assessment practice Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 2 and that any actions would be for the further development of existing practice. The discussion over policy changes to reasonable adjustments brought to focus a wider issue of AQSC involvement in the development of student facing policies which impact on Faculty operation and learning, teaching and academic standards. AQSC members strongly requested that changes to policies managed by OSA, prior to submission to Academic Council, be also presented to AQSC so that any quality and standards issues arising can be discussed via Faculty representatives. Action Discuss the flow of all future policy papers with the Head of Office of Student Affairs AQSC/14/1.4 Actions Arising from the meeting of 25th June 2014 DVC (AD) AQSC received an update on the actions as follows: 13/8.3 (13/6.4 refers) All Faculties, (DLTs, HoDs, DES and PVCs) to be reminded formally of the requirements to ensure 100% completion and communication with students over the allocation of personal tutors for 2014-14. AQSC noted that this is now moving to the remit of USEC. 13/8.3 Remove Section 9 of the current QAH. 13/8.4 (13/7.6 refers) Develop a revised and restructured formal training process for Panel members and Chairs over 2014-15 in conjunction with Human Resources 13/8.5 Provide AQSC in 2014-15 with a full report on the University position in respect of sustainability 13/8.5 13/8.5 Ongoing Completed AQU have a meeting with Human Resources on 2nd October to discussion the formalisation of training session across the University in 2014-15 Ongoing Report expected December 2014 Ongoing Develop a staff development programme [Annual Monitoring Report Writing] As per 8.3 Ongoing The Office of Student Affairs, Examinations and Standards provide a briefing paper that details HE sector practices, identifies effective practices and provides a guidance paper for all staff on the essential principles that ought to be employed for the secure management of assessments Ongoing and requested for December 2014 meeting from OSA Ongoing Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 3 13/8.5 13/8.5 13/8.5 13/8.5 Confirm details of RPL claims for Oshwal College in 2013-14. Completed Completed Supply full details of all RTPL awarded in 2013 by the FEH to the AQSC Officer B10 Audit University partnership for scale and governance mechanisms in the areas of Work Placement, Internships, Study Abroad Faculties have supplied large volume of information: summary details to be prepared for October 2014 AQSC B10 Develop policy relating to due diligence checks on partnership activities such as placements B10 Consider inviting University secretary to membership of PSP to strengthen process of due diligence for new partners and for partners under quinquennial PSP review As per above B10 Supply details of credit rating activities to the AQU for addition to the collaborative register AQSC/14/1.5 Confirmed - last set of students who claimed RPL for Graduate Diploma in MIS. (IMIS) supported by work experience. The IMIS route now no longer available. Completed Ongoing Completed Completed Higher education review AQSC noted that the draft SED is near completion and will be presented to a specially formed Vice-Chancellor’s group on 8th October 2014. AQSC/14/1.6 External Examiner appointments AQSC received and endorsed a summary listing of the current University wide appointments for external examiners. AQSC noted that 59 external examiners were due to complete their term of office in Dec 2014, of whom 33 may be granted an extension of one year to December 2015. Faculty representative were asked to ensure that Departments have a complete set of external Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 4 examiners and all nominations must be complete for the third meeting of the AQSC in December 2014. The Chair requested that consideration of extensions should take into account the level and extent to which an examiner had completed their role across the period of tenure and not be an automatic choice. AQSC noted that of 269 active examiners 165 (61%) hold a doctorate award or equivalent and that a sizable number of external examiners without a PhD were examiners with a focus on professional practice. AQSC/14/1.7 Credit rating Activities 2014-15 AQSC received and noted the University credit rating activities for 2014-15. All, at this time, are located in the Faculty of Education and Health and subject to rigorous oversight on application for the partner. AQSC understood that a small number of agreements are extant in the Partnership Division, from whom information should be solicited. Action Request information on Partnership Division Credit rating Activities and build revisions into the University’ Collaborative register AQSC/14/1.8 Professional Body reports ASQC Officer Completed a) NMC Accreditation of Registered Midwife – 36 month programme; Registered specialist community public health nursing – health visiting AQSC received and noted the success of annual accreditation report by the NMC for registered midwife and Registered specialist community public health nursing programmes. The Faculty was congratulated on receiving a report that showed it had met all NMC requirements against key risks b) GOC renewal of recognition Osteopathy programmes AQSC also received and noted the General Osteopathic Council recognition of University awards in Osteopathy of May 2014. The committee noted a number of conditions due by 30th September and requested that the Faculty’s formal response be submitted to the next meeting for noting. Action Formal response from the Faculty of Engineering and Science to the GOC renewal report for Osteopathy programmes to be submitted to AQSC AQSC/14/1.9 Approvals and review Group minutes DLT FES AQSC received minutes from the last two meetings of the ARG. It noted a number of recommendations and requested that for future reference the Group makes its recommendations to the committee rather than direct to Faculties. With respect to the recommendations made in May 2014 AQSC noted : Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 5 Minute 7a (i) and (ii) refer. Quality Managers and Quality Officers are requested to ensure that full lists of documents seen by panels and full roles descriptors for all event participants are provided in all reports. Minute 7b(i) refers. AQSC noted that the current QAH templates contain a revised approach to the consideration of statistics aimed at encouraging analysis and action rather than formal overview and submission of basic data. Minute 7 b(ii) refers. AQSC noted that the full discussion of private panel meetings should not form a formal part of event minutes. It was agreed that the areas private panel meetings highlight as meriting discussion should always preface the report body, normally in list format. Minute 7b (iii) refers. AQSC agreed to the Head of AQU signing out event outcomes should the DVC(AD) be the Chair of an event. AQSC/14/1.10 Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Minutes A set of minutes for Faculty AQSC’s were received from each Faculty, draft in the case of FEH. No institutional issues were raised. AQSC/14/11 AOB Publication of Link Tutor Reports to Partner College Students AQSC noted the request from North West Kent College as to whether Link Tutor reports could be made formally available to students. AQSC agreed that LT reports are an internal management document and should not be made available as a matter of course. If the enquiry was based upon the need to ensure feedback loops to students are closed the both partner and link tutor should use programme committee for this purpose and subsequent link tutor visits. Action Feedback AQSC consideration to the Partnership Division AQSC Officer Completed 1/10/14 Annual Course Monitoring In response to a query on policy from the AQU, AQSC confirmed that University policy remains that ALL courses, irrespective of student numbers registered, should have a completed AMR at the end of each academic session. However, it is expected that the detail and focus of an AMR can be tailored to the status of the course – whether it is to remain live, is phasing out, is for assessment only. The aim is that the AMR should be proportionate to the status of the course. Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 6 University Assessment and Feedback Policy In response to a Student Union request regarding the development of Faculty and University-wide operation plans for the implementation of the UAFP AQSC noted that a Faculty Operational Plan was required for 2014-15 and subsequent years will see a University wide plan. The SU requested copies of the Faculty plans and AQSC agreed that each should be received at the October meeting. The S.U.U.G representative also alert AQSC to the fact that a new policy on Fitness to Study Regulations are being discussed and could possibly be going to a meeting of Academic Council in the not too distant future. AQSC reiterated its belief that any such policy developments that might impact on academic matters should be discussed by FAQSCs and AQSC prior to any submission to Council. The Chair agreed to discuss flow of policy changes through committee with the Director of OSA. Action Faculties to provide the AQSC Officer with Faculty Operation Plans for the University Assessment and feedback Policy. Faculty DLT Officer: Stephen Naylor Tel: 8159 Email: Academic Quality and Standards Committee 14-M1 September 24th 2014 Page 7