Ms. Hartsfield Government Political Socialization and Ideology Essential Questions What do we believe about politics? What influences the political attitudes that people develop? How do we measure these attitudes? To what extent is this important? Vocabulary 1. Political efficacy 2. Political ideology 3. Economic liberals 4. Economic conservatives 5. Cultural liberals 6. Cultural conservatives 7. Populist 8. Libertarian 9. Neoconservativ e 10. Left Wing 11. Right Wing 12. Christian Conservativism 13. Political socialization 14. Agents of socialization 15. Socioeconomic Status (SES) Objectives 1. Students will define political ideology and express why it is important. 2. Students will identify and define the major ideological groups in the United States. 3. Students will draw and correctly label a political spectrum. 4. Students will identify and define agents of political socialization. 5. Students will explain how each of the following influences political attitudes: family, socioeconomic status, religion, gender, marital status, ethnic group status, geography (region), and age. 6. Students will identify their own ideology and explain which agents of political socialization have been most influential in the development of their political ideology. Resources Ideology Political Socialization Political Efficacy 5% Solid Liberals 15% Faith and Family Left 12% Next Generation Left 13% Hard-Pressed Skeptics 13% Young Outsiders 10% Business Conservatives 12% Steadfast Conservatives 10% Bystanders