Quote analysis 2

Act 2 scene 2 lines 1—25
Speaker: Romeo
What is that I see in the window? It is Juliet and she shines like
the sun, brighter than the moon. How I wish she knew she were
my love. Maybe she is speaking to me? No. Her eyes are like
stars in the sky; they are interchangeable. I wish I were a glove
on her hand that I could touch her cheek.
Plot: Irony since he said similar complimentary things about
Rosaline…forwards the plot as we know he is interested in her
Character: immature, doesn’t know his own mind, shallow,
determined, intelligent, romantic, impulsive, cheesy,
Theme: Love vs Infatuation
Act 2 Scene 2 Lines 33-36
Speaker: Juliet
Meaning: Romeo reject your father’s name, if you won’t (can’t)
then swear to be my true love and I will reject my family for you
Plot: Forwards the plot-we know Juliet will pursue this
Naïve, immature, brave, courageous, logical, inexperienced
Theme: Love vs infatuation
Innocence to experience
Fate vs choice: making choices
Act 2 Scene 2 lines 38-49
Speaker: Juliet
Meaning: It’s your name, not you that is my “enemy”. What is a
name? It’s not who you actually are. You could call a rose
something else and it would still smell sweet. Romeo would
also be wonderful even if he had a different name. Romeo get
rid of your name and in return you can have me.
Significance to:
Plot: advances the plot
Character: naïve, immature, selfish, unrealistic, needy, egoistic,
brave, confident, bold, impulsive,
Theme: love vs infatuation
Innocence vs experience
Fate vs choice
Act2 Scene 2 lines 85-106
Meaning: You know that it is night or I would be blushing about
what you heard me say. I would deny it if I could except I know
you heard it all. Do you love me? I know you will say yes. I will
take you at your word, but if you swear, you might prove a liar.
If you do love me, say it truly, or if you think this was too easy,
then I will play the game and say no so you will romance me
but for no other reason. I really like you and you might think
this is because I am easily won over, but I will be more true
than those girls who play the flirtatious game. I would have
been more distant but you overheard me before I was aware.
Significance to:
Plot: Condenses the timeline by skipping all the romance
Character: shows Juliet is not that naïve. Down to earth,
grounded, practical, romantic, childish, scared, embarrassed,
Theme: Fate vs Choice
Love vs Infatuation
Innocence to experience
Act 2 scene 3 lines 65-80
Speaker: Friar Lawrence
Meaning: Holy crap! Have you changed your mind so easily?
What happened to your love for Rosaline? Young men don’t
love with their hearts, only their eyes. You cried and cried over
Rosaline-I can still see the tears wet on your cheeks. I can still
hear your moaning and groaning over Rosaline, a love which
you really didn’t even experience. And now this change? When
men are not consistent women will suffer
Significance to:
Plot: Foreshadowing the death of Juliet
Character: FL wise, observant, knowledgeable, simple minded
(does not consider the whole situation), caring, fatherly, not a
lot of control over Romeo, thinks bigger picture, contradictory,
not necessarily the best advisor, not the strongest,
R: knee jerking, flip switching flibbertigibbet, does not know his
own heart/mind, indecisive, immature, self centered,
Theme: love vs infatuation…infatuation
Fate vs choice….
Innocence to experience-innocent (no clue what he is
doing)….experience (knows what true love is finally)
Act 2 Scene 3 87-92
Speaker: Friar Lawrence
Meaning: She knew that you were “in love” without knowing
what love actually is. But come and I will marry you so that
hopefully it will end the feud between your families.
Plot: Will marry the two
Character: wise, benevolent, thinking bigger picture, foolish,
optimist, peace keeper, brave, stupid, conceited,
Romeo-inexperienced, hasty, doesn’t think, impulsive
Theme: Love vs Infatuation…Romeo has no clue what love is.
Fate vs choice: makes choice to marry or were they fated to be
Innocence to experience; getting married
Act 2 Scene 3 line 94
Speaker: Friar Lawrence
Meaning: Go slow, they stumble that run too fast.
Significance: plot foreshadows the fall of Romeo and Juliet
Irony: because he warns them and then marries them and they
Character: FL.
Innocence to experience: Romeo is inexperienced
Fate vs choice; Romeo is choosing to marry Juliet
Love vs infatuation:
Act 3 Scene 1 line 132
Speaker: Romeo
Meaning: I am a fool of fate
Character: Romeo is once again not taking responsibility and
blaming fate.
Theme: Fate vs Choice Romeo is blaming fate even though he
made the choice to kill Tybalt.
Innocence to experience…still innocent not taking responsibility
Act 3 Scene 1 lines 182-193
Speaker: Prince
Meaning: I am banishing Romeo effective immediately. Do not
try to convince me otherwise as I have lost people too. If
Romeo returns he will pay with his life.
Significance to plot: this is the action that causes all the
complications in the rest of the play.
Character: the Prince is even tempered, balanced, wise, just,
fair, merciful, firm
Theme: Fate vs Choice…Romeo may have been fated to do
things, however he made choices that led to these
consequences…he chose to kill Tybalt.
Act 3 Scene 2 lines 130-137
Speaker Juliet
Meaning: She will cry forever over Romeo’s banishment.
Romeo made the rope ladder to get to my bed, but I will die a
“widow” and stay a maiden (virgin)…death not Romeo will take
her virginity.
Significance to plot: irony, foreshadowing,
Character: emotionally young,
Theme: Love vs Infatuation…
Innocence to Experience
Act 3 Scene 4 lines 19-28
Speaker: Capulet
Meaning…let the wedding taking place Thursday. We’ll keep it
small and do it then so people don’t think we are rushing too
soon after Tybalt’s death.
Plot: All hell will break loose, complication causing major
Character: daddy????
Love vs infatuation
Fate vs choice: father’s decision, taking away Juliet’s choice
Act 3 Scene 5 lines 54-57
Speaker Juliet
Meaning: I think you look like someone dead at the bottom of a
tomb you look so pale.
Character: superstitious
Act 3 Scene 5 lines 139-140
Speaker: Lady Capulet
Meaning: I told her but she doesn’t want to. I wish she were
married to her grave.
Significance to plot: foreshadowing, irony
Character: mommy is mean
Theme: Innocence to experience: Lady C’s comments force
Juliet into experience
Act 3 Scene 5 line 177-195
Speaker: Capulet
Meaning: How dare you refuse the marriage when I have tried
to do my best for you. You will wed or you will not live here.
Hang, beg starve die on the streets I don’t care. If you are mine
I will give you to my friend.
Plot: complicates things
Character: Capulet, overbearing, controlling, self centred, no
empathy, used to getting what he wants, frustrated, caring
Juliet: whiny, silly, petulant, no power, brave, scared, strong
Theme: Fate vs Choice: daddy making choices, Juliet chose not
to marry Paris because “fated” to marry Romeo
Innocence vs experience:
Act 3 Scene 5 lines 199-201
Meaning: delay this or you might as well bury me with Tybalt
Sig: Plot irony foreshadowing
Character: young, melodramatic, desperate, stubborn
Theme: Love, Choice,
Act 4 Scene 1 lines 77-88
Ask me to leap off a tower and kill myself rather than marry
Paris, or hide me with dead bodies in a new made grave which I
would rather do than break my vows to Romeo
Plot: foreshadowing irony
Character: determined, stubborn, desperate, love struck,
Act 4 Scene 3 Lines 14-58
Speaker: Juliet
Meaning: What if this potion doesn’t work? No, this dagger will
prevent me living. What if it is poison that the Friar gave me to
cover up the things he’s done. No, He is a holy man. What if I
wake up before Romeo comes, will I go crazy? What if I wake
up and suffocate? Romeo, I drink to you.
Sig: Plot: foreshadows
Character: committed, logical, fanciful, creative, worried, brave,
too trusting
Theme: Love, Innocence to experience, choice
Act 5 Scene 1 lines 1-11
Speaker: Romeo
Meaning: If I may trust my sleep, my dreams tell me some good
news is coming. I feel so cheerful. I dreamt that Juliet came and
found me dead and revived me with kisses. How sweet is even
the thoughts of love.
Sig to plot: Irony and foreshadowing
Character: Romeo believes in dreams, superstitious
Theme: Innocence
Act 5 Scene3 lines12-17
Speaker: Paris
Meaning: I will put flowers on your bridal bed (grave) and water
them with my tears or holy water. Nightly I shall honour your
Plot: Creates conflict because of the timing
Character: shows a depth of affection for Juliet the audience
might not have realized, honour, caring, compassion,
Act 5 Scene 3 lines 85-120
Speaker: Romeo
Meaning: Why does Juliet look so good? She is still so beautiful
and appears unaffected by death, Tybalt I see you there, forgive
me, Is death keeping you beautiful to be his lover forever? Here
will I set up my everlasting rest and shake off the burden of fate
as I am tired of this world. Eyes take you last look, arms take
your last hug, lips seal this deal with death. He wants whoever
is running his life to end it for he is tired of life. The drugs are
quick…I will kiss you and die.
Plot: conflict, ends character’s life,
Character: impulsive, emotional, illogical, not taking
responsibility, dramatic, selfish, egocentric, coward,
Theme: Love, fate and choice, innocence experience
Act 5 Scene 3 lines 160-171
Speaker: Juliet
Meaning: I am not leaving, What is this cup in Romeo’s hand?
Poison? And you left me none? I will kiss your lips to see if
there is any left. Who is coming? I will use the dagger to kill
Plot: Juliet is dead, conflicts done
Character: impulsive, desperate,
Theme: love infatuation, innocence to experience, fate vs
Act 5 Scene 3 lines 305 -310
Speaker: Prince
Meaning: Peace is depressing this morning to the point where
the sun will not even come out. Go and talk of these sad things.
Some will be pardoned and others punished. There never was a
sadder story than that of Juliet and her Romeo.
Plot: One of 3 parallel speeches-beg middle and end. Ties up
the play. Directs the audience to go and talk about the play. A
tragic romance.