EoA & PoD

Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ______ Cubby: ______ Table Color: _____________
Elements of Art and Principles of Design - Art 8 - Study Guide
1. A shape is an area enclosed by an outline. 2-D
2. You can actually feel slick, smooth, rough, velvety, satiny, and bumpy. REAL TEXTURE
3. Shows a difference between the elements of art. CONTRAST
4. Primary colors. YELLOW, RED, BLUE
5. Pure color. HUE
6. The harmony of all the visual elements in a composition. UNITY
7. When you can see slick, smooth, rough, velvety, satiny, bumpy in paintings, drawings, or in
photographs. IMPLIED TEXTURE
8. Colors that are side by side on the color wheel. ANALOGOUS COLORS
9. Opposites on the color wheel. COMPLEMENTARY COLORS
10. Variations of one hue. MONOCHROMATIC COLORS
11. Yellow-orange, red-orange, and yellow-green. INTERMEDIATE OR TERTIARY COLORS
12. A difference in a hue or neutral ranging from the lightest to the darkest. VALUE
13. A form has height, width, and depth. 3-D
14. A grayed color. TONE
15. Violet, green, blue. COOL COLORS
16. Hue plus black. SHADE
17. Red, yellow, orange. WARM COLORS
18. The center-of-interest, which might be the largest, brightest, or lightest subject. EMPHASIS
19. What is the path of a moving point? LINE
20. What is over, under, and around an object? SPACE
21. The use of line, color, or a motif in more than one place in a composition. REPETITION
22. The equilibrium of various elements in the work of art. BALANCE
23. Secondary colors. ORANGE, GREEN, VIOLET
24. Hue plus white. TINT
25. Contrast can be created by using. SMOOTH AND ROUGH TEXTURES, LARGE AND SMALL
26. LINE can vary in length, width, direction, curvature, value and color.
27. SHAPE is an enclosed space, the boundaries of which are defined by other elements of art.
28. COLOR TRIADS are three colors that are equal distance apart on the color wheel.
29. VALUE refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.
30. FORM is a 3D shape that expresses length, width and depth.
31. TEXTURE is the element that refers to tactile qualities.
32. INTENSITY is another word for brightness (brightness can be dark or light) of a color.
33. NEGATIVE SPACE is the background or space around the subject of the artwork.
34. COLOR is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to
the eye.
35. SYMMETRICAL BALANCE (formal balance or bilateral symmetry) is created by repeating the
inverse of a design on the opposite side of an axis.
36. CONTRAST can be created by using smooth and rough textures or large and small shapes or
plain areas against areas of patterns.
37. COLOR represents the wavelengths of white light reflected off objects.
38. EMPHASIS is another word for "center of interest."
39. SPACE is the empty or open area between, around, above or within objects.
40. REAL OR ACTUAL (TACTILE) TEXTURE you can see with your eyes and actually feel with
your fingers.
41. MOVEMENT is the path the viewer's eye takes through the composition.
42. PATTERN is repetition of an object or symbol all over the artwork.
43. CONTOUR LINES define a form or edge.
44. BALANCE is the distribution of the visual weight in a composition to achieve a sense of stability.
45. POSITIVE SPACE is the objects in a work of art.
46. RHYTHM is created when visual elements are repeated. It may be alternating, regular, flowing,
progressive, or jazzy.
47. VISUAL OR IMPLIED TEXTURE is created to look like something it is not. It can be seen but
not felt.
48. EMPHASIS is the part of the composition that catches the viewer's attention, differentiating the
more important from less important parts of the piece.
49. ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE (informal balance) is when both sides of a composition are equal
yet different.
50. UNITY is arranging the elements of a composition so that they hold together with a sense of