Chapter 11 Survival Analysis Part 2 Survival Analysis and Regression Combine lots of information Look at several variables simultaneously Explore interactions model interaction directly Control (adjust) for confounding 2 Proportional hazards regression (Cox Regression) Can we relate predictors to survival time? We would like something like linear regression t B0 B1 X 1 B2 X 2 ... Can we incorporate censoring too? Use the hazard function 3 Hazard function Given patient survived to time t, what is the probability they develop outcome very soon? (t + small amount of time) Approximates proportion of patients having event around time t 4 Hazard function (t ) Prob(t T t t T ) Hazard less intuitive than survival curve Conditional probability the event will occur between t and t+ given it has not previously occurred Rate per unit of time, as goes to 0 get instant rate Tells us where the greatest risk is given survival up to that time (risk of the event at that time for an individual) 5 Possible Hazard of Death from Birth Probability of dying in next year as function of age (t) 0 6 17 23 At which age would the hazard be greatest? 80 6 Possible Hazard of Divorce 0 2 10 25 35 50 7 Why “proportional hazards”? Ratio of hazards measures relative risk (t) for exposed RR(t) (t) for unexposed If we assume relative risk is constant over time… (t ) for exposed c (t ) for unexposed The hazards are proportional! 8 Proportional Hazard of Death from Birth Probability of dying in next year as function of age for two groups (women, men) (t) 0 6 17 23 80 At which age would the hazard be greatest? 9 Proportional Hazards and Survival Curves If we assume proportional hazards then sa (t ) [ sb (t )] c The curves should not cross. 10 Proportional hazards regression model one covariate (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 X 1 ) 0(t) - unspecified baseline hazard (constant) (t) the hazard for subject with X=0 (cannot be negative) 1 = regression coefficient associated with the predictor (X) 1 positive indicates larger X increases the hazard Can include more than one predictor 11 Interpretation of Regression Parameters (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 X 1 2 X 2 3 X 3 .... p X p ) Log ( (t )) o 1 ( x1 ) 2 ( x2 ) ... p ( x p ) For a binary predictor; X1 = 1 if exposed and 0 if unexposed, exp(1) is the relative hazard for exposed versus unexposed (1 is the log of the relative hazard) exp(1) can be interpreted as relative risk or relative rate with all other covariates held fixed. 12 Example - risk of outcome for women vs. men Suppose X1=1 for females, 0 for males For females; For males; (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 X 1 ) (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 *1) 0 (t ) exp( 1 ) (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 * 0) 0 (t ) hazard for females 0 (t ) exp( 1 ) Relative hazard exp( 1 ) hazard for males 0 (t ) 13 Example - Risk of outcome for 1 unit change in blood pressure Suppose X1= systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 *114) For person with SBP = 114 (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 *113) For person with SBP = 113 Relative risk of 1 unit increase in SBP: (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 X 1 ) 0 (t ) exp(114 * 1 ) 0 (t ) exp(113 * 1 ) exp(114 1 1131 ) exp( 1 ) 14 Example - Risk of outcome for 10 unit change in blood pressure Suppose X= systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 *110) For person with SBP = 110 (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 *100) For person with SBP = 100 Relative risk of 10 unit increase in SBP: (t ) 0 (t ) exp( 1 X 1 ) 0 (t ) exp(110 * 1 ) 0 (t ) exp(100 * 1 ) exp(110 1 100 1 ) exp(10 1 ) 15 Parameter estimation How do we come up with estimates for i? Can’t use least squares since outcome is not continuous Maximum partial-likelihood (beyond the scope of this class) Given our data, what are the values of i that are most likely? See page 392 of Le for details 16 Inference for proportional hazards regression Collect data, choose model, estimate is Describe hazard ratios, exp(i), in statistical terms. How confident are we of our estimate? Is the hazard ratio is different from one due to chance? 17 95% Confidence Intervals for the relative risk (hazard ratio) Based on transforming the 95% CI for the hazard ratio (e i 1.96 SE ,e i 1.96 SE ) Supplied automatically by SAS “We have a statistically significant association between the predictor and the outcome controlling for all other covariates” Equivalent to a hypothesis test; reject Ho: RR = 1 at alpha = 0.05 (Ha: RR1) 18 Hypothesis test for individual PH regression coefficient Null and alternative hypotheses Ho : Bi = 0, Ha: Bi 0 Test statistic and p-values supplied by SAS If p<0.05, “there is a statistically significant association between the predictor and outcome variable controlling for all other covariates” at alpha = 0.05 When X is binary, identical results as log-rank test 19 Hypothesis test for all coefficients Null and alternative hypotheses Ho : all Bi = 0, Ha: not all Bi 0 Several test statistics, each supplied by SAS Likelihood ratio, score, Wald p-values are supplied by SAS If p<0.05, “there is a statistically significant association between the predictors and outcome at alpha = 0.05” 20 Example Myelomatosis: Tumors throughout the body composed of cells derived from hemopoietic(blood) tissues of the bone marrow. N=25 dur=>is time in days from the point of randomization to either death or censoring (which could occur either by loss to follow-up or termination of the observation). Status=>has a value of 1 if dead; it has a value of 0 if censored. Treat=>specifies a value of 1 or 2 to correspond to two treatments. Renal=>has a value of 0 if renal functioning was normal at the time of randomization; it has a value of 1 for impaired functioning. The MYEL Data set take from: Survival Analysis Using SAS, A Practical Guide by Paul D. Allison - page 269 21 22 23 SAS- PHREG PROC PHREG DATA = myel; MODEL dur*status(0) =treat; RUN; Same as LIFETEST Fit proportional hazards model with time to death as outcome “ status(0)”; observations with status variable = 0 are censored status= 1 means an event occurred Look at effect of Treatment 2 vs. Treatment 1 on mortality. PROC PHREG Output Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable treat DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq Hazard Ratio 1 0.57276 0.50960 1.2633 0.2610 1.773 77% increased risk of death for treatment 2 vs. treatment 1, But it is not significant? Why? 25 Complications Complications competing risks (high death rate)– RENAL FUNCTION Non proportional hazards -time dependent covariates (will show you later) Extreme censoring in one group 26 SAS- PHREG PROC PHREG DATA = myel; MODEL dur*status(0) = renal treat; RUN; Same as LIFETEST Look at effect of Treatment 2 vs. Treatment 1 on mortality adjusted for renal functioning at baseline. Output with adjusted treatment effect Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter Hazard Variable renal treat DF 1 1 Estimate 4.10540 1.24308 Standard Error 1.16451 0.59932 Chi-Square 12.4286 4.3021 Pr > ChiSq 0.0004 0.0381 Ratio 60.667 3.466 28 29