III International Conference Strikes & Social Conflicts. Combined

III International Conference Strikes & Social Conflicts.
Combined historical approaches to conflict
Barcelona, June 16-19 2015.
Second announcement and call for papers
The onset of the crisis in 2008, initially affecting major capitalist countries, has brought to the
forefront socio-political and economic transformations infused with historical ramifications; a
process which in some regions of the globe began in the 1990s. The changes imposed by the crisis
ignited the resurgence of social protest as one of the main mechanisms reshaping present day
society. In spite of the resurgence of social movement protest over the last decade’s research on
social and political protest have generated albeit limited scholarly investigation. The current
prevalence of social and political protest, however, make it an important field of study to better
understand both our present and future.
It is in this context that the III Conference on Strikes and Social Conflict will be held in Barcelona,
one of the epicentres of the new wave of protests, initiated with the emergence of 15M, the
movement of indignados in 2011. In this way the conference seeks to prioritize the debate that
examines the role of social protest and policy in times of intense economic, social, political and
cultural upheaval. Simultaneously, the conference will draw upon approaches that integrate distint
areas of research and accumulated knowledge that reflect the diversity and impact of of sociopolitical protest: from their core components to aspects that have been considered marginal; all of
which are relevant for a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. A far reaching historical
understanding of both past and present acknowledges that there are no singular periods more
relevant than others: all past contain the seeds of the present. In this sense all historical periods will
be considered as well as contributions from a comparative perspective, thus sheding new light on
various historical processes. In the same way, it is our desire that the conference becomes a space
that enhances a mutual understanding of the historiographical traditions developed in different
A new historical period demands scholarly inquiry that can keep up to the new challenges placed
before us and in this sense, construct a new research agenda where strikes and social conflicts play a
key role.
I. Economic crisis and the protest movement.
The relation between social and political protest and economic crisis from the past to the
present. How do they interact and how the determine long and short term outcomes. Which
factors explain the repertoires of protest in this context?
II. Urban social movements.
The configuration of city and the problems of daily urban life at the root of movements that,
over time, have contributed to the construction of values, policies and urban realities. This
topic may include research studies on neighbourhood movements, social movements against
eviction, squatting, social service boycott, etc.
III. Rural conflicts.
The analysis of social conflicts in rural areas and agricultural sectors, mainly, related to the
life and working conditions, land and water property, common profits (for instance,
silviculture) and pressure on surviving nomad cultures.
IV. Social conflicts and identities.
How social conflicts shape socio-political and national identities, and how social conflicts
transform identities over time.
V. Migratory processes and social conflict.
How social subjects and the basis of conflicts are transformed by migratory processes: pull
and push factors, socio-cultural integration dynamics, ghetto building, xenophobia, racism,
VI. Sexual orientation and gender identity movements.
Approaches to the gender identity and sexual orientation movements in contemporary history:
the emergence of feminist organizations and discourses, lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender social movements, their debates and relationship with other social movements.
VII. The emergence and transformation of protest in socialist states.
The experience of social protest in Eastern bloc countries as well as other socialist states.
Their characteristics and particularities in societies apparently “without classes”.
VIII. Social movements and political change.
Exploring the interaction between social movements and political transformations during
transition periods from dictatorship to democracy or revolutionary processes.
IX. From the conservation movement to environmental social protest.
Studies of social movements related to the preservation of the environment and their relation
with the political economy, as well as cultural traditions and identity.
X. Organizational forms and social conflict
Approaches to the several ways of social and political organization around conflict. Unions,
friendly societies, resistence societies, peasant organizations, employers' organizations,
political parties and all kinds of organization related to social movements are included, as well
as the specific role of women in labor conflicts.
- Proposals should be submitted for either panels or individual presentations. Proposals for panels of
3 or 4 papers should focus on one of the topics described above.
- We are particularly interested in papers or panels that expand the intellectual debate of social
movements and conflict, the comparison studies between different geographical areas, the
intersection of different topics within a same geographical area or studies that provide a long term
perspective. We encourage proposals that combine theoretical and empirical perspectives and avoid
a mere description of cases or purely abstract speculation.
- Important dates:
- Deadline for submitting panel and paper proposals: September 15 2014. Please include:
personal information (name/s and surname/s; university or research institution and email)
and a one-page abstract (approximately 2100 characters, without spaces). If you would like
to propose a panel built around a particular topic, please include in the same document: the
panel title, the name of proposing individual or organization, the name and full details of
contact person, a panel abstract (300 characters) and the abstracts of the papers included in
the panel, as well as their authors' information (vid. supra.).
- Notification of acceptance: October 30 2014.
- Deadline for submitting final papers: March 01 2015.
- The text should be submitted in digital format as a Word file, and should not exceed
31.000 characters, including notes. Format: Times New Roman, 12 with 1.5 spacing. All
graphs, tables and images should be placed at the end of the document as an appendix (they
will not be counted in the total number of characters).
- Final papers will be assessed again. Subsequently, their acceptance will be notified.
a) Students and unemployed researchers: 30 €
b) Lecturers and researchers: 50 €
Deadline for registration: April 30 2015.
CEFID. Mòdul de Recerca A, Parc de Recerca de la UAB. 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès),
Spain. ce.efid@uab.cat
Centre d'Estudis sobre les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica de la Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona (UAB-CEFID):
International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts:
Xavier Domènech, Martí Marín, Ricard Martínez i Muntada, Carme Molinero, Sjaak Van der
Velden, Raquel Varela i Pere Ysàs.
Ricardo Antunes (UNICAMP, Brazil); José Babiano (Fundación Primero de Mayo, Spain); Marcelo
Badaró Mattos (UFF, Brazil); Rana Behal (New Delhi University / Association of Indian Labour
Historians, India); Ivan Bordetas, (UAB-CEFID, Spain); Linda Briskin (York University, Toronto,
Canada); Andrea Caracausi, Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro (SISLav), Italy; Pau Casanellas,
(Universidade Nova de Lisboa / UAB-CEFID, Portugal/Spain); José Miguel Cuesta (UAB-CEFID,
Spain); Xavier Domènech (UAB-CEFID, Spain); Enoque Feitosa (UFPB, Brazil); Cristian Ferrer
(CEFID, Spain); Nicolás Iñigo Carrera (PIMSA - Buenos Aires, Argentina); Gregory S. Kealey
(Canadian Committee on Labour History, Canada); Martí Marín, (UAB-CEFID, Spain); Óscar José
Martín García (Instituto de Historia del CSIC, Spain); William J. Mello (Indiana University / Labor
Studies, USA); José Carlos Mendonça (UFSC, Brazil); António Míguez-Macho (HIstagra-USC,
Spain); António Monteiro Cardoso (IHC, Portugal); Silke Neunsinger (ARAB, Sweden); Carlos
Ángel Ordás, (UAB-CEFID, Spain); José Antonio Pérez (Universidad del País Vasco, Spain); Elena
Petricola (Storie in Movimento, SIM-Zapruder, Italy); Fredrik Petersson (InterSol /Åbo Akademi
University, Finland); José Antonio Piqueras (Universitat Jaume I, Spain); Johannes Platz, AdsDFES (Archive of Social Democracy of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Germany); Helena Saavedra
(UAB-CEFID, Spain); Ismael Saz (Universitat de València, Spain); Maria Augusta Tavares
(Conselho Editorial da Crítica Marxista, Brazil); Javier Tébar Hurtado (Red de Archivos de CCOO,
Spain); Marcel Van der Linden (IISH, Holland); Sjaak Van der Velden, (IISH, Holland); Rubén
Vega (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain); Serge Wolikow (Maison de Sciences de L’Homme, France).
Aproximacions històriques combinades a la conflictivitat
Aproximaciones históricas combinadas a la conflictividad
Combined historical approaches to conflict
Condicions de participació / Condiciones de participación / Terms
Per participar a la Trobada cal
inscriure-s’hi i abonar la quota
(professorat i investigadors amb
contracte en vigor: 50 €; estudiants i
investigadors en atur: 30 €). La data
límit d’inscripció és el 30 d’abril de
Para participar en el Encuentro es
preciso inscribirse y abonar la cuota
(profesorado e investigadores con
contrato en vigor: 50 €; estudiantes e
investigadores en paro: 30 €). La
fecha límite de inscripción es el 30
de abril de 2015
Participation in the Conference
requires registration (registration fee:
lecturers and researchers, 50 €;
students and unemployed
researchers, 30 €). Deadline for
registration: April 30th, 2015
Forma de pagament / Forma de pago / Method of payment
Transferència bancària a favor del
Centre d’Estudis sobre les Èpoques
Franquista i Democràtica (CEFIDUAB)
Transferencia bancaria a favor del
Centre d’Estudis sobre les Èpoques
Franquista i Democràtica (CEFIDUAB)
Bank transfer to the Centre d’Estudis
sobre les Èpoques Franquista i
Democràtica (CEFID-UAB)
Número de compte bancari:
IBAN: ES45 2100 5000 5902 0006
Número de cuenta bancaria:
IBAN: ES45 2100 5000 5902 0006
No. of bank account:
IBAN: ES45 2100 5000 5902 0006
Envieu el justificant d’ingrés i el
formulari d’inscripció, emplenat amb
les vostres dades, a:
Envíe el justificante de ingreso y el
formulario de inscripción adjunto,
rellenado con sus datos, a:
Please send your proof of payment
and the registration form, filled out
with your personal data, to:
CEFID, Mòdul de Recerca A,
Parc de Recerca de la UAB,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del
CEFID, Mòdul de Recerca A,
Parc de Recerca de la UAB,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del
Vallès), España
CEFID, Mòdul de Recerca A,
Parc de Recerca de la UAB,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del
Vallès), Spain
O, en format digital, a:
O, en formato digital, a:
Or in digital format to:
Formulari d’inscripció / Formulario de inscripción / Registration form
Cognoms i nom / Apellidos y nombre / Last name and first name
Adreça postal / Dirección postal / Postal address
Telèfon / Teléfono /Phone No.
Adreça electrònica / Dirección electrónica / E-mail address
Centre de treball o estudi / Centro de trabajo o estudio / Place of work or study