
Plans may change and are revised due to student understanding, schedule changes, etc.
Teacher: Elizabeth Curlo
Week: 8/19-8/23-13 Week of Quarter: 1
Course Name: Spanish I
Semester: Fall
Week of the
Year: 1
Period: 1
Lesson Plans & Objectives
Monday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Brain storm as many Spanish Vocab words you can.
Lesson: Placement Test
Wrap-up: Complete questionnaire and email to Mrs. Curlo
 Students will identify and be exposed to numerous Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete an online assessment to see what level they are.
 Students will answer the follow-up questionnaire for feedback.
Assignment/Assessment: Assignment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Tuesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Create Notcards over Chapter Vocabulary
Lesson: Read pg. 12-17 Complete 1 (together) 2-4 (odds)
Wrap-up: Give me three Spanish Characteristics about yourself email to Mrs. Curlo
 Students will identify Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete extra practice material
Assignment/Assessment: Assignment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Wednesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz-Quiz-Trade with Vocab Cards.
Lesson: Read pg. 18-21, Complete parts 8-10
Wrap-up: Choose a family member and describe them with 5 Spanish characteristics
 Students will recognize chapter vocabulary
 Students will use personal characteristic vocabulary
Assignment/Assessment: Assignement
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Thursday: (No Activities)
Sponge: White boards
Lesson: Read pg. 22-24 Complete 14-16 (Small Group)
Wrap-up: Explain the difference between the different articles. Why are endings o
important in Spanish?
 Students will identify singular articles and importance of the ending on Spanish words
Assignment/Assessment: Group Assignment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Friday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Brain storm as many Spanish Vocab words you can about yourself.
Lesson: Create a self made poster of yourself. On the back write a 5 sentence paragraph
explaining yourself. Need to use at least 7 new vocabulary words.
Wrap-up: What parts of the lessons this week did you understand really well? Part did
no understand very well?
 Students will use vocabulary word to create a project
Assignment/Assessment: Project
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Course Name: Spanish III
Period: 2
Lesson Plans & Objectives
Monday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Brain storm as many Spanish Vocab words you can.
Lesson: Placement Test
Wrap-up: Complete questionnaire and email to Mrs. Curlo
 Students will identify and be exposed to numerous Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete an online assessment to see what level they are.
 Students will answer the follow-up questionnaire for feedback.
Assignment/Assessment: On-line assessment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Tuesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Crea las tarjetas en espanol
Lesson: Read pg. 1-5 parte 1 (odds) -2
Wrap-up: Usa tres palabras en una frase
 Students will identify chapter vocab words
 Students will us new vocabulary correctly in a sentence.
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Wednesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz-Quiz Trade
Lesson: Read pg. 6-9 completa parte 5-6
Wrap-up: Pregunta un companero los palabras nuevas.
 Students will identify chapter vocab words
 Students will us new vocabulary correctly in a sentence.
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Thursday: (No Activities)
Sponge: White boards
Lesson: Read pg. 10-11, practice new verbs, with a partner use the new verbs Completa
Wrap-up: Crea un grafico con uno de los verbo nuevos
 Students will identify new verbs
 Students will us and understand the new irregular verbs
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Friday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Crea un poster de un de los verbos irregulares
Lesson: Presentelo a la clase
Wrap-up: Cual verbo entiendes el mas?
 Students will identify an irregualar verb.
 Students will create a poster using the verb
Assignment/Assessment: Poster
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Period: 3
Lesson Plans & Objectives
Monday: (No Activities)
Course Name: Explore 8th
Sponge: Create Notcards over Chapter Vocabulary
Lesson: Read pg. 12-17 Complete 1 (together) 2-4 (odds)
Wrap-up: Give me three Spanish Characteristics about yourself email to Mrs. Curlo
 Students will identify and be exposed to numerous Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete an online assessment to see what level they are.
 Students will answer the follow-up questionnaire for feedback.
Assignment/Assessment: On-line assessment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Tuesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz-Quiz-Trade with Vocab Cards.
Lesson: Read pg. 18-21, Complete parts 8-10
Wrap-up: Choose a family member and describe them with 5 Spanish characteristics
 Students will recognize chapter vocabulary
 Students will use personal characteristic vocabulary
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Wednesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: White boards
Lesson: Read pg. 22-24 Complete 14-16 (Small Group)
Wrap-up: Explain the difference between the different articles. Why are endings o
important in Spanish?
 Students will identify singular articles and importance of the ending on Spanish words
Assignment/Assessment: Homwork
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Thursday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Create 5 I am sentences and different characteristics
Lesson: Translate using the verb “ser”
Wrap-up: Translate these sentences I am a student. I am a friend. I am a boy/girl.
 Students will use the verb soy.
 Students will identify adjectives.
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Friday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Brain storm as many Spanish Vocab words you can about yourself.
Lesson: Create a self made poster of yourself. On the back write a 5 sentence paragraph
explaining yourself. Need to use at least 7 new vocabulary words.
Wrap-up: What parts of the lessons this week did you understand really well? Part did
no understand very well?
 Students will identify and be exposed to numerous Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete an online assessment to see what level they are.
 Students will answer the follow-up questionnaire for feedback.
Assignment/Assessment: Poster
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Course Name: Spanish II
Period: 4 & 5
Lesson Plans & Objectives
Monday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Brain storm as many Spanish Vocab words you can.
Lesson: Placement Test
Wrap-up: Complete questionnaire and email to Mrs. Curlo
 Students will identify and be exposed to numerous Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete an online assessment to see what level they are.
 Students will answer the follow-up questionnaire for feedback.
Assignment/Assessment: On-line assessment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Tuesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Crea tarjets con las palabras nuevas
Lesson: Lee pg. 200-205 Completa 1-2 odds
Wrap-up: Usa 3 palabras del vocabulario
 Students will be exposed to new vocabulary.
 Students will apply vocabulary and use it correctly
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Wednesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz-Quiz Trade.
Lesson: Read pg. 206-209 parte 4-5
Wrap-up: Usa 5 palabras differentes and habla con un companero
 Students will be exposed to new vocabulary.
 Students will apply vocabulary and use it correctly
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Thursday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz con tu comperno
Lesson: pg. 210-212 completa parte 8-11 odds
Wrap-up: Crea un grafico con un de los verbos.
 Students will review vocabulary.
 Students will understand the structure of stem changning verbs.
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Friday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Explica verbos cambio radical
Lesson: Escoge un verbo y crea un poster
Wrap-up: Por que los verbos son “cambio radical?”
 Students will use vocabulary word to create a project
Assignment/Assessment: Poster
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Period: 7
Lesson Plans & Objectives
Monday: (No Activities)
Course Name: Spanish IV
Sponge: Brain storm as many Spanish Vocab words you can.
Lesson: Placement Test
Wrap-up: Complete questionnaire and email to Mrs. Curlo
 Students will identify and be exposed to numerous Spanish vocab words
 Students will complete an online assessment to see what level they are.
 Students will answer the follow-up questionnaire for feedback.
Assignment/Assessment: On-line assessment
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Tuesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Crea las tarjetas con las palabras nuevas
Lesson: Lea pg. 190-195 parte 1-3 odds
Wrap-up: Usa una palabra nueva en un frase.
 Students will be exposed to new vocabulary
 Students will use new vocabulary
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Wednesday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz-Quiz con las palabras nuevas.
Lesson: Read pg. 196-199 completa parte 7-9 odds
Wrap-up: Usa las palabras en 3 frases.
 Students will use new vocabulary
Assignment/Assessment: Homework
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Thursday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Quiz-Quiz-Trade con un companero
Lesson: Lee pg. 200-202 practica con los verbos nuevos
Wrap-up: Usa el condicional en el ingles y espanol.
 Students will use new verbs.
Assignment/Assessment: Homwork, In-class practice
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3
Friday: (No Activities)
Sponge: Habla con su amigo si tengo un millon Dolores.
Lesson: Crea un poster del condicional
Wrap-up: Presente
 Students will identify the conditional tense verbs,
 Students will present the conditional tense.
Assignment/Assessment: Poster
Standards Taught: FL Standard 1.1, 1.3