Computer Definition A computer is a machine that is used to store and process data electronically Types of computer : 1- Personal Computer 2- Network Computer 3-laptop computers 4-PDA 5-Mainframe Computer components Software Hardware • Hardware: - Pieces of equipment that make up a computer system. - These are the parts you can touch (although many parts are contained within the computer’s case). memory Brain 3 1+2 1+2 Memory Brain 3 2+1 1+2 Computer Output devices Input devices Computer hardware Storage devices memory Output devices Input devices Central Processing Unit CPU is the brains of the computer. All the "thinking", calculating and processing is done by the CPU. The CPU also control the transfer of information between the secondry and main memory The speed at which a CPU can process information is Known as its Clock Speed This is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). 1 megahertz = 1 million cycles per second. 1 gigahertz = 1000 megahertz. The CPU also incorporates : 1. an Arithmetic Logic Unit (which performs the calculations and logical operations within the computer) 2. and a Control Unit (which fetches, decodes and executes data from the memory). An input device is any device that is used to supply information to a computer (as data or for the selection of commands/menus/icons etc) Touch screen Electronic board Any devices that allows the result of computer processing activity to be seen or heard :Output device : The screen CRT LCD Plasma Plotter Speakers Data Show Memory (RAM) (ROM) : •Random access memory is used in a PC to temporarily store data when you are using applications. •RAM is also used to store program instructions and feed information to the CPU to process. • RAM is not permanent, when you switch off the PC (or shut down), the contents of RAM are lost or emptied (This is known as volatile memory.) •This is a special type of memory which contains all the information the computer needs to switch itself on, check that all its systems are working and to tell the PC what things are plugged into it. • It cannot be changed or overwritten by you, and stays the same even when the PC is switched off. •Storage drives are used to store and transfer data files. •After data is entered into a computer, it must be saved as a file to preserve its contents after the computer is switched off. Hard disk Drive: •HDD Usually fixed inside the computer and stores large volumes of data, which can be accessed and retrieved quickly. •A software application must also install files onto the hard disk drive in order to run . •The access time of a HDD is measured in milliseconds(msec) Floppy disk drive: A floppy disk drive is like a hard disk, but with removable disks called floppies, floppy disks or diskettes. Floppies can be used to transfer small files from one PC to another (up to 1.4MB) CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive: CD-ROM (Compact Disk – Read Only Memory) CD-ROM -> CD-R -> CD-RW -> DVD -> DVD-R Other Types of storage devices?? Storage Capacity uses several terms to define the increasing amounts of data that can be stored 1 1 0 0 1 0 Bit Byte 1 1 A bit : the amount of storage space needed to hold either a 1 or a 0 in memory (binary numbering ) .This is the smallest unit of computer memory byte Equal to 8 bits , this is the amount of storage space needed to hold one character Kilobyte(KB) bytes 1024 Megabyte(MB) 1024 KB Gigabyte(GB) 1024 MB Terabyte 1024 GB The user can judge the performance of a PC according to how quickly tasks are performed . Factors determine the overall operating speed of a PC: The clock speed of the CPU The Capacity of the RAM The Capacity and speed of the HDD Computer components Software Hardware - Operating systems, office programs and games are examples of software. - Software governs when and how various pieces of hardware can be put to a variety of uses Operating Systems software : •Is the software that runs the computer •Microsoft Windows is the operating system a lot of people use. However, there are other forms of Operating systems software such as Unix, Linux, OS2, BeOS, OS-X (MacOS) and so on Operating system cannot run without the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) Common Applications Software Word Processing: Example Microsoft Word Spreadsheets:. Example Microsoft Excel Database: Examples Microsoft Access Presentation: Example Microsoft PowerPoint Web browsing Applications Software must be compatible with the Operating Systems BIOS (Basic Input Output System) Sara Turn on her computer and then open the word processor to write her homework : What are the steps taken by the computer to do this task in order: 1 2 3 4 Run the BIOS software from the ROM the BIOS crries out the Power On Self Test(POST) read the OS files from HDD and copy them to the RAM Load MS word intothe RAM : two or more computers connected together is called a network Local Area Network(LAN) Wide Area Network(WAN) less than one square kilometre is a LAN While any network covering more than one square kilometre is WAN . Internet : a vast computer network . Which allows users all over the world to communicate with each other . Connections to the internet are made by an Internet service Provider (ISP) Intranet: Many medium to large organizations now operate their own internal networks that provide similar functions to the internet Extranet : an intranet or part of an intranet which can be accessed by certain external users by the internet.