Run-On Sentences - Par Excellence AMG Communications

Run-On Sentences
Run-on sentences happen when:
a. An independent clause gives an order or directive based on what was said in the prior
independent clause:
This next chapter has a lot of difficult information in it, you should start studying right
(We could put a period where that comma is and start a new sentence. A
semicolon might also work there.)
b. Two independent clauses are connected by a transitional expression (conjunctive
adverb) such as however, moreover, nevertheless.
Mr. Nguyen has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges, however, he has sacrificed
his health working day and night in that dusty bakery.
(Again, where that first comma appears, we could have used either a period —
and started a new sentence — or a semicolon.)
c. The second of two independent clauses contains a pronoun that connects it to the first
independent clause.
This computer doesn't make sense to me, it came without a manual.
(Although these two clauses are quite brief, and the ideas are closely related,
this is a run-on sentence. We need a period where that comma now stands.)
Run-On Sentence Practice
From the group of three sentences that follows, select the group of words that corrects the run-on.
1. Our solar system has nine major planets only one is known to have intelligent life.
Our solar system has nine major planets, only one is known to have intelligent life.
Our solar system has nine major planets only one, is known to have intelligent life.
Our solar system has nine major planets; only one is known to have intelligent life.
2. Most asteroids are small and far away therefore they are dim and hard to see.
Most asteroids are small and far away, therefore they are dim and hard to see.
Most asteroids are small and far away therefore, they are dim and hard to see.
Most asteroids are small and far away; therefore, they are dim and hard to see.
3. Look through Angelo's telescope you can see Saturn's rings.
If you look through Angelo's telescope, you can see Saturn's rings.
Look through Angelo's telescope, you can see Saturn's rings.
You can see Saturn's rings, look through Angelo's telescope.
4. Please check the position of that star cluster I can't find it.
Please check the position of that star cluster; I can't find it.
Please check the position of that star cluster, I can't find it.
Please check the position, of that star cluster, I can't find it.
5. Marie is never interested in stargazing during the winter however on warm summer nights
she often goes to the college observatory.
Marie is never interested in stargazing during the winter, however, on warm summer nights
she often goes to the college observatory.
Marie is never interested in stargazing during the winter. However, on warm summer
nights she often goes to the college observatory.
Marie is never interested in stargazing, during the winter however, on warm summer nights
she often goes to the college observatory.
6. The Milky Way looks like a dim cloud stretching across the night sky it is actually a huge
galaxy containing millions of stars.
The Milky Way looks like a dim cloud stretching across the night sky, it is actually a huge
galaxy containing millions of stars.
The cloud-like Milky Way stretching across the night sky is actually a huge galaxy containing
millions of stars.
Although the Milky Way looks like a dim cloud stretching across the night sky. It is actually a
huge galaxy containing millions of stars.
7. Watch the sky closely for several minutes you are likely to see an artificial satellite pass
Watch the sky closely for several minutes; you are likely to see an artificial satellite pass
Watch the sky closely for several minutes, you are likely to see an artificial satellite pass
If you watch the sky closely for several minutes. You are likely to see an artificial satellite
pass over.
8. Louisa pretended to be interested in her brother's hobby she secretly wished she had
stayed at home.
Louisa pretended to be interested in her brother's hobby, she secretly wishedshe had
stayed at home.
Pretending to be interested in her brother's hobby, Louisa secretly wished she had stayed
at home.
Louisa pretended to be interested, in her brother's hobby, she secretly wished she had
stayed at home.
9. Some club members were late for the meeting for example, Tanya and Scott came in at
Some club members were late for the meeting, for example Tanya and Scott came in at
Some club members were late for the meeting, for example, Tanya and Scott came in at
Some club members were late for the meeting; for example, Tanya and Scott came in at
10. We've seen enough for one night pack up the equipment.
We've seen enough for one night; pack up the equipment.
Pack up the equipment, we've seen enough for one night.
Sentence writing practice using online games
Sentence correction worksheets for beginning to advanced levels
Sentence structure practice game- identifying simple, compound and complex sentences