
No Two Leaders are Alike
Not all leaders possess
• Same traits
• Same ways of
accomplishing goals
• Same qualities
Great leaders possess
certain characteristics
and abilities.
It is important to know the
qualities needed to be an
effective leader.
Moral Responsibility
Personal Codes of Conduct
Great leaders have
strong personal codes
of conduct that do not
permit them to:
• Take unfair advantage of
citizens or subordinates
• Misuse their positions for
personal gain
Moral Laws
Moral laws are difficult
to define because:
• Most moral laws cannot
be legally enforced
• Each person’s level of
perceived moral
responsibility differs
• Individual conscience is
the enforcer
Faithful and enthusiastic devotion to one’s
country, organization, and associates.
Facts about loyalty:
• Must be earned
• Is a two-way street
• Is easily noticed when
• Effects morale
• May cause others to do
more or less to
accomplish a mission
Topic Review
Q. Why must loyalty be a two-way street?
Reference Study Guide Question #2
Q. Why must loyalty be a two-way street?
A. Subordinates are particularly sensitive about
loyalty extending downward to them and are
quick to notice when it is absent. The loyalty of a
senior toward his or her personnel has a great
effect on the morale within the organization, and
this may translate into that extra effort that is so
often necessary to accomplish a mission.
Reference Study Guide Question #2
Devotion to Duty
Devotion to Duty
Loyalty to the position or job one holds.
Devotion to Duty
Devotion is shown by:
• Exerting maximum effort on
present job
• Taking initiative to learn
tasks and billets demanding
greater responsibility
Devotion to duty leads to:
• Positive recommendations
• Advancements
• Promotions
Ambition is not Enough
All military personnel are
expected to:
• Place duty above self
• Always perform to best
of abilities
Why? This is the best
way to:
• Accomplish the mission
• Prevent mission failure
Topic Review
Q. What is devotion to duty?
Reference Study Guide Question #3A
Q. What is devotion to duty?
A. Devotion to duty may be defined as
loyalty to the position or job one holds. In
general, devotion to duty is shown by
someone who not only exerts maximum
effort on the present job, but also takes
initiative to learn about tasks and billets
demanding increased levels of
Reference Study Guide Question #3A
Q. How does devotion to duty relate to
healthy personal ambition?
Reference Study Guide Question #3B
Q. How does devotion to duty relate to
healthy personal ambition?
A. Positive recommendations,
advancements, and promotions are likely
to result from such performance of duty.
Reference Study Guide Question #3B
Q. How does devotion to duty relate to the
ability to take orders?
Reference Study Guide Question #3C
Q. How does devotion to duty relate to the
ability to take orders?
A. The unit might fail in its mission if some
individuals fail to do their part.
Reference Study Guide Question #3C
Professional Knowledge
Book Smarts is not Enough
Experience is essential.
Do the following to gain
knowledge and
• Call upon more
experienced people to
assist whenever needed
• Learn as much as possible
from prior leader when
replacing a leader
New Leaders Listen
New leaders motivate
others by:
• Showing interest in
learning from their
experience – subordinates
will be eager to help
• Listen to advice and
suggestions from the
person being relieved
Topic Review
Q. What two main qualifications are
necessary for a leader to be regarded as
Reference Study Guide Question #4
Q. What two main qualifications are
necessary for a leader to be regarded as
A. The person who knows the job
thoroughly is far better qualified to lead
than one who does not. Mere schoolbook
knowledge is not sufficient; experience is
also essential.
Reference Study Guide Question #4
Self-confidence is one of the most important
qualities of leadership. It is increased by
increasing knowledge.
Proven Ability on the Job
Past accomplishments and educational
degrees by themselves are not sufficient.
Proven ability on the
job is a basic
Inexperienced Leader’s Mistakes
Arrogance = Loss of Respect
Loss of Respect = More Difficult Job
Initiative and Ingenuity
Initiative and Ingenuity are Desired
Showing initiative and
ingenuity is possible in the
military services.
The need for initiative and
ingenuity is greater than
ever because of new things
such as:
Concepts of warfare
Gain Self-Confidence
Gain self-confidence by:
• Preparing yourself by taking advantage of everyday
• Not forgetting the importance of background
knowledge to problem-solving
• Trying to be aware of what has already been tried
• Not wasting time and effort by reinventing the wheel
The quality that enables us to accept our
responsibilities and to carry them out
regardless of the consequences.
A Courageous Person
A courageous person:
• Meets dangers and
difficulties with firmness
• Conquers inner fears
• Concentrates on the task
at hand
• Develops and strengthens
courage over time by
using it to overcome
• Accepts disappointment,
but tries again to succeed
Developing Courage
Courage develops and
strengthens over time
• Overcoming obstacles
• Accepting disappointment
of failure, but striving
again for success
Topic Review
Q. How can courage be strengthened?
Reference Study Guide Question #5
Q. How can courage be strengthened?
A. Courage is a quality of the mind and
may be developed and strengthened with
use. Each time a person overcomes an
obstacle – whether it is a tough
examination, or a sports opponent, or peer
pressure – the courage of that individual
will be strengthened.
Reference Study Guide Question #5
Moral Courage
Moral Courage
A show of firmness in difficult situations
where the danger of death or injury is not
an immediate concern.
Moral Courage is Difficult
Examples of pressures that make moral courage
difficult include:
• Fear of anger from seniors
• Fear of ridicule by
• Lack of confidence
due to immaturity
• Ignorance
Importance of Moral Courage
Why moral courage is important:
• It is necessary to ensure that
seniors get the information
they need to make good
• People who say nothing, or
agree with seniors and then
criticize them behind their
backs, lose both the respect of juniors and the
trust of seniors.
• Leaders who show respect for the opinions of others,
especially subordinates, are admired and respected for
having moral courage.
It Takes Moral Courage
It takes moral courage to:
• Admit mistakes
• Be honest, just, and truthful at all times
• Insist on abiding by regulations and laws
• Stick to high principles in the face of ridicule
by peers
Topic Review
Q. What is moral courage?
Reference Study Guide Question #6A
Q. What is moral courage?
A. Moral courage means a show of
firmness in difficult situations where the
danger of death or injury is not an
immediate concern.
Reference Study Guide Question #6A
Q. What are the principal factors that make
moral courage difficult?
Reference Study Guide Question #6B
Q. What are the principal factors that make
moral courage difficult?
A. Fear of anger from seniors, fear of
ridicule by peers, and lack of confidence
due to immaturity or ignorance are some of
the pressures that make the exercise of
moral courage difficult.
Reference Study Guide Question #6B
Q. How can a lack of moral courage lead to
the loss of both the respect of juniors and
the trust of seniors?
Reference Study Guide Question #6C
Q. How can a lack of moral courage lead to
the loss of both the respect of juniors and
the trust of seniors?
A. The person who says nothing, or agrees
with seniors and then criticizes them
behind their backs, loses both the respect
of juniors and the trust of the seniors.
Reference Study Guide Question #6C
Q. Why could it be especially dangerous to
neglect reporting a disagreeable fact to a
Reference Study Guide Question #7
Q. Why could it be especially dangerous to
neglect reporting a disagreeable fact to a
A. Moral courage is necessary to ensure
that seniors get the information they need
to make good decisions – even if such
information upsets them.
Reference Study Guide Question #7
Ability to Organize and
Make Decisions
The Main Job of a Leader
The main job of a
leader is to
coordinate the
efforts of personnel
to achieve a
common purpose.
Making Final Decisions
Without the ability to make good decisions,
a leader is useless.
Before you make decisions, be fully aware
of the skills and capabilities of assigned
What Subordinates Expect
Subordinates expect clear-cut decisions
about various types of problems:
• Personal
• Professional
• Complex
Experience and Mistakes
When needed, discuss problems with your
superior, especially those problems that
are beyond your level of authority.
Accept that mistakes will happen and that
they are learning opportunities.
From mistakes comes experience,
and from experience comes wisdom.
Topic Review
Q. Why is decision-making important for a
Reference Study Guide Question #8A
Q. Why is decision-making important for a
A. Without the ability to make good
decisions, a leader is useless.
Reference Study Guide Question #8A
Q. How can the young leader obtain help
when confronted with problems beyond his
or her experience to solve?
Reference Study Guide Question #8B
Q. How can the young leader obtain help
when confronted with problems beyond his
or her experience to solve?
A. He or she can call upon the expertise
and experience of seniors to assist.
Reference Study Guide Question #8B
Personal Example
Do as I Say and as I Do
Reasons to lead by personal
• When leaders’ conduct is
outstanding, those around them
are often inspired to pattern their
own actions after them, to the
good of the whole organization
• No leader can ignore the rules
and regulations and still expect
subordinates to follow them
• If you don’t lead by personal
example, you’ll lose trust,
respect, and control
Honor the Uniform
No good citizen or military service member would
do anything to dishonor the uniform, for such
conduct can bring dishonor upon the United
States and its armed forces.
Topic Review
Q. Why is the leader’s personal example so
important in leading subordinates?
Reference Study Guide Question #9
Q. Why is the leader’s personal example so
important in leading subordinates?
A. When leaders’ conduct is outstanding, those
around them are often inspired to pattern their
own actions after them, to the good of the whole
organization. No leader can ignore rules and
regulations and still expect subordinates to
follow them. Such a leader will not be trusted and
will lose control of subordinates. Regaining
respect and control once they are lost is
exceptionally difficult.
Reference Study Guide Question #9
Mutual Trust
and Confidence
Trust and Confidence in
It is important to let
subordinates know they
are trusted. If you fail to
show trust, you will be:
• Constantly checking up
• Distrusting records and
• Performing your own duties
less efficiently
Expectations Versus Reality
Leaders do not always do
what they should, but we
have a right to expect them
to do what is right.
When leaders fail to fulfill
their responsibilities,
society has the right to:
• Demand corrective action
• Sometimes demand
punishment under the law
Jeopardizing the Organization
A leader’s reputation and the organization
is jeopardized when a leader:
Fails to back subordinates
Shows favoritism
Condones dishonesty
Allows sloppy work
Evades legitimate regulations
Trust, Respect, and Understanding
If you show mutual trust, respect, and
• People are likely to exercise more personal
• Morale will be higher
• Efficiency will be improved
• Burdens will be lighter
Making and Keeping Commitments
If you don’t keep your
• You will lose respect
• Attitudes of others will be
negatively affected
• The organization will
operate less efficiently
Never promise what cannot be delivered.
Topic Review
Q. Why are mutual trust and confidence so
important in dealing with people?
Reference Study Guide Question #10
Q. Why are mutual trust and confidence so
important in dealing with people?
A. Mutual respect, trust, and
understanding can prompt all hands to
exercise a greater degree of personal
responsibility. Then morale will be higher,
efficiency will be improved, and burdens
will be lighter.
Reference Study Guide Question #10
Conduct in Uniform
Causes of Poor Conduct
Some common causes of
poor conduct are:
• Dissatisfaction with unit,
ship, or station conditions
• Dislike of work assignment
or living conditions
• Feeling of unfairness
regarding policies
• Troubles at home
Poor Conduct of Subordinates
Weaker subordinates may resort to:
• Unauthorized absence
• Alcohol or substance abuse
• Other forms of escape
Prevent, Remind, Prepare
As a leader, do all you can to prevent
improper actions by naval personnel.
Remind subordinates of their responsibility
to conduct themselves properly at all
Be prepared to perform the duties of
subordinates whenever required to do so.
Corrective Actions of Leaders
By regulation and for practical reasons, leaders
accept responsibility for corrective action.
Before leaders take corrective action they must:
• Know their personnel
• Take care of their needs
• Insist on acceptance and exercise of moral
• Is the basis of true democracy
• Requires rules of conduct that are desirable in
civilized society
• Does not deprive
individuals of
fundamental rights
• Protects everyone’s
equal rights
Laws and Conventions
Laws are formal rules that are put into
effect by duly constituted authority, such
as a city council or state legislature.
Conventions are informal rules that have
become a part of our culture by custom
and usage.
What is Discipline?
Discipline is:
• Training that develops self-control, character,
or efficiency
• Control of conduct so there can be
coordination of effort for the good of all
Definitions of Discipline
Some definitions of discipline are:
• Control gained by enforcing obedience.
• That state of orderliness gained through selfcontrol and orderly conduct.
• That degree of control which moves an
organized group to appropriate action upon
receipt of an order, or in anticipation of that
order when circumstances prevent its being
Admiral Burkes’ Definition
of a Well-disciplined Organization
“A well-disciplined
organization is one whose
members work with
enthusiasm, willingness,
and zest, as individuals
and as a group, to fulfill
the mission of the
organization with
expectation of success.”
Signs of Discipline
Here are some
indications of welldisciplined Sailors:
• Smart salutes
• Proper uniform wearing
• Correct emergency
Purpose of Discipline
The purpose of discipline is to develop an
efficient organization of personnel who are
trained to achieve a common goal.
What Each Person Should
Know and Understand
Each person should know where he or she
fits into the organization.
Each person should understand that all in
the group have a common purpose and are
to follow and obey their leader.
Military Discipline: The End Result
A well-disciplined military unit
accomplishes routine tasks efficiently and
responds automatically to an emergency
without panicking.
Topic Review
Q. What is admiral Burke’s definition of a
well-disciplined organization?
Reference Study Guide Question #11
Q. What is admiral Burke’s definition of a
well-disciplined organization?
A. Admiral Arleigh Burke, USN, a former
Chief of Naval Operations, stated: “A welldisciplined organization is one whose
members work with enthusiasm,
willingness, and zest, as individuals and as
a group, to fulfill the mission of the
organization with expectation of success.”
Reference Study Guide Question #11
Q. What is the purpose of military
Reference Study Guide Question #12
Q. What is the purpose of military
A. The purpose of discipline in the military
services is to develop an efficient
organization of personnel trained to
achieve a common goal.
Reference Study Guide Question #12
Self Discipline
True Discipline and Self-Discipline
True discipline demands loyal but
reasoned obedience to authority. It allows
for initiative. It is present even when leader
is absent.
Self-discipline reduces the need for
specific rules and regulations such as:
Traffic laws
Civil rights laws
Drug and alcohol laws
Dress codes
Self-Disciplined People
Self-disciplined people:
• Need little or no supervision
• Realize there is a need for self-control
• Develop self-discipline by repeatedly practicing
self-control in day-to-day life
• Are the ones who hold up
in the face of hardship
and danger
Topic Review
Q. How does a person acquire selfdiscipline?
Reference Study Guide Question #13
Q. How does a person acquire selfdiscipline?
A. Self-discipline begins with the
realization that there is a need for selfcontrol. Development of self-discipline
comes only through repeated practice of
Reference Study Guide Question #13
Consistency in
Disciplinary Action
Disobedience of Regulations
Disobedience of regulations must be
• Immediately
• Justly
• Consistently
Inconsistency in Disciplinary Action
Inconsistency in disciplinary action
• Confusion
• Poor morale
• Distrust of leader
• Defiant and indifferent attitude toward other
Two Rules of Disciplinary Action
There are two basic rules pertaining to
disciplinary action:
1. Never make a regulation that you cannot or
will not enforce.
2. Take immediate, fair action that leaves no
doubt in the mind of the offender about the
reason for the reprimand or punishment.
Delay in Disciplinary Action
Delay in disciplinary action causes
resentment toward the entire system. It
also prevents the bringing about of
necessary changes. Act immediately and
Leniency in Disciplinary Action
Leniency related to disciplinary action
penalizes good people while favoring bad
ones. That said, do not overcompensate by
overreacting or being arbitrary.
Topic Review
Q. Why is consistency in disciplinary
action essential?
Reference Study Guide Question #14
Q. Why is consistency in disciplinary
action essential?
A. In the military, disobedience of
regulations must be handled immediately,
justly, and consistently. Wrongdoing that is
dealt with severely one day cannot be
treated as insignificant the next. Such an
approach can only result in confusion,
poor morale, and distrust of the leader.
Reference Study Guide Question #14
Q. Why is it important not to make rules
that are unenforceable?
Reference Study Guide Question #15
Q. Why is it important not to make rules
that are unenforceable?
A. If service people are allowed to defy a
regulation openly, they will develop an
indifferent attitude toward other
regulations as well.
Reference Study Guide Question #15
Loss of Temper
Loss of Control
Loss of Temper
Facts about loss of temper:
• It shows personal weakness.
• It does not improve effectiveness.
• It does not improve status.
• It causes loss of control of the situation.
Control of Temper
A conscious effort must be made to control
When admonishing error or administering
• Remain calm
• Be impersonal
• Stay dignified
Loss of Control of Temper
One who loses his or her temper is often:
• Inconsistent
• Quick-tempered
• Constantly shouting
The results of losing one’s temper is often:
• Confusion
• Loss of effectiveness
• Little or no response from subordinates
Loss of Temper = Loss of Control
Topic Review
Q. What is the usual result if leaders lose
their temper?
Reference Study Guide Question #16
Q. What is the usual result if leaders lose
their temper?
A. A person who loses control of him or
herself usually loses control of the
Reference Study Guide Question #16
Knowing Personnel
Getting to Know Personnel
When getting to know personnel,
communicate in a way that creates mutual
Learn the personality and character of
subordinates by developing an
understanding what makes each one tick.
Getting to Know Personnel
You can learn this information by:
Studying them
Watching them
Learning their approaches to problems
Working with them
Guiding them
Being genuinely concerned about them
Not waiting until there are problems to help
Ensure Personnel
Make sure personnel:
• Are as comfortable and well-cared for as
• Receive their fair share of privileges
• Know their personal and family lives are
of real interest
Ensure Personnel (Continued)
• Are fully aware of what’s being done on
their behalf
• Are recognized for their contributions
and feel important
• Feel their superiors think they are
Human Nature
The better your insight is into human
nature, and the better you understand the
intelligence, education, and backgrounds
of your personnel, the more effective a
leader you will be when handling people.
Topic Review
Q. Why is an understanding of human
nature important in dealing with people?
Reference Study Guide Question #17
Q. Why is an understanding of human
nature important in dealing with people?
A. A good leader continually strives to apply all
that he or she can learn about human nature
through experience and study. This knowledge
can be obtained only by working at the job of
human relations. The better his or her insight into
human nature, and the better he or she
understands the intelligence, education, and
backgrounds of personnel, the more effective the
leader will be in handling people.
Reference Study Guide Question #17
Friendship and Friendliness
Friendship - taking a
personal interest in
subordinates and
talking to them in a
friendly manner builds
confidence and respect.
Friendliness - if you are
friendly and approachable,
you will be one of the first
ones turned to for advice.
Becoming too familiar with subordinates:
• Creates a perception of favoritism
• Negatively influences discipline
• Breeds contempt
Fraternization occurs when seniors
become overly familiar (develop close
personal relationships) with personnel of a
lower rank, especially personnel in their
own chain of command.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unsolicited or
otherwise undesirable or inappropriate
advances of one service member toward
another based on sexual attraction,
especially involving promises, rewards, or
threats of punishment or other forms of
Intolerance of Fraternization
and Sexual Harassment
Fraternization and sexual harassment are
destructive to the morale of everyone on
the job.
Those found guilty of fraternization and/or
sexual harassment are subject to severe
discipline or separation from the service.
Topic Review
Q. Why is fraternization or familiarity
between officers and enlisted personnel
prohibited in the military services?
Reference Study Guide Question #18A
Q. Why is fraternization or familiarity
between officers and enlisted personnel
prohibited in the military services?
A. The relationship between leaders and
their subordinates influences discipline.
Subordinates who perceive themselves as
“favored” may feel the leader will not
require them to obey and perform well.
Those who do not feel so favored may
perceive unfair or unequal treatment,
whether or not it actually exists.
Reference Study Guide Question #18A
Q. What is the difference between
friendship and familiarity?
Reference Study Guide Question #18B
Q. What is the difference between
friendship and familiarity?
A. The leader who talks to subordinates in a
friendly manner, taking a personal interest in
them and being concerned with their problems,
quickly gains their confidence and respect. On
the other hand, leaders who become too familiar
with their subordinates will often have difficulty
in leading them. The old adage “familiarity
breeds contempt” is applicable.
Reference Study Guide Question #18B
Q. What is sexual harassment?
Reference Study Guide Question #19A
Q. What is sexual harassment?
A. Sexual harassment is unsolicited or
otherwise undesirable or inappropriate
advances of one service member toward
another based on sexual attraction,
especially involving promises of reward or
threats of punishment or other forms of
Reference Study Guide Question #19A
Q. Why can fraternization not be tolerated
in the military services?
Reference Study Guide Question #19B
Q. Why can fraternization not be tolerated
in the military services?
A. Fraternization and sexual harassment
can be extremely destructive to the morale
of both those directly affected and their
fellow crew members.
Reference Study Guide Question #19B
Q. What are the qualities of a good leader
that are discussed in this chapter?
Reference Study Guide Question #1
Q. What are the qualities of a good leader
that are discussed in this chapter?
A. The qualities of a good leader discussed in
this chapter are moral responsibility, loyalty,
devotion to duty, professional knowledge, selfconfidence, initiative and ingenuity, courage,
ability to organize and make decisions, personal
example, mutual trust and confidence, conduct in
uniform, discipline, self-control, knowing
personnel, and friendship versus fraternization.
Reference Study Guide Question #1