End of Year (EOY) 1 & 4 Reporting Course Completion, CTE, and Waivers End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Who’s Supposed to Be Here Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance 2 Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Essential 4: Anomalies Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Reporting and Certification End of Year 1 & 4 3 End of Year 2 & 3 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Questions and Courtesy Mute yourself HOLD Please include your name and LEA when asking questions Lync Chat Box There will be time during the Q & A segment to read chat answers and get clarification. Please focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. Questions may be asked here, but they may not be answered immediately. Lengthy or unrelated questions may be postponed until the Q & A segment of the training. 4 Chat Button Shows or hides the chat box End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Agenda 5 Overview EOY 1: Course Completion & CTE Status EOY 4: Waivers & Exemptions Wrap-Up End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Overview 6 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Acronyms EOY [ee-oh-why] End of Year CTE [see-tee-ee] Career Technical Education CALPASS [kal-pass] California Partnership for Achieving Student Success ROP/C [ar-oh-pee-see] Regional occupation program or center AVID [av-idd] Advancement Via Individual Determination IB [eye-bee] International Baccalaureate 7 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Acronyms UC [you-see] University of California CSU [see-ess-you] California State University CAHSEE [kay-see] California High School Exit Exam ELA [ee-ell-ay] English-Language Arts 8 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Information Reported in EOY EOY1: Course Completion and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Count of completed courses and CTE students EOY4: Student Waivers Count of CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions 9 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 School Types Which Need to Report Participants EOY 1 EOY 2 EOY 3 EOY 4 Crs Staff CTE Pgm Disc Waiv Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data School Type Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y Y Y Y Y Y(2) District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P P P P P P(2) County Community P P Y Y Y Y District Community Day P P Y Y Y Y(2) Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) P P Y Y Y Y(2) Juvenile Court Schools P P Y Y Y Y(2) Continuation High Schools P P Y Y Y Y(2) Opportunity P P Y Y Y Y(2) Alternative Schools of Choice Y Y Y Y Y Y(2) State Special Schools Y Y Y Y Y Y(2) Home and Hospital Schools(7) P P Y Y Y Y(2) Special Education Consortium P P Y(1) Y Y Y(2) Special Education P P Y(1) Y Y Y(2) Non-Public School Group (0000001) (3) N N N P P P ROP/ROC(5) N N N N N N 10 (1) Students completing courses in grades 712 only (2) Only schools with students in grades 10-12 (3) Records for students enrolled at Nonpublic Nonsectarian Certified Schools (NPS) should be submitted using school code 0000001 in the School of Attendance field (1.05) and NOT the individual NPS school codes. The actual NPS school code is submitted in the School of Attendance NPS field (1.06) (5) ROC/Ps will not submit data directly to CALPADS. CALPADS will collect data on student ROC/P course enrollment and completion through the student's primary school course enrollment and completion submission. (7) Home and Hospital schools are assigned a distinct county-district-school code and are not the same as a district-level operated Home and Hospital Program End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Grades Which Need to Report Participants EOY 1 Crs EOY 2 EOY 3 EOY 4 Staff CTE Pgm Disc Waiv School Grade Levels Served 11 Infants - IN N N N Y(8) N N Toddlers - TD N N N Y(8) N N Prekindergarten - PS N N N Y(8) N N Kindergarten - KN N N N Y Y N First Grade - 01 N N N Y Y N Second Grade – 02 N N N Y Y N Third Grade – 03 N N N Y Y N Fourth Grade – 04 N N N Y Y N Fifth Grade – 05 N N N Y Y N Sixth Grade – 06 N N N Y Y N Seventh Grade – 07 P P P Y Y N Eighth Grade – 08 P P P Y Y N Ninth Grade – 09 Y Y Y Y Y N Tenth Grade – 10 Y Y Y Y Y Y Eleventh Grade – 11 Y Y Y Y Y Y Twelfth Grade – 12 Y Y Y Y Y Y Ungraded Elementary – UE N N N Y Y N Ungraded Secondary – US P P P Y Y Y Adult – AD N N N N N N (8) Updated SPRG data for Infant, Toddler, and Prekindergarten in EOY 2 are only required for purposes of certifying report 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 How Data Was Reported Before EOY 12 Data Previous Method 1 Course Completion None 1 CTE Secondary section of Carl Perkins CDE 101 E-1 4 Waivers CAHSEE Waiver Data Collection End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 How Data Will Be Used 13 EOY Data Funding Legislation Used for Parallel 1 Course Completion None None DataQuest No 1 CTE Carl Perkins grant None Carl Perkins Program, DataQuest Yes 4 Waivers None California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Division 1, Chapter 2, Subchapter 6, Article 2, Section 1207.1 DataQuest No End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Updating CALPADS for End of Year Update CALPADS with EOY records throughout the Academic Year (AY) July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Any student enrolled during the Academic Year will be counted All new and updated records must be posted the day before certifying to be included in the snapshot 14 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 What Record Types to Enter or Update Online SSID Enrollment Student Information Student Program Student English Language Acquisition Staff Demographics Course Section Completion Student Course Section Completion Student Career Technical Education Student Waivers Batch SENR SINF SPRG SELA SDEM CRSC* SCSC* All Students R R R R U R R SCTE* R SWAV* R U= Update * Full replacement files 15 End of Year 1 4 R=Required Do not submit SASS. It is not required for EOY and submitting it may wipe out Fall 2 data End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Record Relationships Staff Demographics SEID Course Section Completion Student Enrollment Course Section ID SSID Student Course Section Completion Student Information Student English Language Acquisition Student CTE Student Waivers Records above others must be posted before those below them or you may get rejected records 16 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Batch Submission 1 2 3 4 EOY file types are highlighted. Submit updates on other file types as needed to ensure accuracy. 17 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 End of Year Roles Role EOY1 EOY4 SSID Enrollment (SENR) X X View & submit enrollment data Student Information (SINF) X X View & submit student information data Staff Demographics (SDEM) X View & submit staff demographic data Course (CRSE) X View & submit student course completion data Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) X View & submit student CTE data Student Waivers (SWAV) Reports > Course Completion/ CTE X X Reports > Education Regulatory Exemptions Certification > EOY 1 Data Collection Certifier Certification > Superintendent Certifier X X View & submit student waiver data View course completion and CTE reports X Certification > EOY 4 Data Collection Certifier Allows user to View student waiver reports View EOY 1 snapshot and level 1 certify X View EOY 4 snapshot and level 1 certify X View all EOY snapshots and level 2 certify Reminders 18 Daily use account LEA Admin cannot certify End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Important Dates for EOY 1-4 Snapshot starts June 1st Certification deadline July 31st Amendment deadline September 4th CALPADS Calendar: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp 19 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Course Completion & CTE Status 20 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Purpose Count of departmentalized courses completed DataQuest CA Department of Education Count of Career Technical Education participants 21 Carl Perkins Program College and Career Indicator End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Perkins Reporting Changes Reporting Method Past 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 Future Perkins paper report Perkins E1 Perkins Data System (PDS)* CALPADS – EOY 1 Perkins paper report Perkins E2 Perkins Data System (PDS)* CALPADS – Fall 3 * PDS will be the official source for Perkins E1 data through 2014-15 and for Perkins E2 data through 2015-16, but it is important that all data be submitted through both systems during those parallel years to ensure consistency. 22 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Perkins Reporting Changes Capstone courses and the non-traditional gender for a course will be determined automatically based on the course code used. New CTE New CTE Reports New CTE Reports Reports in 2015-16 See the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations version 6.1 or later for the complete list: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/systemdocs.asp 23 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Information Reported Courses Completed CTE Participants Courses completed are not compared to course enrollment reported during Fall 2 24 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Terminology CTE Participants Completers Completed a pathway Concentrators On a pathway Non-concentrator Completed a CTE course but not on a pathway CTE Pathway A sequence of courses providing academic knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for further education and careers… and which may lead to proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree in a given career path. 25 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Data Included Course Completion SSID Enrollment Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Student Information Course Section Completion Student Course Section Completion Staff Demographics Grades 7-12 and US Departmentalized courses including ROP/C (no selfcontained courses) Enrollment in departmentalized courses including ROP/C Teachers of courses completed Do not submit staff assignments. They are not required for EOY 1 and submitting them may wipe out Fall 2 data 26 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Data Included Course Completion Do Not Submit Optional Student aide Homeroom Before/after school Study hall Summer session* 27 * Unless the student is already enrolled in your school during the normal school year, do not submit summer course completion records. End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Data Included Career and Technical Education 28 SSID Enrollment Student Information Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Grades 7-12 and US Student CTE (Concentrators or Completers) Student Course Section Completion (Non-Concentrators) Departmentalized CTE courses End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Required Fields Course Completion or CTE Non-Concentrator Record SENR SDEM CRSC Element(s) Values and/or Notes Enrollment status 10, 20 or 30 Grade Level 07-12, or US SEID Matches SEID in one or more CRSC records Reporting LEA School of Course Delivery Academic Year ID CRS-State Course Code CRS-Local Course ID CRS-Course Name CRS-Course Content Code CRS-UC CSU Approved Indicator Course Section ID Academic Term Code Course Section Instructional Level Code Will likely be used in upcoming College and Career Indicator SEID Valid SEID or 9999999999 Local Staff ID See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements 29 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Required Fields Course Completion or CTE Non-Concentrator Record Element(s) Instructional Strategy Code CRSC SCSC continued Values and/or Notes 300 or 700 if applicable Independent Study Indicator Distance Learning Indicator Y or N Education Program Funding Source Code 113 if CA Partnership Academy Course Student Credits Attempted Student Credits Earned 9-12 grade students only Student Course Final Grade UC/CSU Admission Requirement Code Marking Period Code (SCSC) 30 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Required Fields CTE Non-Concentrator Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSC CRS-State Course Code 4000-5955 for Non-concentrators CRSC CRS-CTE Technical Preparation Course Indicator Y CTE Concentrator Record SENR SCTE Element(s) Values and/or Notes Enrollment status 10, 20, or 30 Grade Level 07-12, or US CTE Pathway Code <Any valid code> CTE Completer Record SENR SCTE 31 Element(s) Values and/or Notes Enrollment status 10, 20, or 30 Grade Level 07-12, or US CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID <Valid year range> End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding or Maintaining Course Section Completion Data 1 2 4 3 5 6 Make sure the academic year is correct and Submission Type is set to Course Completion 7b 7a 32 Click add a new course section Click edit an existing course section End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Course Section Completion Data Required Conditional Course Instructional Level Code is referred to as Non-Std Instr Level in snapshot reports Fields not relevant to EOY1 are not required or updated by CALPADS and are greyed out when editing course section records 33 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data 1 2 via Course Section 4 3 5 Make sure Submission Type is set to Course Completion 34 6 7 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section 8 35 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section 9b 9a 36 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section Enter the SSID, then click Lookup. 10 11 Add a record for each marking period that accrues credits for which a grade is given within a single course. Required if student grade level is 9-12 or US Required Conditional 37 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data 1 2 via Student 3 4 5 6 7 38 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student CTE Status via Student 1 3 2 4 5 39 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Adding Student CTE Status via Student 6 7 Required Conditional 40 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Viewing Teacher Course Sections 1 2 3 4 5 6 Make sure the academic year is correct and Submission Type is set to Course Completion Click to edit an existing course section 41 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Online – Viewing Teacher Course Sections 42 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Error Highlights Rejected Records Error Code Severity Error Message 43 GERR001 F SCSC: Student Course Final Grade - required SCSC: Marking Period – required SCTE: CTE Pathway Code - required SDEM0107 F Invalid Staff Age SASS0257 F Invalid Assignment Code for Employee on Leave CRSC0135 F Invalid SEID in Course Section record CRSC0137 F Invalid Education Program Course Content code or CTE CRSState Course Code CRSC0199 F Invalid NPS School of Course Delivery CRSC0231 F Mismatch of Course (CRS) Attributes SCSC0140 F Missing Student Credits Attempted SCSC0141 F Missing Student Credits Earned SCTE0242 F Invalid CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID for Academic Year End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Error Highlights Certification Errors Error Code 44 Severity Error Message CERT054 F Staff Demographics Missing CERT081 W No Student Course Section Data for a Secondarily or Short Term Enrolled Student CERT098 W Student Course Section for SSID Not Enrolled during Report Period CERT099 W No Student Course Section Data for a Primarily Enrolled Student CERT100 W No Enrollment for Course Section CERT116 F No Student Course Section records in the pathway reported for a CTE Concentrator or Completer CERT117 F No student Career Technical Education records submitted for an LEA that received Perkins funding in the current reporting year End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Reports 3.16 – Educational Options Course Completion – Student Count 3.9 – Course Sections Completed – Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 3.10 – Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses 3.12 – Career Technical Education Participants – Count Disaggregated 3.13 – Career Technical Education Participants – Student List 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway 3.15 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List 45 3.11 – Course Sections Completed – Student List for Departmentalized Courses End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.9 - Course Sections Completed Course Completion (CRSC) data Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data # of Students Completing at Least One Section of Local Course Course School School State Course ID & # Course Code Name Content Area Code Course Name Sections Males Females Total 5814530 FCMAT 14-English 2101ENG0015 80 70 150 High Language Arts Comprehensive Comprehensive English English ENG54-English 6 90 91 181 Language & Composition 2106-English PE01-English 4 25 100 125 Literature Literature 1 15-Foreign 2215-Chinese MA44-Chinese 3 20 20 40 Language (Advanced) 4 18-Mathematics 2414-Analytic AB767 150 62 212 geometry/ pre- Advanced calculus Mathematics Course Completion counts exclude courses that are: - Completed by students in grades K-6 - Self-contained (course code=1000) 46 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.10 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses School School Content Code Name Area 5814530 FCMAT High 14-English Language Arts State Course Code 2101Comprehensive English 2105-American literature 18-Mathematics 2414-Analytic geometry/ precalculus Referred to as Course Instructional Level Code (9.19) when editing course section records online Local Course ID & Course CTE Tech CTE UC/CSU Course Name Content Prep Course Approved Sec ID ENG000101 Comprehensive 02 English ENG001211 Literature 12 AB76-Advanced Y 11 Mathematics 12 BB76-Geometry 05 06 Course Section Completion (CRSC) data # Students Completing Course Section Educational Options Term Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 FY Q1 Q1 47 Non-Std Inst Lvl Inst Strat 650-English Learner Mainstreaming CTE Ind Dist Provider Study Learn Pgm Fund Source 113-Cal Part AC 113-Cal Part AC AVID IB Course Males Females Y 10 12 Y 21 18 23 35 12 10 7 6 20 22 24 34 5 9 Total 22 27 38 45 58 46 15 16 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.10 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses Selection Criteria for Educational Options Column on Report Associated Field Field # Value(s) counted on report Ind Study Independent Study Indicator 9.23 Y Dist Learn Distance Learning Indicator 9.24 Y Pgm Fund Source Education Program Code Funding Source Code 9.26 113 (California Partnership Academy funding source) AVID State Course Code 9.07 6023 (AVID Course code ) IB Course State Course Code 9.07 International Baccalaureate (IB) course code* * A list of IB codes can be found on the “Course Group Master Combos” tab in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation 48 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.11 - Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses Course Completion (CRSC) data School School Code Name 5814530 FCMAT High 5814531 CSIS Middle Local State Course ID Course & Course Content Area Code Name Sec ID Term SEID 14-English 2101-Comprehensive ENG54-English 11 Q1 9716646544 Language English Language & Composition 14-English 2101-Comprehensive ENG54-English 11 Q1 9746238455 Language English Language & Composition 14-English 2101-Comprehensive ENG54-English 11 Q1 9774465314 Language English Language & Composition Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data UC/CSU Teacher Student Ethnicity/ Marking Credits Credits Final Admission Name SSID Name Local ID Gender Grade Race Period Attempted Earned Grade Req Black, Cooper, 4254697123 789984 M 10 White Q1 4.00 2.00 C B-English Jordan Michael Black, Drew, Q1 4564655419 840216 F 12 Hispanic 3.00 3.00 B B-English Jordan Janet Black, Wilken, Q1 3795484215 389118 M 08 Multiple 3.00 3.00 D Jordan James 49 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.16 - Educational Options Course Completion - Student Count Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data School Code School Name FCMAT 5814530 High CSIS 5814531 Middle Total - Selected Schools 50 State Program Participant Count # in Courses with CA Partnership # in Distance Academy # in Independent Learning Funding # in AVID Total Students Study Courses Courses Source Courses (Unduplicated) (Unduplicated) (Unduplicated) (Unduplicated) (Unduplicated) # in International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses (Unduplicated) 157 15 27 49 29 37 161 16 37 16 64 28 318 31 64 65 93 65 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.12 - Career Technical Education Participants Click Student CTE to expand the view of the data (SCTE) data Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data School School # CTE Concentrators # CTE NonTotal CTE Code Name Gender Ethnicity/Race (including Completers) * Concentrators Participants 5814530 FCMAT F Hispanic 88 14 102 High White 2 3 5 M All All 90 17 107 Hispanic 45 5 50 Asian 25 5 30 Multiple 5 5 10 Missing 1 1 2 All 76 16 92 Hispanic 133 19 152 White 2 3 5 Asian 25 5 30 Multiple 5 5 10 Missing 1 1 2 166 33 199 All Includes CTE Pathways and CTE course completion records 51 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.13 - Career Technical Education Participants - Student List School School Student Ethnicity/ Code Name SSID Name Local ID Gender Grade Race 5814530 FCMAT Cooper, 4254697123 789984 M 10 White High Michael Drew, 4254697123 840216 F 12 Hispanic Janet 5814531 CSIS Wilken, 4254697123 389118 M 09 Multiple High James Enrollment Status CTE Pathway 10201-Primary Agriscience 01-Primary Student CTE (SCTE) data Absence of CTE Completion Year indicates that student was not a completer this reporting year 132Education 01-Primary Absence of CTE Pathway code indicates courses only (non-Concentrator) Student Information (SINF) data Student Program (SPRG) data Key Indicators CTE Gifted and Year Training 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Completer Title III Eligible Talented Title I Part C Special Pregnant orEnd ofLEP (EL + 1 & Socio-economically Year Immigrants Education Migrant Education Parenting Selected RFEP) Disadvantaged Y Y 2010-2011 52 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EOY 1: 3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway School Code School Name CTE Pathway 5814530 FCMAT High 100-Agriculture Business 101-Agriculture Mathematics TOTAL CTE Gender # Concentrators # Completers F 2 2 M 23 15 All 25 17 F 0 0 M 5 1 All 5 1 F 2 2 M 28 16 All 30 18 Student Information (SINF) data # Title III Eligible Immigrants 1 2 3 2 0 2 3 2 5 53 Pregnant or Parenting Student CTE (SCTE) data Student Programs (SPRG) data Concentrator Key indicators # Gifted and # Title I # LEP (EL + Talented Part C # Special Selected Education Migrant Education RFEP) 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 1 5 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 6 2 1 1 8 # Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Y Y N Y N Y N N N CTE course completion records excluded from this report End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 3.15 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers - Student List School School Code Name 5814530 FCMAT High SSID 4254697123 4254697123 5814531 CSIS High 4254697123 Student Name Cooper, Michael Drew, Janet Wilken, James Local ID Gender Grade Ethnicity/ Race 789984 M 10 White 840216 F 12 Hispanic 389118 M 06 Multiple CTE Pathway 102Agriscience 132Education 132Education CTE Completer Year 2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2011 Student Information (SINF) data Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data Student Program (SPRG) data Student Exit Date 5/30/2010 5/30/2010 5/30/2010 54 Key Indicators Student Student School Title III Pregnant Gifted and Title I LEP (EL + SocioExit Completion Eligible or Talented Part C Special Selected economically Reason Status Immigrants Parenting Education Migrant Education RFEP) Disadvantaged 100-Graduated, E230Standard Y Completer Exit HS Diploma 100-Graduated, E230Standard Y Y Y Y Completer Exit HS Diploma E230Y Y Y Y Completer Exit End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: 2014-15 Changes Functionality Description Code Sets Career Technical Education Industry Sector – renamed code • Name for FIN code changed from “Finance and Business” to “Business and Finance” Career Technical Education Pathway – 15 codes retired, 4 renamed Course Group State – 14 codes added, 3 retired, 26 redefined, 9 renamed Certification Errors Added fatal errors • No Student Course Section records in the pathway reported for a CTE Concentrator or Completer • No student Career Technical Education records submitted for an LEA that received Perkins funding in the current reporting year See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) and CALPADS Valid Code Combinations on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for more detail on changes 55 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 1: Reminders SEIDs submitted in Course Section Completion (CRSC) records are checked to make sure a corresponding Staff Demographic (SDEM) record exists in CALPADS (unless SEID is 9999999999) 56 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Looking Forward Perkins College and Career Indicator E2 data will be need to be reported in CALPADS in 2016-17 for graduates reported as CTE completers in EOY 2015-16 * Determined by Course Non Standard Instructional Level (9.19) – code 16, College 57 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Break Time! 5 minute break Remember that you can attend the CALPADS Q & A sessions on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. if you have additional questions during the submission window. Sign up on the CSIS CALPADS training registration page listed in the Resources section near the end of this presentation. 58 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Waivers & Exemptions 59 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Purpose Waivers and exemptions that have been granted, denied or withdrawn 60 CA Department of Education Reporting per California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1207.1 DataQuest End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Information Reported Waivers Exemptions 61 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Terminology As of July 1, 2009 students with disabilities (Special Ed or 504 Accommodation Plan) are not required to pass the CAHSEE to graduate Waiver Allows a student to pass the CAHSEE with a modified score and accommodations Exemption Indicates that a student is required to take the CAHSEE, but not required to pass 62 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Data Included Waivers or Exemptions SSID Enrollment Student Information Student Program If student exited, exit date is between 7/1/2014 and 8/15/2015; completion status is 106 or 108 Grades 10-12, or US for waivers; grades 12 or US for exemptions Program Type = 144 (Special Ed) or 101 (504 Accommodation Plan) Waiver or Exemption Primary or specialized services enrollments 63 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Required Fields Waivers and Exemptions Record SENR SPRG SWAV Element(s) Values and/or Notes Enrollment Status Code 10 or 40 Student School Start Date & Student School Exit Date Enrollment between 7/1/2014 and 8/15/2015 Education Program Code 144 (Special Education) or 101 (504 Accommodation Plan) SSID Local Student ID Student Legal First Name Student Legal Last Name Student Birth Date Student Gender Code Education Regulatory Exemption Outcome Start Date See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements 64 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Required Fields Waivers Record SENR SWAV Element(s) Values and/or Notes Student School Completion Status blank or 106 Grade Level Code 10-12 or US Education Regulatory Exemption 1 (Math waiver), 2 (ELA waiver) Education Regulatory Exemption Outcome 1 (Granted), 2 (Denied) or 3 (Withdrawn) Exemptions Record SENR SWAV 65 Element(s) Values and/or Notes Student School Completion Status blank or 108 Grade Level Code 12 or US Education Regulatory Exemption 3 (Exemption) Education Regulatory Exemption Outcome 1 (Granted) End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Online - Adding Waivers or Exemptions 1 2 4 3 Search for an existing SSID or choose a list to view 6 5 66 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Online - Adding Waivers or Exemptions Add a new waiver records or edit existing waiver records 7b 7a Required 67 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Error Highlights Rejected Records Error Code Severity Description SWAV0158 F Duplicate waiver SWAV0205 F CAHSEE Waiver Start Date is outside the Academic Year Date Range submitted SWAV0209 F Missing Disabled Student Program Record SWAV0228 W Potential Invalid Grade Level SWAV0229 F Third granted Education Regulatory Exemption submitted for a student Certification Errors Error Code Severity Description 68 CERT115 F Invalid Primary Disability Code and Student Age Combination TBD F Missing SCSC record for CTE Concentrator or Completer TBD F No SCTE Records submitted for a Carl Perkins Program-funded LEA CERT072 W No Waiver Data Submitted for a Student with a 106 or 108 School Completion Status CERT092 F Missing Disabled Student Program Record End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Reports 6.1 – CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions - Count 69 6.2 – CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions – Count Disaggregated 6.3 – CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions – Student List End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: 6.1 - CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions Count CAHSEE Math Waiver (1) School Code 5814530 School Name FCMAT High 5814531 CSIS High 58 5 5 2 1234567 123 High 64 20 2 6 118 35 12 12 TOTAL – Selected Schools Total Requested # Granted # Denied # Withdrawn 63 10 5 6 Student Waiver (SWAV) data CAHSEE ELA Waiver (2) CAHSEE Exemption (3) # Granted # Denied # Withdrawn # Granted # Denied # Withdrawn 20 4 4 8 0 3 20 7 5 5 0 4 3 2 8 16 0 5 43 13 17 29 0 12 Student must have a Special Ed (144) or a 504 Accommodation Plan (101) record during the reporting period that also overlaps the student’s enrollment in the LEA. 70 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: 6.2 - CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions Count Disaggregated Click to expand the view of the data School School Code Name 5814530 FCMAT High Regulatory Exemption 1-CAHSEE Math Waiver 2-CAHSEE ELA Waiver All 71 Student Waiver (SWAV) data Ethnicity/ Gender Race F Hispanic White All M Hispanic White All All Hispanic White All F Hispanic All All Hispanic All F Hispanic White All M Hispanic White All All Hispanic White All Total Requested 12 9 21 14 11 25 26 20 46 10 10 10 10 22 9 31 14 11 25 36 20 56 # Granted (1) 4 2 6 7 8 15 11 10 21 4 4 4 4 8 2 10 7 8 15 15 10 25 Outcome # Denied # Withdrawn (2) (3) 7 1 5 2 12 3 6 1 3 0 9 1 13 2 8 2 21 4 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 13 1 5 2 18 3 6 1 3 0 9 1 19 2 8 2 27 4 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: 6.3 - CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions Student List Regulatory Regulatory Outcome School School Student Gende Ethnicity/ Exemption Exemption Start Disability Code Name SSID Name Local ID r Grade Race Code Outcome Date Category 5814530 FCMAT Cooper, 1-CAHSEE 220-Hard of hearing 4254697123 789984 M 11 White 1-Granted 3/4/2010 High Michael Math Waiver (HH) 240-Speech or Drew, 2-CAHSEE 7458123468 840216 F 12 Hispanic 2-Denied 5/12/2009 language Janet ELA Waiver impairment (SLI) 5814531 CSIS 1-CAHSEE Wilken, High 6452868745 389118 M 11 Multiple Math Waiver 1-Granted 6/5/2008 James 1483772994 Craig, Janice 456412 F 12 Missing 6942812645 Parish, 561565 Sandra F 11 White 1-CAHSEE Math Waiver 2-Denied 7/12/2009 220-Hard of hearing (HH) 2-CAHSEE 220-Hard of hearing 3-Withdrawn 3/2/2008 ELA Waiver (HH) Student Waiver (SWAV) data Disability Category based on most recent SPRG record for program 144 (Special Education). A blank indicates student has record for program 101 (504 Accommodation Plan). 72 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 EOY 4: Reminders 73 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Wrap Up 74 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Full Replacement Files EOY 1 4 75 Rec Type Operational Key Fields CRSC School of Course Delivery Academic Year ID Academic Term Code SCSC School of Course Delivery Academic Year ID Academic Term Code Marking Period Code SCTE School of Attendance Academic Year ID SWAV Academic Year ID Reporting LEA SSID Education Regulatory Exemption Code End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Programs Used for Report Sub-Groups These programs are used in reports (R) or report filtering (F) on SSIDs that have met the criteria for inclusion in one or more of the EOY submissions. If displayed in reports, LEAs are expected to assess their accuracy. Legend Value F Filters R Report N/A 76 Used In Not applicable EOY 1-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 Report 1.0a 3.12 3.14 3.10 3.11 3.9 3.13 3.15 3.16 5.1 5.4 5.2 5.3 5.5 7.1 7.3 7.4 7.6 7.2 7.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 SocioEconomically Migrant Ed (135) Disadvantaged Special Ed (144) N/A N/A N/A F F F F, R F, R F, R F F, R F, R GATE (127) N/A F F, R F, R F, R F, R F, R F, R F, R F F F F, R F F F F F F, R F F F F F, R F F, R F F, R F F, R F F F F F F F, R F F End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 End of Year Steps 1. Setup SIS Roles 2. Update the CALPADS ODS Submit records Fix rejected records Post records 3. Review Snapshot Review and fix certification errors, review warnings Review reports 4. Certify Level 1 (EOY 1-4 Data Collection Certifier) 77 Level 2 (Superintendent Certifier) End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Certification Status 1 3 2 Each EOY snapshot must be individually certified at Level-1 and then at Level-2 5 Review reports and certify (Level 1 & 2) 78 4 Resolve fatal errors and review warnings End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Certification Details 4 2 1 3 79 1 Data Processor 1 2 4 2 Superintendent or Administrator 1 3 4 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Suggested EOY 1 & 4 Timeline 7 days Complete SIS Data Population 6/18 10 days Upload files and correct errors or discrepancies as needed 6/28 15 days Review certification reports, correct errors, and fix discrepancies 7/13 12 days Distribute reports for review and approval 7/25* 6 days Certify (level 1 and level 2) 7/31 Reminder: If you plan to decertify, allow adequate time to make corrections and for snapshots to run * Make sure to adjust dates if your LEA closes earlier for summer 80 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Certification Reminders 81 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Did you get it? EOY 1 EOY 4 What data are reported? Course Completion and CTE data CAHSEE Waivers What schools are reported? Schools with departmentalized or CTE courses in grades 7-12 Schools with grades 10-12 Which files are submitted? CRSC, SCSC, SCTE SWAV Are there any files that should not be submitted? SASS no Do they need to be submitted in any special order? SENR first, CRSC before SCSC SENR before SWAV 82 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Did you get it? Question Answer What is a full replacement file? File which replaces all records with a matching key. For example, submitting one or more course section records will replace all course sections which have the same school, year, and term How can you find out what schools to report for your LEA? Review the 2013-14 EOY or current ODS reports How can you find out what data to report for your LEA? Check the Expected Schools report What if you have nothing to report? You still need to certify to confirm that the zeroes on the reports are accurate 83 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Start the conversations locally Question Answer Where is the data entered in my student system? Who needs to review the reports? What are the EOY certification and deadline dates? When is the last day of school? When are final grades available? Who is out of the office and when? What are your internal deadlines? What are three things you can do right now to prepare for EOY reporting? 84 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Resources CALPADS Calendar http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp System Documentation http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/systemdocs.asp 85 Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, SWAV, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, & SCTE tabs CALPADS Code Sets Detailed state code lists CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Matches up related codes CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, SWAV, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, SCTE, EOY 1-4 tabs End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Resources Career Technical Education documents http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/pn/fd/documents/cteframework.pdf http://pubs.cde.ca.gov/CTE/index.aspx http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/rp/basics.asp Perkins reporting changes http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/perkinsreporting.asp CALPADS Training Registration https://www.calpads.ca.gov/Training/ 86 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Support Web: http://www2.cde.ca.gov/calpadshelp/default.aspx Phone: 916-325-9210 E-mail: Calpads-support@cde.ca.gov Listserv: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/listservs.asp 87 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015 Training Evaluation Please complete our survey http://bit.ly/1n1yKOD 88 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.11, June 02, 2015