| Basel Discovering Windows Azure Mobile Services and Media Services Ken Casada kcasada@microsoft.com Windows Azure Mobile Services 40’ Windows Azure Media Services 20’ Agenda What is Windows Azure Mobile Services? Framework: create backend services Built with Node.js, based on Windows Azure Websites Target group: mobile apps Create Windows Store, WP, iOS, Android and HTML/JS apps super-fast Need one common backend to store and exchange data How you need to think about it? Need backend services for your apps…and your apps only Not a replacement for Websites or cloud services which offer higher level of control Mobile Services App Architecture SDKs REST API Node.js Your Scripts (insert / update / delete / read) | Basel DEMO Working with data within a script Request (parameter of insert/update/del/read .js scripts) Execute the default operation Query (parameter of read.js script) Contains all information for filtering, paging, sorting Can be edited to add custom query logic Table/s CRUD operations + query MSSQL Direct SQL Statements Script Sample available here: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/mobile/ Server script reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj554226.aspx Server Script example how tos: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj591477.aspx A couple of preview features Scheduler Execute scripts on a Schedule (by minutes / hours /months...) Execute scripts on Demand (ex: schedule sending push notifications for a given time of the day) Scale Scale out instance count / scale up VM size / scale up SQL DB | Basel (DEMO) Adding Push Notification using VS2013 Authentication support in Mobile Services Out of the box (tutorial available here): Microsoft Account, Facebook, Twitter, Google Register your app with an identity provider Restrict permissions to authenticated users Add authentication to the app Customer authentication Josh Twist: http://www.thejoyofcode.com/Exploring_custom_identity_in_Mobile_Services_Day_12_.aspx Josh Twist Tip: (caching user’s identity) | Basel Azure Media Services Challenges • • • • • Infrastructure costs Managing costs Monetizing contents Digital Rights Management Security What Do We Mean by Media Services? Ingestion Encoding Format Content Conversion Protection On-Demand Streaming Live Streaming: today in private preview (early adopters program) Analytics: will be rolled out as they become available Live Streaming Analytics Advertising Using Media Services for .... Delivering training video to the employees of your company Streaming video content for your web site Streaming video on demand premium content Streaming live video for big events (ex: London Olympics games) Azure Media Services for developers Controlling Media Services Building a custom media app workflow that can automatically upload, encode and deliver videos. • REST API for all platforms http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh973618.aspx • .NET SDK http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh973613.aspx • Java SDK https://github.com/windowsazure/azure-sdk-for-java - Windows/Mac/Linux Developing Azure Media Services client Building client applications that can consume streaming media from Media Services (Windows 8/WP/iOS/xBox/Flash Player/SL/Android/ Embedded devices – Connected TV, IPTV) • • Client SDK's and player frameworks Docu: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/dn223283.aspx Windows Azure Media Services MSDN documentation http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh973629.aspx What Do We Mean by Media Services? Ingestion Encoding Format Content Conversion Protection On-Demand Streaming Live Streaming: today in private preview (early adopters program) Analytics: will be rolled out as they become available Live Streaming Analytics Advertising | Basel DEMO Pricing and SLA Encoding Service Free Trial (3mths) Shared Reserved Encoding Price Free (100GB limit) $1.99 Per GB $1.99 Per GB + $99 per month/RU Encoding SLA NA Streaming Service Streaming Price Streaming SLA Availability = 99.9% • • Measured as REST API availability No guarantee on wait time between tasks Availability = 99.9% • • Measured as REST API availability Media tasks running concurrently = Number of reserved units Free Trial (3mths) Shared Reserved Free (100GB limit) Standard Egress Rates Standard egress rates + $199 per month NA Availability = NA Availability = 99.9% • No bandwidth guarantee • • Measured as server availability based on response time Peak bandwidth of 200 Mbps per Reserved Unit allocated for Origin Windows Azure Media Services Pricing Details New Feature - Dynamic packaging Allows you to re-use your encoded content and bring it to various streaming formats without repackaging the content. Traditional Encode and Package HLS Encode Video sources Multi-bitrates Mp4 Dynamic Packaging Smooth Streaming Origin Server Origin Server Encode Dynamic Packaging HLS Smooth Streaming Video sources Multi-bitrates Mp4 DASH Input format: Mp4 or Smooth Streaming Output format: Smooth Streaming , Http-Live-Streaming v4, MPEG-DASH You need to have at least 1 reserved streaming unit to enable dynamic packaging! DEMO: Channel 9 video What is MPEG-DASH? Currently there are three major vendor-centric streaming formats (all takes H.264 as input) Smooth Streaming Http Live Streaming Http Dynamic Streaming Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) also called MPEG-DASH international standard (ISO/IEC 23009-1) More... How am I going to get 5 Terabytes of media up to the cloud? http://blog-ndrouin.azurewebsites.net/?p=561 Additional resources http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/services/media-services/