TEXT QUESTION • In 10 words or less, what do you think constitutes a healthy relationship? • Text: 32491 and your answer to 37607 • EX: 32491 Lots of sex! INTRODUCTIONS • Elisabeth Nails Assistant Director Art & Global Health Center at UCLA • Erin Manalo MPH Candidate UCLA Fielding School of Public Health THE [WHAT] WE WANT • The [WHAT] We Want is not your ordinary sex ed video and facilitation guide – it is a four-episode mini soap opera created by and for UCLA students, in collaboration with PCI Media Impact and the UCLA Art & Global Health Center. • Based on students’ own experiences in college, and on research readily available on the topics of sexual assault and consent, the product is designed to engage students in conversations about urgent sexual health issues on campus. THE [FUN] WE WANT EPISODE 1 ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION • Audience can safely and collectively discuss sensitive issues by talking about fictional characters • Based on Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura) • E-E uses characters to model consequences Pervasive Popular Passionate Personal Participatory Persuasive of behavior to • promote socially-desirable behaviors • dissuade socially-undesirable behaviors Practical Profitable Proven effective (Piotrow et al., 1997) 5 ELEMENTS FOR SUCCESSFUL E-E Creativity Technical Knowledge Cultural Sensitivity Intervention Context Time and Patience (Singhal & Rogers, 2004) STEPS Values grid Character type development Character creation Character map Storylines by character Create treatment VALUES GRID OPEN & RESPECTFUL DIALOGUE EDUCATIONAL ISSUE NEGATIVE VALUES POSITIVE VALUES What we want to change Negative characters of the drama Positive characters of the drama The ways we learn about sex (institutions and media) are set up to inhibit the conversation. Practice: Open conversations of what you physically & emotionally want out of the act, continuing dialogue throughout sex Practice: Slut shaming Attitude: Close minded Knowledge: Misinformation about facts around sex Attitude: Sex positivity Knowledge: Accurate information about safe sex practices THE [TALK] WE WANT EPISODE 2 THE [RESPECT] WE WANT EPISODE 3 DISCUSSION DEMO THE [CHANGE] WE WANT EPISODE 4 STUDENT FEEDBACK SOAP OPERAS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE STUDENTS “I am 21 and I never had the proper sex ed. The readings from this class taught me so freaking much about STD's and safety that I didn't know!!” “Instead of being a nurse I'm positive that I want to stay in the realm of edutainment and teach through art activism.” “Participating in this course allowed me to obtain hands on experience. It was literally what we do in our core program planning and evaluation classes - but not abstract: it was real time, with real people, real limitations, budgets, and deadlines. Soap Operas for Social Change was probably the best course I took while at UCLA. This doesn't even begin to cover the knowledge and personal growth that a project like this forces you to take in and explore. When you are working with such a beautiful group of people dedicated to social change, exploring, and eliminating the "status quo" for the good of a community, you learn things that a classroom cannot teach you.” --Brittnie Bloom, MPH ‘14 Program Manager, San Diego State University FRESHMEN SCREENING OUTCOMES Most students… Really enjoyed the videos (n = 53, 86.9%) Think friends/other students would benefit from an event like this (n =52 , 85.2%) Learned something valuable from the event (n = 51, 83.6%) Feel comfortable talking about these topics with friends / fellow students (n = 44, 72.1%) FRESHMEN SCREENING OUTCOMES Mutual Consent Tonight, I • the vagaries of consent, and learned… agendas behind others' actions. In the future, I plan to… • become a more aware bystander by recognizing situations where one person feels uncomfortable. • make sure intoxicated girls are safe and to take care of my friends. Holistically Healthy Sex Open & Respectful Dialogue • how to put on a condom... in great detail. • that it's really, really important to value myself. • the importance of consent and the importance of talking to your partner. • how to act like Nolan. • get tested for STIs. • talk about consent with • go visit the awesome Dr. in residents so we can end Ashe Student Health sexual assaults. Center. • discuss these issues with • utilize the resources friends. offered by the center. LESSONS LEARNED • Facilitation guide: less is more • Stakeholder engagement: Ashe Center PSA • Strategies for dissemination • National collaboration HOW TO GET THE [WHAT] YOU WANT Contact Screenings Social Media • Elisabeth Nails, e.nails@arts.ucla.edu • www.artglobalhealth.org/twww • www.mediaimpact.org/production/the-what-wewant • www.tiny.cc/iwantthewhatwewant • #thewhatwewant • Facebook / Twitter / Instagram: @thewhatwewant Q&A