Odyssey Study Guide Questions

The Odyssey
Study guide—questions
Directions: DO NOT LOSE this assignment!!! We will be working on this as we
read The Odyssey; then we will turn this in for 155 POINTS!
1. After reading this prayer to the muse (lines 1-32), write at least five complete sentences to
paraphrase what Homer tells you about the hero, and explain what is going to happen to him.
2. There is a great deal of imagery in this episode. Complete the following chart using details from
lines 33-66 to fill in each section.
Write the imagery used in this
column (any image used—
write the Homer’s words used
to create an image in lines 3366).
List the sense/senses
that this image appeals
to in this column (sight,
hearing, smell, taste,
Write a sentence—or if you prefer—
you may sketch a picture of what this
image makes you think of in this
3. (Lines 88-91) Write at least five complete sentences—Why do you think that even though Zeus has
ordered Calypso to free Odysseus, she leads him to believe the idea of freeing him is her own, and
give your opinion of her deception (what do you think of her lie to him)?
4. (Lines 101-118) Write at least five complete sentences—According to Calypso, what would
Odysseus gain by staying with her? What does Odysseus’s response to Calypso say about his feelings
for his wife? How did he manage to say no to Calypso without offending her?
6. (Lines 152-160) Write at least five complete sentences—How did Odysseus and his men treat the
Cicones? What was their reason for the terrible things they did to them? Do you think what happened
was justified? Why/why not? Do some modern-day armies behave the same way in this day and age?
7. (Lines 204-215) Write at least five complete sentences—Why does Odysseus tie down his men?
What does this show about what kind of leader he is? What do you think this episode can be
compared to in the culture we live in today?
8. (Lines 289-295) Write at least five complete sentences—Why doesn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops?
What factors did he have to consider when devising a successful plan of escape? If you were him
would you change any part of his plan? Why/why not?
9. (Lines 421-442) In at least five sentences, explain Odysseus’s trick. What do you visualize
happening in this scene?
10. (Lines 1-538) Write at least five complete sentences—What are your favorite highlights of
Odysseus’s journey so far? What do you wonder (ask questions)? What do you think will happen
next? Odysseus’s journey so far? What do you wonder (ask questions)? What do you think will
happen next?
11. After closely reading A Closer Look—Welcome: A Religious Duty on page 671, consider your
personal ideas and ways in which you show hospitality, and then write at least five sentences to
complete your answer. How well does your family show hospitality when people come to visit? How
well does your community provide hospitality to newcomers? What about the United States as a
whole—are Americans well known for welcoming people into our country?
12. (Lines 549-583) Write at least five complete sentences—Do you think the men deserved being turned
into pigs by Circe? Why/why not? How has Circe violated the law of hospitality? If Circe were able to
turn you into an animal, which animal do you think she would choose for you? Why?
13. (Lines 618-658) Write a complete sentence—What prophecy does Odysseus receive?
14. (Lines 659-716) Answer the following question by completing the chart: According to Circe, what
dangers lie ahead for Odysseus and his men?
Order of danger:
The name of the threat:
Reasons why:
The Most dangerous
The second-most
The least dangerous
15. (Lines 770-793) Write at least five complete sentences—What kind of leader do you think Odysseus
is? What does he say to his men to reassure them? What does he decide not to tell them? Why?
16. (Lines 878-894) Write at least five complete sentences—What is Eurylochus”s “insidious plea”? If
you were a member of the crew, would you be convinced by his argument, or would you obey
Odysseus’s warning? Do you think murdering Helios’s cattle is justified? Why/why not?
17. (Lines 921-930) Write at least five complete sentences—What has happened to cause the god’s fury?
How have the men violated the law of hospitality? What could the men have done instead of killing
Helios’s cattle to survive?
18. (Lines 974-990) Write at least five complete sentences—Odysseus has finally returned to his home,
so why do you think he is in disguise? How do Telemechus and Emaeus obey the law of hospitality
in this scene? What do you suppose each character is feeling and/or thinking as he eats?
19. (Lines 1005-1035) Write at least five complete sentences—What do you think is the most moving
(emotional) part of this scene? If you were Telemechus, what would you say to your father whom
you had not seen since you were a baby? What challenges still stand in Odysseus and his son’s way?
20. (Lines 1044-1071) Write at least five complete sentences—How has Odysseus’s old hound been
treated while his owner was away? Why do you think Odysseus’s dog recognized him even though
he was disguised as a beggar? What effect did seeing his dog treated like this have on Odysseus? In
showing how the old dog is being treated, what is Homer telling us about the conditions in Ithaca?
21. (Lines 1122-1140) Write at least five complete sentences—While still in disguise, how does Odysseus
test the loyalty of the swineheard and the cowheard (his servants)? How do they prove to him that they
can be trusted? Do you think it is a good idea for Odysseus to trust them? Why/why not?
22. (To Line 1220) Write at least five complete sentences—What do predict will happen next? Be sure
to think about what Odysseus has planned and look for clues in what he has said and done. If you
could give Odysseus advice, what would you say to him?
23. (Lines 1221-1303) Write at least five complete sentences to explain the ongoing importance that
Homer has put in the theme about the value of hospitality. Be sure to support your answer by
explaining how what happened in this scene is or is not justified based on what Homer has said
happens to people who mock the divine law of hospitality.
24. (Line 1304) Write at least five complete sentences to explain what you think Penelope might be
thinking in this scene. If you were her, how would you feel after the person you love and have been
faithfully waiting for returns after being gone for 20 years?
25. (Lines 1374-1384) This description of Penelope’s bed that Odysseus built for her is famous. Sketch a
picture that depicts what you visualize her bed looks like. After you sketch a picture of her bed, write
comments on your picture with arrows pointing to characteristics of the bed telling why particular
parts symbolize the strength or their relationship and the endurance of their love.
26. (Lines 1408-1418) Write five complete sentences to explain what Homer is comparing when he uses
the simile that begins with, “as the sun-warmed earth is longed for by a swimmer” (a simile is
figurative language used two compare two things using the words like or as). Also, state whether you
think this simile is effective and give support for why.