Unit 3- Day 5 and 6 - SouthwestReid-LA

Unit 3Major Concepts:
Main Idea, Theme and Topic Sentences and more…
Announcements and More
Retesting for Unit 2 will take place on January 15th -17th in class.
Grades Close on January 21st – last day to turn in all work Friday!
There is No School January 20th -21st
You will have a VCR-Lesson 7 quiz Friday January 17th (including a spelling quiz)
and a diagram review quiz on January 17th
• Reading log with 5 parent signature
• VCR Lesson 7- Review the terms and create 10 sentences using each word in a
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
• Diagramming and Parts of Speech Review
• Parts of Speech we have learned:
• Please define the following parts of speech in your own words on a sheet of notebook paper:
• Noun, Helping Verb, Action Verb, Pronoun, Article, Adjective and Adverb
Now lets see how much you can remember diagram the following sentences:
1. The quiet boy slept.
4. I will walk.
2. She will read.
5. Paul is singing.
3. They are running.
6. The angry kitten jumped quickly.
VCR- Lesson 7
(with Prefixes)
Prefix de-as in decline means “down”
Prefix sub-as in submarine means “under” or “below”
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
VCR- Lesson 7
Using Prefix Clues- Page 31
A. to push under water.
B. feeling downhearted
C. below the main heading.
4._____ dejected
D. to go down
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
VCR- Lesson 7
• 1. Decrease[ also derived from Latin crescere meaning “to grow”]
• V. To make less, to become smaller.
• 2. Dejected [also derived from Latin jacere meaning “to throw”]
• Adj. Downhearted, in low spirits, unhappy.
• 3. Demote (demotion) [also derived from movere meaning “to move”]
• V. To lower in rank or position, to move down or back.
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
VCR- Lesson 7
• 4. Denominator
• N. The numeral below the line, or the right of the line, in a fraction.
• 5. Descend [Also derived from Latin scandere meaning “to climb”]
• V. To come down, to go from a higher to a lower place.
• 6. Subdue
• V. To bring under control, to quiet down; to conquer.
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
VCR- Lesson 7
• Subheading
• N. The title or heading for one section of an outline or paper.
• Submerge [ also derived from Latin mergere meaning ‘to plunge’]
• V. To move, or be pushed, under water.
• Subside [also derived from Latin sidere meaning “to sit; sink down”]
• V. To go down, recede, settle, sink, to a lower level.
• Subsistence [also derived from Latin sistere meaning ‘to stand’]
• N. The minimum amount to sustain life.
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
VCR- Lesson 7
• Independent Practice with a partner:
• With a partner please create two frayer model vocabulary worksheets each. You
will have 5 minutes.
• Once you have completed two frayer model worksheets with your partner please
complete the vocabulary exercises in your VCR book for Lesson 7 pages 34- 35
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 13th-14th 2014
• Unit 3- Pre-test
• Lets see what you know about the following concepts; main idea, theme and topic sentence by reading
and answering the following questions for the reading you have in front of you:
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
3. What is the main idea of the entire passage?
4. What is another good title for the passage?
Define the following terms: Topic sentence, main idea and theme in your notebook
under these questions.
Unit 3- Entry #1
January 15th 2014
VCR- Lesson 7 and Pretest
• Warm Up:
• Gabriel, Erin, Kaiah, please go to the back board and complete a Frayer Model
vocabulary review square.
Everyone else diagram the following sentences:
1. The boy slept.
2. She will run.
3. The rambunctious kitten leapt.
We will now go over the exercises from VCR- Lesson 7 after reviewing the Frayer
review cards on the back board
Warm Up: Please diagram the following sentences:
 The
crazy girl left suddenly. (Mariatou)
 The rambunctious child giggled. (Tristan)
 We will run. (Elijah)
Please go to the back board and complete a Frayer Model Worksheet
Zach, Kayla B. and Jasmine
Unit 3- Entry #2
January 16th 2014
Topic and Topic Sentence
• Topic and Topic Sentences
• Note taking Activity: Complete the handout in front of you
with a partner on a separate sheet of paper. You will have 15
• During the completion of worksheet take notes and answer
the following questions:
What is a topic ? How do you find the topic in a sentence?
Unit 3- Entry #3
January 17th 2014
Topic and Topic Sentence
• Good Morning Everyone:
• Today we are going to begin by reviewing diagram sentences for the week and VCRLesson 7 terms. Please take 15 minutes to study for both quizzes at this time.
Diagramming Quiz
1. The boy slept.
2. She will run.
3. The rambunctious kitten leapt
4. The crazy girl left suddenly.
5. The rambunctious child giggled.
6.We will run.
 Note
taking Activity: Complete the handout in front of you with
a partner on a separate sheet of paper. You will have 15
 During the completion of worksheet take notes and answer
the following question: What is the main idea and how do you
find it in a paragraph ?
 Clear your desk and prepare for the essay writing for Do the Write
Thing Contest.
Do the Write thing
Essay Contest
Contest Rules
• “Students may use any form of written expression (e.g. essays, poems, plays or songs) as long as the language is positive
and not derogatory. Students may submit only one entry per year. All entries must be the work of only one student.”
“Student entries, at minimum, should address three questions:
How has violence affected my life?
What are the causes of youth violence?
What can I do about youth violence?
• Writings that do not address these questions will not be advanced in the judging
• “Entries should be approximately 500 to 1000 words in length.
Written forms of expression, such as poetry that, by their nature, may
be shorter, may contain fewer than 500 words.”
Contest Rules
• Entries must be in English.
• If an entry is fiction, it must be identified as so.
• If the student participant uses a quotation or another person's material in his or her entry, the entry must
identify whose work is being used by citing the person's name or citing the source of the material.
Writings based upon plagiarism will not be advanced in the selection process.
• Entries must have a "Cover Sheet" with the consent statement signed by the participating student and a
parent or guardian. No personal information should appear on the body of the written entry. Entries
without a signed Cover Sheet will not be advanced in the selection process. (See the attached Cover
Sheet.doc with the Student and Parent/Guardian Consent Statement.)
• Entries must be submitted in the form that they are received from the student writer. Editing for content,
grammar or spelling by someone other than the student is not permitted.
Contest Rules- Submission Deadlines
Submission Deadlines
• All entries with a Cover Sheet attached must be collected by y January
Selection Criteria
• “Entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges selected by your jurisdiction’s Do the
Write Thing Committee, the coalition of business, community and governmental
leaders that oversees and administers the Challenge in your area. Entries will be
judged on the basis of content, originality and responsiveness to the three questions:
How has violence affected my life? What are the causes of youth
violence? What can I do about youth violence? Grammar and spelling
will not be used as criteria for judging the entries.”
• http://www.dtwt.org/the-challenge/instructions
What your entry will be judged on
• Entries will be judged on the basis of content, originality and
responsiveness to the three questions:
• “How has violence affected my life?”
• “What are the causes of youth violence?”
• “What can I do about youth violence?”
• Grammar and spelling will not be used as criteria for
judging the entries.”
• Essay information came from the following cite :
• http://www.dtwt.org/the-challenge/instructions
Topic For our Essay
• Based on the essay questions here are three topics you may write about in
your essay or poem:
Youth Violence
Causes of Youth Violence
Drug abuse
Effects of Drugs and Violence
Once you have chosen your topic its time to write
the essay
• Video Review
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2nOzN6DllY
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
Homework- You will have a substitute Thursday
• Good Morning Everyone: I hope you had a fantastic weekend! Please take the first
two minutes to write down your homework for the week then open up to a blank
page in your notebook and get out your VCR book and setup your notebook page for
the day.
• Homework:
• 1. Nightly reading 5 signatures for the week
• 2. All stories in Interactive Reader for Unit 3 must be completed by the end of the
• 3. All incomplete classwork will be homework
• * Any Do The Write Thing Essays that were not turned in Friday must still be turned
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
Agenda and Objective
• WE are going to begin our day by beginning a new lesson in our VCR book pages 3640 then we are going to learn how to diagram compound sentences!
• Agenda:
• VCR- Lesson 8 review game
• Diagram review for block 1 and 4/ Diagramming compound sentences for Block 2
• Scout’s Honor- Completion and review activity
• Objective today: I will be able to review VCR- Lessons 5-7 and complete a review
game and activity. I will be able to figure out the theme of Scout’s Honor and
explain how it is shown in the story using graphic organizers in my interactive
• Questions: How do you find the theme of a story?
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
VCR- Lesson 8 Exercise A- Matching
• Please complete Exercise A- Matching (page 36) Match each root (or pair of roots),
prefix, or suffix with its ,meaning
• 1.________scrib/scrip and graph
A. self
9._______ de-
B. write
C. remember
D. forward
E. down
F. science/ scientist
G. under
H. groups of people
I. life
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
VCR- Lesson 8 Exercise A- Matching
• Compose sentences in which you use each of these words meaningfully.
• 10. Remembrance
• Example Sentence: Coach Harker gave each of us a small trophy as a remembrance of
our swimming team’s winning season.
• 11. Dejected
• Example Sentence: Every member of the team felt dejected about losing the
• 12. Subdue
• Example Sentence: After the flood, residents of one area had to wait several days
until the water subsided before returning to their homes.
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
VCR- Lesson 8 – Exercise B- Sorting
• Exercise B: Sorting Game
• Directions: First, find the vocabulary term on your desk then once I count to three
sort yourselves silently in order according to the prefix or suffix your word belongs to
by standing in a line in front of the prefix or suffix: 1. scrib/scrip 2. graph 3.
mem 4. soci 5. De- 6. Sub-
Words to sort:
Autograph, script, denominator, submerge, society, demote,
Remembrance, association, postscript, biography, dejected, dissociate
Subsistence, decrease, scribe, subdue, subheading, commemorate
Autobiography, descend, geography, paragraph antisocial, memorandum
Memorial, subside, prescription, sociologist, memento, subscription
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
VCR- Lesson 8 – Exercise B- Sorting continued
• Answer Key to sorting : 1. Scrib/Scrip- script, postscript, scribe, prescription,
subscription 2. Graph- autograph, autobiography, geography, biography, paragraph 3.
Mem- remembrance, memorial, memento, memorandum, commemorate, 4.Sociassociation, sociologist, society, antisocial, dissociate 5. DE- decrease, descend,
denominator, dejected, demote 6. SUB- subsistence, subside, submerge, subdue,
Look at the columns of words on page 37; then write the answer on each line.
A. Which column contains two words that can mean organization?_____________
B. Which column contains two words connected with books about people’s lives?________
C. Which column contains a word used most often in a shortened form?__________
D. Which column contains words with a prefix meaning “self”?___________
E. Which word could be listed in two columns? ________
F. The words in columns 1 and 2 are related to the idea of___________
G. The words in columns 5 and 6 are related to the idea of__________
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
Diagramming compound subjects and verbs
• Diagramming compound subjects and verbs is very simple.
• Lets review- first how do we diagram subjects? Lets use this sentence to
demonstrate: Paul sang.
• Now that we have reviewed lets learn something new- Paul and Susan sang. Paul is a
subject, Susan is a subject and is a conjunction and sang is a verb.
• You may be wondering what is a conjunction? Well lets take a look at the next slide
to review this part of speech.
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
Conjunction Review
• You tube Video review• http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=conjunction%20site%3Ayoutube.com&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCkQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.y
• Conjunction list- Please copy the following list in your notebooks using the worksheet
link http://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/list-of-conjunctions.html :
Unit 3- Entry #6
January 27, 2014
Interactive Reader – Scout’s Honor Review/Discussion
• Class Discussion
• Comic Strip Activity- Analyze Character
• In your table groups brainstorm three distinctive details about each of the
characters: Horse, Max, and the narrator. Assign each member at your table a
character then describe the character you were given by describing the character’s
most significant trait in one sentence.
• Next on your sheet of paper draw a cartoon sketch of that character highlighting the
most distinguishing characteristic you choose. Each person at your table should have
a character to draw. In Groups of 4 two people can work together on one character.
• Make sure your drawings reflect one scene. Put your drawings together at the end to
represent one comic strip.
• These will be collected and displayed for the whole class to see. We will also use
these drawings later in the week so make sure you do your very best to make sure
they are clear.
JANUARY 28, 2014
 Warm Up: Use the following vocabulary words in a paragraph correctly: prescription, subheading
memorial, denominator and geography
 Then diagram the following sentences:
 Agenda
JANUARY 27, 2014
Many of the subjects you are studying in school have specific words associated with them. Use
these words to answer the following questions:
Prescription subheading memorial denominator geography
1. Which word would be most likely in a lesson where you need to use: an
2. If you are reading a health lesson about different kinds of medicine, which word might you
3. When you work on a math lesson about fractions, what word will probably be in the
4. As you read a lesson about how to make an outline for a research paper, which word would
you expect to see?_______________
5. Which word will probably be included in a description of the important places to visit in
Washington, D. C.?____________________