Chapter 13: The Impending Crisis 1)Looking Westward a)Manifest

Chapter 13: The Impending Crisis
1)Looking Westward
a)Manifest Destiny
i)Reflected pride of American nationalism + idealistic vision of social perfection that had fueled reform
movements- US destined by God & history- to expand over a vast area that included North America.
ii)Extend liberty + US political system to others, but also racist justifications- superiority of “American”
race, ppl of territories unfit for republican system
iii)By 1840s idea of Manifest Destiny had spread thru “penny press” (mass audience). Almost all but not
everyone embraced- Henry Clay feared tension
b)Americans in Texas
i)1820s Mexican govt encouraged American immigration into Texas hoping to strengthen territory’s
economy and increase tax revenues, buffer against Indians, would prevent US expansion- 1824 Mex
bill offered cheap land
ii)Thousands took deal, land suitable for cotton, soon American population larger than Mexican.
American intermediaries to Mex govt brought settlers- most famous Stephen Austin. Later attempts to
stem US immigration failed
c)Tensions Between the United States and Mexico
i)Tension btwn US settlers and Mex govt grew b/c immigrants continued cultural + economic ties to US,
also b/c desire to legalize slavery after it was outlawed in 1830
ii)Mid 1830s Mex General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna seized power as dictator- new law increased
power of nat’l govt over state govts, Austin imprisoned. 1835 Mex sent more troops, 1836 Texans
declared independence
iii)Santa Anna led large army into TX, Americans unorganized and easily defeated (Battle of the Alamo
in San Antonio). Then General Sam Houston defeated Mexicans 1836 at Battle of San Jacinto, the
captured Santa Anna signed treaty making TX independent.
[MXs living in TX called tejanos]
iv)Texans wanted to be annexed by US, delegation sent to D.C. had expansionist support, but northerners
feared large new slave state + empowering the south w/ more Congressional/electoral votes- incl.
Andrew Jackson who feared sectional controversy, Pres Van Buren and Pres Harrison also ignored
v)TX sought allies in Eur who wanted to check US power, Pres Tyler sought TX to reapply for statehood 1844,
rejected by Senateissue in 1844 election
i)Both GB and US claimed sovereignty over Oregon region. 1818 treaty allowed citizens equal access to
area-“joint occupation” for 20 yrs
ii)US interest grew 1820s/30s b/c desire to convert Indians and oppose Canadian Cath. Missionariesnative rejection Christianity=repudiating right to land
iii)Large amt of Americans began emigrating to Oregon early 1840s, soon outnumbered GB’s settlers,
destroyed native pop. Mid-1840s desire for annex.
e)The Westward Migration
i)Growth of TX and Oregon population part of greater movement of population westward 1840-1860.
Southerners went mainly to TX, largest numbers from Old Northwest – majority sought mainly new
economic opportunity
ii)Some wanted riches after CA gold discovery 1848, others take advance of cheap land fed govt selling,
others on religious mission (Mormons)
f)Life on the Trail
i)Most migrants gathered major depots in Iowa or MI, joined wagon trains led by hired guides. Main route
Oregon Trail to CA + WA, others Santa Fe Trail
ii)Trip very difficult, especially in mountain and desert terrain. Fear of conflict w/ Indians (although very
little fighting occurred), trade developed w/ Natives
2)Expansion and War
a)The Democrats and Expansion
i)Two candidates for 1844 election Whig Henry Clay and the Democrat/former president Martin Van
Buren. Clay chosen, but many Southern democrats supported TX annexation, chose stronger support
James K. Polk
ii)Polk able to win b/c wished to occupy Oregon and annex TX, thereby appealing to both northern and
southern expansionists
iii)Outgoing Pres John Tyler saw election as mandate for annexing TX, did so in 1845. Polk proposed
Oregon border @ 49th parallel, GB refused, led to US cry “Fifty-four forty or fight!”. 1846 GB
accepted treaty w/ border at 49th parallel
b)The Southwest and California
i)Oregon treaty accepted readily by Pres b/c tension growing in Southwest with Mex. After TX became
state 1845 dispute over border- TX and Polk believed it to be at Rio Grande, sent Gen Zachary Taylor
to protect from invasion
ii)Part of disputed area was New Mexico where Mex had originally invited American settlers into. Interest
in California growing as well as US fur traders gave way to merchants and farmers arriving. Settlers
dreamed of annexation
iii)Polk wanted California and New Mexico for US. At same time ordered Gen Taylor to TX, ordered
navy seize CA ports if Mexico declared war
c)The Mexican War
i)Polk attempted diplomacy by sending special minister to Mex to purchase lands. When Polk heard MX
rejected offer sent Gen. Taylor’s army from Nueces R to Rio Grande R January 1846
ii)May 1846 US declaration of war. Whig critics of war b/c thought Polk instigated, intensified as war
cont and public aware of casualties and expense
iii)American forces successful in capturing NE Mexico, Polk ordered offensive against New Mexico and
California. Col Stephen Kearny captured Santa Fe, then aided US forces in CA’s “Bear Flag
Revolution”, captured CA
iv)When Mex refused to cede defeat Polk sent Gen Winfield Scott to capture Mexico City. After taking
city new Mex govt took power that was willing to negotiate treaty. Some in US wanted to annex part of
Mexico, but w/ election soon Polk wanted war ended quickly. Sent envoy Nicolas Trist for settlement
v)Feb 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo agreed to where Mex ceded CA and NM to US and
acknowledged Rio Grande boundary of TX. US agreed to pay Mex $15 million. Despite to Mex
annexations Polk accepted treaty
3)The Sectional Debate
a)Slavery and the Territories
i)Rep David Wilmot’s “Wilmot Proviso”: prohibit slavery from territories acquired by Mex- failed Senate.
Polk extended Missouri Compromise line to territory on West coast. Alternative- “popular
sovereignty”- states decided
ii)1848 election Polk didn’t run again. Dem candidate Lewis Cass, Whig General Zachary Taylor. Slavery
opponents formed “Free-Soil” Party w/ Van Buren for pres. Showed inability of existing parties to
contain slavery passions
b)The California Gold Rush
i)Taylor won 1848 election, pressure to resolve slavery in territories urgent b/c of events in CA- 1848
Gold Rush lead to dramatic increase in CA’s population, migrants known as “Forty-niners” mainly
ii)Gold Rush led to many Chinese migrants to Western US. Labor shortage in CA (due to ppl flocking to
fold fields) created opportunities for ppl who needed work. Also led to exploitation of Natives, “Indian
iii)Most didn’t find gold, but many sated in CA and swelled agricultural + urban populations. Population
diverse- white Americans, Eurs, Chinese, Mexicans, free blacks, slaves of southern migrants—tension
led territory to be a turbulent place, therefore pressure to create a stable and effective govt to bring
c)Rising Sectional Tensions
i)Taylor believed statehood solution to territory issue b/c territories controlled by fed govt, but states govt
could settle slave issue w/in own state
ii)Taylor 1849 proposed CA (which had constitution banning slavery) and New Mexico apply for
statehood, decide slavery w/in state. Congress refused b/c at time 15 free and 15 slave states existed,
South feared admission of New states would upset balance, make South minority in Sen. Tempers
d)The Compromise of 1850
i)Henry Clay proposed compromise to Congress in 1850- admitted CA as free state, new territorial govts
w/o slave restrictions, new tough fugitive slave law
ii)First phase of debating comp led by older voices of Clay, Calhoun, Webster and broad ideal of settling
slave issue once and for all
iii)After Clay proposal defeated, second phase of debate led by younger group: William Seward of NY
opposed compromise, Jefferson Davis of MI saw slavery in terms of South’s economic self-interest,
Stephen Douglas of IL
iv)W/ death of Taylor in 1850 (who refused compromise until CA admitted), new Pres Millard Fillmore
supported compromise, rallied N Whig support
v)Douglas proposed Clay compromise split into smaller measured and voted on (difft sections could vote
for measures that they supported), used govt bonds and railroad construction to gain support. Comp
passed in September- less widespread agreement on ideals then victory of self-interest
4)The Crisis of the 1850s
a)The Uneasy Truce
i)1852 pres election candidates very sectional. Dem Franklin Pierce, Whig Gen Winfield Scott, Free-Soil
John Hale. Whigs suffered from massive defection from antislavery members, Democrats won
ii)Pres Pierce tried to ignore divisive issues, but N opposition to Fugitive Slave Act after 1850 as mobs
prevented slave catchers in cities. S angered, alarmed
b)“Young America”
i)Pierce supported Democrat’s “Young America”- saw expansion of US democracy throughout world as
way of diverting attention from slavery
ii)Efforts to expand entangled in sectionalism- attempts to capture Cuba opposed by antislavery
northerners who feared administration trying to bring new slave state to Union, south opposed
acquiring Hawaii b/c prohibited slavery
c)Slavery, Railroads, and the West
i)1850s settlers began moving into plains to areas suitable for farming, dislodge Indians from reservations
there. Settlement led to issue of railroad and slavery
ii) RR used to solve communication problems btwn old states + areas W of Miss. R., movement for
transcontinental RR. Disagreement over whether eastern terminus should be in North’s Chicago or in
the South. Jefferson Davis organized Gadsden Purchase 1853 from Mex to make S route possible
d)The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy
i)Stephen Douglas 1854 proposed opening Nebraska Territory for white settlement (to clear Indians in
way of possible transcont. RR from Chicago)
ii)Nebraska North of Missouri Compromise line, therefore had to be free
iii)To gain passage Douglas proposed dividing Nebraska in two (Nebraska and Kansas) and each would
decide slavery by “popular sovereignty” (state legislature), repealed Missouri Compromise entirely
iv)Kansas-Nebraska Act passed 1854 w/ Pres Pierce support. Had immediate, sweeping consequences:
divided and destroyed Whig Party (disappeared by 1856), divided northern Democrats (disagreed w/
repealing Miss. Comp)
v)Ppl in both parties opposed to bill formed Republican Party 1854
e)“Bleeding Kansas”
i)Settlers from N + S settling Kansas, but for 1855 elections southerners from Missouri traveled to Kansas
to vote. Pro-slavery legislature elected, legalized slavery. Free-state supporters in state formed own
Const, applied statehood
ii)Pro-slave forces burned down anti-slave govt, abolitionist John Brown then killed 5 pro-slave settlers
(Pottawatomie Massacre). Led to armed warfare by armed bands, “Bleeding Kansas” became symbol
of sectional controversy
iii)1856 anti-slavery Charles Sumner of MA gave speech entitled “The Crime Against Kansas” critical of
slavery defender Sen Butler of SC. Butler’s nephew Preston Brooks came to Sen, beat Sumner w/
cane- both became hero
f)The Free-Soil Ideology
i)Tension from economic, territorial interest, but also sectional vision of US
ii)North believed in “free soil” + “free labor”. Slavery not so much immoral but wrong b/c threatened
whites- every citizen had right to own property, control labor, access to opportunity. To them South
closed, static society where slavery preserved entrenched aristocracy & common white had no
iii)North growing + prospering, S stagnant + rejecting individualism, progress. Believed S conspiring to
extend slavery thru whole nation and thus destroy N capitalism, replace it with closed aristocracy of S“slave power conspiracy”
iv)This ideology @ heart of Repub Party. Committed to Union b/c growth + prosperity central to freelabor vision, breakup= smaller size+ less econ power
g)The Pro-Slavery Argument
i)Incompatible Southern ideology result of desire for security after Nat Turner 1831 uprising, lucrative
nature of cotton economy into Deep South and expansion there, growth of Garrisonian abolition
movement against S society
ii)Intellectual defense of slavery begun by Professor Thomas Dew, others later gave ideology name The
Pro-Slavery Argument- said that S should not apologize for slavery b/c was a good thing, slaved
enjoyed better conditions than industrial workers in N, allowed for peace btwn races, helped nat’l econ
iii)Also argued slavery good b/c basis of way S way of life, which was superior to any other. N greedy,
destructive, factories horrific, cities crowded + immigrant filled- but S stable, orderly, protected worker
iv)Defense also on biological inferiority of blacks, inherently unfit to care for themselves and be citizens.
Clergy also gave religious + biblical justification
h)Buchanan and Depression
i)In 1856 pres election Dems wanted candidate unassociated w/ “Bleeding Kansas” so chose James
Buchanan, Repubs chose John Fremont (platform against Kansas-Nebraska Act and of Whiggish
internal improvements reflecting N economic aspirations), Know-Nothings chose Millard Fillmore
ii)Buchanan won, but proved indecisive at critical moment in history. After taking office financial panic +
depression hit country
iii)In N Repubs strengthened b/c manufacturers, workers, farmers joined--depression seen as result of
unsound policies of southern Dem administrations
i)The Dred Scott Decision
i)March 1857 Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v Sandford- Scott was slave who after masters death
sued widow for freedom on grounds that master had moved residence to a free state, but John Sanford
(brother of deceased owner, Sup C. misspelled name) claimed ownership of Scott
ii)Defeat for antislavery movement. Supreme Court had multiple decisions, Chief Justice Roger Taney:
Scott could not bring suit in fed court b/c was not a citizen, blacks had virtually no rights under Const,
slaves property & 5th Amendment forbid taking property w/o “due process” and therefore Congress
had no authority to pass law depriving persons of slave property in territories (thereby ruling Missouri
Compromise had been unconstitutional)
iii)Did not challenge rights of state to limit slavery, but fed govt now powerless
j)Deadlock Over Kansas
i)Pres Buchanan endorsed Dred Scott decision, to solve Kansas problem supported admission to Union as
slave state. 1857 new KS Const legalized slavery, but election of new legislature saw antislavery
majority who put Const to ppl to vote on- widely rejected
ii)1858 Buchanan pressured Congress to admit it as slave state anyway but Cong rejected, compromise
allowed KS to vote on Const again—rejected again
iii)1861, after sever S states had already seceded, KS entered Union as free state
k)The Emergence of Lincoln
i)In 1858 Congressional elections Repub Abraham Lincoln ran against famed Dem Stephen Douglas.
Lincoln-Douglas debates attracted attention
ii)Lincoln’s attacks on slavery prominent- argued if nation didn’t accept blacks had human rights then it
could accept other groups such as immigrant laborers could be deprived of rights too. Also, extension
of slavery in territories would lead to lost opportunity for betterment by poor white laborers
iii)Lincoln opposed slavery but not abolitionist b/c did not see easy alternative to slavery in areas where it
existed. Prevent spread of slavery to territories, trust institution would gradually die out in areas where
it existed
iv)Douglas won but Lincoln gained following. Dems lost maj in House, kept Sen
l)John Brown’s Raid
i)1859 antislavery zealot from KS John Brown led followers to capture fort in Harpers Ferry VA hoping
to lead slave rebellion. Uprising never occurred, Brown surrendered, tried for treason by VA and
ii)Convinced white southerners that they could not live safely in Union, believed raid supported by Repub
party and that North now wanted slave insurrection
m)The Election of Lincoln
i)In Pres election of 1860 Dems torn btwn southerners (who demanded strong endorsement of slavery) &
westerners (who supported popular sovereignty)
ii)After popular sovereignty endorsed by convention southern states walked out, eventually nominated
John Breckinridge of KY, rest chose Stephen Douglas
iii)Still others formed Constitutional Union Party w/ John Bell as candidate- endorsed Union but remained
silent regarding slavery
iv)Republicans tried to broaden appeal to earn majority in North who feared S blocking its economic
interests. Platform endorsed high tariff, internal improvements, homestead bill, Pacific railroad,
popular sovereignty but Congress nor territory legislatures could legalize slavery in territories
v)Repubs chose Abraham Lincoln as nominee b/c moderate positions on slavery, relative obscurity, and
western origins to attract votes from region
vi)Lincoln won presidency w/ majority of electoral votes but only 2/5 of popular vote but failed to win
maj in Congress
vii)Election of Lincoln final signal for many southerners that their position in Union hopeless, within
weeks process of disunion began