English III- Unit 2 Day 21– Vocab 6, intro to essa

Leader: Good afternoon, Pumas. Please compose yourselves for prayer by
taking a comfortable position in your chairs.
Leader: Ad Majorem . . . All: Dei Gloriam.
Leader: We study, work and play . . . All: for the greater glory of God.
Leader: We close by saying, “Glory to the Father, and to Jesus the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit . . .
All: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen! ”
Tell your partner one awesome thing that happened
during your break. Then put this into your notes:
An abstract noun is a noun that is not tangible (cannot
be touched). Usually, these are emotions, systems, ideas.
 Emotions: love, hatred, fear, betrayal, anger,
frustration, happiness, joy, etc.
 Systems: democracy, Catholicism, communism,
Buddhism, Christianity, theocracy, socialism, etc.
 Ideas: Beauty, glory, peace, patriotism, etc.
Period 2: Zujy
Period 4: Jonathan V.
Tues: Georg, Wed: Ivan, Fri: Tania, Mon: Jason
Period 6: Cemya
Tues:Yunue, Wed: David, Fri: Maritza, Mon: Brayan
Tues: Diego, Wed: Carter, Fri: Cierra, Mon: Agustin
Period 7: Monse,
Tues: Diego, Wed: Jordan, Fri: Christian, Mon: Uriel
 COMPUTER LAB for 9th period for the rest of the year
 Check out crpumapress.com for the school newspaper!
 Next journals due December 15th
Tip of the Day:
TIP #13: cry, try, satisfy. For the past tense of these
“y” words, change the “y” to an “i”
 Wrong: cryed, tryed, satisfyed
 Correct: cried, tried, satisfied
 Use context clues to determine a word’s meaning
 Determine the theme of a story
Vocab 6
1. epitome (N)
1. In many professional stylists’ eyes, Michelle Obama is
the epitome of grace and style when it comes to her
fashion sense, and they recommend following her style
2. vitriolic (adj)
1. Abigail had a vitriolic vengeance for Elizabeth, as
Abby wanted to have John Proctor only to herself.
3. contemplate (v)
1. Sarah contemplated sneaking out of the house on
Friday night, but then she thought about the negative
consequences and decided not to disobey her parents.
Vocab 6 cont’d
supposition (N)
Though she wasn’t exactly sure about how he died, the detective
based her supposition on the small evidence that was available to
derision (N)
While she tried to put on a strong face when her nemesis Johnny
tormented her and mocked the way she always asked teachers
questions, his derision still made her cry when she got home.
subdued (adj)
Despite the holidays and the Christmastime cheer that was all about,
Sam was rather subdued and not his normal loud and charismatic
anguish (adj)
It is difficult to imagine the anguish that communities affected by
ebola must be experiencing; the pain that comes of losing loved ones
so quickly must be terrible.
Vocab 6 cont’d
8. subside (v)
8. I was so glad that the snow subsided on my drive
home for Thanksgiving; I was worried that it was going
to cause major chaos if it kept on snowing as hard as it
was earlier in the week.
9. befuddle (v)
8. When the GPS told me to take a left but I was only
allowed to take a right, I became befuddled and
didn’t know what to do.
10. indignation (adj)
8. Aly was filled with indignation when the teacher
yelled only at her even though everyone else was
talking too; she couldn’t believe that she was the only
one in trouble!
Essay!! WOO HOO!
 PROMPT: Analyze the development of one theme in The
Crucible through ONE of the following: characterization
(character personality, motive), conflict, or plot
 3-4 pages with standard formatting
 One theme clearly developed
 One clear way in which the themes are developed
(characterization, conflict, plot)
 At least five quotes from The Crucible
 At least ONE quote from a primary source document
Due Dates:
 Tuesday (TOMORROW), Dec. 2nd: Thesis statements due
 Wednesday, Dec. 3rd: Topic sentences due
 Friday, Dec. 5th: Outline with textual evidence due
 Monday, Dec. 8th: All body paragraphs finished
 Tuesday, Dec. 9th: Rough drafts due
 Sunday, Dec. 14th by 10 PM to turnitin.com: Final drafts
Theme: What is it?
The MESSAGE a text is trying to send.
How do I figure out what the theme of a text is?
1) Choose one abstract noun that describes the
1) This book is all about (abstract noun).
2) Write a sentence using this noun that describes
the message of the book.
1) E.g. True love will overcome everything.
2) E.g. We all need to feel unconditional love in order to
*NOTE: Theme should always be a SENTENCE
Example for theme:
With your partner, fill in the blank:
The Lion King is all about (abstract noun)
Now write a sentence with your chosen abstract noun about what the
message is.
How do we know this is the theme? Where do we first get hints that
this is what it’s all about?
“Partly Cloudy”:
 Watch the Pixar short.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yOxx_4oOMs
 Write an abstract noun about the short (“Partly Cloudy” is
about _________________).
 Then, with your partner, determine the theme for “Partly
Your Turn:
 Right now, you will determine the THEME for The
 When you are done, create a thesis for your essay.
 Sample thesis: Arthur Miller shows that friendship
is the strongest force in his novel The Crucible and
develops this theme especially through the conflicts
of man v. self and man v. man.
 Finish thesis– bring it in tomorrow.
 Tell me two things you know about theme