Psychology Syllabus: Daily Classes September 8

Psychology Syllabus: Daily Classes
September 8- 26, 2014
Syllabus is subject to change at discretion of the teacher.
Mon, Sept 8
Introduction to Learning
Class notes: Classical Conditioning
HW: Practice examples of classical conditioning
Tue, Sept 9
Review classical conditioning
Complete Classical Conditioning Visual Assignment
Wed, Sept 10
Examine the components of Operant Conditioning
Class notes: Operant Conditioning
HW: Practice examples of operant conditioning
Thurs, Sept 11
Examine scenarios and identify the elements of classical conditioning
Fri, Sept 12
Complete Operant Conditioning Visual Assignment
Mon, Sept 15
Revisit Operant Conditioning
In class: Complete Operant Conditioning Examples
Tue, Sept 16
Examine other types of learning
Class notes: Cognitive Learning, Latent Learning, Social Learning
Social Learning experiment
Wed, Sept 17
Examine Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a learning theory
Begin Maslow’s Hierarchy assignment
Thurs, Sept 18
Complete Maslow Hierarchy assignment
Fri, Sept 19
Examine ways to use learning to improve memory
Mon, Sept 22,
Complete examination of memory
Tue, Sept 23
Explore ways to apply problem solving principles and factors that hinder finding solutions to
Wed, Sept 24
Complete exercises in problem solving principles
Thurs, Sept 25
Crossword puzzle review for Unit 2 test on Learning and Memory
HW: Study for Unit 2 Test: Learning and Memory
Fri, Sept 26
Unit 2 Test: Learning and Memory