Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Ariane Merida Metz
1540 NE Merman Dr. Apt 122B Pullman, WA 99163
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
M.A. In English Literature
In Progress
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
B.A. in English and B.A. in Anthropology cum laude
Minor: Medieval Studies and Early Modern Studies
March 2011
English Department GPA: 3.79 Anthrop ology Dep artment GPA: 3.40
WSU English Department Travel Grant
$400 travel grant awarded by the Wash ington State Un iversity Eng lish dep artment to
cover airf are to th e LSU English Gradu ate Student Associat ion’s annual Mardi Gras
conference in Baton Rouge, LA.
U.C. Davis College of Letters and Science Dean’s Honors List
2008 & 2010
The quarterly Deans' Honors List includes n ames of stud ents who h ave completed , for a
letter grade, a min imum of 12 un its in a specific quarter with a grade point average
equal to or higher than the minimu m grade point average attain ed by the upper 16
percent of those registered in the same class lev el and college during that q uarter.
Spring Quart er 2008 and Fall Quart er 2010
Discipuli Juncti Grant 2010
Selectiv e $100 travel grant award ed to participant s of the 2010 Discipu li Junct i: Students
Connected through the Mid dle Ages and the Ren aissance Conf erence.
U.C. Davis “Prized Writing” Award Winner 2009
An annual writ ing contest and an anthology of papers writ t en by undergraduat e
students at UC Davis. Winning submission: Excerpts From: “The Fo rtunes and
Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Fland ers” .
UC Davis Student Judicial Affairs “Integrity Award” Winner
An annual essay contest sponsored by the Off ice of Stud ent Judicial Affairs and the
Associated Students of U.C. Dav is (AS USD) Senat e.
Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Instructor ENGL 101, Introductory Writing (section 56)
Fall 2012
Required course d esign ed to develop students’ acad emic writ ing, critical thin king, rhet orical
strateg ies, reading , and library skills (WSU Catalogue). Rev ision -based. All course materials and
lesson p lan s are instru ctor -d esigned.
Instructor ENGL 105, Introductory Writing for ESL Students (section
Fall 2012
Required course d esign ed to develop ESL students’ academic writing, crit ical thinking, rh etorical
strateg ies, reading , and library skills (WSU Catalogue). Genre-based. All course mat erials and lesson
plans are instru ctor-d esigned.
Instructor ENGL 101, Introductory Writing (sections 6 and 33)
Spring 2012
Required course d esign ed to develop students’ acad emic writ ing, critical thin king, rhet orical
strateg ies, reading , and library skills (WSU Catalogue). Rev ision -based. All course materials and
lesson p lan s are instru ctor -d esigned.
Tutor/Facilitator ENGL 102
Fall 2011
One-cred it course off ering student s an opportunity to improve their ab ility to write in a student centered group tutorial setting. The tu torial is conn ected to freshman writing courses (WSU
Catalogue) .
Tutor/Facilitator ENGL 107
One-cred it course off ering [ESL] students an opportunity to improv e their ability to write in a
Fall 2011
student-centered group tutorial setting. The tutorial is conn ected to freshman [ESL] writing courses
(WSU Catalogu e).
University Writing Program (Prized Writing), UC Davis, Davis, CA
Guest Lecturer – “Prized Writing 2010 Spring Authors Event, 4/22/2010”
Lecture describing and prov iding historical background for “Moll Flanders” by Daniel D efoe and
explaining the writ ing process for “Excerpt from Th e Fortun es and Misfortun es of the Famous Moll
Fland ers”. On lin e web cast available h ere:
http://webcast.ucdavis.edu /flashv 2/?f ile=UWP/2010/Prize d_Writ ing_04-22-10.flv
Holy Rosary Catholic Church Faith Formation Program, Woodland, CA
Catechist – “Pre-First Eucharist”
Develop lesson plans and conduct lessons in a classroom sett ing .
Early Academic Outreach Program, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA
Math Academy Teaching Assistant/Tutor – “Dixon High School Summer Math
Academy” and “Community Algebra Academy”
Provide on e-on-on e tutoring in the classroom and grad ed assignments .
Writing Academy Teaching Assistant/Tutor – “A.P.P Writing Academy”
Assist ed in classroom, facilit ated small group activ ities and grad ed assignments .
Camp Adventure Youth Services, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Camp Director, Tianhe Sports Center English Sports Camp, Guangzhou, China
Manage, evaluate, organ ize, and o v ersee recreational and educat ion al a ctiv ities with children ages
6-13 in a languag e-immersion setting , facilitate Eng lish language -developmen t classes, evaluate and
coordinate staff, f acilitate professional development opportun ities for staff , conduct meet ings with
contract partn ers and centre staff , plan and execute Camp programming , paint posters to decorate
center f or the camp theme week .
Lead Intern, United States Army Garrison Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Manage, Ev alu ate, Organ ize, and Ov ers ee recreat ion al and edu cational act ivities with ch ildren ages 3
months-9 years, evaluate and coord in ate staf f, facilitat e prof ession al d evelopmen t opportunit ies for
staff, condu ct meet ings with contract partners and centre staff , plan and ex ecute Camp programming,
assist with language and read ing development in the Ch ild Development Cent e , paint posters to
decorat e cent er for th e camp theme week .
Camp Director, Catlin Clubhouse, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Honolulu, Hawaii
Manage, Ev alu ate, Organ ize, and Ov ersee recreat ion al and edu cational a ct ivities with ch ildren ages
5-6, evaluat e and coordin ate st aff, facilitat e prof ession a l d evelopment opport unities for staff ,
conduct meetings with contract partn ers and centre staff, present program to high rank ing milit ary
personn el, plan and execut e Camp programming, writ e we ekly newsletters, p aint post ers to decorate
center f or the ca mp theme week .
Camp Director, Rheindahlen British Garrison, Rheindahlen, Germany
Manage, Ev alu ate, Organ ize, and Ov ersee recreat ion al and edu cational act ivities with ch ildren ages
4-8, evaluat e and coordin ate st aff, facilitat e prof ession al d evelopment opport unities for staff ,
conduct meetings with contract partn ers and centre staff, pr esent program to high rank ing milit ary
personn el, plan and execut e Camp programming, writ e weekly newsletters, manage website, paint
posters to decorate center f or the camp theme week .
Camp Counselor, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo, Japan
Plan and ex ecute Camp programming, facilitate recreational and educational activ ities with ch ildren
ages 5-13, write week ly newsletters an d paint posters to decorate room for the camp theme week.
Private Tutoring, Woodland and Davis, CA
English Tutor
Assist tutees with daily assignment s ; work with tutees to improv e basic writ ing mechan ics ; plan and
execut e writ ing and reading lesson s to improve basic sk ills and stimu lat e critical th inking. Occasion al
tutoring in math, scien ce, hist ory and Spanish also prov ided.
“Life in the Park”
Poem, Matchbox Magazin e 2011 Ed . U.C. Santa Cru z, CA. 2011 . Web.
“Yamanote Line at 21:00”
Poem, Nameless Mag azine Fall 2010 Ed . U.C. Dav is, CA. 2010 . Web.
“APP Accomplished Alumnus: Elio Gutierrez”
Publish ed in the U.C. Dav is D epartmen t of APP spring 2010 newsletter U .C. D avis, CA. 2010. Web.
“Excerpt from The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders ”
Prized Writ ing 2008-2009 . U.C. Regent s. Dav is, CA. 2009. Print.
“Scholarship Information”
Publish ed in the U.C. Dav is D epartmen t of APP fall 2009 newsletter and website . D avis, CA. 2009. Web.
French –
Spanish –
Japanese –
Non -fluent reading, writ ing , and speak ing ability.
Non-f lu ent read ing, and writ ing , and some sp eak ing ability .
In progress
Forthcoming : The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) 2013\
March 13-16, 2013
“Maus in th e Classroom: A Comic -based Citation Pedagogy”
Oral Presentat ion.
Las Vegas, Nev ada
Far West Popular Culture and American Culture Associations 24th Annual Meeting
February 26, 2012
“Exploring Sexual Dev iancy in Ouran High School Host Club ”
Oral Presentat ion. Adv iser: Dr. Crag Hill, Wash ington Stat e Univ ersi ty English Department
Palace Station Hotel and Casin o: Las V egas, Nev ada
LSU English Graduate Student Association’s annual Mardi Gras Conference – Thursday,
February 16, 2012
“Decon struct ing Heteronormativ ity: An alyzing Gender in Ouran High School Host Club ”
Oral Presentat ion. Adv iser: Dr. Crag Hill, Wash ington Stat e Univ ersity English Department
Louisiana State Un iversity Campu s: Bat on Rouge, L ouisiana
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Discipuli Juncti Undergraduate
Research Conference – Friday, October 29, 2010
“The Role of Faerie Lad ies in Arthurian Literatu re”
Oral Presentat ion. Adv iser: Dr. Claire Water s, U.C. Dav is English Department
Arizona Stat e Univ ersity at the West Campus: Glendale, Arizon a
U.C. Davis Undergraduate Research Conference – Saturday, May 1, 2010
“The Return of the King: A Scholarly Approach to Arthurian Film Adaptation”
Oral Presentat ion. Adv iser: Dr. Kev in Roddy, U.C. Dav is Med iev al Studies D ep artment
University of Calif ornia, Dav is: Davis, Californ ia
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Far West Popular Culture and American Cultures Associations
Graduate and Professional Students Organization –
English Graduate Student Organization–
Washington State Univ ersity
2011-2012 GPSA S enator (English ), Registrat ion Grant s Committee
Wash ington State Un iversity
2012-2013 EGO Presid ent
McNair Scholar –
McNair Scholars Program, U.C. Dav is
Description: Federal program wh ich provides resources f or high -ach iev ing un dergraduat es from disadvantag ed back grounds
who are interested in pursu ing doctoral studies, including: inv olv ement in research , semin ars, advising , preparation for the
Graduat e Record Examinat ion , and oth er sch olarly activ ities .