Hamlet - Vance Cameron Holmes

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
North Senior Academy
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Popularity of Hamlet and young Hamlet
• Over twenty film versions of Hamlet have been
produced just since World War II
• More has been written about Hamlet than about any
other literary character
• Most intelligent character in literature?
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
A“Problem” Play
Sense of mystery, introspection, questions
Why does it take Hamlet so long to try and avenge
King Hamlet’s murder?
Why does Hamlet stage a play within his own play?
Why does Hamlet decide to act insane?
Does Hamlet really go insane?
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Motifs and Themes
Deception / Appearance and Reality
Passion and Reason
Decay and Corruption
Madness and Sanity
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
• Literary term: foil
• A foil is “any person that enhances or underscores
the distinctive characteristics of another”
• The primary foils to Hamlet in the play are Laertres
and Fortinbras, the Norwegian crown prince.
• Both Hamlet and Fortinbras have lost a father. The
Danish prince deliberates, ponders and plans - the
Norwegian prince is impulsive and determined to
avenge his father’s death
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Passages to Examine
• Act 1. Scene I - BERNARDO: Who's there?
• Act 1. Scene II - CLAUDIUS: Though yet of Hamlet
our dear brother's death
• Act 1. Scene II - HAMLET: O, that this too too solid
flesh would melt
• Act 1. Scene III - POLONIUS: And these few precepts
• Act 1. Scene V - GHOST: I am thy father's spirit
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet