Methods of Photosynthesis Spectrometry For Phytoplankton Christophe Six Definitions Spectrometry = spectroscopy : Methods of spectral analysis allowing to understand the composition, the structure of matter and/or the study of systems transferring energy Qualitative and quantitative studies of spectra derived from the interaction between the matter and the wavy radiations of different frequences . Spectrophotometry is an analytic, quantitative method that consists in measuring the absorbance (= absorption ~ optical density) of a given chemical substance (or of a whole unicell organism) in solution, function of the light wavelength. Spectrofluorimetry is an analytic, quantitative method that consists in measuring the emission and excitation levels of fluorescence of a given chemical substance (or of a whole unicell organism) in solution, function of the light wavelength. Energy and wavelength E = (h . c) / 800 nm E : Photon energy h : Plank constant factor c : Light celerity l : Photon wavelength Wavelength in nanometers 400 nm X-rays U.V. Visible Infrared Radio wavelengths Absorbance of molecules and molecular complexes .Understanding photophysics and photobiology .Very useful for assays Using colorimetric assays Concept of the absorbance measurement Light Source Photomultiplicator Sample I0 > I Transmittance Absorbance T = I / I0 A = log (I0 / I) A = -log T Spectrophotometers Components : .One or several light source(s) Extended Visible (350-900 nm) : Tungsten, Halogen UV (<400 nm) : Deuterium . One monochromator : Selection of wavelengths . One sample compartment . One detector : photomultiplicator or photodiode detector . A result display system Single beam spectrophotometers D.O. or monochromator 400 500 (nm) Single beam spectrophotometers . The simplest system . A simple compartment for a single sample cuvette . The reference = blank is measured before the samples for zeroing the device Blank : all chemical components (buffer, solvent, etc) except the absorbing substance that you want to measure. It is actually rare to be able to use a perfectly true blank but one should approach it as much as possible. . Instrument useful for simple routine applications (single or few wavelengths) Various colorimetric assays (proteins, nucleic acids, pigments, etc.) . Main problems In single wavelength mode, one cannot check for artefacts The decrease of lamp intensity is not compensed The making of these instruments is usually less careful I0 (fixed) I (measured) Double beam spectrophotometers Monochromator Reference Cuvette I0 Chopper Chopper Sample Cuvette I Double beam spectrophotometers . For each wavelength, one mesures the absorbance of the sample AND the absorbance of the reference (blank) . Good reliability of the measurements, ideal for absorption spectra (Elimination of solvent absorption) . Correction of the variations of the light sources . Devices generally better than single beam ones Artefacts Refraction : deviation of a wave when its speed changes (interface between 2 media) Diopter (surface of the cuvette and surface of the sample) => A . Other optical phenomenons linked to diffusion, reflexion and diffraction of light may also distort the measurement. Artefacts : Light diffusion . Turbid solutions, cell suspensions => A Diffusion occurs when some light is deflected by particules and therefore does not reach the detector Diffusion of Rayleigh S = Diffusion also depends on : - Particule concentration - Particule shape = F( d, n) 4 d : Diameter of particules n : Refraction index : Wavelength Impact of diffusion on absorption spectra 5,0E-11 4,0E-11 3,0E-11 y= 2,0E-11 1 x4 Diffusion is -dependent 1,0E-11 0,0E+00 350 450 550 650 750 850 Longueur d'onde (nm) => A ok => A Impact of diffusion on absorption spectra Example : absorption spectrum of a phycoerythrin I Fitting a correction curve Absorbance Spectrum with diffusion Wavelength (nm) Final spectrum Measuring absorbance in a diffusing sample => A Bringing the detector nearer to the cuvette Increasing the surface of the detector Measuring absorbance in a diffusing sample Homogeneous Echantillon sample homogène Détecteur Light du photomultiplicateur detector A DO (nm) B DO Suspension Cell de cellules suspension (nm) C Light Rayon beam Light Source source and lumineux lumineuse et monochromator monochromateur DO (nm) Sphère Integration d’intégration sphere If the absorbance of a sample is not stable… . Sample much colder than the atmosphere of the compartment Condensation on the cuvette Gaz formation (diffusion) . Sample drops on the outside of the cuvette . The sample contains absorbing particules that sink in the cuvette . There’s not enough sample in the cuvette and the beam passes through the meniscus . Cuvettes not adapted (micro-cuvettes) The Beer-Lambert law At a given wavelength, the absorbance of a solution is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing chemical species that are present in this solution, and to the optical path A = . l . C A : Absorbance (no unit) : Wavelength (nm) l : Optical path (cm) C : Concentration (mol L-1) : Extinction coefficient (L mol-1 cm-1) . The Beer-Lambert law is additive. Pour n chemical species : A = . For l = 1 cm : ,1 . l . C1 + ,2 . l . C2 + 3 . l . C3 + … + ,n . l . Cn A = . C => C = A / A = ,1 . C1 + ,2 . C2 + 3 . C3 + … + ,n . Cn Fluorescence: what is it ? Stokes shift Intensity of fluorescence emission . With fluorescence, there’s no such general relation as the absorbance Beer-lambert law The measurement depends strongly on : - The nature of the fluorescent system that is studied - The device used to quantify fluorescence (light source intensity, optics configuration, etc.) Need to use standard curves to quantify molecules by fluorescence (in absolute units) . It is possible to quantify the fluorescence energy when a fluorescence quantum yield Qf : Energy of fluorescence emitted (If) = Absorbed energy (Ia) x Qf Qf = f (, T°C, pH, ions, etc.) Spectrofluorimeters . None photon from the excitation light must be detected by the detector excitation at 90° On average, there is 106 times less photons that hit the detector of a spectrofluorimeter than in a spectrophotometer Main components : - A light source : Mercury or xenon lamp - Two monochromators selecting either the emission or excitation precise wavelengths - A dark compartment with the cuvette in a 90° excitation/emission cuvette holder - A photomultiplicator Diagrammic representation of a spectrofluorimeter Photomultiplicator Xenon lamp Lens Entrance Slit Exit slit Monochromator shutter Monochromator Slit Mirror Lens Lens Sample Emission and Excitation spectra of fluorescence Emission spectrum Monochromator scanning all wavelengths Fix monochromator : One given Excitation 15 nm Emission Quantification of the fluorescence emitted by the excitation of a given Sample 400 500 600 700 At which is the maximum of fluorescence emission of the compound ? Excitation spectrum Fix monochromator : One given Monochromateur scanning all wavelengths Excitation Emission Quantification of the fluorescence emitted many wavelengths Sample 400 (Excitation spectra are often similar to absorption spectra) 500 600 700 Which (s) give(s) rise to the Fluorescence emission at a given ? Fluorescence of marine picocyanobacteria : Synechococcus spp. Marine phycoerythrins & spectrofluorimetry . There are several types of phycoerythrins (PE) Variable Emission Excitation between between 560-580 nm 400 and depending on the 550 nm type of PE Excitation In the blue-green region, at 500nm (for instance) Emission spectrum Emission at 580 nm (for instance) Excitation spectrum 545 495 400 500 600 700 400 500 One or two major maxima 600 700 Phycoerythrin structure and excitation spectra Phycobiliprotein = Apoprotein + pigment Pigment = chromophore phycobilin One or two types of phycobilin are bound to marine phycoerythrins Excitation spectrum 545 495 400 500 One or two major maxima 600 700 PAM Fluorimetry and photosynthetic organisms Monitoring-PAM© Diving-PAM© Multicolor-PAM© Junior-PAM© PAM Fluorimetry and photosynthetic organisms Objectif : étudier la régulation de l’activité du photosystème II PAM Fluorimetry and photosynthetic organisms Objectif : étudier la régulation de l’activité du photosystème II Absorbed light energy = Antenna Fluorescence energy + Photochemistry energy + Heat energy Photochemistry Fluorescence Chl a Photochemistry Fluorescence Centre réactionnel Chl a Centre réactionnel Centre réactionnel Open/closed PSII centres Chl a Fluorescence Photochemistry Fluorescence Photochemistry Chl a Fluorescence Photochemistry Heat Centre réactionnel Chl a Centre réactionnel Centre réactionnel Heat Chl a Fluorescence Photochemistry PAM Fluorimeters . Two types of light : - Modulated light : intermittent, low irradiance non actinic - Actinic light : continuous Actinic light Modulated light Photosystem II Fluorescence (red light) Photomultiplicator Fiber optics Conceptual diagram of the Junior-PAM Sample PAM Fluorimetry : light response curves Fluorescence (AU) FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FV’ Ft F0 Flash saturant Actinic light Time Modulated light ON Actinic (Irradiance 2) (Irradiance 4) (Irradiance 6) light ON (Irradiance 3) (Irradiance 5) (Irradiance 1) PAM Fluorimetry : light response curves Fluorescence (AU) FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FV’ When increasing irradiance PSII reaction centres get more and more closed Ft F0 Flash saturant Actinic light Time Modulated light ON Actinic (Irradiance 2) (Irradiance 4) (Irradiance 6) light ON (Irradiance 3) (Irradiance 5) (Irradiance 1) PSII relative Electron Transfer Rate (rETR) = Irradiance x (FM’-Ft)/FM’ = Irradiance x FV’/FM’ (Irradiance : µmol photons / m² / s) PAM Fluorimetry : light response curves Fluorescence (AU) FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FM’ FV’ PSII rETR = Irradiance x (FV’/FM’) Ft F0 Flash saturant Actinic light Time Actinic (Irradiance 2) (Irradiance 4) (Irradiance 6) light ON (Irradiance 3) (Irradiance 5) (Irradiance 1) PSII rETR Modulated light ON Courbe PSII rETR versus Irradiance Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s) PAM Fluorimetry : light response curves Saturation du rETR PSII rETR PSII rETR Pas de saturation Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s) ISAT Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s) PSII antenna size : α PSII rETR α>α ISAT < ISAT Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s) PAM Fluorimetry : light response curves PSII rETR Saturation without photoinhibition Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s) PSII rETR Saturation and photoinhibition Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s) PAM Fluorimetry : light response curves PSII rETR Example of application : Prochlorococcus ecotypes Irradiance (µmol photons/m²/s)