Science Gateways remote presentation for CI Days at the University

TeraGrid Science
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr
TeraGrid Area Director for Science
Entrance gate to the “Big House”, Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
You’ve heard a lot about the TeraGrid
Here’s a one-slide recap of the resources
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
TeraGrid resources today include:
•Tightly Coupled Distributed Memory Systems, 2 systems in the top 10 at
– Kraken (NICS): Cray XT5, 99,072 cores, 1.03 Pflop
– Ranger (TACC): Sun Constellation, 62,976 cores, 579 Tflop, 123 TB RAM
•Shared Memory Systems
– Cobalt (NCSA): Altix, 8 Tflop, 3 TB shared memory
– Pople (PSC): Altix, 5 Tflop, 1.5 TB shared memory
•Clusters with Infiniband
– Abe (NCSA): 90 Tflops
– Lonestar (TACC): 61 Tflops
– QueenBee (LONI): 51 Tflops
•Condor Pool (Loosely Coupled)
– Purdue- up to 22,000 cpus
•Gateway hosting
– Quarry (IU): virtual machine support
•Visualization Resources
– TeraDRE (Purdue): 48 node nVIDIA GPUs
– Spur (TACC): 32 nVIDIA GPUs
•Storage Resources
– Wide area filesystems( Lustre, GPFS)
– Archival storage
– Data replication service
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Source: Dan Katz, U Chicago
So how do Gateways fit into this?
Gateways are a natural result of the impact of the internet on
worldwide communication and information retrieval
Only 18 years since the release of Mosaic!
•Implications on the conduct of science are still evolving
– 1980’s, Early gateways, National Center for Biotechnology Information BLAST
server, search results sent by email, still a working portal today
– 1989 World Wide Web developed at CERN
– 1992 Mosaic web browser developed
– 1995 “International Protein Data Bank Enhanced by Computer Browser”
– 2004 TeraGrid project director Rick Stevens recognized growth in scientific
portal development and proposed the Science Gateway Program
– Today, Web 3.0 and programmatic exchange of data between web pages
•Simultaneous explosion of digital information
– Growing analysis needs in many, many scientific areas
– Sensors, telescopes, satellites, digital images, video, genome sequencers
– #1 machine on Top500 today over 1000x more powerful than all combined
entries on the first list in 1993
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
vt100 in the 1980s and a
login window on Ranger today
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Why are gateways worth the effort?
# Full path to executable
•Increasing range of
expertise needed to tackle
the most challenging
scientific problems
– How many details do you want
each individual scientist to need
to know?
•PBS, RSL, Condor
•Coupling multi-scale codes
•Assembling data from multiple
•Collaboration frameworks
#! /bin/sh# Working directory, where Condor-G will write
# its output and error files on the local machine.
#PBS -q dque
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
#PBS -l walltime=00:02:00
# To set the working directory of the remote job, we
#PBS -o pbs.out
# specify it in this globus RSL, which will be appended
#PBS -e pbs.err
# to the RSL that Condor-G generates
#PBS -V globusrsl=(directory='/users/wilkinsn/tutorial/exercise_3')
cd /users/wilkinsn/tutorial/exercise_3
# Arguments
to pass to executable.
# Condor-G can stage the executable
# Specify the globus resource to execute the job
# Condor has multiple universes, but Condor-G always
uses globus
# Files to receive sdout and stderr.
# Specify the number of copies of the job to submit to the
condor queue.
University of Michigan CI
November 2, 2010
Gateways democratize access to high
end resources
•Almost anyone can investigate scientific questions using high
end resources
–Not just those in the research groups of those who request allocations
– Gateways allow anyone with a web browser to explore
•Opportunities can be uncovered via google
–My then 11-year-old son discovered when his science
class was studying Bucky Balls
•Foster new ideas, cross-disciplinary approaches
– Encourage students to experiment
•But used in production too
– Significant number of papers resulting from gateways including
GridChem, nanoHUB
– Scientists can focus on challenging science problems rather than
challenging infrastructure problems
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Today, there are approximately 35
gateways using the TeraGrid
This just in 35% of TeraGrid users charging jobs
(June-Sept, 2010) were gateway users!
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Not just ease of use
What can scientists do that they
couldn’t do previously?
•Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) radar data coupled with on demand computing
•Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) – access to sky
•Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) – access to sensor data
•PolarGrid – access to polar ice sheet data
•SIDGrid – expensive datasets, analysis tools
•GridChem –coupling multiscale codes
•How would this have been done before gateways?
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
3 steps to connect a gateway to
•Request an allocation
– Only a 1 paragraph abstract
required for up to 200k CPU hours
•Register your gateway
– Visibility on public TeraGrid
•Request a community
– Run jobs for others via your portal
•Staff support is available!
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Tremendous Opportunities Using the Largest Shared Resources -
Challenges too!
•What’s different when the resource doesn’t belong just to
–Resource discovery
– Accounting
– Security
– Proposal-based requests for resources (peer-reviewed access)
•Code scaling and performance numbers
•Justification of resources
•Gateway citations
•Tremendous benefits at the high end, but even more work
for the developers
•Potential impact on science is huge
– Small number of developers can impact thousands of scientists
– But need a way to train and fund those developers
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
When is a gateway appropriate?
•Researchers using defined sets of tools in different ways
– Same executables, different input
•GridChem, CHARMM
– Creating multi-scale workflows
– Datasets
•Common data formats
–National Virtual Observatory
– Earth System Grid
– Some groups have invested significant efforts here
•caBIG, extensive discussions to develop common terminology and formats
•BIRN, extensive data sharing agreements
•Difficult to access data/advanced workflows
– Sensor/radar input
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
How to get started?
•Conduct a needs assessment
– Should I build a gateway?
–Can I use an existing gateway?
– What problems am I trying to solve?
•All gateways don’t need high end computing
•Decide on a software approach
–Recommended software at
•Targeted effort by a few can benefit many
– Could a pool of developers design gateways for different domain
areas? Yes!
•TeraGrid staff assistance
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) Pipeline
•Take raw genome data in the FASTA format and run a series
of applications on it
–RepeatMasker, PaCE, CAP3 and BLAST used to generate the final
assembled output
– Very variable run times (milliseconds to days)
•EST Pipeline based on the SWARM Web Service that
provides a web service interface to clients and also manages
the bulk job submission using the Birdbath API to submit to
•2M jobs run in 49 hours, only a handful of failures
•Workflow is configured using a PHP based gateway that
allows users to upload input data and select programs to run
Source: Archit Kulshrestha, IU
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Cyberinfrastructure for Phylogenetic
Research (CIPRES)
•Enables large-scale
phylogenetic reconstructions
•Parallel “fastest in the west”
versions of applications such
as MrBayes, Raxml and Garli
•Easy to use graphical user
•Over 800 users, June-Sept
– 27% of all active TG users!!
•5M CPU hours awarded
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Intellectual Merit:
• the CIPRES portal is cited in at least 35 publications
• this includes publications in Nature, PNAS, and Cell.
• highlights of scientific findings:
New Family Tree for Arthropoda: A team of scientists compared genetic
sequences from 75 arthropod species and drew a new family tree for the
most successful phylum of animals on Earth. This work represents an
important advance in the century-old problem of arthropod evolution.
Genome Sequence of a Transitional Eukaryote: A group of scientists
sequenced the genome of Naegleria gruberi, a single-cell organism that is a
key transitional species between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This work
provides new insights into the origins of subcellular organelles.
Co-evolution of Beetles and Flowering Plants: A group of researchers studied
the evolutionary history of angiosperms and the beetles that interact with
them. The work provided compelling experimental evidence for the longpostulated co-evolution of these two symbiotic groups.
Source: Mark Miller, SDSC
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Broad Impacts:
• 77% of all jobs have been submitted from locations in the USA.
Submissions are received regularly from researchers at top-tier institutions
such as Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.
• Jobs are received regularly from academic institutions in 17 EPSCOR
• Job submissions have been received from 34 countries on 5 continents.
•At least 5 undergraduate classes are known to use the portal routinely. This
is likely an underestimate (based on Web log patterns).
•More than 45,000 jobs have been run on the Portal over its lifetime.
Between Dec 1, 2010 and June 30, 2010, users ran 6,108 parallel jobs on the
Source: Mark Miller, SDSC
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Additional Gateways for Biology
– List of all TeraGrid gateways
•RENCI Science Portal
•Open Life Sciences Gateway
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
•Derive and validate scoring functions
•Create training sets using structural and binding data from multiple
databases including PDBbind and PDBcal
•Define the components of scoring functions by picking from among a
list of pre-computed terms
– Partial least-squares regression analysis
•Validate scoring functions
•Apply custom scoring functions for the ranking of
chemical libraries that are pre-docked against a large
set of binding cavities from the human proteome
•If the receptor of interest is not available, biodrugscore makes it
possible for users to dock libraries against their target on the
TeraGrid using their own account.
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
•Compute resources
•Service projects
–Quantum to Continuum
Mechanics Tools
–Data Analysis Tools for
Molecular Sequences
–Heart Modeling
–Visualization and multiscale modeling
–Grid services and
•Tools and downloads
–40+ packages, databases,
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
RENCI Science Portal
•125 biology applications
–From Antigenic to WordMatch and
everything in between
–RENCI Science Desktop
–BlastMaster desktop
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Open Life Sciences Gateway
•Bioinformatics applications and data
•Portal access, direct Web services calls, workflows with
–And now google gadgets!
–, “add stuff”, search for TeraGrid
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
•Protein structure
prediction server
–Rosetta code from the
David Baker laboratory
•Also available
–RosettaAntibody Server
–RosettaDesign Server
–RosettaDock Server
–Rosetta Commons
–Human Proteome Folding
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Linked Environments for Atmospheric
Discovery (LEAD)
•Providing tools that are needed to make accurate
predictions of tornados and hurricanes
•Meteorological data
•Forecast models
•Analysis and visualization tools
•Data exploration and Grid workflow
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Highlights: LEAD Inspires Students
Advanced capabilities regardless of location
•A student gets excited about what he
was able to do with LEAD
•“Dr. Sikora:Attached is a display of 2m T and wind depicting the WRF's
interpretation of the coastal front on
14 February 2007. It's interesting that
I found an example using IDV that
parallels our discussion of mesoscale
boundaries in class. It illustrates very
nicely the transition to a coastal low
and the strong baroclinic zone with a
location very similar to Markowski's
depiction. I created this image in IDV
after running a 5-km WRF run
(initialized with NAM output) via the
LEAD Portal. This simple 1-level plot
is just a precursor of the many
capabilities IDV will eventually offer to
visualize high-res WRF output. Enjoy!
Eric” (email, March
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Community Climate System Model
•Makes a world-leading, fully
coupled climate model easier
to use and available to a
wide audience
•Compose, configure, and
submit CCSM simulations to
the TeraGrid
•Used in Purdue’s POL 520/EAS
591: Models in Climate Change
Science and Policy
–Semester-long projects, 100 year
CCSM simulations, generate
policy recommendations based
on scientific, economic, and
political models of climate
change impacts
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Emerging computational tool for the study of proteins
•The Center for Analytical
Ultracentrifugation of Macromolecular
Assemblies, UT Health Sciences
– Major advances in the
characterization of proteins and
protein complexes as a result of
new instrumentation and powerful
– Monitoring the sedimentation of
macromolecules in real time in the
centrifugal field allows their
hydrodynamic and thermodynamic
characterization in solution
– Observations are electronically
digitized and stored for further
mathematical analysis
University of Michigan CI Days,
2, 2010
Source: Modern analytical ultracentrifugation November
in protein science:
A tutorial review, Wikipedia
UltraScan provides a comprehensive
data analysis environment
•Management of analytical ultracentrifugation data for single
users or entire facilities
•Support for storage, editing, sharing and analysis of data
– HPC facilities used for 2-D spectrum analysis and genetic algorithm
•TeraGrid (~2M CPU hours used)
•Technische University of Munich
•Juelich Supercomputing Center
•Portable graphical user interface
•MySQL database backend for data management
•Over 30 active institutions
•TeraGrid advanced support
– Fault tolerance, workflows, use of multiple TG resources, community
account implementation
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Social Informatics Data Grid
Collaborative access to large, complex datasets
•SIDGrid is unique among
social science data archive
– Streaming data which change
over time
•Voice, video, images (e.g. fMRI),
text, numerical (e.g. heart rate,
eye movement)
– Investigate multiple datasets,
collected at different time
scales, simultaneously
•Large data requirements
•Sophisticated analysis tools
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Viewing multimodal data like a
symphony conductor
•“Music-score” display and
synchronized playback of video
and audio files
– Pitch tracks
– Text
– Head nods, pause, gesture
•Central archive of multi-modal
data, annotations, and analyses
– Distributed annotation efforts by
multiple researchers working on a
common data set
•History of updates
•Computational tools
– Distributed acoustic analysis using
Source: Studying Discourse and Dialog with SIDGrid, Levow, 2008
– Statistical analysis using R
– Matrix computations using University
Matlab of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
and Octave
Future Technical Areas
•Web technologies change fast
– Must be able to adapt quickly
•Gateways and gadgets
– Gateway components incorporated
into any social networking page
– 75% of 18 to 24 year-olds have
social networking websites
•iPhone apps?
•Web 3.0
– Beyond social networking and
sharing content
– Standards and querying interfaces
to programmatically share data
across sites
• Resource Description Framework (RDF),
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Gateways can further investments in
other projects
•Increase access
– To instruments, expensive data collections
•Increase capabilities
– To analyze data
•Improve workforce development
– Can prepare students to function in today’s cross-disciplinary world
•Increase outreach
•Increase public awareness
– Public sees value in investments in large facilities
– Pew 2006 study indicates that half of all internet users have been to a
site specializing in science
– Those who seek out science information on the internet are more likely
to believe that scientific pursuits have a positive impact on society
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
But gateways can only be truly effective if they are persistent
Gateway Sustainability Study
•Characteristics of short funding cycles
– Build exciting prototypes with input from
– Work with early adopters to extend
– Tools are publicized, more scientists
– Funding ends
– Scientists who invested their time to use
new tools are disillusioned
• Less likely to try something new again
– Start again on new short-term project
•Need to break this cycle
•EAGER grant to look at characteristics
of successful gateways and domain
areas where a gateway could have a big
•Working with Katherine Lawrence, UM
4 focus group meetings over 2 years
First 2 held June, 2010
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010
Thank you for your attention!
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr,
University of Michigan CI Days,
November 2, 2010