1 Gustine ISD Mission Statement The mission of the District is to provide students with individualized instructional opportunities that will assure success in student achievement as measured by appropriate testing. Gustine ISD Philosophy The mission of Gustine Independent School District is to offer all students fundamental knowledge, which will enable them to acquire crucial wisdom, expand their education and vocational goals, and to perform successfully in society. Gustine ISD Vision Our vision at Gustine Independent School District is that our students will become successful adults ready to attain their life goals. We invite all students to become reliable, goal-oriented and constructive individuals with the ability to make rational and educated judgments. 2 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Demographics Demographic Summary Gustine ISD has identified strengths and weaknesses based on data from multiple sources to develop the district plan for the 2014-2015 school year. Gustine ISD serves 231 total students enrolled from Pre-k through 12th grade. The district consists of a population with 61.5% Hispanic/Latino students, 36% White students, .5% African American students, and .5% American Indian students, and 1.73% two or more race students. The district has 80.95% Economically Disadvantaged, 29.44% LEP, and 126 students identified as At-Risk. The district is a Title I Targeted Assistance district. Enrollment is steady at this time. Demographic Strengths Our student-to-teacher ratios are less than state mandated. The district attendance percentage rate is good at 95.8%. Our high school state assessment scores improved this year from the 2012-2013 school year. Demographic Needs Improve the achievement of our low socio-economic students as the student population in increasing. Targeted intervention for our elementary students will continue for the upcoming school year. 3 School-wide Components (SWC) Gustine ISD CNA SWC#1 Comprehensive Needs Assessment RS SWC#2 Reform Strategies IHQT SWC#3 Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers HQPD SWC#4 High-Quality Professional Development SAHQT SWC#5 Strategies to Attract HQ Teachers SIPI SWC#6 Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement T SWC#7 Transition TDMRA SWC#8 Teacher Decision-Making Regarding Assessments ETAS SWC#9 Effective and Timely Assistance to Students CI SWC#10 Coordination and Integration 4 Title I (NCLB) Goals Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 3: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Performance Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning. Performance Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school. 5 District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.1: GISD will continue its Pre-Kindergarten program and students will show academic growth as measured by the prescribed Pre-Kindergarten curriculum. Summative Evaluation: PK students will make progress in reading readiness skills and will achieve at or above 70% on teacher-made test approved by the district. NCLB Performance Goals: 1, 2,3,4 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 3: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Performance Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning. Activities Title I Comp. 3,8,9 Responsibility Resources Timeline PreK teacher Classroom Resources Balanced Literacy/math August-May 1.1-2 Improve math, language, and science skills. 3 PreK teacher TEA Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum Guides Balanced Literacy/math August-May Student performance in the classroom 1.1-3 Improve transition between PK & K through classroom visitation. 1.1-4 Improve classroom instruction through teacher retention and through placement of a highly qualified PK teacher 7 PreK and Kindergarten teacher Principal and PreK Teacher Lesson Plans Ongoing Elementary Highly Qualified Worksheet Ongoing Student Feedback/Teacher Evaluations Principal Attestation 1.1-1 Improve writing skills by learning and drawing the shapes of the letters, numbers, and learning to write their names. 3,5,7 6 Formative Evaluation Student performance in classroom District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.2: GISD will improve LEP student academic growth as measured by the TPRI, STAAR, and TELPAS. Summative Evaluation: Students in grade K-2 will achieve TPRI developing/still developing. NCLB Performance Goals: 1,2 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities 1.2-1 Provide a supplemental and comprehensive program to teach and reinforce essential skills for proficient readers, to include Alphabetical PrinciplePhonological Awareness – Reading Fluency & Comprehension. K-2 1.2-2 Use questioning strategies, Sequence of events, recalling details, and main events 1.2-3 Improve understanding of math concepts by using calendar activities, sorting, counting, geometric shapes, and other practical applications that are age appropriate. 1.2-4 Use Reading strategies for English-as-Second Language students. Title I Comp. 3, 9 Responsibility Resources Timeline K, 1, 2 teachers Balanced Literacy, Journeys, TEKS resource system August-May 1, 2, 10 K, 1,2 teachers Teacher Resources, Balanced Literacy/math, Journeys, Study Island, and TEKS Resource System August-May Increased TPRI scores 1, 2, 10 K, 1,2 teachers Teacher Resources, Manipulatives, Study Island and TEKS, Balanced Literacy/math, and TEKS Resource System, GO Math Grade 1,2 teachers ESL Certified Teachers, Scholastic, Sheltered Instruction, AR Reading, and Balanced Literacy, Journeys August-May Increased TPRI scores Ongoing Increased TPRI scores 3 7 Formative Evaluation Increased TPRI scores District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.3: GISD students will show academic growth as measured by the STAAR and RPTE. Summative Evaluation: Students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed a passing rate of 75% on STAAR Reading, 75% STAAR Math, 90% on STAAR Writing, and 75% on STAAR Science. NCLB Performance Goals: 1,2 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities Title I Comp. 8, 10 Responsibility Resources Timeline Grade 3,4, &5 teachers August-May 1.3-2 Expand the math program. 3,8 Grade 3,4, &5 teachers Study Island Scope, STAAR Workbooks, and Balanced Literacy/math, Journeys, GO Math, Science Fusion Go Math, Study Island, Eduphoria, Balanced Literacy/Math 1.3-3 Increase student time on "Accelerated Reader" program 3,8 Grade3, 4,5 teachers & Librarian 1.3-4 Provide accelerated classes for students who did not pass STAAR 2,3,8,9 Grade 3,4,and 5 teachers 1.3-1 Use STAAR math, reading, writing, and science activities. 1.3-5 Use STAAR Release tests for 3,7,8 practice in reading, math, and writing. 1.3-6 Implement a professional 3,4, development plan to address student performance on low scoring objectives for TEKS Grade 3,4, &5 teachers and counselor Grade 3,4,5 August-May Formative Evaluation Increased test scores from STAAR Increased Math scores from STAAR "Accelerated Reader" Ongoing program on library and classroom computers, and Balanced Literacy STAAR objectives, Study August-May Island, Before/After School Tutorials STAAR assessment Pre and post tests STAAR Practice Tests, Eduphoria, EDHelper, TEKS Resource System Region 14 Service Center and Balanced Literacy/math Training Improved classroom performance and STAAR Improved classroom performance and STAAR 8 August-March Ongoing Improved classroom performance and STAAR. District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.4: GISD students will show academic growth as measured by the STAAR and RPTE. Summative Evaluation: Students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed a passing rate of 75% on STAAR Reading, 75% STAAR Math, 90% on STAARWriting, and 75% on STAAR Science. NCLB Performance Goals: 1,2 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities Title I Comp. 3,8 Responsibility Resources Timeline Grade 3,4,5 teachers Ongoing 1.4-2 Integrate critical thinking skills with math, reading, writing, language arts, and science TEKS that can be used in everyday life. 3,8 Grade 5 teacher Ongoing Increased test scores 1.4-3 Align curriculum and instruction with TEKS to master STAAR objectives. 1,2,3,8, 10 Grade3, 4,5 teachers Teacher-made materials, computer, library, maps, posters, globes, field trips, Study Island, and STAAR enrichment materials, TEKS Resource System, Science Fusion Teacher Resources and Balanced Literacy/math, Journeys, Go Math, Istation, Think Through Math, Science Fusion Region 14 Service Center, TEKS, TEKS Resource System, Journeys, Go Math, Science Fusion Formative Evaluation Increased test scores Ongoing Improved test scores 1.4-1 Integrate social studies and science TEKS with relevance to real life situations incorporating critical thinking skills that can be used in everyday life. 9 District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.5: GISD students will show growth as measured by the STAAR and RPTE. Summative Evaluation: Students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will meet or exceed a passing rate of 75% on STAAR Reading, 75% STAAR Math, 90% on STAAR Writing, 70% on STAAR Science, and 75% on STAAR Social Studies. NCLB Performance Goals: 1,2 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities Title I Comp. 2,3,8, Responsibility Resources Timeline 6,7,8th grade teachers August-May 1,3 6,7,8th grade teachers Region 14 Service Center, TEKS objectives,TEKS Resource System Regular Budget, STAAR Reading Tool Kit August-May Increased Reading comprehension 1.5-3 Use Release Test as practice for STAAR mastery 1,2,3,8 6,7,8th grade teachers STAAR Release Tests, Eduphoria, TEKS Resource System August-March Improve student performance on weekly tests 1.5-4 Reinforce and practice daily reading, checking for understanding through general discussion. 1.5-5 Provide accelerated instruction during the school day for students who did not meet minimum expectations on STAAR. 1.5-6 Use "Accelerated Reader" Program in Grades 6-8. 1,3,8 6,7,8th grade teachers Classroom materials August-May Increase reading comprehension 1,2,3,8, 9 6,7,8 grade teachers Study Island, STAARobjectives, STAAR Tutorials Ongoing Increased STAAR scores 2,3,8,9 6,7,8th grade teachers and Librarian Accelerated Reader Program on computers in classroom and in library. Ongoing Increase reading skills 1.5-1 Align curriculum and instruction to TEKS to master STAAR in reading, math, writing, science, and social studies. 1.5-2 Use of novel units in Literature for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th 10 Formative Evaluation Increased STAAR scores District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.6: GISD students will show growth as measured by the STAAR and RPTE. Summative Evaluation: Students in grades 9-12 will meet or exceed a passing rate of 75% on STAAR Reading, 75% STAAR Math, 85% on STAAR ELA, 70% on STAAR Science, and 75% on STAAR Social Studies. NCLB Performance Goals: 1, 3 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 3: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Activities Title I Comp. 1,2,3,8, 9 Responsibility Resources Timeline 9-12 teachers August-April 2,3,8,9 9-12 teachers 1.6 -4 Offer tutoring before and/or after school to students who need help. 1,2,3,6, 9 9-12 teachers and aides and parents 1.6-5 Align curriculum instruction with TEKS and STAAR Objectives 1,2,3,8, 9-12 teachers 1.6-6 Enrich science curriculum. 1,2,3 HS Science teacher 1.6-7 Enrich social studies curriculum. 1, 2,3 HS History teacher 1.6-8 Enrich English, reading, and writing curriculum. 1,2,3 HS English teacher 1.6-9 Use computerized STAAR tests on the Internet. 2,3,8,9 9-12 teachers and librarian STAAR practice materials, STAAR Scheduled Tutorial Period, Study Island Teacher-made materials, STAAR Preparation materials, Study Island Teacher-made materials, STAAR Preparation materials, Tutor available before/after school Region 14 Service Center, TEKS Resource System Laboratory Experiments, Video, Teacher-made materials, Internet sites Internet projects, teachermade materials, Internet sites Teaching the Writing Process, TEKS Resource System, Tutoring before/after school Study Island, Computers in classrooms and library 11 1.6-1 Continue STAAR Accelerated instruction for students who did not meet minimum expectations. 1.6-3 Teach strategies and hints for passing the STAAR tests. Formative Evaluation Increased STAAR passing rate August-April Increased STAAR passing rate August-May Improved student performance in the classroom Ongoing Increased STAAR passing rate Ongoing Increased TAKS /STAAR passing rate Increased STAAR passing rate Ongoing Ongoing Increased STAAR passing rate Ongoing Increased student and teacher success District Goal I: To provide instruction so that students can achieve academic objectives according to the TEKS as measured by standardized tests. Performance Objective 1.7: GISD students will show academic growth as measured by the STAAR and RPTE. Summative Evaluation: Special Population Students in grades 3-12 will meet or exceed the follow passing rates on STAAR: At-Risk = 75% in Reading; 65% in Math; 60% in Science; 75% in Social Studies; and 85% in Writing; Economically Disadvantaged = 80% in Reading; 65% in Math; 60% in Science; 75% in Social Studies; and 85% in Writing; Hispanic = 80% Reading; 65% in Math; 80% in Writing; 60% in Science; and 75% in Social Studies; Gifted/Talented = 100% in Reading; 100% in Math; and 100% in Writing; Special Education = 70% in Reading; 70% in Writing; 70% in Social Studies; 60% in Math; and 65% in Science; White = 90% in Reading; 80% in Math; and 90% in Writing; 70% in Science; and 90% in Social Studies; Limited English Proficient = 70% in Reading; 70 % in Writing; 70% in Social Studies; 65% in Math; 60% in Science and 100% scoring “advanced” on RPTE; “Dyslexic Program” = 80% of identified students will pass the TAKS Test. NCLB Performance Goals: 1, 3 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 3: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Activities Title I Comp. 2,3,4,8, 9 Responsibility Resources Timeline Elem., MS, & HS teachers Study Island, STAAR practice materials, Interactive White Boards, Computer Labs Professional Development, August-May 1.7-2 Use positive reinforcements for classroom success. 1,2,3 All district teaching staff Acceptable and appropriate methods such as Ruby Payne (Understanding Poverty), Debbie Comber Small Groups Ongoing Improved report grades 1.7-3 Promote the use of “Accelerated Reader” Program 2,3,9 All Teachers, and librarian “Accelerated Reader” program Ongoing Improved reading skills 1.7-1 Continue accelerated instruction through the use of technology to improve STAAR scores 12 Formative Evaluation Increased STAAR passing rate 1.7-4 Continue GT Program. 2,3,6, GT teacher and Principal, parent 1.7-5 Increase student performance in Special Education services by pooling staff. 1.7-6 Provide tutorials during the school day 3,8,10 1.7-7 Mainstream ESL students. 2,3,10 1.7-8 Continue academic support for Migrant students who qualify 1,2,3,7, 10 1.7-9 Continue to identify and provide services for Dyslexic students. 2,3,6,8, 10 2,3,8,9 G/T Curriculum Guidelines Ongoing Improve academic performance Comanche Co. Sp. Special Education Budget Ed. Coop./ Principal Principal, teacher Scheduled HS Tutorial and aides Period, Study Island, Teacher Resources,TEKS Resource System, before and after-school tutorials All teachers and All ELA/Reading Principal Teachers ESL Certified, All other teachers trained in Sheltered Instruction, Bilingual/ESL Budget, TEKS Resource System, bilingual aid,Study Island Principal and Migrant Funds, Study Migrant Personnel Island, TEKS Resource System, bilingual aid, and Balanced Literacy/Math Ongoing Improved grades August-May Improved grades August-May Improved grades and RPTE & STAAR scores, Aimsweb (38),TPRI (K-2) Ongoing Improved student achievement Dyslexia teacher and Principal Ongoing Improved Reading STAARscores, Aimsweb (3-8) Regular Budget, Foundation for Literacy, Dyslexia Training Program-Scottish Rite Hospital, Dyslexic Testing: Comanche ISD Coordinator 13 District Goal II: To offer a well-balanced curriculum so that all students in grades PK-12 will receive the academic skills to meet or exceed graduation requirements and to attain success beyond high school. Performance Objective 2.1: Students will master the TEKS at each grade level and the average passing rates on standardized tests will be greater than the year before. Summative Evaluation: Standardized tests scores will increase from one year to the next. NCLB Performance Goals: 1,3,5 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 3: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Performance Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school. Activities 2.1-1 Teach the appropriate TEKS for each grade level and course. 2.1-2 Continue curriculum alignment and coordinated planning at and across grade levels (K-12). Title I Staff Comp. Responsibility 2,3,8,10 Teachers, Region 14 and principal 1,3, 8 Teachers, and Principal Resources Timeline Formative Evaluation Lesson Plans with TEKS documentation TEKS ,TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM, other teacher resources, Balanced Literacy/Math, course curriculum TEKS, TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM, TEKS Organizers, and Balanced Literacy/Math Ongoing Ongoing Teachers’ logs 2.1-3 Encourage all students to take 1,2,3, the Foundation High School 8 Program courses as required by HB5. Teachers, Counselor Principal, Parents, Students TEA graduation guidelines and graduation plans Ongoing Graduation Plans 2.1-4 Encourage high school students to take college courses and dual credit courses. Teachers, Counselor, Principal, Parents, Students Acceptable programs per local and legal policy Ongoing Completed courses 1,2,3,8, 10 14 2.1-5 Continue the Texas Reading Initiative. Reading tests are administered to all K-2 students. 2,3,6, 8,10 K, 1,2, Teachers and Principal,bilingual aide TPRI, STAAR, End of Course, TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM,Reading groups in Spanish in K,1 2.1-6 Integrate technologies with core curriculum to improve STAAR scores. 1,2,3,9, 10 Technology Staff, Teachers, and Principal Study Island, Promethian Boards, and Learning AZ 2.1-7 Incorporate Internet research into curriculum. 1,2,3,5, 9,10 2.1-8 Provide Technology Application classes to students on the Internet, word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications, and multimedia presentations. Grades 5-12 2.1-9 Provide Technology Application instruction in grades K-5. 2.1-10 Conference with all 8th grade students and their parents regarding Texas high school graduation programs, including parents in the decision-making process. 2.1-11 Special populations visit TSTC 1,2,3,9, 10 Principal, Parents, Teachers, Students Technology Teacher 1,2,3 1,2,3,5, 6,8, 10 2.1-12 Take field trips to Colleges to visit college and career days. 2.1-13 Encourage all high school students to take the PLAN Test, the PSAT Test , ACT Test, SAT Test, and TSI Test to prepare for college Beginning, Middle, and End of school year. Ongoing Improved TPRI scores Internet services, Network, i-pads, laptopsclassroom sets Ongoing Improved Student proficiency on the Internet, new server. CATE Funds Ongoing Class roster, Lesson Plans Elem. teachers TEKS guidelines, Learning A-Z Ongoing Improved computer skills Counselor, Parents, Students TEA graduation requirements 1,2,3,10 Special Ed Teacher and Coop transition specialist 1,2,3,5, Counselor, 6,10 Teachers, Parents, Students 2,3,6, Parents, 7,8,10 Teachers, Counselor, Students Summer 2014 Improved students’ computer application skills. Parent signatures on 4-year plans TSTC Correspondence, ESC 14 Transition Fair Fall 2014 Documentation, permission forms Gustine Transportation, college career day notifications Registration Bulletins, internet programs Fall/Spring Counselor log Ongoing Test results 15 admissions. 2.1-14 Provide assistance in finding scholarship information, filling out FAFSA and filing financial aid forms. 2.1-15 Provide information regarding career planning, higher education admissions housing applications, and other college admission forms. 2.1-16 Provide special programs to meet the needs of special population students. Migrant, At Risk, G/T, CATE, Title I, Dyslexia, Special Ed., Bilingual/ESL. 1,3,5,6 Counselor, parents, Teachers, Students 1,3,5,6, 9 Counselor, Parents, Teachers, Students 1,2,3,4, 6,8, 10 All Special Program Teachers, parents 2.1-17 Provide PK registration and PK classes for those students who qualify. 1,2,3, 6,7,10 Principal, PreK teacher and Aide, parents 2.1-18 Use "Accelerated Reader" Program for grades K-12. 1,2,3,7, 8, 10 Librarian, Teachers, Students, Parents 2.1-19 Provide "Accelerated Reading Instruction" Program for 1st and 2nd grade students. 1,2,3,8, 10, 2.1-21 Provide physical education classes for grades K-12 grade. 1,2,3,6, 10 Principal, K, 1,2 Teachers and Reading Aide,Bilingual aide K,1 All level P.E. teachers and coaches Application forms, FAFSA parent night presentation, computer programs Application forms, FAFSA parent night presentation, internet Spring Completed forms Ongoing Completed forms TEKS, IEP, ARD Committee, Study Island, Scheduled tutorial period, Backpack Program, Before and After-school tutorials, Transportation, Balanced Literacy/Math Professional development Marquee, Newspaper, Radio, Web-Site, Registration Forms Ongoing ARD minutes, class rosters, and yearly assessments Spring 2015 Correspondence file, AR software on classroom computers and library, Guided Reading, Tell Me More, TPRI, Guided Reading, Tell Me More, Balanced Literacy Ongoing STAAR assessment results Ongoing Improved TPRI scores, improved reading scores TEKS objectives, CATCH Program, SHAC, Special Needs Olympics, Field Day August-May Improved physical stamina of students, improved achievment 16 2.1-22 Provide a fine arts program for students in grade K-4 incorporating music, fine arts, and computer technology. 2.1-23 Provide information on screening for Early Childhood and classes for four year children who qualify. 1,2,3,9, 10 Elem. teachers TEKS objectives 2,3,6,7, 8,10 PreK Teacher Comanche Special Comanche Special Services Co-op Services Co-op 17 Ongoing End of year evaluation Spring 2015 Improved reading readiness District Goal III: To promote positive interaction and communication between Gustine ISD, student’s parents, and community members. Performance Objective 3.1: At least two parent contacts will be made per student by each of his/her teachers during the school year and the community will be kept informed of school events through the local media. (newspaper, marquee, web page, radio, Gazette, etc.) Formative Evaluation: Teacher's log of parent contacts turned in at the end of the year. NCLB Performance Goals: 4 Performance Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning. Activities 3.1-1 Hold “Parent Meetings” to stress to parents the importance of communication immediately with teachers when their child is having difficulty, monitoring their child’s progress, and seeing that homework is completed. 3.1-2 Communicate activities and events to parents and community members. 3.1-3 Project Graduation Parent Meeting Title I Comp. 1,2,3,6,8 Staff Responsibility 1,5,6,10 Principal and staff, parents 1,6 Superintendent and Principal Resources Principal, All teachers, Parent parents Correspondence, Progress Reports, Report Cards, STAAR Reports, Web-Site, Phone Apps. Timeline Ongoing Marquee, Radio, Web- Ongoing Site, Newspaper, Letters, Calendars, Schedules, School Newsletter, Phone Apps. Parents, Community Ongoing Member, Local Businesses 18 Formative Evaluation Increase Parental Awareness of the importance of supervising students’ schoolwork/homework Surveys Project Graduation 3.1-4 Make personal phone calls or correspond with parents about student progress and/or absence. Request parent conference for students who are failing. 3.1-5 Distribute threeweek progress reports. 3.1-6 Hold parent’s conferences with students who are not meeting expectations on STAAR. Show parents a copy of STAAR Release Test. 3.1-7 Send reminder letters to parents the week prior to testing dates. 3.1-8 SHAC 1,3,6,9,10 Principal, Teachers, Parents, Students Letters, Phone logs Ongoing Correspondence File, Telephone logs, Grade Placement Committee, Attendance Committee 1,2,3,6,7,10 Principal and staff, Teachers,parents Principal and Teachers, parents Correspondence File Every six weeks Correspondence file STAAR Release Test January-August Telephone logs, Teacher and Principal logs, Grade Placement Committee 1,2,3,6 Principal and Teachers and parents Letters, Testing Schedules Ongoing Correspondence File 1,2,3,5,10 Meetings 2 meeting per semester SHAC Programs Evaluation 3.1-9 Provide STAAR Study Guides to parents of students who do not meet minimum expectations on STAAR. 3.1-10 Meet with parents regarding their child’s four-year graduation plan. 3.1-11 Offer FAFSA assistance and 1,2,3,6,8,9 SHAC Representatives, parents, teachers Principal, counselor, staff and Region 14, parents STAAR Study Guides, Ongoing TEKS Resource System, Web-site Correspondence File 1,6 Principal, Counselor TEA graduation guidelines August 2014 Graduation, Student Files 1,2,6,9,10 Counselor FAFSA forms, Parent Info Night February 2015 Correspondence File 1,2,3,6,8,9 19 financial aid workshops for parents and students. 3.1-12 Send letters to parents informing them of PK registration. 3.1-13 Inform parents of the Student Success Initiative retention law. 3.1-14 Effect parent communication to increase parental involvement. 3.1-15 To improve student motivation 1,6,7 Principal, Counselor, PreK teacher and office staff Newspaper, Marquee, School Newsletter, Web-site, phone apps. Spring 2015 Correspondence file 1,2,3,6,8,10 Principal, Counselor Correspondence file Per local and legal policy Grade Placement Committee, Correspondence file 1,6 Principal, Staff, Parent On going Parent/community participation 1 Principal, Staff Meet the Teacher, OAP, mailing to parents, marquee, newsletter, web page, phone apps., Meet the Tigers (Athletics) Field trips, recognition-academic awards, waiver days, Pizza Day, STAAR PEP Rally On going Improved grades, attendance 20 District Goal IV: To design special programs to help students participating in these programs meet or exceed state performance expectations. Performance Objective: 4.1: TITLE I Increase the academic achievement level of all students and maintain a 0% dropout rate. Gustine School is a TITLE I school-wide campus. A campus-wide well-balanced curriculum will show academic growth in test scores among TITLE I students. Summative Evaluation: Compare previous grades/course completions/STAAR/EOC scores to previous year scores to see if TITLE I students are showing improvement. Dropout rate will remain at 0%. NCLB Performance Goals 1,2,3,5 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 3: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. Performance Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school. Activities Title I Staff Comp. Responsibility 4.1-1 Coordinate Title I services for 3,6,9,10 Principal Special Populations such as At Risk, McKinney-Vento, Bilingual/ESL, Migrant, CATE, and Special Education. 4.1-2 Disaggregate STAAR & 2,3,8, Principal and ITBS data and use for screening Counselor and placement. 4.1-3 Increase parental 1,6 Principal, communication for all students. Teachers, Parents, Students 4.1-4 Improve transition from PK- 2,7 PreK-K teachers K. and Principal 4.1-5 Prepare students for STAAR 3,8 Principal, 3-12 format. Teachers Resources Timeline Title I funds, Migrant funds, McK-V tutoring, Mandatory tutoring Ongoing Formative Evaluation Improvement of students in all programs ESC 14, Eduphoria May-August List of Title I scores Correspondence File Ongoing Correspondence File Correspondence File Ongoing Study Island, Practice materials, balanced literacy/math, Istation, Think Through Math, Go Math, Journeys 21 Ongoing Improved school readiness Acceptable STAAR scores 4.1-6 Purchase Study Island for STAAR preparation 4.1-7 Administer a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Surveys to parents, students and staff. 1,2,10 Principal 1,6,10 Principal 4.1-8 Maintain low student-teacher ratio 3,5 Superintendent, school board, Principal 4.1-9 Expand Software in Middle Building Computer Lab and maintain schedule of students who utilize the lab. 4.1-10 Purchase STAAR practice materials and technology to improve test scores 1,2,5,10 Superintendent, Principal, Tech teachers, & Teachers 1,8,9,10 All teachers administering STAAR Test 4.1-11 Continue the "Accelerated Reader" program to improve reading scores. 8,10 4.1-12 Identify students below the benchmarks on TPRI (K-2) & provide reading skills. 8,9 4.1-13 Provide a Dyslexia Program 9 for students who qualify; provide a 504 evaluation and meet with parents of these students and 504 Committee to determine eligibility; give out “Parents & Students Rights Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973” 4.1-14 Evaluate the effectiveness of 2,10 the Title I Program TITLE I funds AMI/ARI Grant Needs Assessment Survey Ongoing Title I Funds Ongoing Class Size Evaluation Study Island, Istation, Think Through Math ESC 14, Outside Grants, Ongoing Increased Reading and Math skills in the classroom ESC 14 Title IV funds ARI/AMI Grant Ongoing Acceptable STAAR scores Superintendent, Title I funds Principal Teachers, Students Principal, K, 1,2, TPRI Teachers and Aide Ongoing Improved Reading skills BOY MOY EOY Improve reading skills Coordinator 504 Committee Alphabet Phonics, Scottish Rite Curriculum, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Ongoing 80% Achievement on Progress measured by Alphabet Phonics, Improved classroom performance with 504 modifications Superintendent, Principal Evaluation Survey Spring 2015 Improved Title I Program 22 January-May Acceptable STAAR scores Improved programs and instruction District Goal IV: To design special programs to help students participating in these programs meet or exceed state performance expectations. Dropout Rate will remain at 0%. Performance Objective 4.2: AT RISK increase the academic achievement level of At-Risk students and dropout rate will remain at 0%. Summative Evaluation: Compare previous grades/course completions/STAAR scores to past records to see if each At-Risk student is showing improvement. Dropout rate will remain at 0%. NCLB Performance Goals 1,2 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities Title I Comp. 9, 10 Staff Responsibility Principal, Counselor and staff 4.2-2 Provide STAAR accelerated instruction for those students who do not meet minimum expectations on STAAR test. 2,8,9 STAAR Class Teachers 4.2-3 Provide materials to supplement instruction for At Risk students. 2,10 Principal, 504 coordinator, 4.2-4 All ELA/Reading teachers ESL certified. All other teachers trained in “Sheltered Instruction”. 4.2-5 Provide STAAR tutorials. 4,5 4.2-1 Identify At-Risk students based on state guidelines. ESL and migrant personnel 2,3,9,10 Principal, Teachers, Parents, Students Resources Timeline Formative Evaluation State guidelines for At-Risk By October for PEIMS data STAAR Release tests, AugustStudy Island, tutorials, July Promethian Boards, Coach STAAR workbooks, balanced literacy/math PK, STAAR, Study Island, Ongoing Promethian Boards, balanced literacy/math, Istation, Think Through Math Regular Budget Title I funds Technology Grants Regular Budget Ongoing Title 1 and 2 List of At-Risk students Teacher Resources, Promethian Interactive Smart Boards Lower failure rate 23 Ongoing Improved STAAR scores Decrease Drop-out Rate Improved English Proficiency 4.2-6 Continue PK Program with certified teacher for qualified 4 yearold children. 7,9 Superintendent, School Board, Principal and PreK teacher Principal, Counselor, 504 coordinator, Teachers Comanche Special Services Coop. Title I funds Ongoing Improved Reading and Language Skills 4.2-7 Provide Pregnancy Related Services to identified students. Counseling; parenting education; & homebound services for students in need. 4.2-8 Use "Accelerated Reading Instruction" Grant funds to give oneon-one instruction to K-2 students who have trouble in reading. 4.2-9 Purchase instructional materials for STAAR accelerated programs. 2,3,6,9 Community Resources, TEA guidelines, PEIMS Data Standard Ongoing Decrease Drop-out Rate 2,9,10 Principal, Teachers, Reading Aide Ongoing Improved Reading Scores 9,10 Principal, Special Ed and all teachers Ongoing Improved Test Scores 4.2-10 Desegregate STAAR data 8 Ongoing Improved Test Scores 4.2-11 Evaluate the effectiveness of the At Risk Program 1,2,10 Principal, counselor Superintendent, Principal, Counselor Accelerated Reading Instruction Grant, TPRI, Learning A-Z, balanced literacy Study Island, Measuring Up, Promethian Boards, Learning A-Z, balanced literacy/math Title I ESC 14 Staff Eduphoria STAAR Ongoing Improved At Risk Program 24 District Goal IV: To design special programs to help students participating in these programs meet or exceed state performance expectations. Dropout Rate goal will remain at 0%. Performance Objective: 4.3: ESL (English as a Second Language) Test results for ESL students in grades 3-12 will improve in English/language arts , reading scores on STAAR, and English Proficiency Rate on RPTE (Reading Proficiency Test in English (RPTE). Dropout rate will remain at 0%. Summative Evaluation: Compare previous STAAR Reading scores to current STAAR reading scores. Compare TOP language scores to see if students in ESL are showing improvement and maintain a dropout rate 0%. NCLB Performance Goals 2 Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient (LEP) students will become proficient in English and will reach high academic standards at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities Title I Comp. 1,9 Staff Responsibilities Principal and ESL Personnel Resources Timeline Regular Budget Ongoing 1,2,3,7, 10 Principal, counselor. Region 14 Staff ESC Region 14 AEISit , Eduphoria Summer 4.3-3 Instruct in TEKS from English as a Second Language at the appropriate grade level. 1,8, Principal, ESL & Copies of TEKS Migrant Personnel Migrant Funds August-May TAAS information on ESL students regarding areas of weakness Lesson Plans 4.3-4 Staff development for ESL teachers and aides that focus on instructional strategies. 1,2,4, Principal, ESL & migrant Personnel ESC 14, Balanced Literacy/Math Training Migrant Funds Ongoing Attendance certificates 4.3-5 Conference with parents (with an interpreter if necessary). 4.3-6 Use STAAR practice materials. 1,6,9 Principal, ESL & Migrant Personnel Principal, ESL & Migrant Personnel Telephone logs Migrant Funds STAAR practice materials, Aimsweb,Measuring Up, Promethian Boards, balanced literacy/math Migrant Funds Ongoing Telephone logs / Travel Logs Improved RPTE scores and satisfactory STAAR scores 4.3-1 Provide Bilingual/ESL services to Limited English Proficient Students 4.3-2 Disaggregate STAAR and TELPAS results for ESL students 3,10 25 Ongoing Formative Evaluation Increased English proficiency 4.3-7 LPAC will determine modifications for LEP students who need assistance. 3,9 4.3-8 Evaluate the effectiveness of the Bilingual/ESL program. 1 Principal, ESL & Migrant Personnel, Parent Rep. Principal, ESL & Migrant personnel, Parent Rep. LPAC Committee Migrant Funds Ongoing Improved test scores, modification checklist LPAC Committee Migrant Funds Summer Improved Bilingual/ESL program 26 District Goal IV: To design special programs to help students participating in these programs meet or exceed state performance expectations. Dropout Rate will remain at 0%. Performance Objective 4.4: SPECIAL EDUCATION: Increase the academic performance of 40% of our Special Education students as measured on the STAAR. Summative Evaluation: Compare previous STAAR test scores with current STAAR for improvement. Dropout rate will return to 0%. NCLB Performance Goals 1 Performance Goal 1: Activities By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Title I Comp. 4.4-1 Provide a quality 3,9 Special Education Program to students who qualify 4.4-2 Determine 2,3,9,10 Individual Education Plan based on Initial Assessment and appropriate goals as determined by the ARD committee. 4.4-3 Provide LRE 2,3,9,10 through Inclusion setting using modifications and/or instructional aides in the regular classroom. 4.4-4 Use test data to 2,8 determine STAAR assessment levels. 4.4-5 Provide report 1,2,3,9 cards each six weeks, progress reports every three weeks, and phone contact with academic and behavior Staff Responsibility Resources Timeline Special Ed teacher, Aides Special Education Funds Ongoing Principal, Counselor, Sp. Ed. Teacher, teachers, parent, student, ARD Comm. ARD committee, Comanche Special Services Coop. Ongoing ARD minutes Principal Sp. Ed. Teacher and Aides Peer Tutors, Aides Schedules Ongoing Lesson Plans Sp. Ed. teacher and ARD comm. STAAR results Summer Improved test scores Principal, Sp. Ed. Teacher Correspondence file, phone log Each six weeks Correspondence file 27 Formative Evaluation Improved test scores – Yearly progress concerns. 4.4-6 Provide Related 2,3,8,9 Services based on assessment, IEP goals, and student needs. 4.4-7 Follow a timely 2,3,8,9,10 process with reevaluations to determine eligibility, specific educational needs, and adjustments to the IEP. 4.4-8 Provide 2,9 transition services involving the student in career planning including other agencies when appropriate. 4.4-9 Provide STAAR 2,3,8,9 accelerated instruction for special education students. 4.4-10 Continue 2,3,6,9,10 Dyslexia Program to improve reading skills. 4.4-11 Monitor 2,3,9,10 modifications and classroom performance of Special Education students. 4.4-12 Evaluate the 2,3,9,10 effectiveness of the Special Education Program Principal, Sp. Ed. Teacher, Aides and Co-op Comanche Special Services Co-op Sp. Ed. Teacher, diagnostician. ARD committee Sp. Ed. Teacher Coop-Transition Coordinator and TX. Rehabilitation Comm. Rep. Comanche Special Services Coop Principal, Counselor, Sp. Ed. teacher, teachers STAAR materials, Study Island, Promethian Boards, balanced literacy/math, “Alphabet Phonics” Scottish Rite Hospital, graphic novels Communication logs, lesson plans, progress reports Ongoing Report Cards, STAAR Ongoing Principal, Dyslexia & Sp. Ed. Teacher. Sp. Ed. Teacher Superintendent, Principal, Counselor, Sp. Ed. Teacher 28 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Copies of IEP Correspondence Logs More informed career choices Improved test scores Improved reading, writing, and spelling skills Evidence of modifications in the classroom Improved Special Education Program District Goal IV: To design special programs to help students participating in these programs meet or exceed state performance expectations. Dropout Rate will be at 0%. Performance Objective 4.5: CAREERS AND TECHNOLOGY. Students will gain skills through CTE courses to prepare them to transition for school to work. Courses will be evaluated at the end of the year to determine their success, to add or delete courses, and use of information on career trends to determine future course needs. Summative Evaluation: Teacher, parent, and student surveys will be completed to evaluate course offerings and to determine the need to add or delete curses. Use of information from CTE advisory committee will be used to develop course offerings for the next school year. NCLB Performance Goals 4,5 Performance Goal 4: Performance Goal 5: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning All students will graduate from high school. Activities 4.5-1 Provide CTE services to students enrolled in CTE programs using gender equitable methods and practices. 4.5-2 Plan with Special Education personnel to reach educational goals of Special Education students in CTE classes. 4.5-3 Provide career planning focusing on school-to-work transition. 4.5-4 Expand community involvements through Ag. Sci. 4.5-5 Field Trip to a College/Career Day Title I Comp. 1,2,3,9,10 Staff Responsibility Resources Timeline Principal, CTETeachers CTE funds Ongoing Formative Evaluation Student Schedules 1,2,9,10 Principal, Sp. Ed. Teacher, Teachers Teacher planning time End of year ARDs Student Schedules 2,9,10 CTE Teachers TEKS Ongoing Increase student knowledge of careers 1,2,6,9,10 Ag. ScienceTeacher Class Projects Title I Ongoing Record kept on projects 1,9 Counselor Student Surveys Spring Student Survey Results 29 4.5-6 Transition Planning Annually with Special Education students. 4.5-7 Consideration of potential harmful effects on the student or quality of service that he\she needs during placement 4.5-8 Increase participation in UIL events 9,10 Sp. Ed. Teacher, Coop-Transition Coordinator Comanche Special Service Coop. Spring Transition Meeting notes. 3,8,10 Sp. Ed. Teacher, Diagnostician Comanche Special Service Coop. Ongoing ARD forms 2,3, UIL Awards Coordinator UIL guidelines Ongoing Awards from competition 30 District Goal IV: To design special programs to help students participating in these programs meet or exceed state performance expectations. Performance Objective 4.6: GIFTED AND TALENTED In addition to a well-balanced core curriculum, students will be offered advanced learning opportunities through Internet, computer-based instruction. Summative Evaluation: Production of products/activities using technology skill. NCLB Performance Goals 1 Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Activities 4.6-1 Provide an advanced curriculum that uses critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 4.6-2 Provide materials and supplies for G/T Program. 4.6-3 Provide identification and placement procedures for G/T in English and Spanish to all parents of LEP students via US mail 4.6-4 Charts and other disaggregated data will be used to insure G/T program is representative of the ethnic and socioeconomic groups in the total population 4.6-5 Address means of identification and needs of gifted children from poverty Title I Comp. 2,3,9 Staff Responsibility HS & Elem. GT Teachers Resources Timeline G/T Curriculum Ongoing Formative Evaluation Lesson Plans 3,9 HS & Elem. GT Teachers HS & Elem. GT Teachers G/T Budget Ongoing Purchase orders G/T Budget Ongoing Program Evaluation Survey 1,3,8,10 Principal, Counselor, GT Teachers AEIS, PEIMS Summer Data Charts 1,3,6,8, 10 Region 14 ESC Annually Certificate of Attendance 3,6,10 GT Teachers 31 District Goal V: To provide staff development to teachers and aides that promotes high expectations for student achievement and focuses on ways to implement the most current instructional strategies and integration techniques. Performance Objective 5.1: Teachers will attend at least one workshop in their field of study during the year or summer session. Summative Evaluation: A list of all workshop participants will be provided through Region 14 ESC or certificates of attendance from workshops other than those sponsored by Region 14. NCLB Performance Goals 3,4 Performance Goal 3: Performance Goal 4: By 2006-2007, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning Activities 5.1-1 Provide Fall/winter and Spring/summer catalog from Region 14 ESC to teachers. 5.1-2 Encourage teachers and aides to attend workshops on innovative teaching strategies/techniques. 5.1-3 Continue the acquisition of hardware, software, Internet lines, and training so that teachers can integrate technology into the core curriculum instruction. 5.1-4 Provide staff development on Effective Classroom Management techniques, especially focusing on keeping student interruptions to a minimum, providing a classroom setting at an optimum-learning environment, being specific with classroom instructions, being consistent with classroom instruction, and posting rules and consequences in each classroom. Title I Comp. 4,5,10 Staff Responsibility Teachers, Principal, ESC 14 4,8,9,10 Principal , 1,2,3,4, 9 Superintendent, Principal, School Board 1,4,10 Principal, all teachers Resources Timeline ESC 14 Staff Development catalogs Fall/Spring Formative Evaluation Workshop registrations Regular Budget for Ongoing substitute pay, ESP Tarleton, balanced literacy/math training Regular Budget Ongoing PS 9,Region 14 District Technology Staff, Learning A-Z Certificates of attendance District Staff, Region 14 staff, Internal Teacher to Teacher walk throughs, administrator walk throughs Workshop attendance certificates, administrator records 32 Ongoing Improved communication between buildings and staff 5.1-5 Attend STAAR workshops in STAAR related areas. 5.1-6 Attend workshops on TEKS in their subject area. 3,4,10 Teachers ESC catalog Ongoing 3,4,10 Principal, all Teachers ESC 14 with Substitute pay Ongoing Superintendent, Principal, all Teachers Principal, Tech. Teachers, All Teachers All Teachers Building Project Ongoing TEKS Ongoing TEKS Ongoing Superintendent, Principal, and All Teachers Regular Budget Pay for Substitutes Ongoing 5.1-7 Extend intercommunication, 1,9,10 telephone, and network systems across the campus. 5.1-8 Integrate projects between the 1,3,8,9, technology and core curriculum. 10 5.1-9 Increase use of internet for research on classroom projects. 1,3,9 5.1-10 Provide, as required by TEC 21.452, staff development in technology, conflict resolution, and discipline strategies. 1,2,4,9, 10 33 Workshop attendance certificates Attendance Certificates Improved communication between staff Increased student proficiency in technology Increased student performance on the Internet Improved teacher technology skills District Goal VI: To provide a safe and violence-free school environment that will communicate to all students a quality-of-life pattern regarding responsibility, respect, and self-esteem. Performance Objective: 6.1:. TITLE IV SAFE & DRUG FREE SCHOOLS The 2010 evaluation of the Safe & Drug Free program will show a decrease in incidents such as disciplinary referrals, AEP placement, suspensions, expulsions, firearms confiscated, other weapons confiscated, possession, sale, or use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. A dropout rate of 0% and an attendance rate of 95% will be maintained. Summative Evaluation: Comparison of the 2013 program evaluation with the 2014 program evaluation will show a decrease in incidents of the above mentioned infractions. Mandated drug testing policy for all UIL activities. NCLB Performance Goals 4,5 Performance Goal 4: Performance Goal 5: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning All students will graduate from high school. Activities 6.1-1 Participate in Title IV funding through shared services agreement with Region 14 6.1-2 Encourage potential dropout students to stay in school by providing counseling and contact with the parent. 6.1-3 Contact parent when students have excessive absences. 6.1-4 Provide programming for students and staff that focus on, drug prevention, violence prevention, suicide prevention, conflict resolution and intervention counseling. 6.1-5 Principal’s Partner Program (PreK-5) 6.1-6 Provide programs on reporting bullying, abuse, and sexual harassment. Title I Comp. 2,10 Staff Responsibilities Superintendent, Principal Resources Timeline SSA with Region 14 Ongoing 1,2,6,10 Principal, Teachers, Counselor Correspondence File Ongoing 1, 6 Telephone Logs, Letters Ongoing to Parents SDFS Coop Ongoing Programming, Random vehicle/locker inspections by “Drug Dog”, Mandated Drug Policy Principal, Teachers, Staff 1,4,6,10 Principal, Counselor, Teachers 1,7 Principal and Staff Certificates, Rewards Ongoing 1,4,10 Principal, Counselor Ongoing Per local and legal policy 34 Formative Evaluation Application completed and approved Counselor log Attendance Percentage Improved student understanding Improved behavior and citizenship of students (PreK-5) Principal/Counselor Log 6.1-7 Provide a school environment that is safe, attractive, and conducive to learning. 6.1-8 Inform teachers of student responses Student Survey. 1,6,10 Maintenance Personnel, Principal, Teachers, Staff, and Students 1,9,10 Principal, Counselor, All teachers 1,2,6,10 Principal, Teachers 6.1-9 Make students aware of code of conduct violations, emphasizing that acts of violence will not be tolerated. 6.1-10 Evaluate the effectiveness of 1,2,6,10 Principal, the Safe & Drug Free Schools Counselor program. Maintenance Schedule Ongoing Attractive grounds Region 14 Spring Safe School Survey Student Code of Conduct Ongoing Few discipline infractions SDFSC Annual Performance Report End of year Improved SDFSC 35 Fund Sources: Fund 199 General Fund 211 Title IA Fund 212 Title IC (Migrant) Fund 255 Title IIA (Retention of Highly Qualified Staff) Fund 270 REAP (Rural Education Achievement Program) Fund (HG Beadeal Nurse/Homeless Grant) 36