
Teaching Response Tokens
Through Story Telling Tasks
Silvana Dushku
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Definition & Classification
• Response tokens (RT) are high-frequency turn-initial lexical items which
occur in responses in everyday spoken genres, and which reveal various
levels of the listener’s interactional engagement (McCarthy, 2003, p. 4)
• Minimal RT
• Non-Minimal RT:
Non-minimal RT without expanded content (NM-EC)
Non-minimal RT plus expanded responses (NM+ER)
RT with pre-modification
Negated RT
(Ibid. pp. 21-35)
Data Collection and Methodology
Pedagogical Implications
Develop a better understanding of students’
current level of interactional competence and their
needs through the investigation of their use of
engagement tokens (assessment and surprise
tokens) (Schegloff, 1982)
On the basis of needs analysis, develop task-based
materials that can lead to awareness raising and
gradual appropriate production of these
engagement tokens in conversation
Data Collection and Methodology
Video and digital recordings of free 25-minute
conversations over the Thanksgiving Break:
Four triads of 2 NNSs and their NS Conversation Partner
Four triads of 3 NS graduate students and new
Written survey of both groups’ participants:
responding to 8 Thanksgiving Break-related
situations designed to elicit surprise (4) and
evaluation (4)
NNS students’ survey results rated on
appropriateness/inappropriateness by 4 NS ESL
Data Collection and Methodology
Data transcription (first 10 minutes) and analysis (transcription coding
key, O’Keeffe, McCarthy, Carter, 2007)
Identification and classification of surprise and assessment tokens used
by both NNSs and NSs according to FORM (McCarthy 2003
classification) and descriptive statistical analysis
NNSs’ use of surprise and assessment tokens (6 video excerpts) rated
on appropriateness/inappropriateness by 18 trained NS university
Inter-rater reliability measured for both groups of raters:
4 NS raters : Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.913
18 NS raters: Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.870
Analysis of CONTEXTS and FUNCTIONS: kinds of inappropriateness in
the use of surprise and assessment tokens by NNSs
• Analysis of assessment tokens in 10-minute
– Significant differences (p value < 0.05) found in
the use of:
• All assessment tokens
• Non-minimal assessment tokens without expanded
• Non- minimal assessment tokens with expanded
– Less complex assessment tokens used by NNSs.
Mean Number of Assessment Tokens in Ten-Minute Conversation
• Analysis of surprise tokens in 10-minute
– Significant difference (p value < 0.05) found in the
use of:
• Minimal surprise tokens (extended foreign
Mean Number of Surprise Tokens in Ten-Minute Conversation
• Analysis of assessment and response tokens in
– Significant difference (p value < 0.05) found in the
use of:
– Pre-modified assessment tokens:
• Too + adjective
• So + adjective
– No significant difference found in the use of
surprise tokens
Mean Number of Assessment Tokens in Survey Component
Mean Number of Surprise Tokens in Survey Component
Findings – Inappropriate Uses
• Extended foreign vocalizations (E.g.: Ahh!)
• Non-native fall-rise (instead of the typical
exclamatory fall in English – Wells, 2006) in
vocalized exclamations of surprise
Findings – Inappropriate Uses
Factual recount of events with little or no engagement
from the listener:
Dry, depersonalized responses
Use of extended foreign vocalizations to express
convergence, acknowledgement, or information receipt
Pragmatic competence deficiency to demonstrate
surprise, sympathy/ empathy, and interest/excitement
‘Cultural’ verbal and gestural responses
Inappropriate question responses
Findings – Inappropriate Uses
• When listening, students often failed to
anticipate clues – Listening-response
relevance moments (LRRM) (Erickson &
Schultz, 1982; McCarthy, 2003) - in the native
speakers’ conversation
– While-listening strategy deficiency – how to ‘tune
in’ to the clues
– Insufficient ability to make a pragmatic inference
and plan the response
Findings – Inappropriate Uses
Use of “it” instead of “that” referring to past events in
assessment tokens by the listener
E.g.: It’ s terrible!
Use of present tense instead of the past in assessment
E.g.: It’ s nice!
Failure to give a yes/no response to a speaker’s question
before using a response token or a statement
E.g.: A: Did you have a good time?
B: I have enjoyed skiing.
Ungrammatical questions attempted to show
E.g.: A: I lost my passport at the airport!
B: How did you do?
Pedagogical Implications
Teaching approach:
– The three ‘Is’ (Illustration-Interaction-Induction) approach
(McCarthy and Carter, 1995 (also 2005, 2007):
– Illustration – through authentic data samples
– Interaction – discussion of language features observed in the
– Induction – discovering rules through observation and
– the ‘explicit’ approach (Huth and Taleghani-Nikazm,
– ‘Language awareness-based’ approach (Fung and Carter,
Pedagogical Implications
Suggested teaching goals (intermediate level):
• Identify and practice the tenses of narration (past/past progressive in
statements and questions)
• Identify and practice high-frequency (minimal and non-minimal) response
tokens to show surprise and assessment
• Recognize the exclamatory fall in exclamations
• Practice ‘It”- and “That”- initiated responses showing assessment or
• Analyze conversation clues that trigger possible listener
– Identify facts in a news story - the 5 Wh-s
– Identify opinion discourse markers
• Review how to maintain conversation in narrative discourse:
– Explain how to formulate appropriate Wh- questions
– Explain how to use continuers
• Analyze cultural differences in expressing assessment and surprise in
conversation narratives
Pedagogical Implications
Needs Analysis
– Teacher recounts her holiday/Break travel
experience, students digitally record their
reactions to the story
– Students tell holiday/Break stories to one
another, record them and their reactions
– Students complete a questionnaire with
holiday/Break situations requiring them to
continue the conversation by verbally reacting to
the situation
Pedagogical Implications
– Textbook-Supplementary Task Examples:
Task I – Observation
Task II – Noticing Lack of RTs in Responses
Students tell their holiday stories (that would elicit expressions
of affect) to NSs,
record the NSs’ responses, and discuss them in class
Students look at a bookish and dry conversation,
discuss what is missing,
suggest other ways to respond (use the language they noticed
in NSs’ conversation?)
Task III – Noticing Appropriate Responses
Students analyze teacher-selected clips from video/MP3
recording and authentic transcripts of NS’s use of engagement
tokens and other engagement strategies in conversation
(according to teaching goals selected)
Pedagogical Implications
– Task IV - Noticing Inappropriate Responses &
Controlled Practice of Appropriate Responses
Students analyze excessive vocalizations in a funny
movie clip,
Replace them with response tokens from a given list,
explain their choice,
role-play the situation
– Task V – Analysis and Discussion of Students’
Own Responses
Students in pairs analyze their own, previously
recorded narratives using an evaluation rubric
Pedagogical Implications
– Task VI – Analysis and Controlled Practice
• Students in pairs watch a movie clip of an unusual
• record the story elements according to a 5-Whquestions’ list,
• identify conversation clues that trigger possible listener
• plan appropriate responses/reactions to them,
• tell and react to the movie story following a role play
• Many thanks to
– The UIUC IEI administration, students, teachers,
and Conversation Partners – for making this
research possible
– Dr. Irene Koshik, Dr. Numa Markee, Dr. Andrea
Golato, Dr. Fred Davidson– for their invaluable
guidance and input
– Professor Michael McCarthy and Professor Ronald
Carter – for the tremendous inspiration in this
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