Ch. 1 Introduction to Science

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Visual Concepts
Math Skills
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Chapter 1
Introduction to Science
Table of Contents
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Section 3 Organizing Data
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
• Describe the main branches of natural science and relate
them to each other.
• Describe the relationship between science and
• Distinguish between scientific laws and scientific
• Explain the roles of models and mathematics in scientific
theories and laws.
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Even before you started this course, you knew a lot about science
because science and its effects surround everyone in our society.
To help you tap this knowledge, answer the items below.
1. The term science encompasses many areas of study. Name four
branches of science and briefly describe the topics that are studied
in each.
2. Computer technology has changed the way many tasks are
completed today. Name three other technological advances that
have occurred since 1900 that have changed our lives significantly.
3. Scientific laws such as the law of gravity govern our daily lives.
Name two additional laws of science that govern our lives.
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
How Does Science Take Place?
• Scientists investigate.
• Scientists plan experiments.
• Scientists observe.
• Scientists always test the results.
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
How Does Science Take Place? continued
• Science has many branches.
• Biological science is the science of living things.
• Physical science is the science of matter and
• Earth science is the science of the Earth, the
atmosphere, and weather.
• Science is the knowledge obtained by observing
natural events and conditions in order to discover
facts and formulate laws or principles that can be
verified or tested.
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Natural Science
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Earth Sciences
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
How Does Science Take Place? continued
• Science and technology work together.
• Some scientists practice pure science defined as
the continuing search for scientific knowledge.
• Some scientists and engineers practice applied
science defined as the search for ways to use
scientific knowledge for practical applications.
• Technology is the application of science for practical
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Scientific Laws and Theories
• Laws and theories are supported by experimental
• Scientific theories are always being questioned and
examined. To be valid, a theory must:
• explain observations
• be repeatable
• be predictable
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Scientific Laws and Theories, continued
• Scientific law a summary of many experimental
results and observations; a law tells how things work
• Scientific theory an explanation for some
phenomenon that is based on observation,
experimentation, and reasoning
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Comparing Theories and Laws
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Scientific Laws and Theories, continued
• Mathematics can describe physical events.
• A qualitative statement describes something with
• A quantitative statement describes something with
mathematical equations.
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Scientific Laws and Theories, continued
• Theories and laws are always being tested.
• Models can represent physical events.
• A model is a representation of an object or event
that can be studied to understand the real object
or event.
• Scientists use physical and computer models to
study objects and events.
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
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Chapter 1
Section 1 The Nature of Science
Physical, Mathematical, and Conceptual
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
• Understand how to use critical thinking skills to solve
• Describe the steps of the scientific method.
• Know some of the tools scientists use to investigate
• Explain the objective of a consistent system of units,
and identify the SI units for length, mass, and time.
• Identify what each common SI prefix represents, and
convert measurements.
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Your teacher has given you the following assignment:
Investigate the impact on plant growth of adding various
amounts of fertilizer to potted plants. Think about what
you would need to do to be certain that the fertilizer was
having the impact on the plant growth. Then answer the
items below.
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Place a Y besides items that would be part of your plan to
investigate plant height and fertilizer. Place a N besides items that
will not help you investigate this particular connection.
a. _______ Put one plant in a sunny windowsill and one in a dark
b. _______ Give plants the same amounts of water.
c. _______ Give different plants different amounts of fertilizer
without keeping track of which plant got extra fertilizer.
d. _______ Use some new plants from seeds and some old plants
that have been growing for months.
e. _______ Start with plants that are the same size.
f. _______ Keep all plants in a similar location.
g. _______ Carefully note amounts of fertilizer each plant is given.
h. _______ Keep one plant fertilized but with no water.
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
2. Name at least five tools or supplies will you need to
perform this experiment.
3. What quantities will be measured, and what units will
you use to record these measurements?
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Science Skills
• Critical Thinking
• Scientists approach a problem by thinking
• Critical thinking is the ability and willingness to
assess claims critically and to make judgments on
the basis of objective and supported reasons.
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Science Skills, continued
• Using the scientific method
• The scientific method is a general description of
scientific thinking rather than an exact path for
scientists to follow.
• Scientific method a series of steps followed to solve
problems including collecting data, formulating a
hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Scientific Method
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Science Skills, continued
• Testing hypotheses
• Scientists test a hypothesis by doing a controlled
• In a controlled experiment, all the factors that
could affect the experiment are kept constant
except for one change.
• Hypothesis a possible explanation or answer that
can be tested
• Variable a factor that changes in an experiment in
order to test a hypothesis
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Controlled Experiment and Variable
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Science Skills, continued
• Conducting experiments
• No experiment is a failure
• The results of every experiment can be used to
revise the hypothesis or plan tests of a different
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Science Skills, continued
• Using scientific tools
• There are many tools used by scientists for
making observations, including
particle accelerators
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Units of Measurement
• SI units are used for consistency.
• Scientists use the International System of Units (SI) to make
sharing data and results easier.
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
SI (Le Système Internationale d’Unités)
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Units of Measurement, continued
SI prefixes are for very large and very small
• The table below shows SI prefixes for large
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Units of Measurement, continued
• The table below shows SI prefixes for small
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Math Skills
Conversions A roll of copper wire contains 15 m of
wire. What is the length of the wire in centimeters?
1. List the given and unknown values.
length in meters, l = 15 m
Unknown: length in centimeters = ? cm
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Math Skills
2. Determine the relationship between units.
Looking at the table of prefixes used for small
measurements, you can find that 1 cm = 0.01 m.
This also means that 1 m = 100 cm.
You will multiply because you are converting from a
larger unit (meters) to a smaller unit (centimeters)
3. Write the equation for the conversion.
100 cm
length in cm = m 
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Math Skills
4. Insert the known values into the equation, and
100 cm
length in cm = 15 m 
length in cm = 1500 cm
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
Units of Measurement, continued
• Making measurements
• Many observations rely on quantitative
• Length a measure of the straight-line distance
between two points
• Mass a measure of the amount of matter in an object
• Volume a measure of the size of a body or region in
three-dimensional space
• Weight a measure of the gravitational force exerted
on an object
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Chapter 1
Section 2 The Way Science Works
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
• Interpret line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts.
• Use scientific notation and significant figures in
problem solving.
• Identify the significant figures in calculations.
• Understand the difference between precision and
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Imagine your teacher asked you to study how providing
different amounts of fertilizer affected the heights of
plants. You perform a study and collect the data shown
in the table below. Use this data to answer the items
that follow.
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Bellringer, continued
1. Which amount of fertilizer produced the tallest plants?
2. Which amount of fertilizer produced the smallest plants?
3. Plot the data on a grid like the one below.
4. Describe the overall trend as more fertilizer is added to the
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Presenting Scientific Data
• Line graphs are best for continuous change.
• Line graphs are usually made with the x-axis
showing the independent variable and the y-axis
showing the dependent variable.
• The values of the dependent variable depend on
what happens in the experiment.
• The values of the independent variable are set
before the experiment takes place.
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Line Graph
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Presenting Scientific Data, continued
• Bar graphs compare items.
• A bar graph is useful for comparing similar data for
several individual items or events.
• A bar graph can make clearer how large or small
the differences in individual values are.
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Bar Graph
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Presenting Scientific Data, continued
• Pie charts show parts of a
• A pie chart is ideal for
displaying data that are
parts of a whole.
• Data in a pie chart is
presented as a
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation
• Scientific notation is a method of expressing a
quantity as a number multiplied by 10 to the
appropriate power.
• Some powers of 10 and their decimal equivalents are
shown below.
103 = 1000
102 = 100
101 = 10
100 = 1
10-1 = 0.1
10-2 = 0.01
10-3 = 0.001
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation,
• Using scientific notation
• When you use scientific notation in calculations,
you follow the math rules for powers of 10.
• When you multiply two values in scientific
notation, you add the powers of 10. When you
divide, you subtract the powers of 10.
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills
Writing Scientific Notation The adult human heart
pumps about 18 000 L of blood each day. Write this
value in scientific notation.
1. List the given and unknown values.
volume, V = 18 000 L
Unknown: volume, V = ? x 10? L
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills, continued
2. Write the form for scientific notation.
V = ? x 10? L
3. Insert the known values into the form, and solve.
First find the largest power of 10 that will divide into
the known value and leave one digit before the
decimal point. You get 1.8 if you divide 10 000
into 18 000 L.
So, 18 000 L can be written as (1.8 x 10 000) L
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills, continued
Then write 10 000 as a power of 10.
Because 10 000 = 104, you can write 18 000 L as
1.8 x 104 L.
V = 1.8 x 104 L
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Scientific Notation
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills
Using Scientific Notation Your state plans to buy a
rectangular tract of land measuring 5.36 x 103 m by
1.38 x 104 m to establish a nature preserve. What is
the area of this tract in square meters?
1. List the given and unknown values.
length, l = 1.38 x 104 m
width, w = 5.36 x 103 m
Unknown: area, A = ? m2
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills, continued
2. Write the equation for area.
3. Insert the known values into the equation, and
A = (1.38  104 m) (5.36  103 m)
Regroup the values and units as follows.
A = (1.38  5.36) (104  103) (m  m)
When multiplying, add the powers of 10.
A = (1.38  5.35) (104+3) (m  m)
A = 7.3968  107 m2
A = 7.40  107 m2
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Using Significant Figures
Precision and accuracy
• Precision the exactness of a measurement
• Accuracy a description of how close a measurement
is to the true value of the quantity measured
• Significant figure a prescribed decimal place that
determines the amount of rounding off to be done
based on the precision of the measurement
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Accuracy and Precision, part 1
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Accuracy and Precision, part 2
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Accuracy and Precision
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Using Significant Figures, continued
• When you use measurements in calculations, the
answer is only as precise as the least precise
measurement used in the calculation.
• The measurement with the fewest significant figures
determines the number of significant figures that can
be used in the answer.
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills
Significant Figures Calculate the volume of a room
that is 3.125 m high, 4.25 m wide, and 5.75 m long.
Write the answer with the correct number of
significant figures.
1. List the given and unknown values.
length, l = 5.75 m
width, w = 4.25 m
height, h = 3.125 m
Unknown: Volume, V = ? m3
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Math Skills, continued
2. Write the equation for volume.
3. Insert the known values into the equation, and
V = 5.75 m  4.25 m  3.125 m
V = 76.367 1875 m3
The answer should have three significant figures,
because the value with the smallest number of
significant figures has three significant figures.
V = 76.4 m3
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Significant Figures
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Chapter 1
Section 3 Organizing Data
Concept Mapping
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts
1. During a storm, rainwater depth is measured every
15 minutes. Which of these terms describes the
depth of the water?
controlled variable
dependent variable
independent variable
significant variable
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts, continued
1. During a storm, rainwater depth is measured every
15 minutes. Which of these terms describes the
depth of the water?
controlled variable
dependent variable
independent variable
significant variable
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts, continued
2. Why were scientists unable to form a theory that diseases
are caused by bacteria before the late fifteenth century?
F. No on tried to understand the cause of disease until
G. Earlier scientists were not intelligent enough to
understand the existence of bacteria.
H. The existence of microbes could not be discovered
until the technology to make high-quality lenses had
been developed.
I. Doctors believed they understood the disease
process, so they would not accept new ideas about
the causes.
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts, continued
2. Why were scientists unable to form a theory that diseases
are caused by bacteria before the late fifteenth century?
F. No on tried to understand the cause of disease until
G. Earlier scientists were not intelligent enough to
understand the existence of bacteria.
H. The existence of microbes could not be discovered
until the technology to make high-quality lenses had
been developed.
I. Doctors believed they understood the disease
process, so they would not accept new ideas about
the causes.
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Understanding Concepts, continued
3. What is a scientific theory?
A. A theory is a guess as to what will happen.
B. A theory is a summary of a scientific fact based
on observations.
C. A theory is an explanation of how a process
works based on observations.
D. A theory describes a process in nature that can
be repeated by testing.
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts, continued
3. What is a scientific theory?
A. A theory is a guess as to what will happen.
B. A theory is a summary of a scientific fact based
on observations.
C. A theory is an explanation of how a process
works based on observations.
D. A theory describes a process in nature that can
be repeated by testing.
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts, continued
4. When designing a new airplane, experienced pilots
use computer simulations to determine how changes
from previous designs affect the plane’s handling in
flight. What is the advantage of computer simulation
over actually building the plane and having pilots
test it in actual flight situations?
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Understanding Concepts, continued
4. When designing a new airplane, experienced pilots
use computer simulations to determine how changes
from previous designs affect the plane’s handling in
flight. What is the advantage of computer simulation
over actually building the plane and having pilots
test it in actual flight situations?
Answer: The computer simulation provides a model of
the new plane so that potential design problems can
be corrected without risk to the pilots and without the
expense of building an airplane that does not
function well.
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Chapter 1
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Reading Skills
Two thousand years ago Earth was believed to be
unmoving and at the center of the universe. Tthe
moon, sun, each of the known planets, and all of the
stars were believed to be located on the surfaces of
rotating crystal spheres. Motion of the celestial
objects could be predicted based on the complex
movement of the spheres that had been determined
using observations recorded over many years.
5. Demonstrate why this description of the universe
was a useful model to ancient astronomers but not
to present-day astronomers.
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Reading Skills, continued
5. [See previous slide for question.]
Answer: It was useful because it could predict motions
of objects in the sky.
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Chapter 1
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Interpreting Graphics
6. What is the volume of
the gas 40 seconds
into the experiment?
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15 mL
24 mL
27 mL
50 mL
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Chapter 1
Standardized Test Prep
Interpreting Graphics, continued
6. What is the volume of
the gas 40 seconds
into the experiment?
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15 mL
24 mL
27 mL
50 mL
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