Being physically tough - Davis School District

Evaluate your sleep.
Russell Foster
Jessa Gamble
To discuss this myth, we need to clarify
what dreams are and how dreams
What is consciousness?
◦ Our awareness of or potential awareness of what is
going on inside and outside of our “self”
◦ This requires sensory input!
Sleep is an altered state of consciousness
◦ Our sensory input is “altered”
◦ We are not fully aware of what is going on inside
and outside of our self
◦ Our senses are not “off,”
just altered
We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping.
How much sleep are you (average teen) supposed
to get?
◦ 9.25 hours (10 for athletes)
◦ What did you learn about adolescent sleep?
◦ 8 hours
◦ 12-14 hours
What myths did you believe in from the packet quiz?
What myths did you know were myths?
What did you learn about yourself in the sleep
survey? Are you sleep deprived?
About 71% of our national population is sleep
Link between lack of sleep and your health
◦ Stress
◦ Depression
◦ Immunity
Studies have also shown a link between lack
of sleep and ability to think & perform.
Typically we should feel wide awake, alert, and
energetic all day long WITHOUT a significant
midday drop in alertness.
Dr. James Maas (Cornell University), says we
sleep for 2 reasons:
1) Our bodies run on cycles called circadian rhythms,
sleep is one.
 Light is the most powerful cue affecting sleep.
 8.
Darkness triggers the release of melatonin; the
hormone that brings on sleep.
 Built in biological rhythm for our sleep, wake, energy
Are you a lark or an owl?
Extreme Lark:
Moderate Lark:
Moderate Owl:
Extreme Owl:
Extreme morning
Moderate morning
Neither type
Moderate evening
Extreme evening
2) We sleep to RESTORE our mental and
physical faculties.
◦ The longer we are awake, the GREATER our need for
mentally & physically restorative sleep.
1 hour of sleep to pay for every 2
hours of wakefulness
*Tire after being up for 16 hours.
*Sleep debt is cumulative
Depends on the stage of sleep:
NREM: Stages 1 – 4
Rejuvenates BODY
REM: Stage 5
Rejuvenates MIND
Alpha Waves(1)
◦ 15.Myclonic Jerks
Theta Waves (2)
◦ Spindles
Delta Waves(3-4)
Rapid Eye
◦ Beta Waves
Best length of a nap
is 20 minutes.
◦ Why?
How can teens make
up for their sleep
◦ Good naps (not bad)
◦ Don’t use naps to
create a bad sleep
Nothing takes the
place of a good,
regulated sleep
◦ Paradoxical sleep
 Learning
 Long-term muscle memory (the skills we
 Happens during the 8th and 9th hours in a
continuous cycle!
Dr. Dement
◦ REM Deprivation Studies
 Pre Test
 Post Test
◦ REM Rebound (get the ball back)
It is VERY necessary!
Blood supply to muscles increases
Tissue growth and repair occurs
Energy is restored
Hormones are released, such as: Growth
hormone, essential for growth and
development, including muscle development
Cortisol levels (stress hormone) depletes
What about this myth?
Have researchers found that dreams possess
symbolic meaning?
Let’s test this for ourselves …
Dream Packet/Homework
Get Started!
Which interpretation was the best?
◦ Why?
What evidence is there to support the
interpretations that make the most sense?
Are there universal truths about dream
What questions do you usually ask
yourself/others as you interpret the content
of a dream?
Recallers vs. Non-Recallers
Sequence of Dreams (Cartwright)
1: review of problem related to days events
2 & 3rd: recall earlier episodes of day
4: set in the future
5: ties all elements together into 1 bizarre tense
“extravaganza” or “finale”!
2 characters, in addition to the dreamer
More passive (you are watching)
More hostile/unpleasant
More strange males than females
Male dreams tend to differ from females:
Males: More active, fighting, naked, $$$
Females: More endangered, emotional (not
20 MOST COMMON DREAMS: (self-report)
 Falling (83)
 Being attacked or pursued (77)
 Trying repeatedly to do something (71)
 School, teachers, studying (71)
 Sexual experiences (66)
 Arriving too late (64)
 Eating (62)
 Being frozen with fright (58)
Being locked up (56)
Finding money (56)
Swimming (52)
Snakes (49)
Being dressed inappropriately (46)
Being smothered (44)
Being nude in public (43)
Fire (41)
Failing an exam (39)
Flying (34)
Seeing self as dead (33)
via regia – the royal road to the unconscious
The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
Id allowed to seep out while ego shuts down
Universal symbolic truths (sexual and aggressive)
Manifest (storyline) vs. Latent (hidden) content
Extensions of daily life
 Most dreams (early in the night) reflect daily activities
Spiritual portal
Reflect communication with spirit world/God/Gods
Allow you to predict the future
Activation-synthesis (Hobson & McCarley)
Brain very active during REM sleep
Many neurotransmitters released
Frontal lobes dampened
Limbic system activated
 Emotion/memory
 All of this activity allows for the synthesis of memory
Lucid Dreaming – Being aware that you are
dreaming while dreaming and controlling the
◦ Some Research
 Stress/Sleep Schedule/8-9 Hours
◦ Train Yourself!
Today: May 26
Finalize Dream Film
Finalize Myth #9 Notes - DUE
Myth #10 Notes (hypnosis) - DUE
Review Worksheet – DUE LAST DAY
Thursday: May 28
Monday: June 1 FINAL CLASS
◦ Practice Self-hypnosis – Wear something comfortable!
◦ Notebook Check Sheet
◦ Reminders
Final Notebook Check
Review DUE
Personality Quizzes DUE
Leftover Multipasses DUE
All missing/late work DUE
What conclusions can we draw based on the
information presented?
Research about sleep/REM
Research about dreams
Your own dream interpretation
The inability to either fall asleep and/or stay asleep in the night
#1 Cause – Stress
#2 Cause – Irregular sleep schedule
#3 Cause – Diet/Medications
Genetic sleep disorder
Fall into uncontrollable “sleep attacks” – directly to REM
Muscle paralysis common
Sleep apnea:
◦ Cessation of breathing while sleeping
◦ (typically 100 – 300 X per night)
◦ Causes:
Based on your score, are you sleep deprived?
Which myths did you believe in?
Which myths did you know were myths?
What did Russell Foster teach you?
What did Jessa Gamble teach you?
What do you know about adolescent sleep?