Region: __________________ District: ________________________ School: __________________ Reform Strategy: ________________ Unit Theme: 10.2: Relationships: Friendships in Fiction and the Power of Persuasion Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 10th Week: # 4 Date: From _________to ___________ 20____ Desired Result Students will understand that ... EU1. Our sense of self is influenced by relationships, conflicts, choices and experiences. EU2. Friendships leave lasting impression on people, even after the friendship has ended. EU3. Effecting writing can change people’s mind. EU4. Reading literature and informational text about others helps us reflect and make connections to our lives, increasing our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.) Characteristics of a Good Friend – Small Group Sharing /Compare Opinions Before and After the Unit /Persuasive Writing – Characteristics of a Good Friend Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Standards READING READING WRITING WRITING LISTENING SPEAKING READING READING SPEAKING Expectations `10. R.4L: Determine meaning of `10. R.4L: Determine meaning of 10. W.1a: Express, clarify, and 10. W.1a: Express, clarify, and 10. L.1: 10.L1: Listen, support words and phrases as they are words and phrases as they are defend viewpoints and defend viewpoints and discussions, interacts with used in an informational text, used in an informational text, opinions. opinions. peers during read-aloud. including order in which the points including order in which the points 10. R.4L: Determine meaning of 10. R.3l: Analyze how an author 10. S.5: Demonstrate how to are made. are made. words and phrases as they are unfolds analysis or series of adjust language choices by 10. S.5: Demonstrate how to used in an informational text, ideas or events. expressing thought and opinion adjust language choices by including order in which the according to context. expressing thought and opinion points are made. according to context. Academic Strategy Instructional Strategy and Phase Objective Depth of Knowledge (DOK) After reading several examples of transitional expression, the students will explain in their own words the benefits of using transitional words or phrase. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking After learning about transitional words, phrases, and clauses, the students will create a word wall with a list of transitional expression. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking After previously learning about transitional expression, the students will complete an activity by applying transitional phrases correctly. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking After learning how to apply transitional words, phrases, and clauses, the students will write a list of plot events from the novel “Bridge to Terabithia.” ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Through an oral discussion about persuasive strategies, the students will have a better understanding. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Desired Result Students will understand that ... EU1. Our sense of self is influenced by relationships, conflicts, choices and experiences. EU2. Friendships leave lasting impression on people, even after the friendship has ended. EU3. Effecting writing can change people’s mind. EU4. Reading literature and informational text about others helps us reflect and make connections to our lives, increasing our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.) Characteristics of a Good Friend – Small Group Sharing /Compare Opinions Before and After the Unit /Persuasive Writing – Characteristics of a Good Friend Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Friendship Read-Aloud: Bridge to Friendship Read-Aloud: Bridge to Students will read the Friendship Read-Aloud: Bridge Friendship Read-Aloud: Bridge Terabithia Terabithia instructions of the activity. to Terabithia to Terabithia Initial Activities Development Activities Closing Activities Presentation of attachment 10.2 Learning Activity – Transitional Words and Phrases Students will read two paragraphs and discuss the difference between each paragraph. Students will identify transitional phrases. Students will explain in their own word the benefits of using transitional phrases in writing paragraphs. Formative Assessment – Other evidence Materials Homework Differentiated Instruction Strategies ___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP ___ Section 504 Attachment 10.2 Transitional Words and Phrases The teacher will explain why are transitional expression are used when writing a sequence of events. Students will collaborate in class to practice the use of transitional expression in a sequence of sentences. The teacher will explain and highlight phrases and clauses to construct a better understanding. Students will create a word wall with a list of transitional expression learned. Students will write paragraphs by linking transitional words or phrases correctly. Students will discuss their work in class to make correction. Students will review about transitional expression, phrases and clauses from the day before. Students will analyze plot and write a list of events using transitional expression correctly. The teacher will activate prior knowledge towards the topic of persuasion to start a discussion. The teacher should present an example of a text or media where persuasion is clear. Students will identify persuasive methods used in text or media. Students will highlight the transitional expressions from the written activity and discuss plot. Review of the class and state at least 3 persuasion strategies. Desired Result Students will understand that ... EU1. Our sense of self is influenced by relationships, conflicts, choices and experiences. EU2. Friendships leave lasting impression on people, even after the friendship has ended. EU3. Effecting writing can change people’s mind. EU4. Reading literature and informational text about others helps us reflect and make connections to our lives, increasing our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.) Characteristics of a Good Friend – Small Group Sharing /Compare Opinions Before and After the Unit /Persuasive Writing – Characteristics of a Good Friend Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: ___ Gifted Teacher Reflection