Elements of Fiction

Elements of Fiction
Question 1
 The sequence of events in a story is
called the….
Question 1
Question 2
 What is a protagonist? Who is the
protagonist in The Outsiders?
Question 2
 A protagonist is the central character
in a story. Ponyboy is the protagonist
of The Outsiders.
Question 3
 Define point of view.
Question 3
 Point of view is the type of narration
used in a story.
Question 4
 List three types of point of view.
Question 4
 First person, omniscient and limited
third person.
Question 5
 What is symbolism? What is an
example of symbolism in The
Question 5
 Symbolism is when an object is used to
stand for or represent another object,
person or idea.
 Some of examples of symbolism in The
Outsiders: Greaser hair, cars, Two-bit’s
switchblade, Bob’s rings, the church,
Question 6
 Exposition is the first part of a story’s
plot. What is the exposition in The
Outsiders? What is exposition?
Question 6
 In the exposition of The Outsiders,
readers are introduced to Ponyboy
Curtis as he leaves a movie theater.
 Exposition- introduces the story’s
characters, setting and conflict.
Question 7
 What is an antagonist? Who is/are the
antagonist(s) in The Outsiders?
Question 7
 An antagonist is a person or force that
opposes the protagonist or central
character in a story or drama.
 The antagonists of The Outsiders are
the Socs.
Question 8
 What is setting? What is the setting of
The Outsiders?
Question 8
 Setting is the time and place in which
the events occur. The setting often
helps create the atmosphere or mood
of a story.
 The setting of The Outsiders is Tulsa,
OK in the 1960s.
Question 9
 What is the resolution of a story?
Question 9
 A resolution is the final part of a plot.
It presents the final outcome.
Question 10
 What is rising action?
Question 10
 Rising action adds complications to the
story’s conflict, or problem, leading to
the climax.
Question 11
 Which type of point of view is used in
The Outsiders?
Question 11
 First person: the story is told by one of
the characters, referred to as “I.”
Question 12
 What is theme? What is a the theme of
The Outsiders?
Question 12
 A theme is the main message, moral or
lesson, usually expressed as a general
statement; may be stated or implied.